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Full Version: Favourite Heavy Pistol
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When there's no need for silence, you might as well be using a shotgun or an assault rifle. Same end result. dead.gif

Stealth situations tend to heavily favor pistols and the occasional SMG.
QUOTE (Cray74)
Colt Manhunter is my runner-up choice, mostly because "it's not an Ares Predator." wink.gif

Well, that's pretty much why I chose it, that and I don't like the slivergun.
I chose the Slivergun, because it is one nice package of finesse and hard hitting damage. The Manhunter gets second place by my book.
QUOTE (Hunter)
When there's no need for silence, you might as well be using a shotgun or an assault rifle. Same end result. dead.gif

Stealth situations tend to heavily favor pistols and the occasional SMG.

Can't Smartlink a shot-gun, and not all of us are giant Troll Samurai totin' assault rifles (but it's damn effective for general use...)
QUOTE (=-_RaVeN_-=)
Can't Smartlink a shot-gun...

Since when?
You can so smartlink a just is non functional when you load shot (flechette) rounds. But choke has it's own advantages.
Phylos Fett
QUOTE (last_of_the_great_mikeys)
You can so smartlink a just is non functional when you load shot (flechette) rounds. But choke has it's own advantages.

I don't think I've ever seen a character use shot rounds...
Drain Brain
Its interesting to note that you can smartlink a shotgun and use the link for slug rounds and whilst you can't use it for shot or flechette, you can use the cyber linkage to adjust the choke. A cyber-choke.

Savalette Guardian. The characters know if they see someone with a Guardian, they are blessed by the GM. it has become a sacred weapon, strangely enough, the players don't carry any.
I never liked the slivergun, but some players did. That doesn't matter in my game however, the plant that made them blew up.
Sigfried McWild
Silenced Ares Predator III with custom grip.
Just because it's big and comes with smart link 2.

Oh and the fact that every second person has one means you can easily loot ammo and shots are not easy to trace back to you ("What do we know about the killer?" "He used a Predator" "Ok now tell me something that makes him stand out" ...)

The fact that it's one of the guns with the biggest clip size doesn't hurt either.
Drain Brain
I have a related question...

Does anyone know how easy it is to swap out barrels in semi-automatic pistols?

I am looking towards customising my one of my characters' guns but then, of course, he'll not want to lose it.

Ballistics and forensics being what they are, if he could just "swap out the barrel" after every run that would be ideal - every one having marginally different rifling etc...
Fygg Nuuton
i think once your caught by the star, the rifleing of your gun is the least of your problems
QUOTE (Drain Brain)
I have a related question...

Does anyone know how easy it is to swap out barrels in semi-automatic pistols?

I am looking towards customising my one of my characters' guns but then, of course, he'll not want to lose it.

Ballistics and forensics being what they are, if he could just "swap out the barrel" after every run that would be ideal - every one having marginally different rifling etc...

With relative ease -- I own a Sig P220 handgun and the barrel comes out for cleaning. The same is essentially true for most if not all semi-automatic handguns.

It would be an easy matter to replace it with a new barrel and carry on.

That being said, disposing of your old barrel would have to be exceptionally thorough assuming the advances in forensic science to include possible reconstruction.

To get an idea of the extreme example of what forensic science is capable of, given a minimal workload and an amazing budget, watch CSI sometime. It borders on being the "Star Trek" of sci-fi.

For a more realistic look, watch some of the real detective shows on Court TV.

I choose the WW Infiltrator.

A conceal of 5 / 7 / 10 (normal / concealable holster / long coat) is very nice.

But when possible choose a light pistol with high conceal, MAD-proof and use Capsule Rounds with Narcojet: this is the ultimate weapon vs. living targets!
I'm all for the ruger warhawk. Take the action to aim, fire. With Double X ammo, I can take down most armored foes as fast as someone with a SMG. And If I bring it out, they know I mean buisness.
I was also a little saddened to see that the Roomsweeper wasn't on this list. *sighs*

ANYway, if I had to pick from the list provided I feel that the Savalette is an excellent selection. Aside from being on the heavy side, it has RC (which I like), an internal smartgun, and it bursts (also useful).
Fygg Nuuton
the roomsweeper is missing but the thunderbolt is?!?! BLASPHEMY!
nuyen.gif I call her VEGAS. My Platinum Plated ares Pred III
Large Mike

For a non-cybered character, it's alwayse the Colt Manhunter. In comparison to the Pred 3: cheaper, one more ammo capacity, better conceal, and it's not the same damn gun, all over the street.
I went with the Pred cause I tend to go for pretty basic items, but if I was allowed to choose any gun, I'd say the Falcon-2 from "Perfect Dark." I converted all the weapons in that game to SR stats. Well, almost. I never finished. What I do have can be found in that second link in my sig. Somewhere.
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