Jan 7 2005, 01:09 PM
Here is any OOG questions ect also Combat will be done here ill post then you all can do it through this you will ALL be doing your OWN dice rolling as i believe in the honor system and if u wanan cheat ill find out evenualy so its all good =)
Jan 7 2005, 04:27 PM
Question what time of the year is it, and about what times does the sun rise and go down.
I am asuming that Mr. White recives the meet info the night befor.
Jan 7 2005, 05:26 PM
Meep...the undead are recruiting us into their ranks...
And yes, that's a good question...just when did we get our messages?
Jan 7 2005, 09:12 PM
You all got your different messages at different times. most the NIGHT before. based on what i wrote u can gage whatever you think your character would think it best and thats when it comes... odd aye? Also its november then sun rises at about 6-7 and falls at about 6 nightly.... i live just north of detriot in RL so thats about correct =)
Jan 7 2005, 10:18 PM
Ghost is looking for info on Harpy's what sort of place it is, where it is, what sort of people visit the place, any reputations based on it.
Also any info on Mr Warfield.
Area Knowledge Denver: 5 2 2 2
Computer: 5 5 3 2
Etiquette: 10 7 3 1
Sandoval Smith
Jan 8 2005, 06:36 AM
Hey Tashio, I don't think that Denver knowledge is going to help you any.
Here are his dice rolls to see if he's heard about Harpy's before, and what he can find out about Mr. Warfield with a computer search.
(I like exploding my dice)
Area Knowledge - Detroit/Street Layout 3/5
Ettiquette-Street 3/5 (in case he has to ask anyone)
Computer (chip 4 + Expert Driver 3): Warfield
Computer (ditto): Harpy's (in case you want a specific search for each)
Jan 8 2005, 07:43 AM
ROFL oops that should be detroit not denver knowledge, no idea why I had denver on my mind.
Mr Crisp
Jan 8 2005, 03:15 PM
I've been trying to get on AIM Gremish, to see how you're going with openRPG, but i can't get through the registration! I can use most of the features of openRPG now, like making character sheets with all the die rolls and making 'modules' with preprogrammed text. Anyway let me know if you need some help with it, it's worth the trouble.
I'd like to use Criminal Politics to see if Mr. Warfield is a notable player. I'll probally be probing Alfonse for info on Harpys and Mr. Warfield, but i intend to post again soon, and i'll do it then.
(SK) Criminal Politics/ Detroit 3/5
10, 2, 1, 1, 2.
Jan 8 2005, 04:15 PM
Mr. White looked Harpys up in the LTG listings. If its not there he'll need to ask around.(Etiquet 1/1/2) (English 1/3) Umm.. think he insulted some one.
And then he'll hafta ask his Fixer where it is. That would be embarising. (Etiquet 1/3/7)(English 2/10)
Jan 8 2005, 04:40 PM
Harpys- A well known night club mostly for known for its hard events and live music. This si the place to make a name for yourself in detriot as a rock star. But the shadows run deep here chummers. The facilty has several "private meet " rooms and walking around a suit pops up here or there that doesnt fit the atmosphere at all.
(Anyone with Detriot knowlegde or gang kno that rolls over a 4 gets the below info. Ide email it but it seems like everyones got it but a few so screw it =P)
Harpys- 3 floor night club. Mostly gangers, and is secretly run by the gang Lady Harpys. After years of business since the 1990's the night club has had its ups and downs. Being that it was in down town Detriot when everyone knew the best thing to wear when going there was a Kevlar Vest, the Place has still managaed to attract ayoung croad. Then the shadows opened upa nd Harpys went full swing into the action. After talkign around you manage to find out this place is liek a shadowrun FRONT. The best detriots SR's get thier biz here and if your lucky enought o get a job off\er form the place either be ready for big money or being cannon fodder. Mr. J's that frequent the place range from most of the upper area corps and of course Ares. Other then that harpys is a well built and upkept facility of non stop music and action... one of the few places in Metro Detriot that hasnt fallen down or been blown up over the years even with Ares rebuilding the city.
Mr. Warfield- You find out...................................ABSOLUTLY DREK on this guy. Hes a ghost no ones heard of him no one knows him.... you begin to wonder if he even exists.... i mean come on everyoens got a bloody record... guess you will have to meet him to make sure he exists aye?
Jan 8 2005, 07:05 PM
Sandoval Smith
Jan 8 2005, 08:25 PM
But with less flies, I hope.
I've updated my IC post to reflect on the search results.
