It's a mental geas. Just like she needs to take a nip every now and then to keep her head clear, the rhyming helps her focus her casting. So long as we don't go up against the Vasin Silver Orange pirate gang, I think she shouldn't choke up too much (the last thing you want to hear when the medic is puttting your respitory system back together is, "oh crap, what ryhmes with lung?)
Here is the character. I'll further flesh out her backstory if she makes it in (after all, some details will probably have to be changed to match the setting).
[ Spoiler ]
Corinna "Water Rat" St. John
Birthdate: 17 - 09 - 2022
Elf ----(10
Otter Shaman (sea spirit affinity)----30
Resources: 400k----20
Body: 3----6
Quickness: 3(4)----6
Strength: 2----4
Charisma: 5(7)----10
Intelligence: 6----12
Willpower: 5----10
Essence: 4.64
Magic: 4
Combat Pool: 8
Spell Pool: 5
Sorcery: 5----5
Conjuring: 5----5
Aura Reading: 4----4
Athletics / Swimming: 1/3----2
Etiquette: 4----4
Gunnery: 3----3
Rifles: 3----3
Scrounging: 4
Biology: 4
Chemistry: 4
Medicine: 4
Biotech: 4
Fences: 3
Safehouse locations(safe harbors): 4
Crimanal Organizations: 3
English: 4
Spanish: 3
French: 2
Spells: +5 points; (125,000)
Heal (exclusive): 6
Cure Disease: 3
Stabilize: 3
Detox: 3
Healthy Glow (exclusive): 2
Catalog: 1
Trid Phantasm: 4
Improved Invisibility: 4
Vehicle Mask (exclusive): 5
Hot Potatoe: 4
Lightning Bolt: 3
Magical Gear:
2x reuseable Illusion Fetish
Reuseable Healing Fetish
3x Expendable Health Focus 4
Expendable Manipulation focus 3
Expendable Illusion Focus 2
Gear: (all guns are caseless)
3x Ordinary Clothing
Tres Chic Clothing
Armante Starlight Dress
Armante Ancien Shawl
Ruthenium Cloak
Ruthemium Scanners 5
Armor Jacket
Form-fitting Full Body Suit
Remington 950 (SM II)
-Imaging Scope Mag 3
-10 x Regular
-4 x ExEx
-4 x Gel
-4 x Flechette
Ares Predator III
-Concealed Holster
-6 x Regular
-2 x Flechette
-2 x Gel
Morrissey Elan (SM II)
1 x ExEx
2 x Regular
Vibro Knife
10 x Jazz
4 x Long Haul
4 x Freeze Foam
4 x FF Solvent
2 x Bio Monitor
4 x Medkit 6
4 x Antidote Patch 6
2 x Stimulant Patch 6
2 x Stimulant Patch 3
2 x Stimulant Patch 2
8 x Tranq Patch 6
2 x Trauma Patch
-Pressure Regulator
OXYS Artificial Gill
Breathing Regulator
Compensator and Belt
Dual Tank Assembly
2x Scuba Tank
Full Fask Mask
Wet Suit
Pocket Secretary
Earplug Cell Phone
Cyberware Toolkit (the closest thing to a 'medical' kit)
4 x Hipflasks
2 x Liters cheap rum
75,000 to donate towards the boat
Corinna St. John is an elf of mezoamerican descent. She manifested her magical skills early on (Otter is a very well suited totem for an awakened teenage girl), excelled in college, and graduated to become an excellent surgeon with a thriving career. If she had one failing (she actually has quite a few, but will never admit them) it was her inability to say, 'no' to temptation, and realize when she was getting in over her head. She realized that she was losing her edge as a surgeon, to others who were simply more skilled than she was. She tried everything she could to keep up, but her skills had simply reached her physical limit.
She'd just have to improve that then. It would cost her her magic, but that was a price she was willing to pay. She turned to a colleague who sometimes operated on the shady side of things, and he directed her to a good, under the table cyber surgeon. Oh, all the wonderful, amazing shiny gadgets he offered to her. How could she say 'no' to a chipjack, allowing her to keep up with cutting edge procedures without having to study? Or cyber eyes that could allow her to observe in incredible detail.? She put herself into his debt to get all those wonderful toys. More importantly, to pay for her unexpectedly large surgery bill, she had to get into a few other people debt too (and I don't mean Tir Tangire Saving and Loan).
Even with her 'upgrades,' her desperation to maintain her position caused her work to slip still further. Worse, although she was willing to give up on Otter, Otter was not willing to give up on her. He allowed her to keep her magic, but whenever she tried to channel mana, she found herself compelled to spout doggrel in order to maintain her concentration. Surgeons who muttered about 'slivers of livers and gluts of guts,' were not very popular in the other surgeons in the operating room.
Then, her debts came due, and she had no means of paying them. The people she'd borrowed from were very reasonble. If she didn't want them to rip her eyes out and give them to someone else, she'd see to it that every now and then 'paperwork errors' would result in fresh cadavers getting 'lost.' They kept demanding she lose more and more corpses, and people started getting suspicious. Then she got caught. So much for a once promising career. She made it out of there about one step ahead of Lonestar.
She still had a debt to pay though, and wouldn't you knew it, her lenders had a place already lined up for her to work at. They needed a new surgeon at their chop shop. And that was how Corinna became an organ legger. Not surprisingly, this was about the time she started to drink heavily, reaching the point where she'd have to take a drink if she wanted to feel _more_ sober.
Somehow, her debt seemed to be getting bigger at this point. She started doing freelance work, picking up nuyen wherever she could get them. She hit rock bottom when one night at a bar, so drunk she was sober, a guy tried to pick her up. She said, 'yes,' immediately. He was cute, well built, and _loaded_ with chrome. Unfortunately, when she started cutting it out of him, it had 'property of Aztechnology' stamped all over it. It also apprently had a locator in it along with a opticam or two, as she found out when she tried to lose the body amongst the rest of the stiffs at 'work' and an Aztech payback team came looking for her.
Good news was, her lenders were no longer breathing enough to collect on her debt. Bad news was, she had no job, no connections, and if Aztech ever found out she was still alive... She'd always loved the ocean, making a life on it seemed like such a charming idea.
Things went okay for a while. Choices were good for a doctor on the high sees. It also meant she could avoid a lot of actual fighting. She was too valuable a resource to risk in direct combat. More often than not, if she had a gun, it was a rifle and she was set under cover some where out of the way.
She ended up going under the knife again, and again, packing in every advantage she could. Her drinking got worse, got better, and then got worse when she realized that she couldn't stop. Even Otter had finally started losing patience with her. Only if she loosed herself from her worries and fear with a drink could she even hear his voice. Coulds things get any worse?
Some questions really aren't worth asking.