Mar 24 2005, 05:02 AM
I just received my e-mail from Rob Boyle confirming that Shadows of Latin American and Shadows of Asia are still on schedule. I don't have a date as to when they are supposed to come out.
I think it's a good news because those two books were pormised since Shadows of Europe came out. Since i think SR as never been so complete on world detaisl before SR3 then we can all rejoice that the only regions that will lack details are Arabia/Africa.
Mar 24 2005, 08:42 AM
This had already been confirmed and FanPro's Catalog (including upcoming releases) is available
Before wrapping up SR3, FanPro will be releasing
Loose Alliances (the sourcebook formerly known as which details many of the most important non-corporate and non-underworld players (and now that I think of it some of those too) in the Sixth World. Then comes
Shadows of Asia and
Shadows of Latin America in quick sucession, adding to the overall global picture and also building/wrapping/developing existing plotlines. Finally you have
System Failure which will wrap SR3 with a major event.
FYI - The Middle East, and Arabia specifically will be in
Mar 24 2005, 09:55 AM
yes but not Africa or North Africa (which is an important part of the Islamic world)...another complaint is tha lack of that fascinating region which are the Balkans (Serbia, Greece, etc...)......well, after all one cannot have is anyway good to have SOA and SOLA.....
Mar 24 2005, 10:25 AM
there is another point I do not understand.
In SoE the Balkans and all East Europe was cut due to problems of can be possible that you want to put lands so distant like Syria and Korea all in the same, big, book?
I liked SoE, there are flaws like in any book (I have some complain for Southern Italy), but, in general, it is an inspiring, glorious book. I should say much better than SoNA to my view. SoE did not have time to give you all the detail but, at least, they give you some detail.
The Authors of SoE were obliged to cut off Eastern Europe to give us decent detail of the rest of can you pretend to have detailed pictures of a continent (Asia) which is three times Europe?
I understand that so many readers are not interested in things like "what makes Tajikistan different from Kazakistan" (as far as I can see, most people in the West thinks they are just the same because the word end similarly..). But in any case, how can you give us the same level of detail of SoE for such a big area?
I'm angry for the cutting of the Balkans (they must appear somewhere! Please, Synner, post somewhere the draft you were talking about!) but I can understand it was what do you want to cut from Shadows of Asia?
Asia is a complicated land, with complicated history and cultures (the most ancient urban civilizations, as far we can say), much more complicated than North America so you cannot simply resolve it with a sourcebooks all dedicated to modern corporations. What the awakening brought to Mesopotamia or India must be wonderfull and the if the awakened past will be mixed with the complicated future, anything will be just fantastic.
Please, do a good book, not just a small summery of what are the funny names of all those funny countries.
Mar 24 2005, 06:12 PM
QUOTE (Synner) |
FYI - The Middle East, and Arabia specifically will be in SoA. |
whoah. SoA's gonna be like 900 pages.
Mar 24 2005, 06:31 PM
QUOTE (Luca) |
yes but not Africa or North Africa (which is an important part of the Islamic world)...another complaint is tha lack of that frascinating region which are the Balkans (Serbia, Greece, etc...)......well, after all one cannot have is anyway good to have SOA and SOLA..... |
Yeah, I'd like to see more info on Desert Wars myself.
Mar 24 2005, 07:12 PM
i'd like some info on Desert Wars that makes it brutal again. maybe you could just say that the Desert Wars competition is a pale mockery of the real desert wars, which occured (and are now over) elsewhere in the desert. back in the day, being a DW vet made you badass. now, it makes you a punk trid wannabe whose only qualification is that you didn't get shot in one battle.
Zen Shooter01
Mar 24 2005, 08:11 PM
Yeah, I was thinking tht Asia is going to be sketchy, sketchy. Everything from Moscow to Tokyo, from the Arctic Circle to the Arabian Peninsula? In one book?
Mar 24 2005, 08:42 PM
Don't hold me to it but I think SoA will be even larger than SoE. I too thought it would end up being sketchy simply because of the scale of the enterprise, but I believe we pulled it off.
There will be places which are given only the briefest treatment, but all the major hotspots will get at least as much space as the Euro and American ones did.
