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I love the Edge and Flaw part of character design, you can add some really wild (for good or ill) aspects to your character that make game play much more interesting. But sometimes there isn't an Edge or Flaw for what you want to do, and then you get thrown onto your own imagination.

So, share some of your favorite (or most difficult/interesting to use) Edges and Flaws that you've saddled your character with.

Edge: Family Network
Cost: 3
Description: Character comes from an extensive family with members affiliated with all manner of business, both legal and shadow based. Character gets two additional level 1 contacts, and one level 2 contact. However, to protect family members, these level 1 contacts may not used during a Dangerous Situation (GM's decision). The level 2 may be used on a dice roll (1D6) of 4,5, or 6 during a Dangerous Situation. The level 1 contacts will still rat the character out, but on a (1D6) roll of 6, will warn the character about having done so.

Flaw: Quadriamputee
Cost: -8
Description: Character was involved in an accident that all 4 limbs have been amputated. In addition, damage to the character's nervous network was so severe that cyberlimbs cannot be attachted without extensive bio and genetic reconstruction.
~ Crippled: Flaw 1 Point
Due to a birth defect or an improperly treated accident when younger the characters Running Multiplier is reduced by 1

Might be worth more if parapegic wasn't worth 3 points

~ Natural Runner: Edge 4 Points
Due to naturally longer legs or just a natural ability the Running multiplier of these character is increased by 1. Not compatable with the increase from being a Ghoul or having Satyr Legs or is lost with the augmentation of Kid Stealth legs.
Absolute focus (Edge, 1/3 point)

1 point: ignore minor distraction modifiers (firefight off to the side, not involving you, just nearby)
3 point: ignore distraction modifiers (including firefights going on around you)

Can lead to being blindsided REALLY easily though-- and don't bother trying to dodge, you aren't paying enough attention to everything else.
Uglier than Sin (Flaw, 2 point)

+2 to social modifiers on first encounter
-1 to racial modified limit for charisma

You really are so ugly the dog wouldn't play with you. GM choice if your mother got slapped at your birth.
Incompetent - 8 points

The PC with the Incompetent flaw cannot be left alone, even for a second. Everything he or she touches turns to shit and everything he or she tries to do somehow makes it worse for everyone else. He or she will invariably take the action most likely to make the rest of the team say, "You gotta be KIDDING me!"
Risk Taker -2 points

The character is drawn to risks. If there is a dangerous, risky, half baked plan to do something, this character will favor it. The character must always take the riskier of two options if presented. Willpower (6) to avoid.
Plastic Smile (1 Point):

This Flaw gives the same disadvantages as the Ugly and Doesn't Care Flaw. In this case, it's not so much that the character is unattractive. In fact, usually it's the opposite. But the character seems like a big phony. His smile looks insincere, his careful explanations seem too pat, his smooth moves seem calculated, and so on. Even if the character is being completely sincere, he will still engender skepticism in others.
Natural Lifter : Edge 2 points.
-2 Modifier for non combat strength based tests
-2 Modifier to charisma checks ( Self Confidence )
+1 Modifier to Willpower checks when confronted with an "immovable object"

Due to employment with Cabinet Makers, Moving Companies, or Custodial positions the character is quite familiar with the transportation and or shifting of objects in size and wieght much greater then thier own. This also develops a "can do" attitude towards any situation, and although the opposite sex often finds this Self Confidence attractive it can also lead to " biting off more the one can chew ".

This is more of a surge ability than an edge or flaw but I suppose it could pass as a Magical edge.

Immunity to Fire: Edge 3 or 4 points
works like immunity to toxins or the critter immunity to fire
Adaptive Biochemistry (5 and 10 points)

For some inexplicable reason your system is not as heavily impacted by the addition of Cyberware or Bioware.

Effrect: 5 points gives a 1 point (total) reduction to the total Essence and BioIndex cost of implant cyberware. 10 points gives a 2 point (total) reduction to the total Essence and BioIndex cost of implant cyberware. Essence cost cannot be reduced below 0

Example: Alpha Wired Reflexes 1 and Alpha Smartlink II with level 1 Adaptive Biochemistry would cost .2 essence total
Cyclops. The same as the SURGE flaw, except this comes from an injury that leaves one eye completely useless. Like all similar flaws, it can't be repaired with cyberware.

lothazar, have you ever actually gotten a GM to allow that edge? most of the people I know consider Essence "Off-Limits." But here's an interesting variation that most GMs would probably allow. Its kinda similar to a geas.

Edge: Magically Receptive (3 levels)
Cost: open to suggestions

This edge cancels one point of missing essense (per level) when determining target numbers to cast a spell on the character.
QUOTE (Smiley)
Incompetent - 8 points

The PC with the Incompetent flaw cannot be left alone, even for a second. Everything he or she touches turns to shit and everything he or she tries to do somehow makes it worse for everyone else. He or she will invariably take the action most likely to make the rest of the team say, "You gotta be KIDDING me!"

