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Gypsy sat in his Library, perusing some of the latest articles on Thaumaturgy. He smiled as he watched the download to his chipset nearly complete itself. It would make good reading for under the way, and it would be a long trip. Ireland of all places, at least there wouldn't be a ton of people around to bother him, it was a quiet country, and powerful in magic. Almost too powerful some would say. He packed his bag carefully as the last chip completed itself. Only one bag per person the boss had said, private jet should be big enough for more than that Gypsy thought, must be a big team going on this mission. Gypsy looks over at his Katana and Wakazashi, longingly willing it to come with him, but it wouldn't fit in with the rest of his gear, and even though powerful magic ran through it, it really wasn't needed, after all, not only was this a research mission, but the big guy usually had someone else doing security watch, leaving Gypsy to the analyzing. He picked up the weapons, placing them into the safe. It had taken him nearly 2 years to bond the powerful foci to him, and he always dreaded leaving them behind. Then he picked up his bag, and headed out the door, patting his pockets and body to make sure he had everything as he voiced out to the High-Tech security system, "Lock Down".

Jack sat in the office, a dour look upon his face. Looking in the mirror, he saw his fat bald head, wrinkled from age, gazing back at him, and heard that annoying voice in the background, "I'm sorry Mr Wilson, everything checks our but you know how it is, always someone out there trying to scam from us, we had to double check." Jack nods, his facial expression unchanging as he took the cred stick back, along with the bag of new Tres Chic clothing. "Not like I don't have all fraggin day to just stand here waiting or anything.", he replied in the most arrogant tone he could muster, snatching the bags and heading out the door as a buzzing sound started coming from the computer. The woman looked down, and started, "Err... Mr Wilson?", she called out towards Jack as he quickly exited the door. Seconds later followed by a security agent who grabbed his shoulder and spun him around, only to see that he had some mexican youngster in a similar jacket, with a shocked and almost angry look on his face. "Senor, que basa?", he exclaimed in his best spanish. "Err... Sorry", replied the guard, looking up and down the street. "My bad.", he called out as Jack fixed the wrinkles caused in his jacket and spun off, leaving the guard looking around incredulously. As Jack pulled into his apartment, he saw a message about 40 minutes old waiting for him. "Airport, 1 bag maximum, Private Jet, Hanger 168, 1 hour, no delay". Shit! he thought to himself, as he quickly grabbed his cyberdeck, throwing it in the bottom of a duffel bag, then quickly filled it with other miscellaneous geat. Lastly he grabbed 2 pistols and slid them into secret pockets on the sides of the bag, and was out the door 5 minutes later.

Security job? Trevos thought to himself as he slid on his favorite Victory Wild Hunt outfit over his Form Fitting suit. Looking in the bag, he began filling it with guns of varying sizes. "What?", he asks to no apparent person in the room. "Too heavy? ... ", he replied to himself as he decided on 3 specific pieces, leaving the rest here. " ... " Little over a hundred rounds total should get him through, and if the spirits were saying he shouldn't bring too much weight, he wasn't going to argue with them. He slid a meter long club into the bag last, and headed out the door, " ... "
< ... = his forever talking to spirits, I'll remove this comment when I fill in the ...'s with suggestions >

Dogma nodded to Mr Whitebird, "It's no problem sir, I'll put together a team to investigate it, and we'll get there before anyone else." He replied to the Orc, as he sent the call out to the rest of the team to meet at the private hanger in 1 hour. "Be careful, your destiny is only now to begin, it is imperative that your success be complete, or all may be lost.", Whitebird says in an unusually cryptic manner before spinning on his heels and entering the private chamber. Dogma nodded, he was use to being this close to the Dragin, and knew that whatever deed he must perform would prove benevolent in the long run. He headed over to his office next to the Dragon's private room, and extracted his backpack which carried all of his essentials. It was important that he would be the first to arrive at the hanger, and complete preperations, meaning that if everyone else had an hour, he only had 15 minutes.

Rebo sat in the air, his legs crossed in the popular meditation stance, but hovering a good meter off the ground. There were 4 globes of wood circling him in some sort of oval shaped orbit, each travelling a different direction. One by one they each lit on fire creating an image of 4 suns circling the man. Suddenly they all dropped to the ground, extinguished as Rebo wavered. His feet slowly descended downward, as he stepped onto the ground and headed over to the telecom. As he reached for the handset, it rang. He picked it up, placing it to his ear. Seconds later he nodded, placing the handset back, and grabbed an assault rifle and a pistol off the wall, along with a maglock on the bureau, and placed them in a bag already filled with clothing. He slid 3 boxes of ammo on top, and closed the bag. It was a long walk to the airport, about an hour he figured as he looked out the window of his flat in the direction of the airport no more than 4 miles from where he lived. Would be good to cleanse the mind, he decided as he began walking.

Gremish nodded to his team mates, it was time for the actual event, his goal being purely to get the guys in, and provide a bit of cover fire if they had to come out fast. He placed a green finger on the wall, pushing into the platicrete as cracks began to appear. With a force that not even a Troll could hope to produce, Gremish pushed his finger right through the wall, causing it to implode, leaving nothing but a hole with a perfect 3 meter diameter, as if it had been sliced out with a laser. The other team mates rushed in, as Gremish sat on the outside waiting. That's when the call came in. 1 hour, great! Here he was in the middle of a covert run that could go bad any minute, and that's when Dogma decides to call. "C'mon guys, get a move on", he thought as he sat there, impatiently trying to decide what he'd pack, or if he'd even have time to get home, or if he'd even be able to make it to the airport, skipping home in the process. As the thoughts ran through his head, the sounds of gunfire came from within the building. "Guess things didn't go as covertly as they'd hoped", he said to himself, his voice having a high pitched squeak to it, as he prepared himself for 2 spells. Sure enough, the team came running past the hole, scurrying as quickly as they could up the hill that had blocked their entrance. Footsteps were suddenly heard following, and stopping most abruptly as they slammed into a unseen wall now blocking the exit. As if that wasn't bad enough, all senses were lost to them as a Chaotic World kicked in. Gremish walked away, seemingly unconcerned anymore as the pursuers were lost in their own void of sensory. He'd not have time to go get the gear, he'd have to go straight to the hanger. Luckily he'd brought some grenades and a shotgun for this run, they'd have to do. Besides, he was only suppose to be going as a researcher, though it would have been nice to be able to bring some books or a computer, researching with grenades would not be nearly as effective, he thought with a grin.