Jan 8 2005, 11:55 PM
SO being a club Does Harpys have real food or just have snakcs?
Also what time do thay open?
Jan 9 2005, 01:01 AM
And Pappa Deaux has very nice skin.
Mr Crisp
Jan 9 2005, 08:04 AM
So, for interacting with the bouncer to find out if Warfield has a reservation. I'm not sure which one you want, Negotiation if you think i'm not meant to know, Etiquette/ Street if it's a simple exchange. D-Trip will gladly hand over his Alta if the bouncer wants it.
Negotiation or Etiguette/ Street 5
5, 4, 3, 1, 2.
And another roll if bribery is involved, to get the bouncer to tell D-Trip of a Resrvation for Warfield.
Negotiation 5
10, 3, 7, 1, 5.
Also later, when D-trip is chillng out using his cyber ears to eaves drop, so Perception test. For, you guessed it, conversations about Warfield.
Intelligence 4
3, 8, 5, 4.
And if you think D-Trip needs to be sly when eaves dropping, a Stealth Roll.
2, 9, 1.
Jan 9 2005, 08:47 AM
For anyone noticing Scott. He's about 5'6", quite skinny, long black hair. Dressed in a synth leather jacket and blue denim jeans and a pair of boots.
Perception Check, using eyes and ears.
10 7 5 4 3 1
15 5 4 4 3 1
Scott is wearing FFBA - hood but he has it on him. He carries his Elite in a concealed holster and a cougar fine blade sheathed on his back.
Jan 9 2005, 02:11 PM
Harpys is a bar and grill by day (7am to 6 pm) and a night club by night (go figure) the place does a total coversion twice a day once at 6am it shuts down to turn into a bar and grill and once at 6pm to turn into a Night Club. If you walked in and didnt know it was the same dman building you would think you were somewhere else. They serve Good REAL food... for a pretty penny.... while its a grill and snacks while a NC. its open nearly 24/7 excepting the 2 hours for switches. Empolys about 60 people. The food is cooked right in front of you, much like mongolian BBQ if anyones every been.
Jan 10 2005, 08:27 PM
For perception checks plz read in game post =)
Jan 10 2005, 11:02 PM
I'll write up tomorrow its late and bed time for me, so leaving a note here for both myself and to give you a chance to get answers if needed.
[ Spoiler ]
Would removing the opposition be counted towards keeping her safe.
How many people entered.
How long is the race for.
125k each or split amoungst survivors?
Are we all expected to drive, or can we be classified as pit crew?
Does she have to win or simply complete the race alive?
Sandoval Smith
Jan 11 2005, 04:13 AM
Most of these you can find the answer for in the post.
1: Yes. Removing the opposition with extreme prejudice seems to be SOP for the racers.
2: Unknown
3: Unknown
4: Each.
5: Neither and both. This isn't an Indy or Nascar race. There is no pit crew, nor will we be in a car tooling around a track. Since this is a trans continental, combat orientated race, having a team that can fight, keep their vehicle going, and not be immediately screwed if their rigger gets shot will be important. If we have more than one vehicle (I kind of recommend it, Big Dog will be a little tight if it's the only vehicle for all the people and gear) then it's going to be a convoy tyoe situation.
6: We're not expected to win the race (although kudos, and a lot of nuyen to us if we do) we just have to keep her alive.
Jan 12 2005, 01:31 PM
Ok posted ont he IG for everyoen to read i tryed to get most of the questions you asked but a MAJOR thing right now is i am aqualy writing a map.... this will take a little time which may or may not slow down gameplay for a few days but during this time as i write documents encounters and map ect you may all upgrade equipt research or do whatever you want.... if u want it private PM me if u want everyone to know post it and ill reply within 24 hours. I work nights and i have school now but i still try and check the boards 3-4 times a day. Weekends might be a little different cause i leave the area and away form all computers for 2 weekends a month =P on those weekends post all you like and illg et back to u as soon as i return.
Jan 12 2005, 08:32 PM
In response to the OOC comments in the IC thread, I have a whopping 2 points in car, if it helps. Hmm...for shopping...I might want to stock up further on conjuring materials...we're likely going to want to have at least one elemental present at all times, in addition to any spirits. And watchers for keeping an eye on the road ahead
Sandoval Smith
Jan 12 2005, 09:06 PM
I moved my OOC comments to this thread.
OOC: I'll keep a running list of the modifications he's making on Big Dog in the OOG thread. Also, I really think we're going to need a second vehicle. Do we have anyone else with any sort of driving skill? Also, if we want anything good (and no one's got something appropriate) we're going to have to pool resources to get and outfit another vehicle.
