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Full Version: [OOG] When Nature calls, have a Hangun Ready
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Mr Crisp
Nice pick up BTW Shaudes. I hope i haven't got you into more trouble! spin.gif
ok so liek WTF happened to Dumpshock for liek the last few days i havnt been able to ge tot he site cause verytime i typed int eh adress it acted like it was trying to open a file then said this file cannot be opened....

Anyone else have this problem?

Anyway im posting new IG now sry for the delay i honestly couldnt get ont he freaking site....
hrmm I think this must have been affecting alot of people.
My connection has been fine. But I've noticed very few posts in the last couple days. Glad it was a server issue and not people disappearing into RL.
Sandoval Smith
I've had a couple instances where I couldn't connect, but they always passed after an hour or so.
Sandoval Smith



I'm really glad that I'm sitting out in the van at this point.
have a fealing D-Trip will never hear the end of this one.
Um any reaction in the crowd or is everyone like sedated.
The crowd all seems sedated (ooc the pricks all failed lol i rolled for about 15 people and they all suck =P corse thier will is only 2 and 3....)
Mr Crisp
We're on a highway to hell, and D-Trips' the doing the catering. biggrin.gif
The following day. Mr. White send a whatcher out to contact his shamon friend back in NAN.
message "Mr. White would like to talk send time and place, He has info on a new spirit and somthing ealse."

Mr. White had arange to talk via astral projection remot meet with the shamon. Mr. White going to the shamon. Cheaper than longdistance or matrix.

Watcher comes back with tommarow noon at the lodge, in the spirit room, the normal place astral meetings happen you know.

As far as the map goes its a pretty good find the guy/ thing got for you its got a basic outline on the whole first 2 sections of the race, where they lead and partial info on the first 2 assignments.

(Saudes any luck editing the map? i sent it a few more times =P if not no worrys ill just make it available on my website and have everyone DL it then give writen descriptions =( )
i thout i sent it to ya. I'll try again. I converted it into a jpeg. Is thear a better e-mail to send it too
QUOTE (Gremish)
Watcher comes back with tommarow noon at the lodge, in the spirit room, the normal place astral meetings happen you know.

That would be dark Rusin time then... Would work fine.....
That should place the astral talk the evening befor our test.. Local time
Alright im out of commision for a few days (looking like till tuesday) my grandmother has passed away so ive suddenly got funeral things to do and well that takes away all computer time....

Im sry guys but this really takes presidence over the computer ill be back asap and i hope to post tommarow.... today im already leaving for the pre-funeral thing.
Our condulenes man. We understand.
Mr Crisp
You have my sympathies.

Still digesting whats happened in-game, you devious GM you.
lol like you can complain u got a demon for a contact... kinda...

no IG post yet waiting for more replys and the funeral is today =-/ be back tommarow sry guys
Char Sheet: Random Demon Dude.

Insert some rediculas values.


Everything Every Demon needs to know 101


Who needs equipment.

Ghost: Level 3 - Soul Owned
D-Trip: Level 3 - Soul Owned
Hot Stuff: Level 2- Local Demon Go Gang

Sandoval Smith
Yeah, I think for the rest of the game, Chauncy's response to most things are going to be: "Yeah... I'm just going to wait in the van. I run into less evil that way."
Mr. White Raises his hand Im still hear playing.
Alright, all funeral thigns outa the way im back. =)
Mr Crisp
Demon for a CONTACT you say? (D-Trip starts wondering how much his soul is worth. His worthless hide should be worth a solid gold Honda Viking at least.)

Yeah, hands up here Sand!
new post on your mission.

Any questions plz ask =) ill post back asap
What is the current time. Will they provide anything else besides weapons?

Have some more questions based on the answers to what was asked.

The time is now 6pm on tuesday, your window of opertunity starts 6pm Wednesday. You have 24 hours to prepare. im looking for a map that will be suitable for the mision if i find one ill post a link here.
Game plane.

Try to scout out the location befor hand, Net, astral. there was no mentino of thos things not being alowed. Just befor midnight do another recon to get an idea of flag location. Sounds like there are 5 of us left, Ghost, D-Trip, the congerer and me, Mr. White, and the rigger.. I will be verry less efective after the sun comes up so lets try to get the job done befor that time.

1st we will need to get buy the extereor guards.
i could Imp. Invis Most of us, but i'd be at a +4 on all my TN's
pysical masking us as guards could be another optin.

Who has stealth, and who has Electronics and electronics b/r? well need that for the security.