James looked wide eyed at the bag sitting on his bed. Sitting next to it were 6 sets of armour, and 4 pistols. And with all the extras he'd ordered on his armours, it didn't look like they were gonna fit. He grabbed the armours and started trying to get them packed. 4 suits made the bag tight, 5 might be possible, but only with a great deal of effort, and 2 prayers that the bag didn't break. That left 1 suit and 4 guns to pack, and Dogma was pretty adamant about 1 sack. James undressed, placing his Futura set on, while packing the rest. After 20 minutes of struggling, the bag was closed. 5 minutes later the pistols were sitting tight in holsters, hopefully concealed enough to get past any security. Lastly, he picked up his Cloak, a bit heavy, but worth it. he Slid it over his Futura. If security might pose a problem, he had a Plan B to get past it. He double checked that the side pockets had his Secretary and other misc gear, then headed out the door.

Slinky blinked, and stared at her arsenal. "1 Bag?!?" she thought, incredulously. There was no way in the world her gear would even begin to fit. The hands had to come of course, as would alot of the B&E gear. She began packing it as quickly and carefully as she could. That was the problem... careful meant extra packaging meant extra space meant no room. She looked at the 2/3rds full bag before adding her pistols, there was simply no room for an Assault Riffle though, she thought as she hung it back up. She placed the med stuff in, leaving barely enough room for a Cloak. Guess any armour she'd be taking would have to be worn. That left only the Chemistry Kit. "They always allow carry on luggage, surely they didn't want me to leave this behind.", she figured as she grabbed the handle of both the kit and the bag and headed out the door, firming her resolve that she'd fight to bring the kit, after all, what good is it to do research somewhere without a kit....

Sleel smiled as he started the plane's engines. He checked the drones in the back of the plane. It was terrible that the load space was so small here, but he needed his drones, everyone else would have to live with only being able to bring 1 carryon luggage. He patted "Thumper", his favorite Steel Lynx, as he checked his brand new HMG he'd installed on it. He gazed over at Hernando and made sure the MMG was hooked up. Then he walked out into the cabin, locking the door. He moved to the airlock door, opening it and dropping the steps up. Stepping out he began going through the food supplies, making sure all the bottles were full for the bar, and adding snacks. The 8 hour trip to Ireland from Denver was no small trip, couldn't go without food. Then he grabbed his bag from behind a counter and threw it in the baggage hold within the cockpit. Going over the 8 seats in the main hold he made sure that everyone had pillows and blankets, and then ordered a refill from the port's supply depot. 20 minutes later they arrived and filled him up, just as Dogma arrived.
The jet ride was indeed long, many hours pass while the team talked with Dogma over the project plan. Even Sleel sat with the group, having set the private jet on auto-pilot for the majority of the journey. The mission as Dogma explained it was a primarily research project. Recent probes into the heart of Ireland discovered a chasm that fell some 200 feet beneath the surface, and within it was a most disturbing phenomena. A mana warp of ungodly proportions was found to be tightly set with a small cavern. The mana warp itself was no more than 10 meters in diameter, and there was no residual effects outside those 10 meters. It seems to be the most self-contained mana warp in history, and could re-write a few magical theories that exist. A Ghostwalker team discovered it, but it would surely not take long for the information to leak. This team was quickly assembled to be the first people on-site to research it. Those of you with magical talents are to analyze and theorize on the situation, Dogma is to make sure the property is completely owned and liscensed by a Ghostwalker hidden corporation. The security personel are to protect Ghostwalker's interest. Interestingly enough, the land does indeed belong to Ghostwalker, who purchased it within hours of claiming Denver. It's almost like he expected the warp to happen, and had spirits combing the area regularly to find it. Setting up a research facility there will possibly take some time, but Dogma has the authorization to sign off on anything needed to insure everything is in order.

Day 1:
The plane lands in Cork, still the International Airport of choice. Within minutes, the team is huddled within Sleel's Ford Bison which rolls out of a nearby hangar. After packing 2 drones on top of it, and the rest of the drones, crew and baggage within, the team is off to the most southwest corner of Ireland as Sleel takes off for Dunmanway. 30 minutes later, the team is unpacking in a roadside tavern with a pleasant bar on the botton floor. Arrival is late, and the days are much shorter so far north. The team does however drive out to the location and make sure that everything is ok. Sleel sets up a couple of Drones to overwatch as Trevos puts some spirits on alert in the area. By 9pm, the team is sleeping soundly in the Irish setting.

Day 2:
The team begins full scale investigations after a hassling breakfast. Apparently non-elves seem to pay a hell of a lot more for room, board, and food. Arriving on the site, they find that everything is as they left it, and the chasm is precisely where Ghostwalker indicated it would be on the GPS Coordinates. It takes precious little time to begin working your ways down the cavelike system, which seems water tight for it's low elevation. Although there are many times you have to belly crawl, you find yourself staring at an obvious glow on the physical plane some 200 feet down, about 3 hours later. As you enter the room, an incredibly powerful looking Fire Elemental nods at Dogma, then disappears from both the physical and astral plane. Staring into the mana warp via astral perception causes intense pain to everyone who tries. It does become obvious though that the mana warp seems to be acting as some sort of portal to another location, whether that is purely a visual portal, or physical portal would require testing, something Sleel is more than happy to do. Gazing into the Warp via astral perception, one can see brick like walls with chains hanging from them, almost like a torture chamber, however, the drones from Sleel seem to lose all power as they try to enter the area of the warp, making them useless. All other attempts to physically penetrate the warp prove similarly useless, including the use of spirits who refuse to even try. Of course the risk of a living being attempting it would prove extremely fatal in some manner, either by a risk of Magic Loss, or the insanity that most mana warps cause. Gauging the power of the Warp, the researchers amongst you quickly decide that it's roughly a background count of 12.
As if the 3 hour trek down the cave system to the mana warp wasn't enough, the 6 hours of watching the wizards analyzing the warp was almost enough to drive the rest of the team bonkers. Especially since the research seemed to consist of staring at the area in mute silence and a zombie like gaze. For the wizards in the group, it was a monumental moment, the astral residue was showing an incredible amount of data, and their mindlink made it very easy indeed to create cohesive theories that all could agree upon. Sleel sat at the bottom of the cave, just a little bit away from the wizards, his hands busy with cleaning the drones a couple more times. Keeping them on watch would kill their batteries far too quickly to be useful, and beside, he'd left "Simba", his primary high altitude blimp, watching from a safe distance, it's solar recharging capabilities being enough to keep it aloft indefinitely. He was the first to see it coming, warned by "Simba", a dragon was on its way directly toward the cavern, and was being followed by no less than 2 elementals, possibly more if there were others hidden in the Astral Space. He immediately contacted the rest of the Security team, " ... " informing them of the danger. At this particular moment, the entire team was close enough to the mages to pull back into the room and prepare a defensive stance against the superior foe. The Mages seemed almost unaware of the trouble brewing, having come upon a decision of finallity. It was Gremish' idea, and he was also the unanimous choice for the task. Gremish swalled a big lump in his throat, and stood up, approaching the globe of mana. Meanwhile the security team launched forward a grenade of steelfoam, which immediately exploded with a near silent plopping noise, into a huge cloud of solid matter which was fire resistant. Just in time too as the foam started to turn a dull orange from either dragon's breath, or perhaps an elemental fire attack. Gremish slowly raised his finger, inserting it into the 3 meter diameter of astral mishap.