Gremish, what procdure do you want us to follow for acquiring gear? Fixers and ettiquette tests? Any limitations on availability?
Big Dog modifications:
6x spare Runflat Standard tires 2400
5x Offroad tires (in case we end up with no roads somewhere) 2500
Engine Customization 3 - 7800
Enviroseal: Engine/Water -
7000 - 1 CF
External Cargo Mounts 15CF -
3750 -
Winch 4 -
2000 - CF 1
5,000 rnds LMG 10,000
500 rounds MMG -
Steel Lynx:
3000 rounds
20 HE Grenades
20 AP Grenades
We're going to be out there a long time. Don't want to risk running out of ammo for the drones.
Micro Flare Launcher 50
4x micro flares 300
30 m2 camaflauge netting 900
Canteen and Mess kit 15
Sleeping Bag 175
2x tent 550
100x Field Rations, self heating 500
Camo Full Suit (desert) 1200
Thermal Dampening 6 9000
Chemseal 2 500
Camo Full Suit (snow) 1200
Insulation 6 900
nonconductive 2 400
7 x Regular Clothes 350
2x 55 gallon water barrells ??
Desert Goggles 25
Seismic Mike 3000
4 x Powdered Graphite 100
4 x Compressed Air Blowers 20
Snowshoes 100
(MP5-TX Mod)
-Folding stock 200
-10 x regular 450
-10 x ExEx 2050
-8 x Gel 520
(Remington mod)
-Ultrasound Shades 2200
-Ultrasound Sight 300
- 10 x Regular 150
- 5 x ExEx 235
(Frenchi Mod)
-Foregrip 100
-Underbarrel Weight 50
-15 x Regular 375
-10 x Flechette 250
Jan 12 2005, 10:33 PM
Mr. White prep list
Arangers for his car to be put in storadge or sells it.
Contacts every one and helps get the prepwork organized.
Mr. White is strictly a night OWL figurativly and literaly. He will be good help for night security.
He can help with nature spirits (provide concelment from enemy teams) and watchers (scouting alerts, Comunication with supply team)
Most usefull things i can provide is shaping the terain, and healing magic.
Is looking into some possable long range magic support from his lv2 contact
We need to be prepared for watter and air travel too.
Light security armor may not be a bad idea, but would it be practical for a race?
Dont forget cold weather gear.
Traks for the vehicel for heavy snow a good idea.
2ndary vehicel? SUV/RV Land Raover 2046 might be a good option w/ modifications
Jan 12 2005, 10:49 PM
The Ford Sponser is a set up as was posted =) They have no real allignement other then giving you thier name as a sponser so you look real to the daughter.
Jan 13 2005, 04:09 AM
Bonk's preparations:
Stock up on lots of hot dogs.
Pack an armor jacket and a suit of light security armor.
Jan 13 2005, 04:43 AM
Au so we are geing these rally big stikkers to put on the vehicels that we use.
Jan 13 2005, 07:14 AM
Hey, Gremish. If you don't mind, I am going to drop out of this game. Thanks for letting me join in and all.
Sandoval Smith
Jan 13 2005, 10:16 AM
Does anyone have a chipjack? Then you can at least get a decent level Driving chip, and well have the second driver. If we can pool 200-250K then we can get a fully equipped and outfitted Ares Citymaster. I've done everything I can with Big Dog (I'm out of cargo space for adding more stuff), and I'm fully equipped, so I can throw 38,000k in. It looks like Bonk and Frank aren't going to be spending much, so if they threw in all 75,000, that's enough for the base Citymaster right there (I'll make sure it's got plenty of mustard).
Hmm, I don't suppose we can get Os' share split between us? (or if the whole thing went towards the new truck, there we go, that should be enough right there).
One question for Mr. Warfield: Can his daughter drive or rig? That's solve some of our problems right there. If not, would it be possible for one of the other players to take a crash course driving sim or something, so that in three weeks we have one person with a Drive skill of four?
Gremish, maybe it would help to make a character catagory like in 'Earth Dawn' That'd make keeping track of everybody a bit easier.
Jan 13 2005, 10:51 AM
Tz sry to see you go man =/ any reason u dont wanna join us? Also i posted IG, as you will more then likly be happy to hear i provided several Vehicles for your enjoyment. Upon the Trip to russia Cassey informsyou that she is highly skilled in Driving all types of vehicles althoguh that isnt what she is used to doing and she is not a riger. She doesnt seem to have a bit of Crome on her either.
