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Because I want this to be an ongoing game, not just a one-shot, I really want to get good backgrounds and everything. To encourage this, I'm going to be throwing bonuses at characters that are very fleshed out. It could be extra karma, it could be an upgrade to your gear, free contacts, etc.

After I have the players picked out, you can all go about setting up background between yourselves as well, which will earn you more bonuses for more creativity. I'd also like to see a Team Karma Pool put together, but thats up to you guys.
Will the 100 karma be done up with Karma Pool as per normal or no?

Alerting the guys: I'll be taking a lot of the Social Edges. Face-type and pretty good at combat, so be prepared to have heard of "Uncle Charlie" and done some business with him at least once. (He's 50. He gets around. nyahnyah.gif)

Ecclesiastes (you need an abbreviation, dammit!): How many points for a Flaw that represents only having one eye? I'd think -2, maybe -3 depending on the severity of the wound (flaring pain during a certain moon cycle, something like that). Running it by you first so as to not step on any shoes.
QUOTE (Ecclesiastes)
Another note: It also doesn't hurt if your name is Shadow and therefore get into any game I run cause you are cool like that. wink.gif

Thank you, thank you, no autographs please. I'll be here all year. biggrin.gif

Now I just need to have a character who does it justice.
QUOTE (tanka @ Sep 17 2004, 05:01 PM)
Will the 100 karma be done up with Karma Pool as per normal or no?

Yeah, Karma Pool applies.

Ecclesiastes (you need an abbreviation, dammit!):

A lot of people just type Ecc:

How many points for a Flaw that represents only having one eye?  I'd think -2, maybe -3 depending on the severity of the wound (flaring pain during a certain moon cycle, something like that).  Running it by you first so as to not step on any shoes.

Thats a big deal actually. Going by the SURGE trait of Cyclops, it is worth 4 points, cause you have a +2 TN for anything involving ranged combat.
QUOTE (Shadow)
Now I just need to have a character who does it justice.

Yeah, I like putting the pressure on the people I've come to respect, cause then they have to try even harder. smile.gif
So -4? Fair enough. (I haven't looked at YotC, so that would be why I didn't know it.)

So a total of 11KP right off the bat, fair enough.

Time to start typing...
Opps! I totally screwed up. When I talked about trading karma for cash, I said it was 1 to 1000. Thats wrong. I wanted you to be able to trade it all in for 1 mil, so I left off a zero. It should be 1 karma for 10,000 nuyen.
HMHVV Hunter
QUOTE (Ecclesiastes)
Opps! I totally screwed up. When I talked about trading karma for cash, I said it was 1 to 1000. Thats wrong. I wanted you to be able to trade it all in for 1 mil, so I left off a zero. It should be 1 karma for 10,000 nuyen.

But if we use the karma pool rules, than basically (assuming we're human characters) we only get 90 good karma and 10 karma pool, right?
Bleh... I guess. I usually ditch that rule when I play table top and just let the karma pool go up for every 10 (or 20) points. I always thought that buying the point was lame. Screw it, you get the points for free, I always thought it was silly anyhow.

edit: I know this doesn't really work with NSRCG, but I'm sure you guys are smart enough to work around it. Just add 11 more to the program and erase the extra karma pool it gives you. Or whatever. Figure it out.
HMHVV Hunter
QUOTE (Ecclesiastes)
Bleh... I guess. I usually ditch that rule when I play table top and just let the karma pool go up for every 10 (or 20) points. I always thought that buying the point was lame. Screw it, you get the points for free, I always thought it was silly anyhow.

So then we get 100 good karma and 10 karma pool to start out?
HMHVV Hunter
Cool smile.gif
I'm not so good at using NSRG and I often find it difficult to do what I want ... especially in the case of spending karma. I guess I just don't feel like spending the time to figuring it all out. Anyhow, do you mind if I send you a character sheet in .doc (Word) format?

Any format is fine.

Based on an email I just got I'll post an answer here so you guys have it.

