Sep 8 2003, 05:48 PM
Not enough room for all pistols, so I limited it to heavy. Just because. If I listed something with variants (Like the Ares Predator) all are implied within the if your fave is Ares Predator 3 then click Ares predator and clarify in your post.
Oh yeah...these are canon Shadowrun guns, not customised or anything off Raygun's site. Not near enough room in a poll for all his site's stuff.
sir fwank
Sep 8 2003, 05:59 PM
morrisey elite baby. in 1st ed that thing was a polymer pistol. stinkin game balance.
Sep 8 2003, 06:10 PM
Ares Viper Slivergun. Slim, sneaky, quiet and mean. It's change of pace from the other big, bellowing heavy pistols.
Colt Manhunter is my runner-up choice, mostly because "it's not an Ares Predator."
Sep 8 2003, 06:13 PM
I love the Infiltrator. It costs, but it goes through airport security in your carry-on.
Sep 8 2003, 06:15 PM
Not enough room for all pistols, so I limited it to heavy. Just because. |
I wouldn't worry about it. Who likes light pistols, anyways? Trolls, maybe - when their opponent has one.
I picked the Colt Manhunter, because it not only has good stats, but a good intangible factor - the tough pistol that's made to work under extreme conditions (and I like the fact that they have a pistol called the "Manhunter" designed by a female bounty hunter - although that's going back to the old Street Samurai Catalog flavor text). With the laser sight, it is equally as good for sammies and non-cybered types such as mages and adepts. I'll admit, the Morrissey Alta was a close second choice, and is the pistol I usually pick if I am playing an ex-corporate or high-rent runner.
Talia Invierno
Sep 8 2003, 06:32 PM
What, no Narcoject? Granted, it isn't a heavy pistol, but it deals out keeling-over damage with the best.
Sep 8 2003, 07:42 PM
I actually hoped I'd find the Remington Roomsweeper in here, but no show, so it's the flashy six-shooter instead
Sep 8 2003, 07:47 PM
Othermmm... Kimber....
HMHVV Hunter
Sep 8 2003, 08:30 PM
For a heavy assault pistol, nothing beats the Savalette Guardian. Burst-fire with Recoil comp already included and room for more, plus a smartlink? Sweeeeeeeeet

For stealth missions, however, I'd pick something from the Ares Predator series.
Fygg Nuuton
Sep 8 2003, 08:57 PM
i'm a roomsweeper kind of guy myself
Sep 8 2003, 09:08 PM
The Viper Slivergun is great so long as you aren't going up against fully armored opponents. Face shots with a Slivergun are deadly.
Sep 8 2003, 09:12 PM
I'm weird in this way: if the GM allows it, my characters usually opt to pack a 1911A1. Say what you will, it's a very very nice gun.
Otherwise, Predator. Sometimes, I'll go for Predator variants as the cyber becomes available, but for most ops where I want to lose a firearm, I just slap an external smartgun module to a cheap Predator and when the run's over, I rip it off and dump the gun.
Sep 8 2003, 09:14 PM
the ares predator for me. no matter what sort'a character i feel like making, there's always a version that'll suit me. it's very customisable.
if i play a magician i just pick the normal predator and equip a laser sight. it's far easier than investing in goggles and all that.
if i play a non-magician on the other hand - i pick either the predator II or III.
the build-in SGL (standard or 2) is just too big a temptation...
Sep 8 2003, 09:27 PM
I'm a Morrisey Elite man, myself. Concealability 7 rules! Sometimes I'll remove the integral laser sight and have a smartgun link 2 put in it's place, sometimes I'll leave the laser sight and add a SL2 case I have vision mag too....and ya gotta customize the grip and chrome the heck out of it! You may think that having only 5 shots is a hinderance, but for a "take everywhere" pistol, keeping it in a concealble quick draw holster under your long coat...hard to spot that little guy. Heck...I even once smuggled it through a chem sniffer by having it in a vacuum sealed bag (Like the kind they put food in). Then went into the bathroom, unpackaged it and voiala...ready to rumble.
Sep 8 2003, 09:30 PM
Que hablo Colt Manhunter?