You give people points for that?

My players all have PCs with that flaw...
I suppose it helps keep them alive a little while longer after they paint themselves (and possibly their groups too) into a corner.
Gem the Troll
Security Blanket 2,4, or 6 points flaw
The PC has an item that is of no combat or professional value that is essential to their ability to function. If at any point the PC is seperated from said item they begin to take a TN penalty equal to one half the level of their flaw. This penalty is doubled every two hours without contact with their "security blanket." Within six hours of seperation the PC is reduced to a state of uncontrollable gibbering and is unable to perform more than the simplest task. Willpower test (every hour) TN 6 + number of hours seperated from "security blanket" to avoid the penalties.
Big List of Custom Made Edges & Flaws
Extra Attribute Point(s) a lesser version of Bonus Attribute Points. Cost +1 Edge for +1 Attribute Point.
QUOTE (TheQuestionMan)
Extra Attribute Point(s) a lesser version of Bonus Attribute Points. Cost +1 Edge for +1 Attribute Point.

What's the difference?
Edge: Attribute Specialist (for each attribute)
Cost: 1

Adds two points to a given attribute, but subtracts one point from another.
-1 to -4
The character has sworn an oath, be it a solemn spiritual vow, a promise, a contractual agreement, or even an off-handed affirmation that has been somehow karmically bound to the character's destiny. While the degree of seriousness associated with the oath should ideally correspond with the value of the flaw, this need not necessarily be the case. Fate is fickle.

In practical terms, so long as the character is fulfilling or acting in accordance with the oath, Good Karma is earned normally. If the character forsakes the oath, a 10% penalty per point of the Oathbound flaw is applied to all Good Karma awards, with modified values rounded down. The character must resume pursuit of the oath in order to gain Good Karma at a normal rate once more.

Characters should not combine this flaw with others. For instance, a character who has sworn to raise a younger sibling does not get points for both Oathbound and Dependent.

If a broken oath cannot be resumed, such as the event of a protected target dying, or if an oath is somehow fulfilled, the character must choose another flaw of equal value to the level of Oathbound the character possessed prior. Some ideas include Bad Karma, Cursed Karma, Hung Out To Dry, Bad Reputation, and Hunted.

Minor Celebrity
The character is, for whatever reason, someone people have heard of, usually because the character has been in the news at some point. Not everyone will recognize the character by sight, but some will. It is also easier to find information about the character. Target Numbers for Matrix searchs and Etiquette tests made to find out information related to the character are reduced by 1 point.
Eyeless Blond
QUOTE (Fortune)
QUOTE (TheQuestionMan @ Apr 2 2005, 02:50 AM)
Extra Attribute Point(s) a lesser version of Bonus Attribute Points. Cost +1 Edge for +1 Attribute Point.

What's the difference?

Um, it's actually cheaper than just buying another attribute point for two build points? I'm not sure I get it either.
Ol' Scratch
Edge: Attribute Specialist (for each attribute)
Cost: 1

Adds two points to a given attribute, but subtracts one point from another.

So, instead of going Body 3 and Willpower 6 like you were planning for 18 Build Points, you can go Body 4, Willpower 4, and Attribute Specialist for 17 Build Points? Or even better, exceed your Racial Modified Limit by doing the same thing.

O. K.
Similiar to oathbound.

Moral Code: -2 points

The character has an unusual moral code that may interfear with his/her shadow activities. Example: Protect the innocent.
My character has one of these.

Stop people from burning a gang alive just once and you're forever branded a hippie.
Here are a few:
* Ballbuster/Chauvinist (1 point Edge) - This edge gives a +2 bonus on Open Skill Intimidation tests against members of the opposite sex.
* Dwarf-looking (1 point Flaw) - This flaw can only be taken by humans. This flaw means that your character is within the lowest 5th percentile for height and weight. Other people treat your character like a dwarf even though you are human (apply all social racial penalties for being a dwarf). Real dwarves tend to treat you with derision and hostility (+2 social modifier with dwarves). Your character also requires dwarf-modified equipment to accomodate his/her size.
* Ork Poseur (1 point Flaw) - This flaw can only be taken by humans or elves. This flaw means that your character is enamored with the rising "Ork culture" (detailed in Orxploitation in SOTA:2062) and strives to be an ork as much as possible. Your character has implanted tusks, and tries to act tougher than he/she actually is. Some people may treat your character poorly due to his/her appearance and sympathies toward orks (apply social racial penalties for orks, halved). Real orks tend to treat your character with derision and hostility (+2 social modifier with orks). This modifier may be waived in certain situations (for example, if your character was a CalFree freedom fighter, the Resistance would treat you with respect).
Got a new one.

