Jan 13 2005, 04:49 PM
I still dont know what nitch Rodger fills...
[ Spoiler ]
Percy Richards
'Iron Rodger Reed'
Str 7
Bod 5
Qui 6
Int 6
Wil 6
Cha 5
Reaction 7 (10)
Initive 1d6+7 (2d6+10)
Essance 2.08
Bio Index 1.90
Essance Index 5.08
Dice Pools:
Combat 9
Karma 1
Skills: (active)
Gunnery 6
Heavy Weapons 5
Heavy Weapons B/R 3
Launch Weapons 3
Assault Rifles 4
Pistols ('The Pirate Pistol') 4/6
Pistols B/R 3
Edge (Cutlass) 3/5
Athletics (Swimming) 2/4
Diving 3
Motorboat 5
Motorboat B/R 3
Sailboat 2
Ship 2
Etiquette 3
Intimidation 2
Skills: (knowledge)
In: Distillery 3
BG: Music 4
In: Cuisine 3
Atlantis Research 2
Smuggling Networks (Caribbean) 3/5
BG: Projectile Weapons 2
BG: Biotech (implant) 2/4
BG: Submarines 4
SV: Navigation (sea) 4/6
English (Pirate Speech) 4/6
Spanish 2
Portuguese 2
Biomonitor Processor
+ Subdermal Display
Obv Cyber Forearm (right)
+Smartlink 2
+Fingertip Compartment
Wired Reflexes 1 (alpha)
+ Refx trigger (alpha
Reaction Enhance 1
+knowsoft link
Datajack (alpha)
Internal GPS
Electronic Mag 3 (retnal mod)
Muscle Toner 1
Muscle Augmentation 2
Enhanced Articulation
Hair Growth
Thermo graphic Vision
Resist to Toxins/Disease (+2)
Longer Heal +2TN
Lesser Immunity (+2 to power)
Gear: <Name (Firing Code) {Conc.} [Damage] Clip size (type) ¥cost>
Spear Gun (SS) {-} [6m] SL 2 ¥2200
Ceska Scorpion (SA/BF) {5} [6l] 35© RC:1 SL1 ¥1870
*M60E4 MMG (FA) {-} [9s] 100 Belt SL 2 ¥13200
+intg. Bipod
*H&K G36/7KA3 (SA/BF/FA) {3} [9s] 20© SL 2 ¥2150
+ intg Mag 1 sight
+ intg laser sight
*Pirate Pistol (SA/BF) {4} [10m] 2(b) ¥3300
ArmTech MGL-6 (SA) {3} [grenade] 12© SL 1 ¥4400
Gyro Mount Std. RC:5 ¥2750
Gas Vent 4 RC:4 ¥1000
Shock Pads RC:1 ¥200
Fore Grip RC:1 ¥100
Bipod RC:2 ¥400
Quick Draw Holster (conc.) ¥150
Bayonet ¥50
2 Silencers ¥1000
Suppresser ¥750
Mag 3 scope ¥1200
Diving Eq: total ¥7895
+Wet Suit
+Face Mask
+Comp Belt
+SUCBA Tank (2)
+Dual Tank Assembly
Grapple Gun ¥450
+100 Meters line ¥50
Gunsmith Kit (Pistol) ¥1000
Vehicle Kit ¥1000
General Kit ¥500
Flash Pack ¥250
Secure Ultra Vest 4/3 ¥385
FFBA 4/1 ¥2200
Leather Pants 0/2 ¥875
Cutlass {4} [(Str+2)m] +1 reach ¥1100
(20) Concussion Grenades [12m Stun] ¥600
(10) Def HE Grenades [10s] ¥300
(10) Off HE Grenades [10s] ¥300
(10) Smoke Grenades ¥300
(10) White Phosphorus Grenades [14m/10L] ¥1200
(5) Incendiary Grenades [special? cc 41] ¥250
- 9mm (Ceska)
(5) 35 reg ¥375
(1) 35 Ex Explosive ¥355
-7.62 NATO (M60 + H&K)
(2) 100 belt (w/ tracers) ¥350
(1) 100 belt explosive ¥500
(50) loose Flechette ¥500
(100) loose reg. ¥200
(2) 20 Gel ¥130
(1) 20 Hollow point ¥105
(3) 20 reg ¥ 75
- colt.45 (pirate pistol)
(40) loose reg. ¥80
(5) Spear Gun Spears ¥2500
Leftover cash $157,307
Percy. Not exactly that kind of name that a pirate of famous proportions would have. However, he made due. Not that he IS a pirate of epic proportions, but ‘Iron Rodger’ will attest to everything. Up to and including being the Gingerbread Man.