Time seemed to stand still for everyone for what seemed an hour, unable to move you all watch as the walls around you seem to start flowing like liquid. Then, with a sudden upheaval, you are all launched into the air as the ground begins to shake uncontrollably, and a bright flash surrounds your field of vision as the Mana Warp seems to literally explode outward, filling up everything in the area. Pain isn't even a valid word for the excruciatting sensation you feel as the mana warp encompasses your bodies. You feel as if every single element of your body were disassembled, placed in a blender, and then reassembled in reverse. Each of you tries to scream, but you seem to lack any ability or power to do any such thing. After what must be a decade of pain, you find yourselves laying on the ground next to each other. The pain is gone, and as your senses return you find yourselves lying in a pentagram, surrounded by a hexagram, surrounded by a circle, surrounded by some form of hieroglyphics. Standing outside of the design is a demonic looking figure with a face that looks like something straight out of a horror trid. Worms seems to be crawling in and back out of its face, though humanoid in appearance, wearing a red robe on a bipedal figure, it's feet and hands look like those of a beast, or perhaps a dead-too-long cadaver. Although there is no face to see an expression off of, you could almost swear it was shocked. That's when you notice the movement behind it. There must be at least 50 zombie looking creatures coming at you, and as you look around, nowhere to run. The walls behind you block any retreat, and are covered with instruments of torture.

[ Spoiler ]
"We. Are. Fragged." Tev's inner monolog leaks out in a barely discernable murmur. Somewhere in his system the varies chemicals and compounds that control only the most primal of reactions recover from their shock.
Sandoval Smith
Jack stands up, using the short time that involves to process the new situation. Unknown magic phenomena, unknown location, unknown (ugly) opposition. He did make note that they seemed to be within three, or even four magical perimeters, and the little he knew about magic told him things like that could either keep something in, or out. He hoped so at least, taking advantage of the diminshing moment of calm as everyone orientated themselves.

He put a hand on the SMG still dangling from its strap on his shoulder. He hoped that somehow they'd ended up on the set for the latest episode of "Karl Kombat Mage," but nothing could be assumed in this situation. Too many unknown variables.

"Unknown entity, cease hostile movements and please identify self. Failure to comply will result in hostile action." He spoke in a strong, authoritative voice, the voice of a border watch commander who had the strength of position to react casually to a bogie approaching his zone.He kept close eye to the advancing cadavers. If they passed the perimeter lines, then his theory of them keeping things out would be null. He'd loaded a clip of ExEx in case the Reach came calling. It seemed equally suitable for here. He'd also loaded a Sprethiel program into his headware, in case he needed to deal with anyone who dealt only in the offcial elven tongue, and it seemed an appropriate langague to repeat his message in, to make sure it was understood.
Jack is trying to use his Interrogation / Verbal (4/6) to create a dialogue before everything dissolves into bullets and bloodshed. Let's hope that the ugly thing feels like talking. If offensive action is taken against them, he's going to lay down suppresive fire (this being a target rich enviroment).
Dogma lifted his face from the hard, cold, stone ground just enough to turn it sideways and spit out. No blood. Good. But then his brain told him his eyes had seen something. Something strange. He pushed up a little with his hands and lifted his head.

What. The. Frag.

He heard his companions say a few things. He wasn't really listening right now. He looked at the thing, looked at the geometric design he was in and then looked at the thing again.

Okay. He pushed up with his hands again from his earlier position and made a small leap into a crouching position, his long white trenchcoat pooling around him.

He started to fade back into his senses. He took snapshots of everything in the room with his eye camera. Just in case he lived past the next few minutes. He then looked around his crew.

Jack had his weapon trained on the things in front. Dogma looked to his mages. Their reactions would be more indicative of just how fragged they were.

It had worms for eyes.

Dogma swallowed.
Gremish proped himself up with a slight groan... what exactly had he played with that blew up this time? Cracking his neck he stood with his ushual uncaring that a Dragon and a host of posibly 50 minions were around... such is life... preparing spells swarmed through his head along with the afterpain of the fall and the explotion that had taken everyone far apart from each other. A fast scan of the area showed no one missing which was good seeing as they would need all the help they could get with a dragon about. Damnit, he thought to himself a bloody mana warp, i knew this job was to easy, but at least i got my gernades. With that He started scanning the area. "Yay, things to kill." With that he Pulls out his Shotgun and a Nade just incase.
Jack speaking snaps Tevos out of his stupor. He slowly pats himself down trying to find his Kalashnikov. Tev had been denied the guidance of the sprits before, and that had gone bad, this is suddenly seeming so much worse...
[ Spoiler ]
The last couple of days had been as different as black and white.

The first day started with the flight to Tir Na nOg, with the somewhat tense aspect of passing through the legendary Veil. This, as well as some other aspects of the current mission weighed heavy in the thoughts of the elf disenchanted with the political bent of the current elven nations.

After arrival though, things lightened up dramatically. Friendly banter and in-jokes passed freely among the team, and despite security being an ever-constant concern, an enjoyable evening was spent in the rustic but comfortable inn.

Today had been a different matter indeed. It started out alright, with just the right feel of excitement and anticipation. Gypsy was pleased to be paired with the tech-wiz Slinky, who regardless of her normal happy-go-lucky demeanor, could be depended on to take her role in any partnership seriously.

Things definitely went quickly downhill from there though. First came the deep and almost inaccessible location. Then hour after increasingly frustrating hour of sometimes physically painful study of the strange and puzzling mana warp.

Finally, after what feels like days, the group decides on a course of action ...


Gypsy slowly rises, rubbing his head and wincing at the pain, not only from the explosion, but also from a long day trying to penetrate the secrets of the strange warp field.

When the blonde elf's foggy brain finally registers the new situation, his eyes widen in shock, and he instinctively pulls his long leather jacket closed around his slender frame. Without any further need for prompting, Gypsy immediately shifts his magic towards a fully defence posture as his mind works furiously to come up with a logical explanation for what he is now experiencing.

[ Spoiler ]
The drone of the plane’s engines shifted signaling the start of their descent into Cork. Slinky stood, hand braced on the low curve of the cabin’s bulkhead to let Sleel squeeze by on his way to the cockpit. Confident her part in the preparations was complete, she slipped out of the seats and down the aisle toward the cockpit with a punch on Gypsy’s shoulder as she passed. Dogma had buddied the two of them up for the coming venture - standard fare, one Awakened and one Mundy to each mini-team – and she looked forward to working with the lean, even-tempered elf, especially if it meant she got to hear him play.