Mar 25 2005, 12:50 AM
Big scale book like Asia? More pages than SoE?
I hope anything will be fine but....What is this? Maybe a kind of haste or rush to publish as much as possible before August when, as anybody knows, the 2060s' will be finished?
I really hope SoA will be a good book.
Mar 25 2005, 01:00 AM
so... 300 pages?
Kanada Ten
Mar 25 2005, 01:09 AM
QUOTE (mfb) |
now, it makes you a punk trid wannabe whose only qualification is that you didn't get shot in one battle... |
...and who is also the best and brightest the corps have to offer, experienced with the latest in technology and tactics in a near endless stream of challenges drawn from the last two hundred years of warfare...
Maybe not badass, but certainly more frightening than most corp or metroplex guard offerings.
Mar 25 2005, 01:07 AM
QUOTE (Luca @ Mar 25 2005, 12:50 AM) |
Big scale book like Asia? More pages than SoE? |
"Huh?" and "Yes, probably" respectively.
I hope anything will be fine but....What is this? Maybe a kind of haste or rush to publish as much as possible before August when, as anybody knows, the 2060s' will be finished? |
Don't know where you're getting these strange ideas. Loose Alliances has been written since before Halloween. Primary writing on SoA was wrapped around the New Year iirc. And SoLA was wrapped a few weeks ago. All were developed and drafted within (what were in my experience) typical timeframes and deadlines - and in a couple of cases a little longer (sorry, minor case of writer's block there).
I really hope SoA will be a good book. |
All I can say is that if you liked SoE and SoNA before it you're definitely going to like this one. Even if you didn't like SoE and SoNA this one is sufficiently original and unique that you might still like it.
QUOTE (mfb) |
so... 300 pages? |
Quite honestly: no idea.
Mar 25 2005, 01:16 AM
QUOTE (Kanada Ten) |
Maybe not badass, but certainly more frightening than most corp or metroplex guard offerings. |
yeah. i just think DW should be something more than a televised West Point--or, well, i think there should have been, at some point, a "real" DW that was a hellishly brutal conflict, which the televised DW are based off of. Joe Blow on the street might not know of or understand the difference, but real mercs would. basically, i think DW should be to SR what vietnam was to the 80s--hollywood crap spread thick over a starkly horrible war.
Mar 25 2005, 11:55 AM
Maybe they're focusing on some regions like india, china, japan and some arabic states and treat the rest the way they did with greece and the baltic states in SoE, only shortly mentioning what's up there. And i mean very short.
Apr 7 2005, 09:06 AM
QUOTE (Synner) |
Don't hold me to it but I think SoA will be even larger than SoE. |
I've noticed today that in the official site Shadows of Asia is described as a 192 pages book (while Shadows of Europe was 240 page....).
I hope SOA will have more pages because, usually, these kinds of previews are simply preliminary information which could be wrong....I hope so.
Apr 7 2005, 08:36 AM
One thing to remember about this whole deal...
SoE was originally a net project that managed to get the attention of the Blue Fairy. Many of the authors for the project were doing it for love of their home country, and not simply as a writing project. They had extensive knowledge about the area they were writing about, and there was a ton of info that got hacked out due to space.
Greece and the Balkans, OTH, were areas that were pretty sparse to begin with, I believe, because there wasn't any natives working on it. What work was done on it was doen more for completion sake, and chances are it showed. Thus, when the time came to trim the manuscript a bit and focus the writing, they got the axe because there wasn't much meat there to begin with.
With SoA, we don't have many, if any, natives working on it. Shadowrun simply doesn't have the fanbase there. Thus, there's less knowledge to work from, and it's more of a "job" for the writers than a labor of love. This isn't a slight to anyone involved, just saying... It's one thing to have 300 pages written about Lithuania before the project ever even gets green lit, another one completely to get an assignment for Outer Mongolia for 3000 words.
Plus, a lot of Asia's gonna get lumped together. There will likely be more detailed books down the road, maybe in the Target style, that will focus on specific areas, such as the Middle East, Russia, or whatever.
