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And yet another reason why Agent Orange sucks... I say begone to agent orange, and never more be, uh, oh damn, there is that no rhyme word AGAIN!!!

And don't get me started on how many times our guy with the highest Biotech score was also the guy with Pistols, SMGs, AR, Edged Weapon, and Unarmed Combat. It's good to have a Doctor, and it's good to have a meat shield, but please make them seperate people
Sandoval Smith
Ah, you're just not trying hard enough. "To agent orange I bid farewell. Don't worry bud, you're gonna be swell."

"You've been drinking again, haven't you?"

"I'm doing magic, aren't I?"

It's good to have a Doctor, and it's good to have a meat shield, but please make them seperate people

Well, it does have the benefit of the meat shield going, "Ouch! Medi- Oh wait, I'm right here."

More than balanced out by the fact that it will be the guy you're all depending on to save your lives who keeps getting shot. Bleah.
I was thinking a sorta cyber-guy with things like internal air tank, retractable fins, gills, expanded volume, a spear gun, and possibly a gyrojet pistol. Something along those lines, diver/recovery with minor combat backup type thing. I'll post more as I think about it.
RangerJoe, just wanted to verify you got my sheet in the mail.

Tarantula, I think that's an awesome cyber combo for a pirate. nyahnyah.gif

Being relatively light on cyberware for the most part is probably a good idea for three reasons...

1) We'd be surrounded by salt water, and salt would be in the air/wind, so any really sensitive cyberware would probably get damaged by the water/salt at some point.

2) If it does get damaged it could be a *long* way to get to a port where the facilities to repair it were available.

3) It's *heavy*. Extensive cyberware can mean you'd weigh a lot more than a normal meta, which is a bad thing on a boat.

3b) Weight can also be a bad thing for swimming, unless the gear is aimed towards that purpose smile.gif
Since other people already seem to have the firepower angle covered, would a decker be possible? I know we'll be at sea but I'd have though it'd be possible to rig up something to bounce the signal from a satellite...any thoughts?

Oh, and would a decker be of any use?
hmm...I had been thinking a decker, but tossed in with several other aspects... if you want it, I can leave that to you, and settle for covert ops/magician adept... perhaps even go full mage. For spells, plan on focusing primarily on illusions and control manipulations
Decker? Thought this was a pirate game. nyahnyah.gif Anyhows, I think he said he's only accepting 6 characters, of which 2 are already guaranteed due to being in the last game. I wouldn't worry about covering an area already covered (especially since we can't see what the 2-guaranteed ones are), but aim for the best "Arrr, ahoy there matie" type character you can do (which I don't think a Decker would fit into well). nyahnyah.gif


PS. Considering the amount of salt in the human body, and considering most cybernetics are made from a form of plastic, the air/seawater/etc would have no ill-effect on cyberware. As a matter of fact, I recall reading somewhere that the only things that weigh you down (due to them being non-plastic material) is the bone lacing cyberware and appendages. Even those are guaranteed to be rust proof though, since they have to exist within the human body (90% water), and are most likely teflon protected (or whatever more futuristic alloy may exist in that year)
Every pirate crew needs the cabin boy. smile.gif Will come up with the stats when I get in from work today.
Ray Becker
Well here be Ralph for ye Scurcy lot,
[ Spoiler ]
Fresh from the hornpipe:

* Sphynx, aye, I got your sheet. Cheers.

* I'd let the character dictate cyberware. Cybereyes with protective covers would be a good investment, I suppose, but I was not planning on being too harsh about exposed microtronics. My advice would be: think the cover illustration on Cyberpirates and you've got a good idea of the scene.

* Nightcrawler, I have not recieved any decker characters thus far, so if you think it would be fun to play a pirate decker, feel free to make one. I know I said we'd be using the plain vanilla BBB decking rules, but if the crew includes a decker, you can invest in a satlink. Otherwise, I suppose there might be use in decking a ship's computer. It is the 2060s, afterall.
Hey RangerJoe, did you get my cheesy-as-a-mouse-buffet background? Apparently, I have been having problems getting e-mails out. Let me know, if not, PM me your e-mail address and I will do it through my e-mail account instead of through My Controls list.