She swung into the co-pilot’s chair as Sleel was checking over the instruments. The windows blanked as the plane entered the dense cloud cover. Breaking through the clouds, Slinky gasped at the rolling green and golden countryside. Patchwork, hedge-lined fields rolled in every direction she could see, largely untouched by sprawl. It was unlike anything she’d ever seen. Texas was vast, the Rockies were rugged and wild, this was… Ancient. Ancient and deep. A place you felt in your chest like a dull ache. She was entranced, shocked out of her normal jauntiness into awestricken reverence.

She looked at Sleel in the pilot's seat, “I wish Lia were here.”

The team rolled into the small town and into a carpark. She piled out of Sleel's Bison with the rest of the team and stepped aside to a small, densely grown garden. Shouldering her bag more comfortably and crouching to touch the grass and fallen flower petals.

“If ever there was a place to study Magic this is it. I think even I can feel it.”

She buried her synthetic fingers deep into the turf, pausing as her fingertips relayed sensory input to of dampness, cold and spongy softness to her brain. As much as I really feel anything. She smiled sadly and she swept to her feet gracefully, brushing off her hands, catching Gypsy’s eyes as the elf watched her quietly.

Day 1: Slinky stuck close to her buddy, following his lead, uncomfortable and shy in this strange place, so familiar and so foreign all at once. Dunmanway was a pretty enough place, a few streets lined with two and three-story plaster houses. A thatched roof here and there and ubiquitous satellite dishes and grid-links. A strange blend of tech and tradition that the young woman found immensely appealing. She urged the others to stay awake through the long day, keeping them down in the tavern-room as long as she might - to fight the jet lag - and to try to coax tunes from the musically gifted members of the team. Sleep was swift to come, and deep.

Day 2: Crawling through the cave system was a treat for Slinky. She scouted ahead, deploying her hands on their leads with cameras and listening equipment to snoop out dead-ends or spaces too tight for all the team members to use. Well-named and well-suited for guiding the team through some of the tighter spots, the girl’s normal buoyant temper returned. She let one of her hands lay in wait for Gremish and as the Goblin wriggled past she grabbed onto his foot. The girl choked back laughter at the head of the column as she catalogued the fountain of creatively blended French and English expletives.

The Mana Warp was frightening. Even more so than the fire spirit that had been guarding the place. None of her gear acted in any predictable way when it got near the Warp. If it worked at all. She was, effectively, blind… and she didn’t want to get close enough to see if it would disable her cyber either… that would prove disastrous and the hairs it raised on her neck were enough for her to get the picture - Stay Away. She picked up a bit of Jack’s edginess as she kept watch over Gypsy in his trance. Taking a break to stretch her legs she walked over to where Sleel cleaned his drones, again. A tension rose in the air, something between the Mages and Slinky turned too look at them when Sleel’s warning crackled across their comms.

Drek. What’s going on… Dragon? Who?

She gathered up her pack, stowing the various gear as the team swung into action. She stowed Gypsy’s gear into his pack, hoping she’d put everything in safely. Grenade. The distinctive whump-ding of a grenade launch froze Slinky in her tracks. Her breath caught and an avalanche of memories crashed over her – the most hellish experience of her life… until now.


Blinking slowly into wakefulness, Slinky licks her lips and her teeth grate, her mouth full of grit. She spits. Ugh. Nasty. She can hear the team around her rustling into wakefulness and Tevos’ single phrase, “We. Are. Fragged.”

Groaning she staggers to her feet, even with her body reeling from shock, she runs a quick diagnostic checking her cyber. Eyes and ears, check. Datajack, router. Check, check. Arms and related gear, check. Synthcard, beating like a fraggin’ Kodo drum. Check. Andy! No, Gypsy, Gypsy first. She looks around, stopping cold on the wormy face of the unspeakable thing before them. Drekdrekdrekdrek - looking up she scans the ceiling for anything that she can take hold of – drekdrekdrekdrekdrek – and plans a move toward Gypsy - drekdrekdrekdrekdrek - as the elf straightens and pulls his coat closed.

[ Spoiler ]
HMHVV Hunter
Oh bloody hell, Rebo thinks as he sees the scene from Dante's Inferno (the Milton version, not the nightclub) playing out in front of him.

A simple mana warp investigation. Riiiiiiiiight. Rebo mentally kicked himself for not predicting that nothing was ever that simple, even as high a level as this warp was.

And now it had transported them all into the bowels of hell.

Ok, calm down, Rebo thinks to himself. Demons aren't real. That's just mystical claptrap. Time to find out just what Hellboy here really is.

Letting himself fall into a psychic trance-state, Rebo shifts his attention to the astral and scans the "demon's" aura.

[ Spoiler ]

After sending the warning about the incoming dragon through Simba, Sleel began gathering his drones about the group preparing to attempt to make a defensive line with them. He then began watching through Simba once again, to monitor the dragons progress, when all of a sudden everything went dark.


Coughing, Sleel picked his head up off the floor and looked around. First looking for Slinky, he stops to openly gape at the hideous thing outside of the circles. Finally, shaking his head a bit clearer, he slowly stands up, and spots his sister sticking close to Gypsy. Sleel reaches down first for his remote deck, and check the subscriber list on it, to see if any drones managed to come through with them. Spotting a good array of drones, Sleel sends his 2 Gunther and 2 Hernando rotodrones up in the air just in front of the group, forming a flying line between the group and the zombies. He orders his Arty blimps to get altitude, as much as they can in this cave, and has his Ajax bots come up on either side of him, ordered to defend him. Lastly, he orders his Little Bird drones to go hover up near the Artys for now. Finally, reaching down to his belt, he checks his Armtech pistol. With a quick regretful glance at Slinky, he prepares to start dropping grenades as close to the middle of the swarm as he can.

[ Spoiler ]
"Oh Bloody Hell...." is verbally vocalized by Rebo as he shifts to Astral Perception. That wormfaced creature was a freaking demon, no doubt about it. His astral form was a huge blob of flesh and teeth with wings of leather. The worms were each anaconda size snakes, writhing supernaturally through the air, trying to penetrate the Astral Ward that the pentegrams had created, and it didn't look like it was going to take very long at all. Then everyone hears the words come from the creature, though the source did not seem to be its mouth, but from everywhere. "Rebo Ewing...", as the creature starts beckoning to Rebo to come towards him. Rebo finds he is no longer in control of his body, his feet start sliding forward like the feet of a man who is resisting with all his willpower. The last thoughts on Rebo's mind when he loses control of his body is "How did that Anaconda break through the barrier, and why is it swallowing me?".