Apr 7 2005, 09:13 AM
Hopefully, because 192 pages aren't nearly enough to even give in-a-nutshell type information n Asia's various countries and cultures. But what would most interest me would be a Target: China and Target: Southeast Asia. Tagret: Japan would also be a great idea, of course, because I always found Shadowrun lacked something when the main villain nation never got more than passing coverage.
And for Japan, there're even fans out there who wrote up a net book; so much for the labour of love thing.
Apr 7 2005, 10:33 AM
QUOTE (hermit @ Apr 7 2005, 09:13 AM) |
And for Japan, there're even fans out there who wrote up a net book; so much for the labour of love thing. |
One step ahead of you. We tapped some of them (not many) to give us a hand with SoA.
However given the drafts I was privy to, I'd venture a guess that those figures, like the ones originally posted for SoE (namely 164 pages) are placeholders until layout is finished.
Apr 7 2005, 10:43 AM
If I told you guys I was from the Tir, would I get to help out with the next sourcebook touching on stuff going on there?
Apr 7 2005, 09:59 AM
QUOTE (Critias) |
If I told you guys I was from the Tir, would I get to help out with the next sourcebook touching on stuff going on there? |
Me too! (Though I suspect we're talking about different Tirs...)
Aye, but which one?
Have to get my grubby mitts on SoE and see what they made of Ireland...
Not that I have any reason to complain if I'm unhappy...
[ Spoiler ]
I was here when Synner et. al. were putting SoE together as a netbook, and wasn't able to help out (RL is a pain that way) - so if my wee homeland got pointy-ear-ified, well, it's my problem for not putting in my tuppen'orth at the time...
Apr 7 2005, 11:16 AM
Have to get my grubby mitts on SoE and see what they made of Ireland... Not that I have any reason to complain if I'm unhappy... |
I'm curious, Dem - what did you think of Tir nan Og? For my part, once you got past the Mary Sue parts I thought it was an interesting and sometimes chilling portrayal of an incredibly dictatorial regime, but never having been to Ireland I couldn't testify to the realism (or lack thereof) of the geography and history.
Apr 7 2005, 11:30 AM
Well, I'm not from Ireland, but I'm a fan of both Tirs, a history major, and I've been on vacation to Ireland a few times. For what that's worth, I remember being fairly imperssed with the geography and whatnot from the old na nOg book; the parts of Ireland I'd actually hiked around sounded about like a magically active, idealized, version of what I remembered. The parts I hadn't been to, I cross-checked with my various and sundry travel guides, and that (at least) matched up.
Which, I mean, is better than some sourcebooks have been.
Apr 7 2005, 10:24 AM
I would note that the authors of the TNO chapter (Pistons, Steve and Rob) were constrained by a lot of pre-existing canon, in much the same way as we were with the UK. Given those restrictions and expectations, I think TNO turned out particularly well.
Apr 7 2005, 11:26 AM
I don't remember the TNO sourcebook very well - I borrowed it off a friend a looong time ago. I didn't like it much then.
I'll have to look at it again and get my hands on SoE before I can really pass judgement honestly.
I'll keep an open mind, promise!
(And as I said, I kept my mouth shut at the "speak now or forever hold your peace" part of SoE development...)
Apr 7 2005, 11:26 AM
Someday, Rob will give in and let me nuke the Tir's

Apr 7 2005, 04:50 PM
And while I know nothing can be done to change the shit put into canon with the first Germany book ... *sigh* ... if Tir na nOg gets a makeover, I hope Germany gets one, too. Maybe a new Bismarck emerges? I'd even be happy about a Barbarossa resurrection (Troll or not, I could care less).
Gah. Like that's gonna happen.
One step ahead of you. We tapped some of them (not many) to give us a hand with SoA. |
Goodie. I'm sure this'll help the sourcebook a lot. Though their English was kinda bumpy on the pages, I really liked how they had written up Japan.
And glad to hear SoA will be more than 192 pages. I mean, even DidS2 has more, and it covers what - a state half the size of Japan?
Bob the Ninja
Apr 7 2005, 07:42 PM
So when are all these books coming out? I know that they're in the Fanpro catalog, but I kind of take those listings as wishful thinking.
Since SoA and Loose Alliances are mostly fluff, I suppose they could wait 'till after SR4.
