I usually give gangs anything that doesn't seem like it uses high technology.
AK-97s, Non Smartlinked pistols, some SMGs Mac-10 types. Shotguns, varied from the roomsweeper, to a semi auto. No burst or full auto shotguns.
Disposable rocket launchers, hand grenades, knives clubs, swords, axes, spears. No mono whips, no centuion laser axe, no vibrosword, no grenade launchers unless mounted on an AK-97.
Armor is usually armored vest with plates standard issue.
It really depends the type of gang. A low end street gang might have pistols and melee. Or if I'm running a Militant Gang they'll be armed to the gills and ready to take out a few blocks.
Personal Favorite to arm a GangerPunk crew of taggers or snatch and grabbers is simple Pepper Spray, or sling shots with capsul rounds of pepper spray or some other annoyance. Spray paint + lighter makes a decent mini flame thrower.
I had a full out Pyro Gang, every member had a flame thrower and an assortment of white phospor grenades, and white phosphor ammo, and Big D's flame shell for shotguns. Every single one of them wore A Victory heavy suit with full heat retardant mods.
Group: Napalm Angels
Leader's Name: Napalm Jesus
Race: Ork
Gender: Male
Awakened: Sorcery Adept Hermetic focus on Fire
B: 8
Q: 4
S: 6
C: 3
I: 5
W: 5
E: 5.3
M: 5(7)
Initiative: 5+1d6
Initiate Grade: 2
Essence lost: Drug addiction .3 Smartlink Package .4
Clubs: 4
Biotech(First Aid): 1/3
Spray Weapon(Flame Thrower): 6(
Leadership: 3
Etiquette(Street): 2(4)
Negotiation(Scare Tactics): 2(4)
Intimidation(Bible Quotation): 3(5)
Sorcery: 6
Stealth: 3
Bike: 5
Chemistry(Flamable Material): 2(4)
BBQ Cuisine: 2
Magical Background: 4
Arson: 4
Town of choice Area Knowlege: 3
Religion(Bible): 3(5)
Fireball F6 (EX: Drain FE: Learn)
Control Flame F4
Heal F6 (EX: Drain)
Add in a few others for flavor.
Force 5 Spell Focus (Fireball) A Zippo Lighter
Custom Flame thrower 3 X ammo capacity, and Barrier rating 18 to puncture. Double Range.
Light Security Armor Fire mods, and flame style paint job.
2nd in Command: Dances-With-Fire Female AmerInd Shaman of the Phoenix
Mode of operation: Terror, chaos, burnination.
Gang Base of ops: A burned out hospital with connected church in a bad part of town. Also Mobile with motorcycles
Gang Membership: 30-45
These guys were fun to run. The leader is a madman, he thinks burning the world will save humanity and allow the souls of the burned to reach heaven, and it's his job to send them there. The group's face was able to broker a deal with them, offering them occasional jobs of burning heritics, also for about 50,000 yen kept them from burning the group's shaman as a witch.