The monster's other hand waves the zombies forward, and they begin a shuffling charge towards the rest of you.

[ Spoiler ]
Sandoval Smith
Jack only takes a second to watch Rebo stumble forward at the _thing's_ behest, and the wave of the apparently dead stumbling forward. They most defintely were NOT on the set of the latest Karl, Combat Mage. Shedim? He wondered as he brought up his SMG up. They did the whole zombie thing, didn't they? They surged forward in a solid, seething mass, just like a swarm of bugs.

Bugs. His mind reeled, finally succumbing to the weight of too many shocks, too quickly.

No one could hear him whimper as his finger convulsed around the Cobra's trigger. For a moment he was back in Chicago, a quiet little mouse huddled against the street, staying so, so, so still so that the bugs swarming all around would not find him, tiny, helpless. There no more screams, his family was all dead, food for the bugs. All except for him, tiny mouse, always unnoticed.

He couldn't tell what it was writhing before him, but he wasn't a tiny mouse anymore. This time, he'd show them he was no easy meat for their nest. A scream strangled in his throat, coming out as a shrill gurgle as he swung the Cobra in an arc, ExEx rounds pounding into bodies clustered so tight that it was impossible to miss. He was going to show them, was going to make them pay, make them pay make them pay!

[ Spoiler ]
"Dragon? Dragon? Not our dragon? Drek!"
While the mages managed their meager defenses, James pulled on his 'panic suit:' an impressive ensemble involving a full suit of camo/armor, a motorcycle helmet, a huge riot shield and even a pair of forearm guards. Just as he finished pulling on the faintly ludicrous monkey suit and James is nearly convinced that nothing could possibly harm him, the world decides to be perverse and detonate a Mana Warp on him. Shit.

"Frag diplomacy!"
Confidant that even the most exotic of chemicals couldn't possibly bother this thing, James whips out his Roomsweeper faster than humanly possible and blasts away at the impossible, insane figure, wishing that he were the type to pack Panthers instead of pistols.

[ Spoiler ]
"Rebo, don't go-" begins Dogma, before he notices Rebo's forceful steps and the army of ghoulish creatures begin their advance.

"oooOOH FRAG, Open fire!" the elf's command to his teammates is unecessary, as the room already echo's loudly with the sound of gunfire before he can finish his sentence. Dogma's Dampener and sound filters kick in instantly, eliminating the cacophony.

His left hand already inside his shock glove, the only real defense the elf is counting on for now, Dogma's immediate priority is drawing a tactical plan for his teammates. His cyber senses opening, he begins to look at his surroundings as bullets fly over his head.


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"I have no fragging idea.. but they are spirits... I think" mumbles Tevos, mostly to himself.
What the hell is going on. They LOOK like some sort of sprit, but nothing I have ever seen before. And... his thoughts interrupted as Jack unloads an opening burst into the nearest zombies.
Tev rises to his knees, puts his hands to the ground and hopes that the spirits are in good humor.
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The staccato sound of Jack's submachine gun chases the last of the fog from the slender elf's mind. His implated sound dampeners automatically kick in, ensuring that the prolonged bursts don't do any more damage to his already aching head. Clearly he needed to concentrate for the moment on the biggest threat, leaving the tide of lesser enemies to the hands of his team-mates for the moment.

Gypsy unconsciously straightens his posture and squares his shoulders as he reaches out for the familiar feel of the mana surrounding him. Pulling some of his concentration from his hastily erected defensive screen, his hands move in a complex twisting pattern before he flings them forward, releasing a spell at the towering worm-faced demon creature.

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With a quick glance at his sister, Sleel holsters his Armtech, and plugs himself into his deck in captains chair mode. All of his drones begin panning the area with their sensors, with varrying degrees of success. Sleel decides that having all his drones seeing what targets are about, theres a better chance of at least a few of them picking up what he is scanning for.

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Drekdrekdrekdrekdrekdrek - the ceiling is uncooperatively dim and with a last longing glance up, or maybe it’s desperate supplication to some divine power – drekdrekdrekDREKdrekdrek – she edges around back to back with Gypsy as the team’s firepower clatters into action – drekdrekdrekkingdrekdrekdrekdrek – in a smooth motion Slinky draws her APIII from her hip with her right hand and the Ceska from under her right arm with her left hand – drekdrekdrekdrekGelRoundsdrekdrek… drek? I’ve got gel-rounds loaded. DREK - Slinky feels her neck-hairs raise as Gypsy gathers power behind her and lets it fly. With equal aplomb she opens fire into the foremost rank of zombies headed her way.

Rebo’s trouble registers in some part of her hind brain that isn’t drowned by the gibberings of approaching panic – where the hell is his buddy?

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The whirring of drones is the first things heard, as they rise up off the ground and begin to ascend over the cadaver looking men. A split second later, to the sound of 2 startling bangs, the facial flesh of the worm creature indicates 2 walloping impacts directly between the eyes. Its neck lashes backwards as the impact from the 2 bullets nearly break its neck, and smoke rises from the barrel of Jame's pistol. A split second later the unmistakable sound of automatic fire launches through the air, and 2 of the walking cadavers slump to the floor with holes through their skulls, while 2 more spin around at a break necking speed from being slammed in the shoulders. Others seemed to have stopped their approach momentarily as bullets slam into them in the neck and chest, but then they begin moving in. Those perceiving astrally then notice a visible echo against the astral barrier seperating you from your attackers, as Gypsy's stunbolt slams into the barrier having no visible effect at all. Slinky's gun comes to life, well placed bullets taking out 2 more of the cadaverish creatures lumbering towards you. They fall to the ground as the gel rounds slam into their chest. The manacles seem to come to life behind you, and a gruesome looking creature materializes in front of Trevos, a being of torture and pain, with a sickening face that screams out in a silent agony. The loud rattle of Jacks autofire continues to reverbrate through the air, as he tries to aim more for their heads, and yet 3 more of the walking dead fall to the ground with holes through their heads. James fires again, 2 more shots slamming into the armoured chest of the falling wormskull, throwing it to the ground as the power of the gun throws it off its feet.

The drones begin an overview of the area. There are 2 exits, but the only way to get to them is through the near-army of cadavers. For now the best hope is to take the cadavers out quickly and hope more don't show in the process.

Finally the slow moving cadavers make it to the barrier, but seem to be unable to penetrate it. They push against it, trying to get to their targets, and a few seem to die just in the attempt, but none are able to push through. Apparently the quick actions of James prevented the wormskull from dropping the barrier. Each of you notice though, the wormskull is getting back up, his hand outstretching towards you. Rebo looks around in confusion, "What the frag just happened?" he asks incredulously.

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"Rebo, look alive! We need your mojo!" shouts Dogma as he notices in the corner of his eye the psychic soldier snap out of his trance.