Hot Wheels
Sep 8 2003, 09:32 PM
Well the poll is off, I hit the "thunderbolt" and I meant to do the Superwarhawk.
Sep 8 2003, 09:43 PM
Heh...hopefully someone who likes the thunderbolt will notice your post and hit Warhawk for ya, Hot Wheels.
Sep 9 2003, 12:36 AM
The Infiltrator is nice for sneaking past security, but I'm torn between the Colt Manhunter and Browning Ultra Power.
Sep 9 2003, 12:38 AM
Give me a full loaded Guardian with the internal smartlink upgraded to a model two any day…
Sep 9 2003, 06:43 AM
Browning Ultra Power.
Concealability is high, stopping power is up there, price is right, and if you need more than ten shots in any one encounter you have other problems.
Drain Brain
Sep 9 2003, 07:51 AM
Browning for me too, and for the most pathetic of reasons - not only did I like the look of it (harking back to the old 2nd ed source books - ah, god bless the illustrations) but... wait for it...
I LIKE 10!
Weird, huh? Base ten. Things should be grouped in sensible multiples. I live in a metric zone, so things (to my mind) should be grouped in tens. Like the two Brownings' ammo capacities.
Not to mention that Ammo prices are listed in ten shot multiples which makes the math easier.
Lazy, ain't I?
Sep 9 2003, 01:38 PM
Caseless Ares Predator, tricked out with smartlink 2 (Yeah, didn't have a few books when I started the chr, ok?) and a silencer.
Why? I mean, I've got a whole bunch of "Bling Bang" like the ever-popular Viper Slivergun, but with a weapon's expert, you've simply got to be able to put a hole in something as fast and as accurately as possible.
The "cybereyes with the lot" option helps lots too

Oh - anyone played around with capsule loads? I know, I know, narco-jet, super-squirt, et all... but the Predator, it's almost a signature weapon for most people.
Note - customised grips, forgot I can do it now. Dammit.
Oh, loads? Hyper, DMSO and teargas. Costly but serious fun.
"Ahhgh! It's eating my eyes! I can taste the colours! The spiders!"
Sep 9 2003, 03:43 PM
What do you know.... i picked the Ares Preddy......
why? Because it's fun for the whole family!
Sammy? Get a tricked out Pred III, caseless and silenced (as said earlier).
Mage? Just get a Pred I with Laser Sight and Silencer.
Decker? Use a Pred II, no alterings, she will help you good.
Pacifist? No problems, just go whatever other stereotype you have and use Stun Rounds (or maybe rounds with drugs that do stun damage to hades and back).
Kid? Borrow your dads, whatever kind she is she WILL get that nasty "Pennywise the clown" good between the eyes...
Drain Brain
Sep 9 2003, 03:55 PM
Cobra, you scare me...
Sep 9 2003, 03:55 PM
I chose the Elite, but my
real first choice would have been a Roomsweeper with Bola ammo. It keeps just as low a profile as the Elite, yet packs a bigger knockdown than the Morissey could ever hope to have. For those times when screaming 'get the f**k out of my way!' just doesn't cut it

Sep 9 2003, 04:00 PM
YES! My goal is completed! I have scared someone! HAHAHAHAHA.....
BWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...... BWUHUHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAARklll...... grrrgl.... harkl.... hrkkl.... *dies from suffocation*
Sep 9 2003, 04:15 PM
I have to go with the heavy revolver.
Now you have to ask yourself, Did I fire five shots or was it six? Well punk, do you feel lucky?
Sep 9 2003, 07:37 PM
Generally speaking, my three choices are:
Standard carry and use: Colt Manhunter
1. Its not an Ares Predator
2. Marginally higher concealability
3. Laser sight already mounted (I play "off the rack" adepts)
Assault and combat kit use: Sav. Guardian
1. Burst fire
2. Recoil comp
3. Burst fire
Special ops: Ruger SuperWarhawk
1. Marginally higher point of damage
2. Cylinder allows flexability in choosing ammo loads
3. Justifies playing "Good, Bad and Ugly" theme music in background
Sep 9 2003, 10:11 PM
Gotta love the Morisey Elite.
