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Even though I was wrong about the avail and smart materials thats still 16 double the allowed starting char limit. What sucks about hovercrafts though is they have a markup of 2.0 so you can really only put 800 dp worth of stuff on 'em. That not as bad as say a heavy aircraft carrier with a mark up of 7, who's minimum cost, with out an engine, is 21mil which puts the minimum availability at a whoping 1050/3 years, and thats not taking into account the street index that would be 3 for military grade vehicles.
Fresno Bob
I sent off the rest of the info you wanted.
Doh, I originally was going to do a car, then changed to a hovercraft, but already had it in my head my limit was 1600 DP not 800DP. I'll just have to rework some numbers and do some stuff as post-creation mods, I have the cash to, so its just number rearranging.
Ow, my poor little brain, I just spent the last half hour fixing it up, barely making it under with 794 DP spent. Here ya go.

Blue is for options purchased with design points, Green is for options purchased after market, and Red is the final stats.

[ Spoiler ]
Sandoval Smith
For rolling any sort of test, the lowest a TN can be is 2. So even if bonuses (for example, when shooting at someone with an aimed shot, at short range, using a SL II, and the target is standing perfectly still) would reduce the TN to less than 2, the TN is still 2. That is the absolute minimum it can go.
Yes. With a handling of 1, the TN is still 2. However, once modifiers start building up (say, if it's raining), the lower handling comes into play. A roll of 1 is always a failure.

And Lindt -- As much as I'm tempted to further muck with the LeClercMobile™, I think I should refrain. For the sake of Kiedos sanity, at least. Plus some of your characters might want a ride with her at some point and the extra seat can double as a trunk if not.

Having built and driven a hovercraft (admittetly it was little more than a wooden frame, a wax-covered tablecloth with a few holes and a leafblower), I'm quite interested to see how one would perform on a street. Ignoring for a moment what a runflat cloth big enough to make a cushion would cost (and you'll want that, or some drekhead with a shotgun will make you real sorry), there's the all-important cornering. A hovercraft has basically no friction whatsoever, so turning it 90 degrees to take a corner will see it continuing sideways as if nothing has happened. Unless there's some insane amount of jets poking out of either side, firing streams to brake the craft whenever it turns, you'll have a hard time surviving moving very fast in crowded areas. The way our hovercraft worked, you had to turn 5-6 seconds before you needed to head in a new direction, which prompted the vehicle to move towards the new direction in a wide curve. Basically, it'll be like driving with blank, soap covered tires on a sheet of ice. wink.gif
Voorhees: Info recieved, thats four official PC's

Tarantula: The hover craft looks good, thanks for color coding for ease of reading.

Sandoval Smith: Thanks for the info I was pretty sure that was the case, but I figured I'd double check with someone who speaks rule-ese better than I.

Aes:Gotcha, I see now, I had completely overlooked weather and terrain conditions, since they needn't be applied during creation. In that case, good idea. If you think you'd like to tinker with the car a little more feel free to, I've been working all night with vehicles trying to make a decent, not super, car, I can't get the hang of not making the ultimate vehicle, but just a average set up.

Everyone: Ok as it stands now I've got four PC's that are go, three that are still staging, and three still in the pit. If I get 8 or 10 characters we'll do two teams of PC's if I don't get anymore, which I am almost positive will not be the case, barring death or dismemberment, then we'll go with One PC team and one NPC team lead by the remaining "unsigned" players.
The only tinkering I'd like to do is add some rollbars during design (forgot to add them to the excel sheet). They cost 0 dp and add another 3 dice to my body test following a crash. It'd be stupid not to have them. smile.gif

Seeing as the LeClercmobile™ (Henceforth referred to as the Corsair, as intended) redesign ended up a good 40k cheaper than the original, can I donate some money towards the mechanics/spare part fund? Or do I go out and buy enough small arms to equip the standing army of a small nation? wink.gif
Sandoval Smith
Well, given that whatever you have leftover is going to be divided by ten, there are better ways to spend that 40k. What have you got setup for lifestyles? It's always a good idea to maintain some back up safehouses. How about a little bio or cyberwear? Enhanced Articulation is usually a good choice. I don't know what cyberwear you already have, but with 40K, you can upgrade some of that to alpha, and save yourself some essence.
okay okay I'll call it the corsair.
Oh, there's plenty of alpha chrome and bio in there. I'm just holding the money back until I hear wether I can donate it to a mechanic fund. If not, I guess a good way to splash the money would be on some ultrasound and encrypted transceivers. I suppose a back-up lifestyle could work too, I just have a hard time imagining the character with a portfolio to rival a slumlord. She's a racer, not a runner wink.gif
Sandoval Smith
Another vehicle might not be a bad idea. When I make a rigger I always have two, even if the second is a methane Zarina with nothing more than a rigger package. Since one vehicle is usually a heavily modfied something or other, it helps to have a 'grocery getter' when you don't want to be quite so conspicuous.
Opps I completely forgot you asked me about that sorry. Yeah you can donate it to the team fund if you'd like, for things like fixing cars or backing up a member if they wager more then they have. but sandoval is right a less conspicuous vehicle thats road legal, is a good thing to have(thats not to say your corsar isn't road legal, just some of the stuff on it I'd imagine the star might frown upon.) And also an extra lifestyle might actually fit her character, some place to fall back to just in case...
Roger that. I'll whip her up a legal SUV to haul stuff about in

