Sep 24 2004, 09:24 PM
Running a SR game every other Friday
Playing in SotSW (online game) when it's.. alive... maybe?
Other games (playing):
1 World of Darkness game currently alternating with my SR game
D&D 3rd Ed. in a really weird world- on hold because we got bored with it.
Sep 24 2004, 09:35 PM
We've been playing SotSW decently regularly, actually. You should hop back in.
Sep 24 2004, 11:11 PM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
We've been playing SotSW decently regularly, actually. You should hop back in.
~J |
That I could probably do. Oh, and Ashy's Otaku is in the Zoo, just because the character fit entirely too well.
Crimsondude 2.0
Sep 25 2004, 02:31 AM
QUOTE (Da9iel) |
Aw man I'm jealous. I haven't played in years. I agree with GlassJaw; in-person games are a lot more fun for me. I like to use expression and body language when I'm role playing. It's hard to do that online. I'm seeing if I can talk some of my friends into playing, but for the moment I'm stuck with vacation relief at a water plant. I can't guarantee I'll be available at any particular time next month. Even if someone retires and I do get a regular shift, I'll still only have every 3rd weekend off. That doesn't jive with the current every other week schedule. bleh. |
Yeah, but doing it online in a message format allows you to get such gems as mfb's Choco-Tart Autofactory scene, and allows it to be read by anyone who's interested.
Fygg Nuuton
Sep 25 2004, 02:51 AM
i run several games and play in several games over AOL instant messengers chat rooms. always looking to be involved
Sep 26 2004, 12:41 PM
QUOTE (Brazila) |
I am playing in one group. We currently have 5 players and a GM. While the members have changed over time, this group has been going for several years. On a side note, I have played with as few as 1 player and as many as 16. I will never forget saying if your astrally projecting go to the bedroom, if your invisible, go to the kitchen, and kicking our lone decker outside....Ah old school gaming at its finest. |
Cheers Brazillia
One new campain, playing, 1 GM, 7 other players.
I ask you, real-time roleplaying, is there any other way?
Here's a demographic for you, out of 8 players (myself included) 1 other is not a munchkin, im still playing in the group for one reason that is, to see if one day our GM's eyeballs really DO pop out of his head, when the munchie asks for...
"how many dice?"
Dark father
Sep 26 2004, 05:12 PM
I'm GM in 1 large Shadowrun Missions campaign with 8 players, and a starting home campaign with 3 players.
Sep 26 2004, 06:43 PM
started Gming Shadowrun way back in 1991 v(1st ed)...from 1991 to 1992 , once a week (on saturday from 2pm to sunday 6am without sleeping and without any sleep regulator bioware!!), then once every two week (same game length) in 1993. Things slowed down from 1994 onward with one game a month / every six weeks or so...we abruptly stopped in 2001, with half of my runners caught by the police in a botched run in Los Angeles-Studio City, ending up in jail serving 15 to 30 years sentence...
Then came D&D 3ed...
I have recently decided to resume shadow prowling in the 2050s...feels so good...I've had to go through a thorough rule overhaul, re-reading rulebooks and background sourcebooks, mainly 3rd edition because we haven't played that much under the new streamlined rules...
I have two games running : one with a new group and the other with confirmed runners (with 100+ good karma earned since the beginning) both set in 2056, a few months after the Chicago insect spirit outbreak...
Sep 27 2004, 08:49 PM
Currently playing in two campaigns, as player, not GM:
Shadowrun, 5 players
D&D, 8 players
Have only played in-person, never online.
Sep 29 2004, 02:53 PM
Not as many as I've had running at once in the past.
1 SR game, gangers in the Everet sprawl.
1 FR D&D 3.5, too many wizards.
1 7th Sea game, I think we are privateers...or maybe pirates...not sure...
1 BtVS using SR3 rules.
And for once, I'm playing in them all instead of running them all.
Our long running SR game sorta died due to character critical mass, a couple of years of karma and careful nuyen management, meant that our threats were getting a little silly.
Our teams average mission kit cost something in the order of 20,000

, and our special operations kit cost a bit more than 350,000

As I said...silly. Fun while it lasted though, and plenty of great stories to retell over and over
Sep 30 2004, 09:40 AM
Currently embroiled in four active SR games, all face-to-face. I'm GMing two and playing in the other two. Of the two I'm running one is a side-story (both PCs have varying grades of amnesia... GM's dream?) attached to the other (long-running game, players have amassed enough contacts, buddies, gear and capital to set themselves up as an air-mobile merc platoon), while one of the ones I'm playing in exists in the same timeline (a couple of years later and in a different country, but still...).
Aside from SR I have a Heavy Gear 2ndEd game on hold (due to one of the players being hard to get to the same location as the rest of us with any regularity) and a Jovian Chronicles game (using the new SilCore rules) waiting in the wings for when I get a few free weekends- both with myself as GM. I like to use varied systems and settings to keep everything fresh, but my players keep demanding more Shadowrun...

And I keep supplying 'em with it...

Sep 30 2004, 11:04 AM
well, my old SR2 group split in a major way as out of 5 players one is now living in Rio, two in Amsterdam, one somewhere in oklahoma and I migrated to spain..

3 weeks ago I finally managed to get decent players together and started a sr3 campaign.. though a lot has changed and I am not 100% sure its all for the best.. too many weird things happening push the game in the D&D direction and further away from believable

its still fun though
Sep 30 2004, 07:33 PM
D&D 3rd edition Barbarian campaign in Forgotten Realms -- on hold because the player playing the barbarian chief of the tribe we were trying to form was deployed to Iraq. He should be back any day now though.
Sadly, No SR

Does FFXI count?
Sep 30 2004, 09:15 PM
1 SR (GM)
2 Midnight d20 (GM, PC)
1 Amber Diceless (PC)
Plus a few others we play every time someone misses the Midnight campaigns.
Cynic project
Sep 30 2004, 09:56 PM
Well, soon to to be one shadowrun,one vampire,and one d20 fantasy.It;s is not really D&D,or anythign else as there are a lot of house rules, and the such.
Sep 30 2004, 11:17 PM
1 Kult (GM), 1 Vampire: Dark Ages (GM) and 1 Legend of the Five Rings (PC). I'll hopefully start GMing SR again as the University starts.
Oct 1 2004, 03:06 AM
only one game as of now (IRL) 3.5 AD&D that has been ongoing for 1.5 years (same campaign) with 6 people I co-DM. I was playing SR 3 from about last september to last december co-GMing with only 2 players. But alas useless things like school and other real life crap got in the way. But there is hope. After I graduate from college (wildlife biology) I plan on spending most of my time GMing an SR 3, RIFTS and a 3.5 converted Dark Sun campaign.
Oct 1 2004, 04:16 AM
1 D&D3.5 game, currently and sadly this group is anti-non d20, so I'll probably never get to run SR with them...though I'm fighting it...and keeping my eyes open for any SR opps in the DC area.
I do have a semi-active game up in Boston that I run periodically for my friends when I visit. I started it my senior year of college (02-03) and they enjoy it so much that they have me continue it when schedules allow. Last weekend I ran a session for them that went really, really well. That plus SR when I go home to visit is about all I get. These days my gaming budget is entirely centered on SR, though.
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