That or SupaWarhawk.
Drain Brain
Sep 10 2003, 10:30 AM
Super warhawk was a close second for me, so you can add on totally redundant mag-scopes (or laser sights as an apt replacement) and go for a pair - hey presto, you ARE Snake Plisken!
Anyone for a little "Bangkok Rules?"
Sep 10 2003, 12:11 PM
Sep 10 2003, 12:21 PM
It's a toss up for me. I like all the options the Guardian has... But then again, I like the style of the Old Western Revolver. I also like the Manhunter (No one seems to have caught on that it holds 16 rounds. That's one more then that highly tougted Predator you carry).
So while your opponet is reloading, you still have a round left in the chamber.
Now, weither that round is for your opponet or yourself, it's up to you.
(Yes, I've played under sadistic GMs where this was an option. And it was usually the better one)
Hot Wheels
Sep 10 2003, 01:55 PM
QUOTE (Solidcobra) |
What do you know.... i picked the Ares Preddy...... why? Because it's fun for the whole family!
Mage? Just get a Pred I with Laser Sight and Silencer. |
A mage will have a cheaper cost just getting the Colt Manhunter with an integral laser sight and a larger magazine.
Sep 10 2003, 05:34 PM
For me it has to be a Savalette Guardian, Thats one john smiths of a gun.
Cause you got to change the link to a version 2, then add a custom grip. But for a gun this nice it's worth it.
Sep 10 2003, 06:31 PM
QUOTE (Hot Wheels) |
QUOTE (Solidcobra @ Sep 9 2003, 11:43 AM) | What do you know.... i picked the Ares Preddy...... why? Because it's fun for the whole family!
Mage? Just get a Pred I with Laser Sight and Silencer. |
A mage will have a cheaper cost just getting the Colt Manhunter with an integral laser sight and a larger magazine.
yes, that's possible..... but my point was: A Predator will work for every opportunity, it may not be the best solution but it IS a very reliable weapon, like the israeli Uzi, it is not good in any way, but it's dirt cheap, easy to use and it will operate with a trollfist of sand in it, the AK-47 follows the same basis, the Predator is just a future pistol version of the "Massmade, customisable and easy" weapon.... the versions i said could work wonders, there WILL be weapons that can do a better job, but in the case of pistols, which weapons wouldn't?
The sammy wouldn't need a pistol, he has his tweaked AK-98/Dual SMGs/Heavy Machinegun/shotgun
The Decker won't need a weapon at all
The mage can, as said above, use the Manhunter
BUT(!!!!) the ares predator will work good for anyone, most runners can shoot a gun, a lot of runners can't use Assault Rifles/Martial Arts/Deck/Throw magic.....
The Predator is reliable and a cheap "Get rid of" weapon, something you can shoot empty, throw away and not regret it later!
Hot Wheels
Sep 10 2003, 10:02 PM
Sure it will
work for every oportunity, but if you want to run up costs and wieght by buying extra's instead of guns that come with them standard, I so don't want to bearound when you buy a car, unless i'm getting the commission.
Street Wyze
Sep 11 2003, 01:14 AM
WOW, not many people voting for the revolvers. IMHO they are good for style weapons. But if I want a character to have one I usually build my own using the CC rules.
Sep 11 2003, 01:20 AM
QUOTE (Street Wyze) |
WOW, not many people voting for the revolvers. IMHO they are good for style weapons. But if I want a character to have one I usually build my own using the CC rules. |
Primarily because if I'm in a combat situation, I like the idea of a magazine reload.
And 16 rounds to 6 is a hell of a perk.
Sep 11 2003, 01:48 AM
QUOTE (Solidcobra) |
QUOTE (Hot Wheels @ Sep 10 2003, 01:55 PM) | QUOTE (Solidcobra @ Sep 9 2003, 11:43 AM) | What do you know.... i picked the Ares Preddy...... why? Because it's fun for the whole family!