Added gear:
[ Spoiler ]
Just a thought, but couldn't we use a Nordstapp-Conestoga Bergen with, say 3 trailers as a transport for everyone? (one trailer being a 'tourbus' style living area, one a thing to transport all the cars in, and one a mechanics shop) Or would that be a bit too much?


This is what I'm thinking for Fatal's car (I'm calling my character Fatal, and now resisting the urge to call his car 'The Rabbit', and if you get that reference you have too much spare time, like me nyahnyah.gif)

But, to his car...

Ford Mustang Turbo - 44, 000 nuyen.gif

Now, I was planning to add the following, but I'm really not sure how to, so could someone check the numbers for me?

Datajack Port - 2, 500 nuyen.gif

NoX Injectors [Level 2] - 7, 000 nuyen.gif

Crash Cages - 3, 500 nuyen.gif

Then I wanted to strip out the bench seats & put in 2 armoured bucket seats, and add in some concealed armour & a weapon mount of some sort, but I'm not sure what I'm doing, so can someone help me out here, 'cause I'm hopelessly lost.


By Ford Mustang Turbo, are you referring to the K-E modified Ford Mustang (that shares stats with the Lone-Star modified Honda-GM 3220 Turbo)?

In that case, the numbers don't add up at all. You could probably buy a troll-sized version of the car (+4800 nuyen.gif ) to the vehicle cost and remove 2 of the reinforced seats to free up the necessary CFs and load, but I don't think you'll be toting much in the way of armor and weapons on that build.
Actually I was just using the GM-Nissan 3220 Turbo as the base for it...

Oh, as for the weapon...would it be possible to have a shotgun that'd pop out of the roof? (and thus have a 360* fire arc)

Nevermind. Seems it's called a Honda in Rigger 3 and a Nissan in Rigger 3 Revised.

Doing the number crunching thing:

[ Spoiler ]
Well, I guess he's having an oversized Mustang then...take the metahuman package and put in the mini pop-up turret...

Thanks for the number crunching Aes smile.gif
Isn't the bergen a train? lol biggrin.gif

hey I just realized tarantula stole your "bonnet" shotguns
Sandoval Smith
QUOTE (Nightcrawler472 @ Feb 27 2005, 09:56 AM)
Actually I was just using the GM-Nissan 3220 Turbo as the base for it...

Oh, as for the weapon...would it be possible to have a shotgun that'd pop out of the roof? (and thus have a 360* fire arc)

Of course you can. You just need to have a passenger who can hold the shotgun, and then pop up through the sunroof to use it. Otherwise, what you're talking about is a pop up turret. You could fit a micro-pop up turret on that car and equip it with a shotgun.

Micro turret: 2,500 (shotgun, plus shotgun conversion kit purchased seperately)
2 armored bench seats: 6,500 (2 points of armor, which is the maximum)
Datajack port.

There is no room for the NOX, or the Crash Cage. If you ditch the turret, you can have either the NOX, or the Crash cage, but not both. So, basically, your choice is NOX, Turret, or Crash Cage.

And yes, the Bergen is a train, with an availability of around 38 for the locomotive, and 10 for the trailer, so we're probably not getting any.
*takes a deep breath*

Right. Number crunching session, mark II

[ Spoiler ]
Just an idle question, but are helicopters allowed?

Aes - Well, thanks. I'm gonna have to think about it though, as it does seem somewhat I may see what I can come up with at college tomorrow.
Wouldn't a helicopter kind of defeat the purpose of street racing?

And you're welcome. Like I said before, pop-up turrets tend to be more trouble than they're worth. Especially considering that everything you'll be shooting at will likely have vehicular armor and AV rounds are hard to get.
Kinda a cheap shot, but I dont see why it dosent work. However, where are you going to find a belt fed SMG or shotgun?

One? You guys still only have 1 car/van/death trap? Man... I got like 4 now...
But seeing as Im the RACER type, I dont have and guns on my cars...
My PC has two, actually. The racer and a SUV that won't make a LS traffic cop crap his pants as it shoots by at 450 km/h.


And this makes fo rthe 6th page. Have we beaten the record for longest recruitment thread yet? nyahnyah.gif
Minor notes I noticed. A datajack port will not allow even captains chair style rigging. It allows the "virtual dashboard" which gives you a +1 to reaction for purposes of driving, thats it. No sensors, you're not even assist blocked, but there is some sorta TN addition (I think +2) for doing other things. But it is NOT rigging.