Oh, and Sandoval, it wasn't lack of trying so much as imagining what a constant state of more-or-less inebriation would do to rhyming, and how many attempts it would take. (Is the rhyming a mental type of Geas, or an actual physical limitation, because if it was, don't slur my friend.)
Yo ho, yo ho.....

* Jauren-- got your background.

* Sandoval-- I like the geases.

* Everyone-- I'm not a hard ass, but I do like keeping things organized. As soon as your characters and backgrounds are ready, email them to me. The more time I have to mull over your characters and assemble a crew, the happier a GM I will be. Yarr.
Hey RangerJoe, I just looked at my character sheet in the spoiler on page two of this thread, and wow, that was cluttered as hell. I am sorry for it's appearance. I didn't realize that this post doesn't recognize long strings of spaces. So I just cleaned it up. Go ahead and take a look.
Sandoval Smith
It's a mental geas. Just like she needs to take a nip every now and then to keep her head clear, the rhyming helps her focus her casting. So long as we don't go up against the Vasin Silver Orange pirate gang, I think she shouldn't choke up too much (the last thing you want to hear when the medic is puttting your respitory system back together is, "oh crap, what ryhmes with lung?)

Here is the character. I'll further flesh out her backstory if she makes it in (after all, some details will probably have to be changed to match the setting).

[ Spoiler ]
Sending a 142 point version of Iron Rodger your way, as well as a yacht. Which while its above starting avil. its WELL below what had been kicked in for a boat all ready.

EDIT: as soon as you Pm me your Email adress...

EDIT2: yah... who sucks and didnt read the first page... files are off.
Well, I guess I won't be able to play in this game, since I don't have my rigger book yet.
so... 142 buils points... that's about 490 karma? (using becks)

Neil the Cook should be done soon.
He can cook, help repair and sail the ship, and man gunnery emplacements/go on boarding parties. He also sings and plays guitar.
Still no face? eek.gif Time for another revision....
Ray Becker
I'll send Ralph to ye shortly.
Does someone have their copy of SR Comp handy? I have 22 points left over but I don't know how much that nets me, resource-wise.

Any help would be much appreciated. smile.gif
Hmm...editing my concept to focus more on magic and covert ops also is wandering towards being a face...of course can never have too many charismatic sorts. smile.gif
Agreed. Did you want to be bad cop or worse cop? grinbig.gif My face isn't looking all that friendly....
Mine is more the roguish fast talking sort with the Influence spell tossed in. smile.gif

*waves his hand* "These are not the pirates you are looking for"
Sandoval Smith
Twenty points gets you 400k.
Aye, fair enough, lass. wobble.gif

We'll do it your way first.

<edit: thank you Sandoval! *goes back to shopping*>
hmm...still pondering between adept or full mage... don't plan on conjuring much... there is the matter of astral projection, though...though sorceror adepts do get 10 more spell points...and they save 5 bp...
and Here be Neal the Pirate.

[ Spoiler ]

That's all i've got so far. Comments?

and whizbang, KEEP CONJURING.
Sea spirits = GOOD THING.
Water & Air elementals = Even Better.
hmm...vehicle mask...good for disguising a pirate ship...hmm...question is, what is the body of a ship?
My book (lowly R3, I know frown.gif ) says yachts (as in the one Lindt has submitted on our behalf) have a Bod of 8, so it wont' be possible to mask right away though your Sea Spirit's Concealment power might just do the trick. smile.gif And take full mage if you can spare the points, astral projection is a very VERY good thing.
was thinking mage rather than shaman. Elementals are still handy, though. Plenty of conjuring materials for water elementals at sea. smile.gif

And any clue what the cost for those jet skis are, or are they coming with the yacht? smile.gif
Sandoval Smith
No kidding. My medico is an Otter shaman (favoring sea spirits). I took PHysical Mask at five, although I'm not sure if I'll be keeping it. You can mask a pretty big boat with that (not to mention smaller ones). At that level, if the main ship is large, that can't be masked. But say, sea scooters, runabouts, and other small things...
Good call, hermetics kick ASS!! Just save your spell points, then, and try to get a higher rating of Vehicle Mask later on.