Apr 7 2005, 07:13 PM
Take a look at - there are pages for both upcoming shadow-books. Plus a preview of System Failure.
Germany really needs to be redone. Maybe some new sort of emperor gets together all of the country under one banner. Like Bismarck. Heck, even a new dicatorship like the third reich would be "better" (you know what i mean) than the crap which is now canon when it comes to germany/ags.
Apr 7 2005, 08:43 PM
QUOTE (Bull) |
Someday, Rob will give in and let me nuke the Tir's.  |
Start high and maybe you can bargain him down to mass plagues killing them all off.
Apr 7 2005, 09:36 PM
@Bob: For all I understand, these books need to be out before for reasons of timeline and the building of the metaplot they need for SF.
@Grinder: Yeah. Maybe the Americans can help there, though that'd surely piss ff the German audience, but ... meh. The German team at least won't be able to salvage that setting. They seems to have a weird geeky affection to anarchism. And they want to put every setting imaginable into Germany.
I hope the SR4 Germany main book will set things straight, but meh ... I have my doupts.
Apr 7 2005, 10:07 PM
FYI Loose Alliances should be hitting stores in the next couple of weeks, last I heard it was ready to ship to printers. And boy is it full of goodness and more than a few surprises.
Shadows of Asia and Shadows of Latin America have both been written and are now in editing stages (SoA more advanced the SoLA since primary writing was wrapped a few months back). Both are being prepped for a quick sequential release before System Failure hits.
The main reason these are going ahead is to complete the picture of the Sixth World under SR3 (admittedly a Shadows of Africa might've been nice but we can't have it all) and because their contents (with very few exceptions) will be equally valid in 2070 as they are in 206x. They will also provide the most complete picture of the Sixth World so far - those players who are reluctant to move on to 2070 will have most of the world to play with.
FanPro also wishes to provide some development and in some cases closure to several current plots, before SR4 kicks in, and in that regard SoA and SoLA do have a few surprises. Much like most of the books since DotSW these will also possess some tidbits that tie into System Failure, but they are by no means essential, anymore than say SOTA64 or SoE were.
I'd hazard a guess and say SR4 will probably adopt a different format for its location books, and these might be the last of the Shadows of format for a while at least.
Apr 7 2005, 10:39 PM
QUOTE (hermit) |
@Grinder: Yeah. Maybe the Americans can help there, though that'd surely piss ff the German audience, but ... meh. The German team at least won't be able to salvage that setting. They seems to have a weird geeky affection to anarchism. |
Never read the Germany SB, but maybe the geeky affection to anarchism has something to do with RL in Germany. Tourist souvenirs from Kreuzberg 36 have red and black stars on them! The separation of Germany into states isn't that unlikely, at least compared to some other details of the SR universe
But I agree that Germany could be made a little bit more German and less all-settings-in-one-country-ly.
Apr 8 2005, 09:50 AM
Anarchism has a base in germany, sure, but not that strong as the nerdy authors of german canon would like. Kreuzberg/Berlin is loosing heavily when it comes to anarchism, much like the Hafenstrasse at Hamburg. The usual riots at may 1st are mostly done by wealthy kids who want to have some sort of weird "fun".
Germany as a country is just too small to fit all those settings in it. The elven country is a joke, likely the troll kingdom. I mean, how would they survive in the black forest? There's nothing, except dark forests!
A unity movement could be plausible i think. Maybe the southern states break away from the ags as they did in the 2030s. The church gets more influence and conquers in one way or antoher the rhein-ruhr-plex. And the eastern half falls under one dictator, backed by the corps. Sth. like this would make more sense than the current canon crap.
Apr 8 2005, 11:25 AM
I'd hazard a guess and say SR4 will probably adopt a different format for its location books, and these might be the last of the Shadows of format for a while at least. |
DAMN. There goes my hope for a "Shadows of Africa". Will it be more like Target books, then? Or just a yearly political download style book (a bit like the STOA books?). And while I'm at it, will there still be SOTA books? I loved the format. I'd really miss it.