Sandoval Smith
Jan 13 2005, 11:13 AM
Well shucks, and here I was hoping I'd get to play with a Citymaster. Just to be specific, what model of vehicles are they? When we're in Russia, we're free to upgrade them as we like?
Jan 13 2005, 02:26 PM
You are free to upgrade them as you like but at this time you do not know the specs nor the full model of any vehicle. i got alot of writing to do and i will post them shortly they DONT seem to have any weapons atm, you are free to do what you want with them though they are yours until u finish the race.
Sandoval Smith
Jan 13 2005, 02:41 PM
Gotcha, I figured that we'd be getting the 'basic' models. Not too many vehicles actually come with weapons equipped.
Jan 13 2005, 03:54 PM
=) yeah but alot of people would think that.
Mr Crisp
Jan 13 2005, 09:35 PM
OK, so D-trip can't drive a car at all, but he has a basic skill in Bike, hopefully i'll get a chance to spend some karma on it. I propose he ride as scout, and if need be, remove any enemies that get attached to our vehicles. I'll be easy prey for any rigger on a bike of using a drone, so i hope someone will cover me. Also is there any point in getting rigger adaption if you don't have a VCR?
So here is a list of the things D-Trip will buy with his own money, he'll pool the money he gets from Warfield, so Sandoval has enough Cred to mod the vehicles.
1 Mortimer 'Great Coat' TrMod
1, 875
200 Rnds of EX Explosive ammo TrMod
3, 800
1 Camo Full Suit (Snow) TrMod
1, 500
5 Stimm Patches (6) TrMod
Other than that D-Trip takes all his gear except for his Simdeck, and BTLs.
If you need help preparing things for openrpg Gremish send me list of what you want done if it won't destroy the story line. I can make vehicles and NPC's, and to make dice rolls for them you only have to press a button, have i told you i've found SR3 character sheets for it? On the same note if any one needs help making their character for openRPG, let me know if you want some help. That is if we are still gonna try to use it.
Jan 13 2005, 10:21 PM
Deaux buys-
A Camo Full Suit (Snow)-
20x Rifle Clips (Normal, each 5 rounds)-
20x Rifle Clips (Explosive)-
50 x Ares Predator (15-Round Normal Clip)-
He spends 15,000 on gold, gems, or anything else that's solid and worth money. He puts the rest into a bank account, anonymous naturally.
Jan 14 2005, 01:00 AM
Ok acccording to the books and if i cant find it there ill make it a house rule cause it makes sense EVERYONE can DRIVE a regular car. The DRIVE skill allows you to do feats that normal people canot even immagine. Going 50 down a normal road anyone can do. Hitting a jump doing 250 kpm landing it and doing a barrel roll across the desert is a whole different world......
Jan 14 2005, 01:57 AM this would be my char's first serious line of fire run, got alot of shopping to addition to being prepared for anything...folks are preparing for snow...we'll likely wind up in the deserts as well...and other inhospitable terrain.
Secure Jacket - 850
Ceszka vz/120 - 500 (yes...with no pistols skill to go with it...hopefully he'll have time to learn along the way)
20 clips (18 rounds) regular - 820
Desert Survival Kit - 600
Polar Tent - 500
Desert Goggles - 25
Thermal Air Bag - 1000
50 meters rope - 125
Cold Suit - 1500
Rappeling Gloves - 50
Large Military Rucksack - 150
GPS - 700
Total - 6820
and all that is before I decide just how much I want to pick up in the way of conjuring equipment...I still get the feeling I'm forgetting something...oh well, I can pick up other stuff in Russia.
Sandoval Smith
Jan 14 2005, 04:02 AM
Right, just driving a car, pulling out of your parking space, going to the Stuffer Shack, then over the river and through the woods to Grandma's house is so simple you don't even need a roll.
Why I've been so insistant on someone else getting a decent driving skill is that I rather doubt this is going to be that easy. Especially when you start getting invovled in moving combat, especially with some people on bikes (wipeouts = teh sux). Driving under diffulcult conditions and fighting while moving will probably be SOP for the next nine months, so the PCs had better be prepared for that.
*edit* I don't think that we'll be spending the entire time out in the wild. There should be plenty of civilized places for rest and restocking. On the other hand, there will probably be days long stretches where there's nothing but us and the road. Breaking down or getting stuck in such a place without the proper preparations will be a Very Bad Thing. So for the people who've picked up minimal gear, I highly recommend adding some survival stuff.
Also, who has Rigger 3? I have an almost perverse fondness for creating and modding vehicles, so if you don"t have a copy of the book, I can help you out.