May haps a bit of history is in order. But we’ll skip to the good part. He joined up with a merchant marine crew, and 16 days to Shangi, was boarded by a gang of thieves. According to his accounts, he ‘narrowly escaped with his life’ along with 3 cases of sake, and a rubber raft. And 9 days later, he was picked up, totally off his rocker with thirst, exposure, and alcohol poisoning. By that same ‘gang of thieves’. Things where not looking good for Percy. It also turns out that a half mad dwarf with a hangover is wondrous entertainment for people who have not had good dirty fun in too long. Thusly Percy and his ‘iron liver’ became part of the crew. Sadly, some years later off the north cost of South America, his ship was sunk during a running gun battle with the Aztlan Navy. He was more fortunate this time, having good weeks worth of food and water, a few books, a flare gun, and four cases of black market vodka, in a covered life raft. However, he was lost at sea for 28 days, the books where all badly written romance novel knock offs of Pirates of the Caribbean, the flare gun had no flares, and it was cheap vodka. Somehow, the UCAS coast guard picked him up. Having been listed as dead for several years tends to discredit all but the best stories. Thusly, he was now broke, sober, and a ‘little’ off in the head. So he stole a boat. And promptly had no idea what to do with it, other then try to flag down passing yachts so he could attempt to rob them. It didn’t work all that well. But with time (and we mean a lotta time) he figured out the method to correctly boarding and looting a ship. Starting with NOT calling yourself Percy. Hence, with a waterlogged copy of Dr Spock's baby book, he became ‘Iron Rodger’. A steady diet of fishing trawlers off the North east coast, spring break tours off the south east coast, and smuggling everything everywhere, eventually earned him enough money to upgrade. Multiple back room body mods, a small arsenal of weapons and one slightly used race boat later, he realized that his new craft wasn’t as sea worthy as his last. Sounds like time to find work…
Im still all for a yacht. Big, fast, sleeps 10. Comes with a fully stocked mini bar...
Jan 13 2005, 04:53 PM
Lindt, you know that the speargun takes its own skill Speargun(Qui) right?
Just like the Bracer, Blowgun, Gyrojet Pistol, Briefcase SMG, etc...
Jan 13 2005, 04:55 PM
Meh, so I default. If Im using the spear gun Im pretty much screwed anyway.
Jan 13 2005, 04:55 PM
Ok, just thought I'd make sure you knew that (as I actually WILL have the speargun skill.)
Jan 13 2005, 05:43 PM
QUOTE (Jaruen @ Jan 13 2005, 08:11 AM) |
There is the Vulcan Mini sub, pp 188-189 in Rigger 3. It can hold up to 8 people, in patrol mode, 'only' costs 1.2 mil. We could beef one up if RangerJoe comes up with a good discount. This would keep us closer to shore, maybe operate from a secret base, YARR!!!!, but it would be doable. And kinda fun, go more for a 20,000 leagues under the sea instead of the Black Pearl. Just a thought. Probably a dumb one. YARR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
good Idea, but change the sub.
Ranger Joe, can we get an old soviet-bloc attack or missle submarine?
(missle sub would be better. Quieter, and take out the missles and use the space for cargo and maybe a summoning circle.)
I would suggest either a
George Washington Class SSBN,
Maybe a soviet Victor III, or Tango-class Diesel boat. (I'd rather have a GW.)
If we have two riggers, we should be able to reduce the compliment to a decent amount. It's not like we'll be sailing combat conditions constantly, so you really only need half the crew. (maybe 3 riggers, (one the captain) a magi or two. 4-5 other crewmen, includingcooks, maintenance, and combat peeps)
magi and shamans might go a little nutso, and don't anyone DARE take a shark shaman. We'll all be dead in a week.
Jan 13 2005, 05:57 PM
You, want a nuke sub? Your kidding.... right?
Assuming a H5, your talking 36 crew MIN before we have to make a check every day to have a break down in the middle of the ocean. (R3r 54) Never mind the pirates with the atomic powered sub...
Jan 13 2005, 06:18 PM
A nuclear sub? In a word, no. Think more along the lines of
the Minnow. (Well, maybe slightly larger, but the flash is worth it, no?)
Ray Becker
Jan 13 2005, 06:19 PM
I say go for the sub origonally mentioned,
Jan 13 2005, 06:56 PM
The mini sub dosent hav living aminities. If you want to sleep in the head, your more then welcome. The minno is fine, as long as I get to be Thurston Howell.