Pop-up mini turret, someone has to go to the turret, pop it up, stick their head inside, and shoot. You want remote pop-up turrets, which can do all that from a rigger controlling it, or an order given to the dogbrain.

Also, so far my guy has 2 vehicles, the hover, and a racing bike, and I'm working on a third, while mulling over the story in my head.
*mutters something incomprihensible about story before stats*
Fresno Bob
My character just has two modified motorcycles, a chopper and a racing bike.
Aes, I tend to think of the story, and make the stats as I go for things he has/has used/etc. Yes, I think weirdly. nyahnyah.gif
To tell you the truth I am a bit worried about PC vs PC. I find it tends to turn into a Min/Max war, and character backgrounds and RPing kind of fall by the waste side.

I aggree with Slipshade. Doubly so in an open forum where we keep our character sheets public. Some people might start looking at the other characters simply to design specific counters to other characters. I'd say set a cap at however many PCs you're comfortable with and either go by first-come first-serve, the concepts you think will make for the most interesting story or drawing lots (whichever method seems more fair to you).

PvP CAN work if the entire group is mature about it. But - and I want to stress I am in no way thinking of anyone in paticular about this - we're all more or less strangers to one another. It's a very big gamble that 10 people who have never met before and only know each other for a few dozen forum posts will not have at least 1 person among them who takes munchkinism to the point where it spoils the others fun.
Thats a very good point, the will of the group is something a GM must take into account, not to mention the fact that I hate munchkins, I guess it's going to be a five to six man team against a npc one. I'm comfortable with either, but you've convinced me, with the mention of power gaming, that PCvPC is not an option. So I'm going to appologize up front, as I'm going to start a clean slate, and set my records to nill.

The way I will choose who's in is simple, the most creative or well suited background will be choosen, this does also mean that at least two of formerly in characters will more than likely still be in. Also for fairness I'd like to extend the oportunity for anyone who thinks that their character's bio need revamping the ability to do so. I will still stand by my Wednesday deadline which give you three days to improve or finalize and submit you character.

I will email you if your in, but don't take offense if you don't get choosen, all of the characters I've recieved are great so this will be a difficult choice.
I suppose I'll do a re-write in the morning. If nothing else, then to collect everything in a single mail and stomp out some more of my atrocious grammar and spelling.
Sandoval Smith
I just thought that I'd mention I've made a few semi-signifigant alterations to Sebastian, most notably a ten hour day job flaw, and a rating [3] credstick for his alternate identity, Ace Freely, Freelance Security Consultant (this is the identity he uses to explain just why he's got all that ordinance in the back of his van, and how he got permits for it; to make for a more legitimate paper trail to it, Ace Freely actually does take security jobs every now and then).
Digital Heroin
Gods, you go take an unannounced sabbatical and you miss a lot, eh... no room here is there?
QUOTE (Digital Heroin)
Gods, you go take an unannounced sabbatical and you miss a lot, eh... no room here is there?

Send in your character. If you look up a few posts, Kieod says selection isn't till wednesday, so you can still squeeze in.
Aes is right, send it in. HA my email is working again, I guess it was server side not client side, boya. So yeah definately send it in.
Digital Heroin
Sweeet.... perfect timing for five days off...

I will back out so you can let someone new in. My time is limited and I will be starting Living in the Shadows soon, which will likely take a lot of my time.

Enjoy everyone,

Thanks for the extension to Weds, my weekend was a horrible time vortex that I couldn't escape from.
Slideshade: thats very noble of you

Ecclesiastes: not a problem I follow alot of runs on this site, and your characters are very good, so send me a good one oKay?
Sandoval Smith
Kiedo, do you have any sort of intial setup in mind? Are we going to be a team that knows each other when the game starts, are we all going to be hired to the same team, should we just all randomly meet within the first few posts?
Digital Heroin
I'm adapting and re-forging a recent favorite of mine: Madcap, the Elven adept streetracer who acts like he's an Orc... well, either him or Roadkill... whoever I design and looks more fun on paper gets the submit
You'll be a racing organization, with about 40 members. All of the PC's will be the founding members, and to use gang terms, will be the leader and lutenants. I will let all of the players decide things like who the leader is, what the name of the group is and so on.
Well, I'm gonna be dropping out of this.

I found out my nan died last night a few hours ago, and I've now absoloutely zero desire/inspiration to do a character.

So, I guess that frees up another slot.

- NC.
My condolences, nightcrawler.
QUOTE (Kiedo)
My condolences, nightcrawler.

I'm sure Kiedo speaks for us all.
Today is the deadline you have until midnight to email me your bio and char sheet. I have decided to give myself until friday to decide on the runnners I'm going with but for all practical purposes we will start friday, unless thats a problem for everyone then it's monday.
Where do we stand as for PCs?
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