Mage? Just get a Pred I with Laser Sight and Silencer. |
A mage will have a cheaper cost just getting the Colt Manhunter with an integral laser sight and a larger magazine.
yes, that's possible..... but my point was: A Predator will work for every opportunity, it may not be the best solution but it IS a very reliable weapon, like the israeli Uzi, it is not good in any way, but it's dirt cheap, easy to use and it will operate with a trollfist of sand in it, the AK-47 follows the same basis, the Predator is just a future pistol version of the "Massmade, customisable and easy" weapon.... the versions i said could work wonders, there WILL be weapons that can do a better job, but in the case of pistols, which weapons wouldn't?
The sammy wouldn't need a pistol, he has his tweaked AK-98/Dual SMGs/Heavy Machinegun/shotgun
The Decker won't need a weapon at all
The mage can, as said above, use the Manhunter
BUT(!!!!) the ares predator will work good for anyone, most runners can shoot a gun, a lot of runners can't use Assault Rifles/Martial Arts/Deck/Throw magic.....
The Predator is reliable and a cheap "Get rid of" weapon, something you can shoot empty, throw away and not regret it later!
Wait a minute; what the hell are you talking about? Any gun in Shadowrun will operate with a bucket of sand dumped on the internals because there aren't any rules to cover weapon reliability. How is the Predator any more reliable than anything else?
Hot Wheels
Sep 11 2003, 02:07 PM
sssh, he works for Ares and is plugging their line of weapons, doen't screw up the copy.
Sep 11 2003, 03:44 PM
DAMMIT WHEELS! now you've told everyone! great! juuust great! now i won't get paid..... THANKS A LOT!
What i meant is: it's good, reliable, customisable and: it's THE gun to use in SR, why? it just is..... no, really!
Sep 11 2003, 04:12 PM
QUOTE (Solidcobra) |
DAMMIT WHEELS! now you've told everyone! great! juuust great! now i won't get paid..... THANKS A LOT!
What i meant is: it's good, reliable, customisable and: it's THE gun to use in SR, why? it just is..... no, really! |
Because the Colt Manhunter is roughly the same size (actually smaller), has a larger magazine by one round, and includes an internal laser sight for 25 nuyen less.
And other questions?
Sep 11 2003, 04:38 PM
yes, will i be teased for this forever now?
and can we drop it? please?
Sep 11 2003, 07:06 PM
Well, to be fair --> having everyone carry the same weapon means you can pass ammo as necessary and not worry about magazine compatability.
Sep 11 2003, 11:58 PM
FN Five-seveN tactical would be my choice if it where on the list, you can find the stats as
Shadowrun and Firearms, provided by are local firearms expert Raygun. But since it is not I have to go with the Guardian, because it is some what concealable, has a decent clip size, with a nice heavy punch to it. And the fact that it can burst fire, allow you to make sure your target is down for good.
And a firearm designed for cased ammunition uses some different principles in how it operates. I can't explain it very well, just go to
Caseless Ammunition.
Sep 12 2003, 12:01 AM
All well n' good if yer bein' sneaky...
...I like to go out with a BANG!
(whips out his Armitech MGL-6)
Drain Brain
Sep 12 2003, 01:42 AM
...which is a grade A+ toy!
Don't I remember correctly - hasn't the MGL12 and MGL6 been left out of thire-ed? Why is that? Or am I wrong (as usual)?
Sep 12 2003, 02:10 AM
NGL6 and 12 are in the cannon companion.
Drain Brain
Sep 12 2003, 07:24 AM
D'oh! That keeps happening to me...
I guess I must have this selective blindness that occludes certain pages of the CC from my view during reading... I seem to recall saying the same thing about the Sav Guardian - which in my opinion was a grossly unbalancing pistol.
Now, take those stats and call it an SMG and you're well away (with a little extra on the price tag...)
Who wants to pay that much for a gun they can see themselves in, anyway?

(ah, 2ndEd talky bits...)
Sep 12 2003, 10:54 AM
I go for the SuperWarhawk, purely for style
My current character has used his 5 times so far, but only fired 2 rounds - he only has to pull it out and cock the hammer before people start telling him what he needs to hear

It's not so great when you need to at least try to be quiet, so I usually go for either a predator or a manhunter and a silencer then, depending on if the character has a smartlink or not.
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