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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
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QUOTE (Kiedo)
Today is the deadline you have until midnight to email me your bio and char sheet. I have decided to give myself until friday to decide on the runnners I'm going with but for all practical purposes we will start friday, unless thats a problem for everyone then it's monday.

I'm still waiting to hear wether you wanted the adjusted character as a .sr3 file for NSRCG or a plaintext mail, as I said in my forum IM the 28th. smile.gif
Sorry I forgot, I can't view NGSRC files as I've said from the onset, so send it plaintext

And as far as characters go I have 8 submited but Ecclesiastes said he would try to get one in by today so that makes nine.
Sent. And with a good 30 seconds to spare too, assuming you're GMT wink.gif
No it's 7:45 pm here so you've got hours to spare on my end sorry if you rushed, live in houston
Sandoval Smith
It's a bit past the eleventh hour, but I'm looking over Sebastian's vehicle gear again, wondering if I might've gone wrong in getting the survelliance drone, the doberman, and the step van. I mean, it's fast step van, and the doberman is only a little bit slower, but I wouldn't call either of them racing caliber.

Although I'm pretty sure that he can find something to do with them. Spying on and saboaging the competion with occasional white phosphurus grenades, perhaps.
Digital Heroin
Seems my brain has conspired against me again... which is probably for the best, since I'd probably slow things down, not having been here through the process and all...
Sorry I missed the deadline. Work has been busy, so it just wasn't ment to be I guess. You did inspire me for a great character who I plan to finish anyway so I could use him on a future game. If you have any NPCs you'd like me to play, shoot me a PM about it.
Sad, didn't make the cut. Have fun guys
Nikoli, send me a full bio (even if you already have I lost it if you did). I wanted to add yours or Ecclisiastes' character so the team would have a resident mechanic. Either one of you can still get in just send the full bio and char sheet to me.
Ah, can't work on another bio till i get home. you've got 9 hours Ecclesiastes...
Well, I'm going out of town for the weekend, so have at it.
K-o derf.
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