<edit: I'm making a shaman as well, so spirits will be covered just fine, I'd say.>
Hmm...wonder if we could run our masking together to be able to cover the ship? smile.gif
Any room left?
I've a mind for a frogman
Why are we buying a yacht?
Can we custom-design a small (and fast) cargo ship/submarine, buy it, then modify from there?

and sweet jeebus that's a lot of mages.
Sandoval Smith
Don't look at me, there was only, like, one viking shaman when I got started. Pirating is obviously a very awakened business.
here's my char sheet (a work in progress)

[ Spoiler ]
perhaps magic is what drew quite a few of us together. smile.gif
Could be. smile.gif I just got sick of editing and re-editing my character to avoid overlap, so I made something I could play (and fairly well) that wouldn't be too much of an overlap. It'll make sense by the end of the night, Guide's honour.
Are you asking RangerJoe what the modified jet skis are going to cost, or straight stats on a water scooter? Here is the only one in Rigger3:
Suzuki Water sport Hand: 2 Speed 45/30 (G/E), Accel 7/4, Body 2, Armor 0, Sig (3/3)/(5/5), Auto 0, Pilot --, Sensor 1, Cargo 4/1, Load 38/53, Seating 1, Entry --, Fuel 20 liters/ 100 PF, Econ (7 km/l)/(.5km/PF), SI 1, Avail 2/24 hrs.
Cost: 10,000/9,250
Any thing with a hull rating is pretty much above cost scope, unless you want a fishing trawler. And a COMPLETE stripper trawler is 1,650,000. Thats hull and a deisel engine.

As it turns out Im playing the heavy artillary, big guns and stuff.
QUOTE (Lindt)
Any thing with a hull rating is pretty much above cost scope, unless you want a fishing trawler. And a COMPLETE stripper trawler is 1,650,000. Thats hull and a deisel engine.

As it turns out Im playing the heavy artillary, big guns and stuff.

we could EASILY make that if everyone throws in enough nuyen.gif
Plus Joe said he'd give us a discount on the initial ship.

making enough to arm it and fit it out, (rigger adaptation, pintle and remote turret mounts, weapons, speed upgrades, electronics systems, living space, and a commercial freezer.)
would be another thing.

I Figure we need about nuyen.gif2-3 million.

I've got 500K nuyen.gif down, how much y'all put in?
Point to remember, we (as PCs) can not staff a ship. Period. Min ENGINEERING crew for a ship is (hull+1)^2. So for hull 2 its 9.
And the next size up (light merchmentman) is (again, this is just engine and hull) is 6 million. It also requires a crew of 16 to keep from breaking down.

I still say a big boat would work better.
There is the Vulcan Mini sub, pp 188-189 in Rigger 3. It can hold up to 8 people, in patrol mode, 'only' costs 1.2 mil. We could beef one up if RangerJoe comes up with a good discount. This would keep us closer to shore, maybe operate from a secret base, YARR!!!!, but it would be doable. And kinda fun, go more for a 20,000 leagues under the sea instead of the Black Pearl. Just a thought. Probably a dumb one. YARR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We could staff it Lindt.... if all our contacts were Crewmen... I'd add a good number of contacts to my sheet if that'd be allowed, and still donate 500k towards the boat itself.

The thing is, with an actual ocean-capable vessel as opposed to a modified ocean going yacht type thing we'd end up spending most of the money made from pirating on keeping the sodding thing running.

Plus I'm not keen on the idea of having a load of crewmen aside from the core bit...just doesn't seem right to me.

As for my character..

I've decided against a decker so I'm not really sure what I'm gonna do. Is there anything the group especially needs? If not I'll probably go for an up close gunbunny type using shotguns.
Edit: Charlie the cargomaster is here.
[ Spoiler ]
I'm open to whatever kind fo craft the final crew is most interested in, although I'm less inclined to have to roll a bunch of dice for NPC crewmen. I'm amused by the prospect of mini-sub pirates, but wouldn't force on on the team.

Since jet skis fall more under the "gear" section than the "vehicle" section of the game in my mind, I'm willing to give you 15% off each one (so 8500 nuyen.gif for the gas powered one).

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