2nd get inside and retreve the flag
Interigating guards, using mind probe. Astraly serching, physicaly serching.

3rd get out with the flag.

sujestions coments?
Hmm I've have electronics/maglocks but no B/R I'm not sure how Grem runs his bypassing systems. (Personaly I think its nuts to have to take 2 skills to get passed a lock) + ruthenium suit + stealth + disguise skill. And some others bits and pieces.

Given the nature of the defense I'm sure the guards are aware of the situation so would be very suspicious of any sort of deviation of guards. And they are expecting to be attacked. Far from the norm.

Depending on the situation we COULD try a stealth drop onto the roof of the building via chopper, but we'd need a silence spell of some sort as well as invis.

Sewers are also an option.
I do not have silenc spell in my list, mostly support spells. Ofensive is stun bolt and stun ball
The mission time starts today (thursday) we will consider the time based on the FIRST post by a PC wether that be ahead or behind the 6pm Time marker. from there ill keep you updated as time goes by..... this will be heavy post time people so if i skim by time and you werent there ... sry this is a timed thing your trying to complete.

FYI Miss Warfield is currently come down with some sort of flu and is currently puking her guts out in the nearest bathroom.... so she wont be much help for this mission =)
Hmm...wonder what sort of magical security they have...if it isn't too tight...could always send a air elemental in to retrieve the flag.
Air elemental could work but probably use the same premise as drones when they "consider" it dead you'll have to dump it.

EQ for Run Will check rest when I get home.

Elite + Ammo
Taser + Ammo
Merlin Coat
Keypad Sequencer Rating [4]
Maglock Passkey Rating [4]
Ruthenium Suit
Stealth Rope + Catalyst
I will do a preliminary astral search of place, so we have a basic layout to work with for our plan.
I'll take ghosts lead as this is her specialty.

By basic eq. ill be runing.

Winter coeralss 4/4
Sustaining focus 4 Armor4
net amor 10/8

Sustaining focus 1 Improve Reflexes +3

Savalette Guardian w/ SLII & SLII shades to go with it.

main spells
Imp Invis(fetished) F6
Stun Bolt 6S
Stun Ball 6M
FYI im puting up a drawn map of the coumpond based on what u have gathered, it will be up mid afternoon wednesday. Once it is posted your time limit starts... as for the 12 hour limit we will see how it goes but ill keep u posted as much as posible. its now your move guys...
Hmm what time are we going in? Soon after midnight or let em sweat a bit? 4 in the morning is probably a good time to hit.
Mr. white will lose his efectiveness when the sun comes up. He is for us going in right away
Well last I checked 4am is still dark smile.gif Its winter so still dark till lateish I believe?

And I don't intend to be in there more than ah hour if we can help it.
ok its your call
ok so the maps being slightly more difficult then i thought.... my scanner blew up and im buying a new one =P other then that im gone from today till sunday ill try and repost the map sunday.
Map in IG section sry a better one wouldnt freaking post =( i hope to have better next time we need one.
Sandoval Smith
Gremish, I asked before but didn't get an answer. Is it okay for Chauncy to stay outside, while his drones go in?

Especially if the plan is to split up, lugging around Chauncy's unconcious body is going to be a major liability. Whereas, if he stays in the van, he can control the drones, and when the time comes to make your escape, he can cover your exit from the van turret, drive up to the door, everyone hops in, and then off you go to the drop off point for the flag.
Absolutly sir i thought i already answered that, this is your mission and any way you want to go about it is fine... if thats 1 person going in or everyone thats your choice.
I will not be abble to reply till monday, so Grim run Mr, White if you need to, inorder for this to go smothly. All my info should be in the prep thread

[ Spoiler ]
Sandoval Smith
Chauncy's laid out what role he's going to fill, so he's ready to go when the rest of you are. What happens on the inside is going to be your business.

Gremish: I know there is a large open area around the building, but how much farther out do you have to go before you start encountering vehicle traffic on the roads again. I want to know how far out Chauncy has to take the van if he needs to change positions, without having the guards being able to immediatly go, 'hey, what's that doing there?'
About 50 feet or so before u encounter more traffic...

I also guys will be extremely busy with easter this weekend so were all but shut down for now.... im sry the family loves this stuff which means i get to tag along =(
For when you get back...what elements are the elementals?
Fire and Water
Water....had to be water...
eswtimated force of elementals?
ok if wizbang can handel teh elementals with his spirits we can take the guards
Of course, gotta get past the fact that I failed my willpower roll for my flashbacks flaw first...
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