EDIT #1: 6 June 2020 This is being radically redone. Wait for update.
EDIT #2: 6 June 2020 Done.EDIT #3: 12 June 2020EDIT #4: 19 Dec 2021 - after some game play - gear, money, karma earned and spentEdit#5: 29 Aug 2022 - karma, gear, nuyenEdit #6: 16 Oct 2022 - new contactEdit #7: 5 Jan 2023 - nuyen, corrected Edge/Flaw// Skill countEdit #8 1 July 2023 - switched read/write for Ancient greekEdit #9 10 Jan 2025 (!!) - payment for finding Daisy, removing used up itemsEdit #10 27 Feb 2025 - purchase items, learn spells, bond fociConnor Tupolev: Bright, young magician, stuck in a boring, repetitive job in a mid-level corporation. A mental, not so much physical, athlete, he revels in the challenges posed by philosophers old and new, and by the mysteries of the Astral world beyond our own. Everybody likes him, despite his sometimes acerbic tongue, but he likes few people, most of whom he feels are living way below their potential. "If ever there was an example of Nietzche's 'Superman'," thinks Connor, "it is I."
[ Spoiler ]
Connor Tupolev
Life presented few challenges to Connor, right from the start. Born into a comfortable, middle-class family in Toronto, Ontario, he had all the food, educational toys, loving attention he needed. The fact that he was a Dwarf didn't even phase his parents, and spared him most of the prejudices faced by other transformed people.
Early school was a breeze. Hardly a test went by that wasn't an adventure. He figured out math problems from first principles, since he had never done the homework, memorization and grunt studying necessary to prepare regular kids for exams. English and French classes? Pffft! He figured out the nuances of "The Road Less Traveled" long before the teacher explained them. Phys Ed? well, that was another story. Something to be endured until he could once again exercise his mind.
Things got a little tougher in late high school, when he started reading deeper treatises from philosophers such as Kant and Aristotle. And, especially when Magic burst out of him during one encounter with a mouth-breathing bully. But the twin explorations, inwards to understand the meanings of things, and outwards to understand the ways of the Awakened, finally gave Connor things that were 'worth his time'. Usually, he explored these things late into the night, more and more eschewing the light of day.
Having finally decided to apply himself, nothing could get in his way. Which is just as well. Any more, Connor distrusted luck, that usually failed him, and went instead for planning and hard work. Scholarships came to the bright, young lad. He chose MIT&T for his studies, double majoring in Philosophy and Thaumaturgy. The young magician received a call in his first year, from deep in the eyes of a bird of prey that landed on his dorm windowsill. Owl spoke to him. The promise of a Guide into the deeper worlds of Magic enticed Connor. For the first time, he surrendered to a power he believed greater than that which he considered his birthright.
After receiving his undergraduate degree, he considered graduate school, but couldn't decide between going the route of Philosophy or of Magic. He found it odd that his professors couldn't see that there was an overlap. There was a better understanding of that synergy in some of the German schools, and his command of that language was passable, but political issues in that part of the world were daunting. And pressure from his parents, particularly his father, grew daily. Biozu was primed to burst onto the financial scene, his economist father predicted. Getting in on the ground level now would set Connor up to rise along with UMC, his mother advised.
The reality is, no amount of pressure could force a young man of such powerful will as Connor to do what he didn't want to do. But, Connor just wanted to read philosophy and poke at the mysteries beyond the veil of the Astral Plane. So he took a job, in a branch office in Seattle, where drudge work cranking out small biotech magic allowed his mind to wander through the intricacies of the writings of his new philo-buddy, Nietzche. The "Will to Power" was so misunderstood by the world, thought Connor.
Oh, and Biozu was happy to find someone glad to do the night shift, not just for the production work, but a magician on call in the middle of the night offered a great boost to security work. Biozu gladly supplied the materials and access to formulae for Connor to develop spells to enhance bio-tech work and fend off agents of corporate espionage.
But ... questions arise now in Connor's mind. "Is this all there is to life? Work your shift and punch the clock?" "Where and when can I show my true strengths and abilities?" "When can I become the leader I was born to be?" His parents, and Human Resources at Biozu advise him to be patient.
Connor is patient, but plans for contingencies, too.
20 Questions
[ Spoiler ]
Connor Tupolev - no street name yet
1. Where are you from?
Born in Toronto, Ontario in 2035. Moved to Seattle after graduation from MIT&T.
2. Do you have a Family?
Yes, back in Toronto. Parents solidly middle class. No siblings.
3. Ethnic Background?
Caucasian. First Dwarf in the family.
4+5. What do you look like/ dress like?
Tall and thin for a dwarf, almost could be a short human. Dark brown hair and eyes. A nice smile. Casual chic dress to work at Biozu. When 'slumming', he may wear armored clothing or long coat.
6. Any Physical quirks?
No. But he has a strong steady gaze when he is figuring you out.
7. Where did you learn your active skills?
Mostly at university, though Biozu has helped him learn a number of spells, both combat and health.
8. Where have you acquired your knowledge?
As #7. Languages in university to read philosophers in their own words. Same for the rest except for corporate culture from his employment and self-help info on the Matrix.
9. Where did you get all your resources?
Funds from parents and scholarships for school, income from Biozu since then. Connor can be very disciplined when he wants to save money.
10. Where do you live?
Seattle, in a mid-level condo. Nothing fancy but comfortable.
11. Who are your contacts?
Billy "Beards' Morgan: Tech -wiz buddy from university. Lots of school hijinks in their stories when they get together to drink. Billy helps Connor 'slum' with fake ID, etc.