Never read the Germany SB, but maybe the geeky affection to anarchism has something to do with RL in Germany. Tourist souvenirs from Kreuzberg 36 have red and black stars on them! The separation of Germany into states isn't that unlikely, at least compared to some other details of the SR universe |
1. Kreuzberg is about as representative of Germany as SoHo is representative of the US.
2. Even Kreuzberg isn't even close to the geeky anarchist wonderland the authors made Germany out to be. Anarchism isn't a large movement; this isn't the 70s anymore. Skinheads are much larger here, sadly.
3. The fragmentation could happen, but not like described. And no way do I see a return to monarchy! Besides, I seriously doupt any corp would seriously consider investing in GSB's Berlin - or else, Mogadishu would be TEEMING with multinationals now. It isn't, surprise surprise.
Germany as a country is just too small to fit all those settings in it. The elven country is a joke, likely the troll kingdom. I mean, how would they survive in the black forest? There's nothing, except dark forests! |
Read DidS2?
Kaltenstein was that troll king! Or rather, that troll King was Kaltenstein's metahuman form. Not that Kaltenstein should be fucking dea<d sine the 2030s, mind you. And since dragons are well known for loving to finance idiotic states and Lofwyr is obviously someone who loves company (maybe he loves to play poker with the other four Greats? Dragons playing poker ... now that's a funky idea ...), Kaltenstein is just THE plot vessel to explain away this shit.
Also, the Schwarzwald is teeming with moonshining. And some of that stuff is really good, too.

A unity movement could be plausible i think. Maybe the southern states break away from the ags as they did in the 2030s. The church gets more influence and conquers in one way or antoher the rhein-ruhr-plex. And the eastern half falls under one dictator, backed by the corps. Sth. like this would make more sense than the current canon crap. |
Or the populace has just had enough of that ADL shit and revolts, killing off all Greats except for Loffy, burn Proteus tothe ground, impale all those Pomorian dandelion eaters, tar and feather those cheesy nobles, and become a Saeder-Krupp led corporate democracy, like they were supposed to be in original canon.
But naaah, in the new Target ADL book (German only, sorry US folks, but you aren't missing anything worth reading), the Anarchists get elected for government.
Makes you wonder what the hell is wrong with Germany's future populace.
Apr 8 2005, 12:09 PM
FanPro D is what's wrong.
It's like twins.
FanPro D is evil and screwed up and fucking insane.
FanPro US is sane.
Apr 8 2005, 12:59 PM
Well, basically yeah. Though I like their compilation books. It's just that I don't like their authors. Or, for that matter, whoever translated SoE.
Apr 8 2005, 01:05 PM
I would like to note, again, that many of the same German authors are responsible for a lot of other materal in SoE, not to mention the rather interesting developments and twists on Schwartzkopf, Nebelherr and Kaltensteinin DotSW and surprises in the upcoming Loose Alliances.
There's only so much you can do when your hands are tied by continuity and canon, and despite the opinion of many fans regarding the DidS setting a great many people would be extraordinarily pissed to see the background they've been using for years and years retoractively ditched and rewritten. Changes are coming, just give them time...
Apr 8 2005, 01:26 PM
There's only so much you can do when your hands are tied by continuity and canon, and despite the opinion of many fans regarding the DidS setting a great many people would be extraordinarily pissed to see the background they've been using for years and years retoractively ditched and rewritten. |
True. I apologise.
Apr 8 2005, 01:40 PM
No apology needed, I share your concerns about the German setting, I just also happen to know some of the authors quite well and I know their views too.
Apr 8 2005, 01:51 PM
QUOTE (hermit) |
And for Japan, there're even fans out there who wrote up a net book; so much for the labour of love thing. |
I figured what you mentioned is below. Am I correct?
JIS-Project, I can't contact with original authors. And it has not been up to date for years
Demonseed Elite
Apr 8 2005, 02:08 PM
DAMN. There goes my hope for a "Shadows of Africa". |
Same here. I already had proposal stuff written out for it.
Which I'll try to squeeze into SR4 books somewhere, in increments, I'm sure.
Apr 8 2005, 02:25 PM
QUOTE (hermit) |
AHEM. 1. Kreuzberg is about as representative of Germany as SoHo is representative of the US. 2. Even Kreuzberg isn't even close to the geeky anarchist wonderland the authors made Germany out to be. Anarchism isn't a large movement; this isn't the 70s anymore. Skinheads are much larger here, sadly. |
True enough, I was just pointing out where they might have got their inspiration from.