SURGE is ok by me and I don't make people pay 5 points to take it, cause they all balance out like edges and flaws anyways.
jumping in late on threads as usual smile.gif
you will find a letter from me within the next days, i'll rework a char idea i had some time back but who never really fitted into the shadowrun cliché
eek.gif 1,000,000 eek.gif

This changes everything!!!
I thought it might... Sorry bout that.
Who needs money? I've got my handy crowbar and a few good guns! nyahnyah.gif
Thank you for the gracious gift of mucho nuyen, us cyber freaks apreciate it, expect the background and character from me some time over the weekend.
FYI - I don't get much net time on the weekends (wives are like that). So don't expect many replies from me until I get back to work on Monday.
Fair enough. As I said, I'm completely non-existant around here on the weekends. In fact, I may be crashing soon here. Have to be up early to go somewhere that's an hour and a half away.

So, like I said, probably Tuesday. If I'm really, really lucky and don't have much homework from school stuff.
Kremlin KOA
the faq link

Personally I think it is grade A bulldrek... bul the GM's call, not mine, to make.
Empyrean Seraph
Is this game full? If not, I might be interested in trying to work in a guy.
Kremlin: Yeah. Lame. Skip it.

Empyrean: I'm accepting characters till the 24th.
I have a question about the phobias: Is Fear of tight spaces (Clostrophobia) common or uncommon?
QUOTE (Ecclesiastes)
Kremlin: Yeah. Lame. Skip it.

Is that the Cultured Bioware thing or the Attributes thing you are talking about, Grey?

It is in response to a question asked earlier about attributes. He was asking if Bioware can allow you to exceed the att max. Ecc is saying: yes it can.
I will have Bio and histroy off to you on Thursday.
QUOTE (paul_HArkonen)
I have a question about the phobias: Is Fear of tight spaces (Clostrophobia) common or uncommon?

Depends. Are you talking about tight spaces like being in a closet, or tight like being in a small sized room (say 10' x 10')? If its the closet, then uncommon, but it its the other, common.
QUOTE (toturi)
Is that the Cultured Bioware thing or the Attributes thing you are talking about, Grey?

What Shadow said. And quit calling me Grey, use Ecc if you are too lazy to type the full name. nyahnyah.gif
Ok Ecc, character sheet and background turned in. Please let me knpw if you don't receive. smile.gif

I'm talking closet so thank you
Planning on submiting a character, probably a magician, have not decided on hermetic or shaman yet.
character sent, background pending.
HMHVV Hunter
Character sent along with history! smile.gif
Still working on a dwarf Sky Father shaman who follows his totem sort of like a religion.
Heya, folks... gonna toss my hat in the ring too.

Got an idea for a Puma shaman... biggrin.gif You'll get a load, Ecc...
I'm gonna be later in submitting anything. I caught a nasty virus over the weekend, so I'm busy getting better.

Hopefully I'll be good enough to have something in by Friday.
Tiny's Bio Has been sent.

History is being worked out
QUOTE (tanka)
I'm gonna be later in submitting anything. I caught a nasty virus over the weekend, so I'm busy getting better.

Hopefully I'll be good enough to have something in by Friday.

I hope you feel better man. I am still recovering from a 'cold' I got.
Well with us going into spring now its still a bit cold but we have had some hot days.
Typical South Africa weather and the time of colds and flu
QUOTE (Ecclesiastes)
You guys are building a team, so don't bother sending me any loners or social deviants that will mess things up.

In hopes of trying to encourage a 'team', thought I'd share the kinda character I turned in. He's a Sorcerer with about 25 spells, all force-3 or higher. I've got all sorts of mojo covered, but no combat spells and no spirit stuff.

Anyhows, if anyone's not made the shamanic/hermetic type character they wanna make yet, and on the chance I get to play... Might consider a more Astral Guardian type with offensive spells. If that's you, maybe you could PM me and we could work on a possible background mix, I could share my Magical Group with you (or visa versa if that's fitting). Give ourselves a little "history" before the game, and if only one of us gets picked, the other could maybe NPC it as a buddy/contact.

Heres what I have expounded on.


Fox is a ex-lonestar detective who left service after Haley's did it's flybye. Her appearance changed drastically and it left her a little shaky emotionally. That was 2 years ago though. She loved being a detective but felt that LS wasn't right for her. So she took the test and got her PI license as well as her bounty hunters license. She started out tracking down skip tracers and has since moved on to all sorts of jobs.

