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By the way, Koekepan, thanks for being a kind GM. I had visions of having to roll for finding, catching and stuffing back in the box each of the snakes. Way to reign in the slapstick.
You're welcome - actually, it was also just judgement on my part, given the medium, that it was something that could be handwaved given the assistance of a spirit.
I forgot what our plan is for Jeremy. dead.gif
We had a plan!?!? eek.gif

I think we were going to check out if he was there. Probably yes, since there is security parked out front.

1) So, nuke the security in such a way as to keep them from warning Jeremy. That allows us to get into the apartment/house, assuming we know which one it is. I think we do, don't we? From Karmakaze's contact in the bar?

2) Then, the plan, such as it was, was to a) find a way to convince Jeremy to leave me alone [eg. evidence of philandering to threaten to give to a spouse/partner - don't know who]; b) collect Jeremy and pass him off to one of his enemies [preferably one who would pay for his miserable carcass]; c) kill Jeremy; d) other.

I don't think "c" would sit well with either Karmakaze or Blue. "b" is marginally better.

I guess step "1" is doable no matter what we choose for step "2".
If the gruesome twosome are going to try to think of ways of persuading Jeremy to back off, I'll allow for rolls to try to sort out some hints.
I suspect Karmakaze is way better at sorting this kind of thing out, but what do you think is a reasonable test that Blue can try, Koekepan?
It really depends on the kind of approach you're trying to take. You could go for something academic like economics or psychology, or you could go practical with angles along the lines of underworld knowledge or something like that.

Cutthroat competition is as endemic in the corporate world as it is on the street, so I'll give Blue's best shot: Corporate Culture for a big 1 die.

A ONE!!!

I'll save you the trouble, Koekepan. I'll post something stupid coming out of Blue's mouth. Thank the Force Blue is not alone on this.

Feel free to shoot Blue down brutally, Bastard.
QUOTE (pbangarth @ May 19 2022, 10:45 AM) *
Cutthroat competition is as endemic in the corporate world as it is on the street, so I'll give Blue's best shot: Corporate Culture for a big 1 die.

A ONE!!!

I'll save you the trouble, Koekepan. I'll post something stupid coming out of Blue's mouth. Thank the Force Blue is not alone on this.

Feel free to shoot Blue down brutally, Bastard.

Each of you get a free good karma for making the GM laugh.
Thanks! Pleased to be of service. Blue could have used that good karma point. frown.gif
Yay! wobble.gif How many did I get for before... I don't remember.
I think we got 10 karma awarded. But I believe Koekepan is talking about the Good Karma we can use to re-roll dice or negate glitches.
No, I meant the experience-type of karma, to develop.

It's a consequence of role-playing.
Oh. OK.
The acquisition of a point of Karma twigged my memory of deliberations I've been making about where to go with Blue.

When I built him, I knew that he would have a serious liability in any conflict situation, that of being slow. "He who shoots first wins" is a saying that has circulated among players of Shadowrun, and the truth of it was impressed on Blue's mind during the encounter in the diner. For a large part of the action, Blue was a sitting duck, saved only by the speed and accuracy of Karmakaze. he is grateful, and motivated to speed himself up. That is doable with Magic, but will take money, time and effort.

As well, I have looked through other Control Manipulation spells besides the Influence spell he already has, and the group represented by Control Thoughts scares me a bit. Blue's extreme Willpower attribute makes him likely to control just about anybody, even if they resist an action they don't want to do. I am reminded of the arch enemy in the first season of Jessica Jones. The Dark Side of Nietzschean "supermen" becons.
Of course, on the other hand, there's the line between breaking the law for fun and profit, and breaking the law in ways that will turn Blue into a prime target. Nietzsche didn't advocate becoming a pariah - so there is a balance to be found.
Yes, and finding that balance without tipping is the tricky part. Tipping is the scary part. Blue has much to think about.

But right now, there's a thug to deal with.
Away from home Saturday late morning till Tuesday afternoon. Internet access will be spotty at best. If I can do something before I go tomorrow, let me know.
I'm Baaaack!

Bastard and I agreed earlier that Blue will know what Karmakaze does and vice versa, but I'm not sure whether the conversation with Jaxx is on 'speaker phone'.
Well, Blue's opinion, once he knows the situation, will be "A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush. Especially if the rest of the flock might come hunting for us if we wait around for the bush-birds."
He can certainly be privy to her side of it. I don't think that the height difference between them would put her out of earshot.
I'm so glad you are not short on humour, Koekepan.
Sorry for delays... been a BUSY week and the next few will be just as busy. Worked 75+ hours this week, and have to work tomorrow. Weak!
Negotiation - Jeremy's Bounty
1 Success?
[ Spoiler ]
Are we then somewhere in the south of Tacoma? Farther from Ballard than I thought!
Yeah, Jeremy's home turf is in the area of Tacoma, which is why running back and forth has taken you all so much time.

You've been commuting like a pair of hungry bees to a clover patch.
Only sporadic access to internet till Saturday 18 June. Will try to keep up.
I would never be sporadic with my availability.
I'm back.
I'll wait to see if drek happens before I get to spellcasting.
Time for Initiative?
Are you attacking? If not, nobody else is (just yet).

Brickrot is toast, but that was off-screen to you.
Do I happen to have surprise on the fire elemental?
Surprise??? What the F@^^ was I thinking? How long have I been playing these games ? That elemental is there to do exactly what Blue's spirit would do ... neutralize the fool off by himself.

Let's hope things are cleared up on the material plane before it has a chance to be called by its master and materialize.
I have no idea how out of sequence this is, but can Blue see one or both of the occupants of the car?
Yes, Blue can see both occupants of the car. It's not perfect visibility, but it's good enough.
OK, now it's time for initiative! But first, roll for surprise.

Surprise: REA 4 = 4 dice, target 4: 3 hits Yeah! Blue is on edge from seeing that elemental!

Initiative 4 + 1d6 :3 = 7
Surprise (Reaction): 9 : 3 Successes
[ Spoiler ]

Initiative: 3d6+9 : 20
[ Spoiler ]
I got to head out of state this week for a funeral service for a family friend. I may post even more irregularly.
No problem.

You're both in a position to take action - you both won surprise over the targets.
Blue holds his actions, waiting to nail whatever else comes at them. Like a honking big fire elemental, which scared the bejeesus out of him.
Gel rounds should break glass right?

I doubt they would pierce a windshield, but the other windows should break.
Gel rounds should break glass, yes. They're not tiny zippy rounds, but more massive thumping things that hurt. Even a windshield would be likely to crack, and after a few shots, to fail.
I re-read the rules on elementals, and understand now that the damn thing won't necessarily leave if its master is unconscious.

It's not clear to me in the rules, but would his nature spirit depart if Blue were knocked unconscious? I know it would if the Drain zapped him, but what about later?

No, the nature spirit will stick around - they're picky in other ways (sunrise/sunset, domains).
Sporadic onnection till the 6th.
I am back home now.
Thanks for stripping the potentially dangerous things off them, bastard. I'll be home tomorrow and post for Blue, maybe risking an assessing see if there is a focus.
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