Jan 13 2005, 07:16 PM
Hey Lindt, R3 specifically says
the delphin can hold up to eight people with suitable accommodations. |
You have us switch our ship skills to sub skills, and that is more than a couple of people with a decent B/R, enough to trick out the subs. If we could somehow get a hold of two (still a bunch cheaper at 1.2 mil a pop than a nuclear sub), we could comfort them up, hang out in malaysia or the philipines where there are a ton of unknown islands, and not really worry too much about getting SUB madness. You know, do some decker or contact legwork, find the kind of ship we want, send out the two subs, hit it, and then come back. It's not the Life at Sea pirate we were looking at in the begining, but with no crew and only 4-6 (maybe 8, I don't know how RangerJoe is going to whittle down the group, but I know I could only raise the max to a couple more people in a campaign without having to completely rework everything.)(disclaimer: I am not attempting to speak for RangerJoe), this might be the most feasible method of Piracy
Jan 13 2005, 07:20 PM
I'd like to say that I am with Lindt, I think a Yacht is so much better than a sub. Hate to say it, but a Sub would have a more military feel, I'm more looking forward to the winds in our faces, pirate feel. I would not be even slightly interested in a sub.
Jan 13 2005, 07:38 PM
I agree with Lindt and Sphynx, that a ship/boat/thing is the way to go, not a sub. The only reason I even mentioned the sea-sled was its a way for my guy to get help moving along. And a better way for him to help out in boat to boat combat (underwater gyrojet rounds count as AV). The sled was originally only for him to be able to say, load some sunken cargo on, and have it send it back up while he works on finding the rest. More of a sits in the cargo bay until it needs to be uses kinda thing. Or if people are trying to board, since I got it rigger adaptation, and a water carbine, it could cruise around our ship and help pick off straggler enemy swimmers.
I MUCHLY prefer the idea of a boat, as thats what I first thought of.
Jan 13 2005, 08:05 PM
As a total landlubber who has never been on a boat in his life, I guess I need some visualization. Will a yacht really be able to hold all the loot we are trying to grab? Can we stay out at sea for a long time in a yacht? I was under the impression that a yacht was like a weekend-away from shore, not really useable for long distance. I know I have been arguing for a sub, but I would personally prefer a ship too (kinda hard to snipe from on top of the periscope
) So if someone could kinda fill me in on what a yacht really entails... thanks.
Jan 13 2005, 08:16 PM
From R3R: Yachts are large boats with an overall length greater than 20 meters, but less than 40 meters. Most of them are the toys of the very well-to-do. All yachts come with basic living amenities.
What you're thinking of seems to be their definition of a sports cruiser:
Sport cruisers are medium-sized boats, generaly used as pleasure boats by the wealthy. Sport cruisers generally measure between 10 and 20 meters long.
As far as carrying and such.... the max for yachts is 1,500 CF, and 3,000load for a gas powered one. Pretty big.
Jan 13 2005, 09:06 PM
Here's my guy:
[ Spoiler ]
Dusty Rawls
aka Rusty Nails
aka The Rusty Nail
Former CAS Marine Corps, Elf
Attributes (56 BPs)
B: 5 (7)
Q: 6 (7)
S: 5 (6)
C: 5
I: 5
W: 5
E: 1.42
Bi: 1
R: 6 (8 )
I: 1(2)
Active Skills (56 BPs)
Assault Rifles: 6
Athletics: 4
Brawling: 6
Diving: 5
Edged Weapons: 5
Ettiquette: 4
Intimidation: 4
Motorboat: 4
Pistols: 6
Stealth: 4
Throwing Weapons (Knives): 2 (4)
Underwater Combat: 5
Knowledge Skills
Arms Dealers: 4
Body Armor Fabrication: 4
Marine Wildlife: 2
Miltech Manufactures: 2
Pirate Gang Identification: 4
Seamanship: 4
Smuggler Havens: 3
Smuggler Routes: 3
English: 4
Spanish: 3
Cyberfins (Standard)
Cybergill (Used Alpha)
Datajack (Alpha)
Dermal Sheath: 1 (Used Alpha)
Internal Air Tank (Alpha)
Knowsoftlink (Alpha)
Smartlink II Processor (Alpha)
-Eye Display (Alpha)
-Induction Pad (Alpha)
-Limited Sim Rig (Alpha)
Retinal Modification: Flare Compensation (Alpha)
Wired Reflexes: 1 (Used)
-Reflex Triger (Used)
Muscle Augmentation: 1
Muscle Toner: 1
Synthacardium: 1
Heckler & Koch G36 Compact
-External Smartlink II
-Shock Pads
Springfield Armory Government M1911A1
-External Smartlink II
-Standard Quick Draw Holster
Heckler & Koch USP357C
-Internal Smartlink II
-Concealable Quickdraw Holster
Cougar Fineblade Knife, Long
Forearm Snapblades
Folding Knife
Some Throwing Knives
Diving Armor
Ordinary Clothing (x5)
Armor Vest w/ Plates
Secure Long Coat
Secure Ultra Vest
Victory Industrious Line, Winter
-Pressure Regulator
Diving Goggles
Facemask and Snorkle
Full Facemask
Compensator and Belt
Small Military Rucksack
Survival Kit
Micro Flare Launcher
-5 Micro Flares
Medkit: 6
Personal Com Unit: 4
Hand Held Tranciever: 6
Subvocal Mic
Pocket Flashlight
Two Packs of Coffin Nails & pink disposable lighter in a zip lock bag
Two Liters of Cheap Synth Scotch
I haven't done contacts or put the background on paper (as it were) yet.