Flaw: Nymphomania, level 1, 2, or 3
Cost: -2, -4, or -6
A character with level 1 Nymphomania must make a sexual advance toward any member of the target gender (player must choose at character creation) that the character hasn't met before, or that the character has not made an advance on in the last 24 hours (Will power, TN 6 to resist). If the character is actually taken up on his/her offer, the character is satisfied for (1 dice roll) hours, and is exempt from making sexual advances for that time.

A character with level 2 Nymphomania is bi, and must make sexual advances toward all people, using the same rules as above.

A character with level 3 Nymphomania must make sexual advances toward all people, animals, and appliances.
amendment to the above: if the character is female, they get 4 fewer points for this flaw. if they're elven and female, they gain 8 fewer points. this can result in build point loss.
interesting addendum. Why, just out of curiousity? *pauses to consider the probable explosion of level 3 nymphomaniac female elf characters* Oh, that's why.
Edge: Surge - Regeneration
Cost: 4
Character will naturally regenerate from wounds over time at the rate of 1 box per hour. However, due to the character's immune system, their body with automatically reject (render useless) all bioware and will reject any cyberware that is below Beta quality.

(what do you think, a little twinkish? I tried to balance it, but oh well.)
*Addendum to Edge: Regeneration*

Body will reject cyber spurs of ANY quality unless the character is less than 165cm tall and has profuse body hair.
HMHVV Hunter
Because I think it's ridiculous that it's not already in SR (yeah, I know about the addiction rules, but c'mon...), and since just about EVERY other game system has it:

Addiction (-3 to -8 point Flaw)

The character is addicted to some sort of substance, and must get his fix regularly or he will not function normally.

The point value is dependent on three things: how common the subtance is, the severity, and the frequency of which the character needs his fix.

Common substances: alcohol, ciggarettes, loosely regulated drugs, etc: -1 point
Uncommon substances: Specially coded BTLs, highly regulated drugs, etc: -2 points

Mild: Suffers +1 to all target numbers without fix; suffers minor aberrations without fix (-1 point)
Moderate: Suffers +2 to all target numbers without fix; suffers many minor changes to attitude and personality without fix; will pursue object of addiction if opportunity presents itself unless Willpower test (4) is passed (-2 points)
Severe: Suffers +4 to all target numbers without fix; suffers major personality and attitude changes, possibly even becoming violent; will obsessively pursue fix if opportunity becomes available unless a Willpower test (6) is passed (-3 points)

Infrequent: Needs fix once every four to seven days. (-1 point)
Frequent: Needs fix once every one to three days (-2 points)
Constant: Needs fix once every few hours (-3 points)

(Forgive me if this needs some tweaking; this is my first Edge/Flaw I've designed)
Because I think it's ridiculous that it's not already in SR (yeah, I know about the addiction rules, but c'mon...), and since just about EVERY other game system has it:

One can easily adapt the compulsion flaw to simulate an addiction flaw (personally, I think any flaw that can give a -6 total for a single flaw is a bit overpowered). Also, there's a Matrix Addiction flaw in "Matrix" that shows a nice addiction progression that can be co-opted for normal Addictions.
I'll dust off these two that I posted to the old forums. Enjoy!


Anime Harem Flaw: (6 Points)

This character seems to be living every man's dream. He has 3 (or more) beautiful, intelligent, powerful women who all want a relationship with him. However, he soon finds out that these women are violently jealous of each other and extremely possessive of him. These women all have other obsessive would-be boyfriends who will show up, each blaming the character for stringing their love along, when she would be so much happier with him. These guys will attack the character at every opportunity, the women will become more demanding, and even the character's shadowrunning group will split into factions:

"You should go with the bounty hunter chick. She's your true love."

"No way, she hits him with that mallet all the time. The cheetah shapeshifter chick is the one for you. Rowrr!"

"She's a bimbo! Go with the wolf shaman chick. She was your childhood friend!"

The character will eventually realize that if he ever does choose one of them, the others will not only kill the two of them, but completely destroy several blocks of Seattle, and that he is in Hell. smile.gif

Self-Insertion Fanfic Anime Harem Edge: (6 Points)
This character seems to be living every man's dream. He has 3 (or more) beautiful, intelligent, powerful women who all want a relationship with him. And you know what? He is living every man's dream. The problematic paramours from the Anime Harem Flaw are gone - the conniving rich chick, the true love who doesn't take any guff from him, the spoiled foreign princess, they're outta there! The ones who are left - the perky homemaker, the warrior bimbo (but she's not really a bimbo, honest! She just has a zest for life!), and the childhood friend - fawn over the character outrageously, and don't mind "sharing" him at all. Also, rounding out the harem, to replace the missing ones, are two or three girls from a wizgang who are sailor-suited defenders of truth and justice. You have to frequently bail them out of trouble, but it's worth it to watch them bask in their awe of your magnificence. notworthy.gif One or two of the jealous would-be boyfriends are still present, but they are so pathetic as to be laughable.
Strong Accent: Flaw, 3 Points

-/+ 1 or -2 modifier for any situation involving Speech, if the party being spoken to harbors ill feelings towards the characters homeland +1, if the party harbors good feelings for the homeland -1, if the party is from the homeland -2.