Jan 14 2005, 08:59 AM
If I recall if you don't have driving skill you default to Reaction.
Jan 14 2005, 04:59 PM
ive thought about this a bunch guys and Sand is correct so heres your shot.... you have 6 FREE build points to spend on ANY driving skills you would liek to take. Also if u wanna make a fast respend thats fine too. My lack of foresight into this was silly on my part (i should have told u all at least with hints to take a driving skill) so thats why you ge this bonus.... thats EVERYONE including Sand who already has a few =) mabye u cna fly the Copter now =D
Mr Crisp
Jan 14 2005, 05:20 PM
So lay it on me Sandoval, shall i ditch the bike? Am i gonna kill myself on the thing?
And i don't know if i'm using this skill correctly, but i wanted to use Leadership/Marole to get on the good side of Cassey since we'll be spending so much time with her.
Leadership/Morale 1/3
1, 4, 2
Jan 14 2005, 05:25 PM
hrmm I can pick up the chopper if no-one else wants.. maybe time to switch one or two skills and pick up some gunnery and such, don't think I can pick up a VCR in 3 days and Dunno how good russian hospitals are
Sandoval Smith
Jan 14 2005, 06:34 PM
QUOTE (Mr Crisp @ Jan 14 2005, 12:20 PM) |
So lay it on me Sandoval, shall i ditch the bike? Am i gonna kill myself on the thing? |
Well, if you use those points that Gremish gave you to up it to 6, it'd make you a pretty accomplished biker. You'd be at a disadvantage going head to head against a rigger, but I doubt that all our oppenents are all going to have VCR 3s.
Or, you might want to split that six points amongst a couple vehicle skills. Past the first one, I'd say take a look at your reaction score, and decide at what level you need to have a skill to make it better than defaulting.
And I'm definetly going to put these points to good use. I've got pretty much every vehicle skill there is on chip. The downside to that though, is you can't use dice pools with chip skills, and not having access to my rigging pool for most vehicles is a real bummer.
Jan 14 2005, 06:45 PM
thos 6 BP should alow Mr. whiet to get is car 2 to a car 6. I realy dot see him drivign a bike, not his style.
Car2-Car4 (2bp) -car 6(4 more bp becouse its over his quknes 4 right)
Jan 14 2005, 11:56 PM skill up to 6 here as well.
Jan 15 2005, 07:55 AM
Shaudes Car is based on Reaction not Quickness so you only go double points once you go over that.
Okay i'll pick up the chopper and maybe do a quick rearange and see if I can pick up some gunnery skill or such.
Mr Crisp
Jan 15 2005, 09:56 AM
So 6 BP's, with 3 i get Bike upto 5, with the other 3 bp's i was thinking of getting an automatic weapon, preferably an assault rifle. So once again Sandoval or Gremish i need some help. Here's what i propose, if i can shoot a SMG or Rifle from a bike i'll get the appropriate skill. If i have to get an automatic weapon fixed to the Viking by a firm point or what ever, do i still use the Assault Rifle skill or will i need Gunnery skill?
It'll be
7,000 to get rigger adaption for the Viking, assuming i'll need to pay extra for Troll modification. Any way, if the only benefit i'll get is a -1tn for manuover tests i'm not sure it's worth it, unless an adaption rig is required to fire a mounted weapon while riding a bike.
And i decided to buy some Goggles with vision magnification if it's not to late at
All this is pretty much moot, if it's to late to purchase these things. Unless we can stuff "on the road".
Sandoval Smith
Jan 15 2005, 02:52 PM
Since we've got three weeks pre-start in Russia, I assume there's plenty of time to pick up misc (check out my list so far on page one). If it's okay, I'm going to wait until we see what vehicles we have access to before I chose where my skill points go. It could be a very important issue what vehicles can be used with a control pool in a crunch.
SR3: 86: Gunnery governs the use of all vehicle mounted weapons, whether in mounts, pintles, or turrets. So yes, if you you want to mount a gun in anyway on your bike, you'll need the gunnery skill to use it effectively.
Gunnery would probably be a good skill for whoever ends up riding in Big Dog with Chauncy, since that has a pop up turret with an assualt rifle and grenade launcher.
How many people have smartlinks, and what kind? I'm trying to decide whether to get the smartlink 1 or 2 mod to go with the pop up turret.
Jan 15 2005, 05:56 PM
Mr. White uses Smartgoggels.
Smartlink 2 is good idea it can always down grade to a smartlink 1 right?
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