Feel free to post character backgrounds on here. Maybe you guys can work your backgrounds together. If more than one worked for Lone Star, perhaps you knew each other from those days. Work it out.
The major, I really need to come up with a better name, give sugestions if you want to, Was born and raised in Aztlan, joined the military got all kinds of spec ops training, including nice cyberware packages. However, he became slated for
"upgrade" to a cyberzombie, but prefered the little humanity left in him to that so he ran away.

He's currently on the run from Aztlan, but has decided to make his living in seattle, and found the best way for him to use his skills is bounty hunting.

Any comments, suggestoins, that sort of thing are apriciated.

"So here's how I see it, deep cover generally only works when you can blend in with your surroundings. Now, thanks to the same powers that decide Johnny-boy should be able to bench-press his entire family and become a social oucast just because of some horns, thanks to them, I don't fit in. Now what does an assassin do when their ticket gets punched? I'm not going into early retirement and somethign tells me that the StufferShack isn't going to hire someone with claws and fangs.

On top of that, I owe a few people. If Fox hadn't come along during the Night of Rage 2.0, more hatred, less filling I would be dead right now. Now that I've changed, surged, freak-ified whatever you want to call it, I belong to a community. So I had best start earning my keep and helping out those who are still getting their feet under them. I just happen to get to keep tracking marks down..."


Sydney, goes by Syd, is a female Changeling. She used to do the whole independent killer track, but now she works with a team bringing down the scum of the earth. Lots of skills, light bioware. She's got a good balance of range and close combat with enough support skills to help out wherever she is needed.
Big E-

In Rigger 3 when you design a vehicle the rules says it should usually be considered a main line vehicle...but I dont see it (maybe I missed it) in Cannon Companion. If I design a weapon could I consider it a a mainstream weapon anyone could buy (with proper papers atleast), instead of something my character built? I would much rather build a weapon to fit him and/or the teams needs instead of having to find one.

Mr B.

edit---when you say 1 Karma per 10,000 nuyen.gif does that go both ways?
Nathan Graves is an amnesiac, an outcast within his own body. What is he going to do if one of his old friends come up and says hi? How does he know friend from foe? He does not remember anyone. What would the old Nathan have done in a given situation? He doesn't know, he's only making it up as he goes along. Pain... how he hates it, pain and the pain filled flashbacks that follow, people from his past, people he should remember but can't.

He can kill as easily as most people breathe, does that mean that the old Nathan was a remorseless killer? That couldn't be. The people back at Bragg, the old Nathan's teammates, did not behave as if he was. The people that knew him all talked as of his humour, his ready wit, his optimistic outlook on life.

Character notes: Yeah, I know. The old amnesiac assassin act. I was thinking about Jason Bourne-like character. He is trying to find out more about his past and putting it to rest.
Wong Li AKA Tiny, Chinese Troll from Hong Kong. Father is a Paranormal Hunter as a hobby. His father taught him all about paranormal animal hunting.\

Was invited to Seattle by Paranormal Animals reseacher who was at school with him in Hong Kong. Tiny lead some expiditions part time trying to locate and tag paranormals.

Word got around Seattle of his expertise and was approached buy Warrents Clerk from security company to track down wanted criminals.

Does anyone have other ideas ?
Also an Ex-LoneStar, Grizzly (an old dual-natured, native american dwarf) came from a HTR team within Lonestar. He's retired now, having been one of the most highly decorated meta's ever to retire from Lonestar. He's always been a bit of a rebel though, peacefully opposing various laws against magic, and claiming that magic is as natural as air, so asking people to register, get permitted, etc for higher force spells is like asking people to get a license to take deep breaths, yawn or sneeze.

He's also known as one of, if not THE most powerful telekinetic mage in the known world. Having retired from Lonestar about a year ago, he's also started to look for a new line of work, and what better for an ex-cop than Bounty Hunting?

Grizzly has contacts all throughout Lonestar, only the most fledgling recruits wouldn't know him by face.


"What? You got a problem with Magic?"
"Make way, Coming through, Step aside!"
"Oh Frag.... Spirits...." (He has a weakness.... nyahnyah.gif)


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