Dogma knew a bit about magic, and Wards 101 told him something seemed to be holding off the zombies... for now.

Better get 'em while I can.. thought Dogma, as he drew his gun, adopted the aiming position he'd been taught, and fired off a round at the nearest rotting corpse. He had to calm himself and concentrate on the shooting. Cold sweat was starting to drip down his back. Firefights were not the kind of place Dogma was comfortable in.

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HMHVV Hunter
Shaking off the Malignant Extra-Dimensional's mind control, Rebo wheels his fully loaded Colt M-23 towards the zombies and starts firing.

Kill the head and the body shall die, Rebo thinks as he trains his rifle on the zombie closest to the shield.

If I could only get past that psi shield, I could fry the lot of 'em... Rebo thinks as he fires.

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The physical form of the newly formed sprit all but scares Tevos to death. Best make this quick then, keeping the world in anguish isnt good for it. "Oh great sprit, please confuse these abominations, and you may go free, and be free of your pain."

A plastic metallic clatter echos around the chamber amist the deafing gunfire. The Kalashnikov Tev had his hand on hits the floor, and he swings the Mossberg off his back.
Rasing to one knee and pulling the slide with a distinct sound only a shotgun can make, Tev points the maw of the weapon at the rising skull.

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Sandoval Smith
Jack bares his teeth in a grin as forms fall all around. This is how it should've gone. This is how it should be. The gun barrel traveled in a tight arc, and the effort he had to put into keeping the barrel down filled him with a kind of fierce glee. Something big was rising out of the mass, a big mama bug, a mega zombie, he didn't know. He swung the gun at it, one more burst flying from the barrel, his voice rising in a rebel yell.

He kept his finger down, but the hammer clicked on an empty chamber. The realization that he was out of ammo bringing him a cool moment of clarity. Dogma's voice rang in his ears, giving a center to focus on, allowing him to pull it all back together again. Mouse was dead. There were no bugs. He was a soldier and he was fighting for his life. He reached for another clip of ExEx, his eyes searching for the thickest concentration of targets.
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Shit. Spirits = elemental attack, that's the reason I carry these things around in the first place. I panicked, is all...not that anyone could blame me, with this freakshow going down!
With an embarrased wince, James snatches a red-striped grenade from a bandolier, bites off the pull-ring, and gives a 'slow' toss underhand, his movements still registering as a blur to those without boosting.
Trapped like a rat behind a barrier, no room for stealth, finesse, etiquette, street smarts, anything but raw force. The skills I've spent the last fifteen years of my life getting my grubby paws on are now worse than useless...
Sweat begins to bead on James' forehead, adulterated with the immunosuppressants, hormones and enzymes that are the invisible Mark of Cain of those with 'ware. Time seems to slow down as he nervously scans the invisible wall that separates him with Dante's goddamn Inferno.
"Can you mages reinforce that?"

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Sleel watches all the commotion shortly after his drones got in the air. Lock damn you, LOCK.
Target locked.
I got that fragger now... I just don't know if we need more help holding back this wave of zombies, or in getting rid of the master... I guess I'll concentrate fire on the big one, and then if that doesn't help out, start blasting those freaks.

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Slinky nods as her rounds take the zombies down and her eyes widen, hope flaring briefly as the zombies check themselves violently against the barrier. She spares a moment to glance around and assess. Sleel's up. Drones too. She sighs in relief. Gypsy, tense but okay. Tense. Who isn't? What the hell is going on? She glances over her shoulder. Tall, dark and wormy's getting up again. We'll see about that.

She moderates her voice, but speaks loud enough for Gypsy to hear her with his ears as well as broadcast her move to the team over the comm system. "180 Gyp. Cover." She drops to a knee and rolls, the speed and closeness of her passage fluttering the tails of Gypsy's long coat. She rises to a knee and brings her guns to bear on the worm-demon. The world falls away and Slinky enters a space where only she, the gun, her rounds and the demon exist. A timeless place. A place of stillness and clarity.

A place disturbed by a noise. A small noise. A hard noise for the young woman to ignore. The pin of a grenade. She struggles to maintain focus.

Willpower meets firepower.

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As he watches his spell impact uselessly against the Ward, Gypsy shakes his head in frustration.

"I fraggin' knew it!"

A quick glance around tells the elf that the whole team was busy dealing with the threats, but there was nothing he could do to directly help them until the Ward came down. The same Ward that was keeping out the zombie-like beings was also preventing him from using his spells in any kind of offensive manner.

Gypsy figures that the barrier won't hold much longer though, and his hands are already moving in their intricate dance as he prepares to cast another spell. His dampened ears faintly register Slinky's voice, but he ignores her for the moment as he puts everything he has into releasing the spell, which he then links to the onyx ring on his right middle finger.

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Quickly recovering from a round of near-surprise, the team begins working in a near unison from years of training together. The comforting sound of automatic fire from above indicates to the team that the drones have entered into the fray, and it seems to show. The Wormskull looks like someone was taking an egg beater to it, it's dead-like flesh rippling like a lake during rain. Sickeningly, it looks like the flesh just absorbs the gun fire though, and this time it's not surprised enough to fall back down. At about that time though, a huge explosion rechocets throughout the chamber, as a grenade falls center-mass on the left flank of cadavers, leaving nothing but burning corpses, and a slightly singed, though undamaged worm skull. Within seconds 2 major factors take place. Most of the remaining Cadavers fall to the relentless fire of the well placed team, leaving only 8 cadavers standing as the Ward suddenly drops, allowing them to charge at the team.Sword arms raised, they charge into the team, ready to wreak havoc, when suddenly they stop, and start attacking each other instead. At this point the Wormskull drops to the ground, apparently though not appearing injured, the drone attacks were enough to take it down.

The remaining cadavers take each other out without the need to waste more ammo, giving the team time to notice that Slinky seems to have withdrawn into herself, a look of absolute terror in her eyes which seem unable to focus. Aside from that, the team seems relatively unscathed, thanks in no small part to the Ward that had blocked the army of cadavers from charing in immediately.

The sound of quickly scampering feet are heard running up the tunnel to the right.

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"Damn" Gremish Says with a smirk. "i was loking for a good fight." Cracking his neck he checks the rest of the Team for obvoius wounds and with none in sight begins looking his way through the carnage. " Anyone got an idea what the drek is down that right hall, and a better question anyone really wanna find out?"

Examining this worm skull creature he takes note of its appearence so that he can be prepared better for another if it arises.
"So where do you all sapose we got ploped?"
Sandoval Smith
Jack popped the empty clip out of his Cobra, pocketing it (waste not want not) and sliding a fresh ExEx in. He kept it trained on the worm eaten thing on the ground. It didn't actually look hurt. It could just be playing dead for all they knew. It was an unknown situational modifer. He heard scampering footfalls coming from a tunnel on the right, and he quickly scanned to see if there were any other exits that they had overlooked in the intial chaos. Keeping an eye an anything that might move, he hefted his gear by the carrying strap, settling it over his shoulder.

