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QUOTE (Jrayjoker)
Well, mean people do suck. But the world in general and this board in particular would be boring without some "in your face" responses. I keep thinking back to the six-figure line developer wannabe who shall remain nameless. I totally disagreed with him, and his post was inflamatory (as were 90% of the responses), but he had a right to say it and I think he was on the receiving end of a lot of rudeness that he only partly deserved.


Yeah, sure, if you think so.

(I shudder to think if anybody hires him as a freelance author.)
We should start a pool to see how many pages this one will go on for. My nuyen.gif 's on 8.

Dare I ask the name of your 6 figure wannabe?
Master Shake
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
We should start a pool to see how many pages this one will go on for. My nuyen.gif 's on 8.

I dunno - the thread on the new adept powers is into the 20s so far. This could be more inflammatory because it's far more likely to raise the hackles of all the argumentative losers on this board. smile.gif
QUOTE (tanka)
(I shudder to think if anybody hires him as a freelance author.)

Don't worry about it, he wouldn't sign on. One too few figures.

QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
QUOTE (tanka @ Feb 13 2005, 12:42 AM)
(I shudder to think if anybody hires him as a freelance author.)

Don't worry about it, he wouldn't sign on. One too few figures.


Granted, I shudder to think if he gets hired as an author at all.
QUOTE (Xirces)
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ Feb 13 2005, 06:36 AM)
We should start a pool to see how many pages this one will go on for.  My  nuyen.gif 's on 8.

I dunno - the thread on the new adept powers is into the 20s so far. This could be more inflammatory because it's far more likely to raise the hackles of all the argumentative losers on this board. smile.gif

You need to have it be the number of posts not the number of pages. Most Dumpshock veterans are displaying 100 posts per page.
Anything less than 50 is uncivilized. wink.gif
Indeed. I haven't seen an eight-page thread since the Lounge closed.

Crimson Jack
QUOTE (Fortune)
Master Shake

He's so cool.
probably only tangentially related. but the one thing I love the most about this board?


no karma, no rep+, no fresh/splat, no post-farming, no rating camping.
no filter to remove posts with low ratings.

Every post is created equal, the only thing that determines whether you see it or not is whether you followed the drivel that far down the page. biggrin.gif

and yeah. I can't remember the last time I saw an 8page thread (100 per page here)

edit: minor grammatical errors.
I don't think I've ever seen a Shadowrun related thread to rival the sex thread in the Lounge. Hopefully, everyone here still has his or her priorities properly in order.

Ah, the good old days...
QUOTE (Arethusa)
I don't think I've ever seen a Shadowrun related thread to rival the sex thread in the Lounge. Hopefully, everyone here still has his or her priorities properly in order.

Maybe the EuroSB related threads, on the brown forums, when the project was at its beginning. We had to start a new thread two or three times as the admin told us the length it reached was causing technical problems.
QUOTE (Slash_Thompson)
probably only tangentially related. but the one thing I love the most about this board?


no karma, no rep+, no fresh/splat, no post-farming, no rating camping.
no filter to remove posts with low ratings.

Amen. The only rep system is the one that exists in real life.

James McMurray
I thought I should clarify, as many of the responses seem to think I mean that no criticism should be made. that's not the case. The thing I have a problem with is some people's need to be rude when they reply.

Just because someone's ideas for their campaign don't meet your standards is no excuse to be rude. But that's generally the case with the internet. People who wouldn't have the stones to be rude in real life get to do it from the anonymity of their keyboard. Its kind of sad when you think about it.
Who says none of us would be rude in real life?

Generally, it's the people who flame and troll that are really the little kids in high school that hide in corners and secretly make fun of everybody.

As I said; we're just very opinionated. We voice those opinions when we feel our voices are needed.

It isn't a matter of "being rude because it's the only place we can be," it's a matter of "telling them our opinions because that's why the posted it here -- to read our opinions on the matter."
And don't forget, some people never learned how to write in such a way to say, "I disagree," without adding, "you ass!"

I fear for todays youth, just like everyone of a given generation has feared for the youth of the next generation....I mean it only seems fair.
James McMurray
I guess you're right tanka: some people are just assholes everywhere.
QUOTE (James McMurray)
I guess you're right tanka: some people are just assholes everywhere.

I'll take that as a compliment. biggrin.gif

Jrayjoker: Yup. The next generation (hell, my generation) is completely screwed over. I blame Political Correctness.
James McMurray
QUOTE (tanka)
QUOTE (James McMurray @ Feb 14 2005, 11:44 AM)
I guess you're right tanka: some people are just assholes everywhere.

I'll take that as a compliment. biggrin.gif

It wasn't meant to refer to you at all, but if you want to take it as a compliment, I certainly can't stop you. smile.gif

Jrayjoker: Yup.  The next generation (hell, my generation) is completely screwed over.  I blame Political Correctness.

I agree. The only PC I care about is sitting on my desk.
Correctness is admirable, Political Correctness is an impediment to society.
QUOTE (James McMurray)
QUOTE (tanka @ Feb 14 2005, 11:46 AM)
QUOTE (James McMurray @ Feb 14 2005, 11:44 AM)
I guess you're right tanka: some people are just assholes everywhere.