But naaah, in the new Target ADL book (German only, sorry US folks, but you aren't missing anything worth reading), the Anarchists get elected for government. |
The anarchists got elected for government

German freelancer crack must be something heavy, or more likely just glue. The German editors could probably be excused as they seem to have been playing MMORPGs instead of reading what the freelancers had written and when deadline closed in they had to let it pass.
Apr 8 2005, 02:43 PM
I could believe that.
Apr 8 2005, 02:49 PM
I figured what you mentioned is below. Am I correct? |
Yeap. JIS project. I like their ideas on the setting, actually. They made Japan actually the evil fascist state SR canon had always made it to be (with some relativations, but the parts on metahumans are quite harsh). Too bad it isn't updated any more ... and none of the authors are available. So you cannot use their stuff. v_v
German freelancer crack must be something heavy, or more likely just glue. The German editors could probably be excused as they seem to have been playing MMORPGs instead of reading what the freelancers had written and when deadline closed in they had to let it pass. |
I hear they use loooots of weed; it's practically legal here anyway.

To be fair, some parts of DidS2 are pretty cool, too; especially the Loffy/Nachtmeister fight and the general "life in the 2060s' Germany" section. Also, the Berlin setting, while still ... ahem ... HAS improved. They closed down the most ludicrous shops and made the city *somewhat* believable, although I doupt that seven megacorps would actually provide troops to cleanse the mess up, and not just bribe some politicans for far less money and have the Bundeswehr, BGS and MET 2000 roll in. In the end, that'd have been a much cheaper solution, but oh well. And some of the artwork is really kickass. Especially the cover. Best SR cover I have seen in some years, beats even DotSW and SoE.
They should have done *something* aboput the elf duchy and the troll kingdom, though. Yeah, thery have hinted at Schwarzwald becoming more of a modern dictatorship, but meh. And they brought Kaltenstein back. Yah.
Apr 8 2005, 04:39 PM
Excited as I am about the SoA sourcebook and the SoLA book, I'm kind of feeling squidgy about shelling out for ginormous sourcebooks that are going to become rapidly obsolete. Sure, the fluff will remain "accurate," but how forwards compatible will the fluff really be to an SR4 set in 2070? Even worse, what about the crunchy rules? What good will matrix stats and sensor stats for the various countries be when the 'trix crashes and there are no more riggers? [Sarcasm] Can we expect flying car prototypes from Chiba in the SoA? [/Sarcasm]
If the sourcebooks are really as far along as they are, and SR4 is really not as far along as it seems to be, how compatible will these new sourcebooks be? Synner? Adam? Anyone in the know?
Editted to enhance clarity.
Apr 8 2005, 05:05 PM
I sure hope we WON'T see flying cars. Flying cars are a very stupid concept. It has been attempted what, five times now? And has never worked out?
Apr 8 2005, 07:10 PM
Iirc someone said something about flying cars in another thread. But a lot of rumours had been spread around here, so i take most what i read with a grant of salt.
I actually read DidS2, but simply forgot the kaltenstein-thing, sorry. But anyway, it sucks.
I'm still hoping something big will happen to ags very soon. Imo the freelancers and authors can smoke whatever they want and how much they want (who's not enjoying from time to time?) as long as a reasonable change of the fucked up german setting is the result.
Apr 8 2005, 09:02 PM
I actually read DidS2, but simply forgot the kaltenstein-thing, sorry. But anyway, it sucks. |
I'm still hoping something big will happen to ags very soon. Imo the freelancers and authors can smoke whatever they want and how much they want (who's not enjoying from time to time?) as long as a reasonable change of the fucked up german setting is the result. smile.gif |
I'd buy them any stuff, just to get a setting that isn't quite as .... stupid, for the lack of a better word.
Well, Synner gave me some hope. Change is coming he says. Maybe in the five years gap, things will happen? Hopefully. I'd hate to see the AGS enter the 70s.
Apr 9 2005, 09:25 AM
At least not in the current format, i hope. More dictatorships for ags!