Mary Margaret McMahon: Talismonger in Tacoma. There was a short flash of romantic interest, but mostly business now.
Henry Swift: of Swift Books in downtown Seattle. Lots of books bought and sold here by Connor. Henry has the lowdown on cultural events in the city.
12. Do you have any enemies?
Not that Connor knows of. Some bullies from way back, but that nonsense stopped when he Awakened.
13. You have anything to do with magic?
Owl Shaman. Works at Biozu branch plant in Seattle, cranking out magically enhanced bio-tech.
14. What do you like and dislike?
Like: Deep thoughts. Puzzles. Conversation.
Dislike: Dullards. Flippancy. Wasted talent.
15. Do you have a moral code?
Yes, but it is developing as he reads Nietzche more deeply. Murder? No. Lesser crimes? What is the big picture? Defend yourself in extremis? Damn right.
16. What are your goals?
Didn't have many for a long time. Strongly tending now towards self-development into a leader of meta-humanity into its best nature.
Yeah, I know.
17. What are your beliefs?
Humanity has a purpose, hidden to him as yet, but waiting to be discovered. Religion was an early, halting step towards understanding that. Need to go beyond, now, especially since Magic has returned, machines have melded with humans, and power structures have shifted as nations disintegrate.
18. Do you have personal quirks?
Curtness with those who 'don't get it'.
19. Why do you "run the shadows"?
Run as yet is an overstatement. Connor dips his toes into the dark and then scuttles back to his job.
20. How do you view your role as a Shadowrunner?
Imaginary, as yet.
[ Spoiler ]
Connor Tupolev 120 BP
Street Name: Blue
Race: Dwarf
B 3 [Astral 8]
Q 4 [Astral 4]
S 3 [Astral 8]
C 4 (8 )
I 4
W 8
MAG 6 (Owl Shaman)
Reaction 4
Initiative 4 + 4D6 [Astral 24 + 4D6]
Combat Pool 8
Astral Combat Pool 8 (10)
Spell Pool 6
Karma Pool X 1
Sensitive System
Phobia Spiders (Unc/ Mild)
(includes arachnoid drones)
College Education
Bad Karma
Exceptional Attribute (WIL)
Bonus Attribute Point (WIL)
Active Skills:
Sorcery 5
--Spellcasting 6
Conjuring 5
-- Summoning 6
Aura Reading 3
Etiquette 3
Pistols 2
Biotech 1
Stealth 1
Negotiation 2
Leadership 1
Edged Weapons 1
Computer 1
F5 Stunbolt 5
F1 Mindlink 1
F5 Fireball 5(3) exclusive limited (learn)
F3 Heal 3(1) exclusive limited (learn)
F4 Increase Attribute (WIL)
F4 Increase Attribute (CHA)
F1 Increase Reflexes +3
F1 Sterilize 1
F3 Analyze Device 3(1) exclusive limited (learn)
F3 Prophylaxis 3(1) exclusive limited (learn)
F3 Antidote 3
F3 Cure Disease 3
F3 Magic Fingers 3
F1 Oxygenate 1
F1 Nutrition
F3 Fashion 3(1) exclusive limited (learn)
F3 Makeover 3(1) exclusive limited (learn)
Knowledge Skills:
philosophy 3
magic background 3
arcana 2
alchemy 2
biology 1
corporate culture 1
Language Skills:
English 6/3
French 2/2
German 2/2
Ancient Greek 1/2
Contacts: (see also 20 questions)
Level 1 Mary Margaret McMahon: Talismonger (see sample Contact p. 259)
Level 1 Henry Swift: Bookseller and cultural scuttlebutt collector.
Level 2 Billy 'Beards' Morgan:Tech-Wiz (sample character p. 77) - source for fake ID
Level 1 'metabiologist' outside Seattle
F1 Sustaining Focus [Health - Increase Reflexes +3]
F4 Sustaining Focus [Health - Increase Attribute (CHA)]
Level 2 Contact
middle Lifestyle 5,000/mth X 3
-- now living in a hovel under a thrasher bar
shamanic lodge setup at home F6
extra shamanic lodge materials F6
Ares Predator 450
clips (15) regular ammo X 4 120
armor clothing (3/0) 500
secure long coat (4/2) 650
form-fitting body armor - full suit (4/1)
Allegiance Sigma cyberterminal 12,600
read/write 3 600
analyze 3 900
browse 3 300
sleaze 3 900
cloak 3 900
Fake SIN Credstick R3 9,000
Permit for Predator linked to legal SIN.
Burner phones X 1
One-off spell items
f6 Heal 6,000
F6 Improved Invisibility 600
F6 Influence 3,000
F6 Detect Individual 300
F6 Powerbolt 6,000
F6 Armor 600
F6 Astral Armor 600
items (3,600 nuyen each)
astral armor X 1
armor X 1 [Barrier Rating 8]
powerbolt X 1 [4,1,4,11,1,4,5,4,1,9,1,3,5,15]
detect individual X 1
influence X 1
improved invisibility X 1
heal X 1 [4,4,1,1,3,2,2,10,4,3,4,15,11,5]
Current nuyen 15,000
Karma Earned:
19 Dec 2021 -- 10 karma
21 May 2022 -- 1 karma
29 Aug 2022 -- 5 karma
11 Feb 2025 -- 6 karma
Karma spent:
3 karma -- specialization Spellcasting
3 karma -- specialization Summoning
4 karma -- rebond F4 focus
4 karma -- learn F4 Increae Attribute (CHA)
1 karma -- bond F1 focus
1 karma -- learn F1 Increase Reflexes +3
Karma Remaining: 6 karma