"Next move Boss?" Jack asked Dogma, faintly mimicing Gremish's vocal patterns.

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(Very much edited)

The room was littered with decomposing corpses. Ripped apart flesh revealed bluish intestines. It was difficult to pinpoint single bodies from the carpet mass of rotting flesh everywhere.

The team checked ammo and changed clips, nervously looking around and lightly kicking nearby corpses.

"Next move Boss?" asked Jack to Dogma, lightening the air a bit by immitating Gremish's unmistakable accent.

"Alright, let's figure out what the frag is going on here. James and Jack, check out that other tunnel." Dogma pointed to the other tunnel, that seemed quiet enough. "Stay in touch. Synch up to Frequency 3. Back off if you get into trouble. Be careful" Dogma patted James on both shoulders and the two stealth masters were off.

"Sleel, set up a perimeter with your drones for now, and send one or two down the other tunnel. Don't waste ammo, this only recon."

"Mages, no astral projection just yet. I don't want to deal with your bodies getting possessed while you're out. Everyone else, within arm's reach of at least 1 other person at all times." Dogma finished his instructions and his team moved into action.

Dogma noticed Gypsy was crouched near Slinky, talking softly in her ear. The grenade... damn. Dogma came next to the girl.

"Slinky, sweety, we gotta stay focused."

Slinky had tears in her eyes, but she raised her chin up and nodded. She got up, dusted herself off, and headed away towards where her equipement bag lay.

Gypsy raised himself from where he was crouching, and Dogma put his arm on his shoulder. He also caught the eye of Rebo, Gremish and Tevos and beconned for them to come closer. The five of them made a small circle in the middle of the geometric design in the cave.

"Alright guys, you're the ones best suited to figure out what the frag is going on here. Where are we? How do we leave? Any theories, G? That circle looked hermetic... can you use it? Send us back or something?" asked Dogma, looking to his Awakened teammates for answers, trying not to think too much about the demons he'd just witnessed.

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(To clarify, I used an incindiary, not an explosive.)
"Right. I hope not everything in this buggered place is a para, or my ruthenium and thermal dampening won't be nearly as effective as it normally is.
Ghost time."
Keep it light, keep it light. Pretend we haven't been sent to Hell through the mother of all astral Veg-O-Matic mana warps, and maybe I'll make it through this with my sanity intact.

James threw the ruthenium cloak over his head, and his teammates heard a muffled hiss as his motley outfit sealed in his body heat. He moved like a ghost, only No'One, Dogma, and Ana able to hear so much as a whisper with their amped hearing. Gliding over the nauseatingly squishy floor, Jack slowly approaches the tunnel, his modified eyes sweeping for threats.
Now I can be sneaky again. Good. Odd that the only time I really feel at home is when I'm damn near invisible, but there you go.
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Gypsy watches in concern as Slinky moves unsteadily away. In response to Dogma's inquiries, the elf pauses and looks over the designs in question once again.

"The elements certainly should appear familiar, but I don't even remotely recognize any of the symbology involved. Of course, I haven't really had a chance to examine the Circle in any more than a cursory manner."

He regretfully shakes his head, glancing along the passage before continuing.

"Perhaps with a bit more study I could figure out its purpose, but I'm doubting we'll be given enough time."
Sleel nods to Dogma as his drones begin moving. With a quick glance at Slinky to check that shes doing at least somewhat ok, he looks back at the cratered and beaten demonic corpse and smiles grimly.
One Hernando and Gunther fly on either side of each tunnel entrance. Their standing orders of get a lock on anything coming through, and return fire if attacked. The 2 Arty drones spread out near the ceiling widening their areas of coverage, while the two Little Bird drones flutter off one down each tunnel. Finally, the two Ajax drones widen out over the team, orders to defend the team. Little birds instructions are to scout and alert Sleel of anything other than more tunnel, if they detect anyone/anything to come back ASAP and let him know.
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The rattled girl mumbles an apology to Dogma and the rest of the team. She busies herself sorting out her and Gypsy's gear and waves off Sleel's looks of concern, chastising herself with mutters curses under her breath. She runs a hand over her braided hair. She shakes her head and takes a few deep breaths, still unsettled as much by the explosion as by the beyond unimaginable circumstances the team has found itself in now.

Dear Ghostwalker, it is with great regret that I wish to tender my resignation from... no. That's not quite right. Dear Pale and Scaly, what sort of nightmarish demon 'reasearch mission' do you think... no. Too caustic... hmm... To whom it may concern: Frag fragging demons and dragons. Frag you all. Love, Slinky. She nods, satisfied, and makes herself into Jack's shadow.

"So, uh. Want to take a look around while the mana-heads investigate the circle?" She looks around and has second thoughts, but looks back at the chameleon man as she checks the ammo on her weapons.
Sandoval Smith
Jack took up a defensive position, ready to go down either tunnel if he got the order. The lull was good for him. He needed time to get his feet back under him. He didn't think that anyone'd particularly noticed his momentary breakdown. Too much gunfire, shouting, and everyone else simultaneously trying to keep their own hoops intact.

He adjusted the heavy weight on his back, casting a nervous eye over the recently un-undead strewn about the floor, and the still intact worm faced thing. He wanted to go over there and poke it, just to make sure it was really dead. He knew how these sort of scripts went though. He'd only have two options at that point. He could poke it, then turn around and declare it good and murdered, and then watch his team mates terrified expressions when it reared up behind him. Or he could lean over really close, and then get his face torn off. Bad plan. Very bad plan. He hoped that he wasn't classified as the obnoxious comic relief. That would also guarantee that he'd end up with his face being eaten right off of his skull.

He wondered what ruthenium dermal sheathing tasted like.

Magic was the problem. Because of magic, he had no idea where they were. Because of magic, he didn't dare turn his back on the dead things on the floor, just in case they weren't as dead as they should've been.

Jack shook his head, trying to keep his attention focused. There was too much mana, too much 'I'm sorry, it does what?' floating around here. It was freaking him out.

His attention went back to the zombies on the floor. The skin contrasts caused by decomposition were rather interesting. He'd never really tried mimicing a pattern that complicated before, and his skin started to flucuate in tones as he tried to reproduce the effect.
Sandoval Smith
Jack continued to play around with his skin tones in the back of his mind as he scoped out the tunnel. It made him more than a little nervous that it felt so familar. He tried to brush it off. Tunnels full of rocks were tunnels full of rocks. They probably all looked alike the world over.

