To intro Blaze, I'll toss up the background article I wrote for his sheet...
•Though ya'll might apreciate this here article, as it pertains to the feller in question
Phoenix Rising
by Justin Actor
If the Seattle Screamers are hot this season, one player is absolutely on fire. That player is rookie Brawler, and NAUBL Rookie of the Year, number 69, Billy Blaze. Blaze, known to his growing legion of fans as Kid Phoenix, has put forward a bold new face on Urban Brawl. He holds team records for scoring, defensive ball kills, and time played, all within his first season of being signed by the Screamers franchise.
•Blaze was voted the number one bachelor of the year by various entertainment magazines and screamsheets, and rumor has it he's even got an open invite to this year's Grand Tour.
•Socio Pat
•If the grapevine is correct, Blaze might not be so elligible a bachelor. His relationship with often rival Jessie Rodriguez has been well documented in the tabloids, and now she's been traded to the Screamers.
•As far as I can tell this guy never existed before signing with the Screamers, he just showed up on the grid with a contract. Something smells rotten in the sprawls of Seattle.
Even with his records, and his already legendary charisma, Blaze's rise to the top of the League has been even more amazing because he is in fact completely unaugmented. When asked how he competes with compeditors packing State of the Art 'ware, Blaze is quick with his signature smile, and a response. `I train hard, play every game as if it's my last, and eat my vegetables, just like mom told me to.` Billy said in our last conversation.
•Bulldrek, Blaze used to work the shadows with my team before he sold out. He doesn't need cyberware because he's a straight up Adept.
•Lies and foolish posturing, such are the providence of the jealous.
•Red Ronin
Blaze is set to play for the Screamers for another two seasons, but with a career already so hot, rumor has it he's being courted by several other teams.
•Courted only because he's wiped out two extraction teams already.
These rumors have been given some fuel recently, as Blaze has accepted an invite to a Renraku soire to be held inside of the mega's crown jewel, the downtown arcology.
What does the future hold for this young star? I can't see anything but good.