I'll take that as a compliment. biggrin.gif

It wasn't meant to refer to you at all, but if you want to take it as a compliment, I certainly can't stop you. smile.gif

Good. I always considered myself an asshole anyway, might as well pretend somebody else called me one without attempting to flame me (pathetically, might I add). biggrin.gif

QUOTE (James McMurray)
Jrayjoker: Yup.  The next generation (hell, my generation) is completely screwed over.  I blame Political Correctness.

I agree. The only PC I care about is sitting on my desk.

Agreed as well.

QUOTE (Jrayjoker)
Correctness is admirable, Political Correctness is an impediment to society.

Indeed. It makes everybody try to not step on each other's toes, but they end up just knocking themselves over anyway.
If you don't want people's opinions, don't post! If you don't like someone's response, then report them to an Admin. There's no need to make a completely off-topic thread (something that is somewhat frowned upon here) and continually bemoan the fact that a few people disliked an idea enough to call it stupid.
QUOTE (Fortune)
There's no need to make a completely off-topic thread (something that is somewhat frowned upon here)

ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, i was wondering why the mullet thread had been closed.

No, that's probably because they all started writing in different forms of poetry.

(By the by, Kagetenshi: Check your messages real quick.)
James McMurray
QUOTE (Fortune)
If you don't want people's opinions, don't post! If you don't like someone's response, then report them to an Admin. There's no need to make a completely off-topic thread (something that is somewhat frowned upon here) and continually bemoan the fact that a few people disliked an idea enough to call it stupid.

If off topic threads are frowned upon, why are you helping to keep this one alive? wink.gif
I didn't start it, nor does it need my assistance to stay alive, as judged by the amount of posts prior to mine. nyahnyah.gif

My contribution was to inform you (and others) that the Admins do not really like off-topic threads, as well as to point out the appropriate procedure should you (or anyone else) truly take offence to any specific post or poster.
QUOTE (James McMurray)
QUOTE (Fortune @ Feb 14 2005, 02:16 PM)
If you don't want people's opinions, don't post! If you don't like someone's response, then report them to an Admin. There's no need to make a completely off-topic thread (something that is somewhat frowned upon here) and continually bemoan the fact that a few people disliked an idea enough to call it stupid.

If off topic threads are frowned upon, why are you helping to keep this one alive? wink.gif

Please. There's been enough stupid prickwaving in this thread as it is.
James McMurray
Prickwaving? I can assure you that my genitals were completely inside my clothes at the time I posted that. And given his response I assume Fortune took it as it was intended.

Perhaps you just have an overactive imagination and/or a penchant for waving pricks? biggrin.gif


er... nevermind wink.gif
If you look at the length and breath of my responses (ie, click search posts for my username), you'll find that I rarely get nasty with public posts. My deep personal hot-button though (calloused from years of shoddy Real-Life sessions) is GMs who arbitrarily make ridiculously unfair rulings for the sole purpose of getting glee watching their players suffer.

QUOTE (Sandoval Smith)
Second, when a GM includes hackle raising descriptions for (as they're initially presented) arbitrary and unfair situations, which include lines like-

I have turned many a player into Paste with this one and do love the look on thier faces when I explain how to disarm the trap and open the exit door.

- positive reactions are rare, because it seems a lot of us have played in games where GMs pulled stunts like this, and while the GM seemed to have a great time seeing how he could screw with the PCs, it was a pretty miserable experince for all the players.

That's also why the uber-rats got such a poor reception. A statless, damage immune, magic reflecting critter. It's hard to imagine them having a reason for existing, except for the GM to amuse himself at the PCs' expense? There are statless NPCs out there, but the PCs should rarely, if ever, encounter them. If a GM has Lofwyr just hanging out, and if the PCs annoy them he backhands them through the bar, and this happens on a semi-regular basis, I'd criticize them just the same as if they did something similar with the uber-rats.

Thank you. My thoughts exactly and probably more tactfully put than I would have.
Realistically, this may be the home of the game police.

I recall some long debates about rules over the last few years, and also some house rules about excluding certain equipment. Somehow, perhaps purely coincidently wink.gif, the game rules got changed in line with the house rules or the conclusion of the debate. The rules received an erratta. Things like the Chipjack Expert Driver, the mnemonic enhancer, called shots, and invisibility.

Since it may appear that this board has some influence, there are people who don't want their precious character or tactics to become obsolete or less than legal because it takes advantage of a rule quirk or some piece of equipment that bestows advantages beyond its cost. Even if you think there is no way this forum influences the game rules, there are groups that play by the concensus reached on this forum. So this forum influences games on the net and around the world.

It depends on what you see as the function of police. To kick in your door and punish evil doers or a group that seeks to maintain a tidy environment and kick the drek out of any idea that clutters it.
"I Am The Law!"
To some degree the board automatically has influence, in that some of the people who will determine the rules read it. As a result, the ideas discussed here are likely already in their minds when it comes time to work out the next variation on them. They may not be chosen, but just being already on the list is a big advantage.

The same is true, incidentally, of any other source read by the arbiter of something.

QUOTE (Fortune)
"I Am The Law!"

Should be "Uh Ahm da LUH!"


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