What caves worldwide probably didn't share was that one tight spot, where his pack had gotten stuck going through, with that pattern in the cave wall just above it that made him think of Dunkelzahn eating an aircraft carrier.

He knew he shouldn't say it. He didn't want to say it. He was guranteeing his early and untimely demise by saying it, but he couldn't help himself. "I have a bad feeling about this."

He pressed on just a little farther, seeing further confirmation of familar rockforms. "Hey Boss," he radioed back to Dogma. "I think I have some bad news. Y'know, that place we were in Ireland, the one that suffered a serious lack of walking dead? It looks we're still there. This passage is the same passage we came down earlier today. "
HMHVV Hunter
Rebo walks around the perimeter of the mystical circle, taking a long look at the symbols on the off chance that he recognizes anything. It was probably a waste of time for him; he didn't believe in any of this mysticism that so many people connected with psi powers, but apparently these..."demons" did, and that left him at something of a disadvantage trying to understand this circle.

Giving up, he goes over to the tunnel and stands ready in case something comes out of it.
John jumps, the ruthenium 'skipping' for a moment with his sudden movement.
"Eep! When did you get there?"

He turns the stealth equipment off, the cloak going a dull gray as he unseals his thermo damping.
"However you managed to sneak up on me, you're right. This looks like the way out... and I don't like it either."

A nasty, nasty, nasty thought occurs to him as he walks back into the main chamber. Bending down to find a corpse- re-corpse- whatever the hell you call a dead zombie, he shuffles through the blood-soaked floor and overpowering smells to see if any of them have familiar faces through the basketball-sized wound cavities, months of decomposition and general ickiness.
[ Spoiler ]
Dogma sat re-reading on his pocket secretary for the tenth time the research data the team had accumulated on the anomaly before it has swallowed them. There were no answers, of course. His Awakened team mates could no more explain things now then they could before. He didn't blame them. What a cluster frag.

Jack's voice came in his head: "I think I have some bad news. Y'know, that place we were in Ireland, the one that suffered a serious lack of walking dead? It looks we're still there. This passage is the same passage we came down earlier today."

Dogma stayed perfectly still for a moment. What?. He remembered himself and sent a quick <<Copy that. Head back here>> message to the recon team.

No no no no no. This can't be. He raised his head. A sort of dry panic had taken him. The impossibility of things made his head spin. He looked over to where the mages were assembled, quietly talking and trading uncertain theories. He looked to each other of his team members, as they stood in proximity of each other, weapons in hand, never quite taking their eyes off the corpses around them.

Dogma closed his eyes. Alright. Frag the uncertain. Nothing is differant than any other circumstance. Recon, defend, regroup. Stay chill.

He waited till James and Jack came back from their reconnaissance of the tunnel. Before asking everyone to listen up.

"Alright, here's the situation." Dogma paused slightly. What was the situation?. "We've lost the primairy objective. We need to get back to it." He looked at his men, seeing that applying these familiar tactical terms to even such a FUBAR situation as this had a calming effect on everyone. "Intel indicates we're either somehow in the same cave that we were before we got swallowed, or we're in a very similar cave. There's no indication that we can make the anomaly undo or whatever what it did to us. So there's no point in staying here. We're going to head topside and investigate our surroundings. There's no way to tell what to expect, so stay alert. We have a lot of ammo also, but there's no telling when or even if we'll be able to resupply, so conserve ammo. No shooting at shadows. Continue to stay in pairs at all times."

"Move out."
Gypsy looks over in surprise when he hears Dogma's instructions. While he definitely agreed that there was nothing to be learned from the strange Circle, the thought of leaving before fully following up all possibilities goes against his scholarly nature.

Gathering what little gear he has, Gypsy wanders over and pulls the other elf aside.

"Do you think it's a good idea to leave just yet? From what Sleel says, that tunnel ends in a cave-in. Since he found no sign of whatever we heard going that way after the fight, it might be a good idea to see just how extensive the blockage really is. Whatever was making those sounds had to go somewhere, after all."

Gypsy reaches up and re-ties the black-and-green bandanna around his head as he looks around once again at the bodies scattered about the cavern.

"Besides, these things were here for a reason. I think we should try and find out why."
Dogma thinks it over for a brief moment, and nods.

"It'll take us some time to move all of the drones and gear up through those tight passages anyway. Take whoever you need to assist you. We'll start moving the stuff. Let me know if you find anything."
The slender elven sorcerer ponders who would be best for the task at hand. Ideally, he would need someone that can Astrally Project, which would mean Rebo, though the psychic warrior will obviously call it something completely different. He would also need someone capable of moving the obstacles if it becomes necessary. A Spirit would probably be best for this job, and Spirits are Tevos' forte. Of course, physical backup would be nice, and since he's already teamed with Slinky, she should come as well to fill that role.

The decision made, Gypsy gathers the three others together and fills them in on the plan.

"We need to explore the tunnel there. We can be sure that there was some kind of life down that way, but Sleel reports that the whole passage is empty and sealed by a cave-in."
"If we're going to be splitting up anyway, it'd be best to make it more or less even...and I think that answers to this are more likely to be found down here than up there. I'll go as well."
James checks his gun, chambers a round, and walks to the enterence of the other tunnel, waiting to see if anyone else will join the impromptu recon team.
HMHVV Hunter
OOC edit: never mind
Gypsy moves to where James has taken position near the tunnel entrance and lays his hand gently on the stealthy warrior's shoulder.

"Dogma's surface team is more-than-likely going to run into trouble sooner than we do down here. When he does, he's going to be needing your help, as he'll be a little short of magical aid until we can link up again, and will need every gun he can get. Especially yours!"
"All right..."
James switches groups, heading topside.
Sandoval Smith
Jack briefly considers leaving his pack down below. He doesn't want to get stuck in that crevice again, but he doesn't want to get to the top and realize that he really needs one of those nifty toys he left behind. He links his chip juke box to the datajack behind his ear, slotting a couple chips, swapping out the ones in his chipjack, twitching slightly as his mind adapts to its new facets. He slings the Cobra, pulling his Predator from his pack, screwing on it's silencer, and sliding his Slivergun into it's thigh holster.

"Gremish, why don't we take the lead? I'll keep my eyes and ears peeled on this plane of existence, if you keep track of what's going down on the other one."

As they start down the passage, he gives the rock bearing the pattern of Dunklezahn and the aircraf carrier one last look. He managed to stave off the sensation of reality dysfunction, of the same image, the same passage, the same structure somehow existing in two different places. It was because of something related to magic, and for now he would just have to leave it at that.

"I'll keep sending updates as long as I have a signal," his transducer sends to Dogma over his radio. "Maybe we'll get lucky and contact won't be broken so soon. Do you want to take video recordings of the whole passage for later review, or just anything interesting that we come across?"
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