After everything is said and done, he'll have about 200k to kick in.
Jan 13 2005, 11:40 PM
You can't have expanded volume bioware with an internal air tank cyberware.
Jan 14 2005, 12:03 AM
I'm more in favor of the yacht as well.
Jan 14 2005, 03:48 AM
QUOTE (Tarantula @ Jan 13 2005, 06:40 PM) |
You can't have expanded volume bioware with an internal air tank cyberware. |
Unless I missed something from pages 28 and 66 of M&M, there's nothing stating that you can't have both. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Edit: Is that a RagerJoe rule? You posted on page 3 of this thead that you were thinking of a guy with both of those mods. Is there a post here I skipped over?
Jan 14 2005, 02:38 PM
I was, checked, and you can't. Its on page 76 or so in M&M under bioware restrictions. Same place that says you can't have orthoskin & dermal sheathing, or 3+ cyberlimbs makes you lose your enhanced articulation.
Jan 14 2005, 02:39 PM
I don't believe there is any incompatibility between extended volume and internal air tank.
By the way, characters need to be in, to my email box, within 16 bells.
Jan 14 2005, 02:54 PM
There is, in M&M under bioware compatability. It flat out says you can't get the 2 together.
Jan 14 2005, 02:54 PM
Once the characters are chosen, would the be any objections if we (assuming I get to be one) built the "yacht" (No sub :P) together, since at that point we'd see how much money we accrue amongst the lot of us?
Jan 14 2005, 03:15 PM
Meh, I'll just drop the extended volume.
Jan 14 2005, 03:31 PM
Same thing I did.
Jan 14 2005, 03:35 PM
Yeah, 75 minutes beats an extra 90 seconds...
Jan 14 2005, 03:41 PM
Until those extra 75 minutes worth of compressed air explodes inside someones chest
Just a thought
Jan 14 2005, 04:02 PM
They only take 5 minutes to fill up, leave it empty if you don't need it.
Jan 14 2005, 04:15 PM
I think he has Oxygills, only reason to ever fill up the tank is decompression, you really think he'll be deep-sea diving?
Jan 14 2005, 04:22 PM
Hey RangerJoe, can you post a list of who has sent what and what we still need to send? I am a worrier by nature, and it is always nice to have the authority person confirm that everything is done by you, or to inform us that we are still missing something
Jan 14 2005, 04:34 PM
Here be what I have in me electronical trove:
Iron Roger--the works
Ralph--the works
Corinna--the works
Sven--the works
Jan 14 2005, 04:38 PM
QUOTE (Aes) |
Until those extra 75 minutes worth of compressed air explodes inside someones chest ![nyahnyah.gif](
Just a thought |
Its like carring explosive ammo. Ya pays yer money and ya takes yer chances...
Jan 14 2005, 04:51 PM
What post? I don't see any post.....
Jan 14 2005, 04:53 PM
While true Sphynx, that is EXACTLY the reason my character has the tank. Its even helium filled if you look. Course, its also why he has a LBA...
Jan 14 2005, 04:58 PM
He who controls the past controls the future...and he who controls the edit button controls the past.
Jan 14 2005, 05:11 PM
I'll e-mail you charlie after I finish him up when I get home from work. Eta 2-3 hours.
Jan 14 2005, 05:39 PM
QUOTE (RangerJoe) |
He who controls the past controls the future...and he who controls the edit button controls the past. |
So, this game is in future perfect past tense?
Jan 14 2005, 11:35 PM
hmm...guess I should actually send the file rather than relying on the posted char sheet...
Jan 15 2005, 11:12 PM
Well guys, I'm drawing a complete blank for any interesting character concepts so I think I'm gonna drop out.
Jan 17 2005, 12:58 AM
Happy MLK Jr. Day, me scurvy crew. Here's the crew roster for the return of YARR!!
Iron Roger
Dusty Rawls aka The Rusty Nail
Charlie the CargomasterThanks to everyone who spent time and effort putting together a pirate. I just wish I had the organizational skills to run two games at once.
Last bits of pre-game planning can now be done in the
OOC: Yarr!! thread.
Jan 17 2005, 01:13 AM
Aww...oh time...
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