The character with this flaw was raised so deep in a specific regional area they have an accent that cannot be hidden without a voice modulator. Wether it's Southern Drawl, New York Squak, or Aussie Bounce, it's just too ingrained in the characters speech pattern. When encountering others from the region communication becomes all the more easier and the subject isn't as carefull as they should be.
Ol' Scratch
QUOTE (Glyph)

Anime Harem Flaw: (6 Points)

Self-Insertion Fanfic Anime Harem Edge: (6 Points)

<laughing> Those are great. smile.gif
First a serious one ...

Dependance - Value 2, 4 or 6
Going beyond (or even linked with) the Compulsion (or Addiction) flaw, the character has a unshakable, insatiable appetite for something. Whether it is BTL chips, collecting matchbox cars, high-stakes poker or the need to constantly make donations to the Church of Jesus, Elvis and the 2060 All-Star Saints, your character has a constant drain on his finances. Each level of the flaw means that of every financial windfall your character gets, whether it is one or one billion nuyen, your character must deduct five percent per level. Costs are not reduced in the same way, and this money is gone - no making a Poker skill roll to see if the ante you put in pays off, no Combat Biker Betting skill rolls to see if your 999 to 1 odds pay off. The money is gone and it isn't coming back.

And then a less serious one ...

Depressing Character - Value -2
Your character is depressing. He is a drag. He cannot look at the bright side of life, he cannot enjoy himself in any situation and he is either resigned or pessimistic in every situation. Your character must pay double contract upkeep (nobody wants to hang around him because it's so d*mn depressing), and all social interaction target numbers not involving intimidation are increased by +1. Also, nobody wants to hear your character's opinion about anything, ever.

I have a small correction.

With all due respect, the terms "nymphomania" and "nymphomaniac" *ONLY* apply to FEMALES.

The proper terms for a male afflicted with the same condition are "satyriasis" and "satyr", respectively.

(Not to be confused with the mythological creatures of the same name, or their counterparts in SR.)

End of lecture. smile.gif

I now return you to your regularly-scheduled Dumpshock Forums.... nyahnyah.gif

I personally think that nymphomania is just as much of a flaw either way. Must you be such chauvanist pigs?

Well, here's a little flaw I did'nt even have to come up with. (My players are a weird bunch, you see.)

Yaoi Victim, 7pt flaw:
Tne character is perpetually seems to end up playing the role of the main character in Yaoi manga. Whenever they end up in the pokey, the character ends up being in the cell with Big Al. Whenever they're going to be tortured for information, the character always lands the homosexual BDSM fanatic. (Few things are more effective in eliciting information than fuzzy handcuffs and a penchant for medical pariphenalia). And whenever the PC's are going against something with tentacles....I'll just let you finish the sentence for this one.
This flaw can only be taken by male characters

Ironically enough, the people who came up with this (as a role-played trait, no less) are all female. Then again, they're so perverse that I can't even think of a metaphor for how perverse they are.
Adversary: 1 or 3.

Same as Hunted 2 or 4 only the PC has to spend time tracking down and evening up with the opposition. I always hated the idea of just waiting around for the Gm to frag me with an enemy from the past.
QUOTE (SpasticTeapot)

Ironically enough, the people who came up with this (as a role-played trait, no less) are all female. Then again, they're so perverse that I can't even think of a metaphor for how perverse they are.

.... (shakes head) That's just wrong. smile.gif

I like some of these flaws, wonder if they will end up in 4th edition?
QUOTE (Glyph)
"You should go with the bounty hunter chick. She's your true love."

"No way, she hits him with that mallet all the time. The cheetah shapeshifter chick is the one for you. Rowrr!"

"She's a bimbo! Go with the wolf shaman chick. She was your childhood friend!"

This rings true. As an anime fan, it really made me laugh. Especially the "childhood friend" thing. Isn't there always one?
QUOTE (Mortax)
QUOTE (SpasticTeapot @ Apr 4 2005, 08:52 PM)

Ironically enough, the people who came up with this (as a role-played trait, no less) are all female. Then again, they're so perverse that I can't even think of a metaphor for how perverse they are.

.... (shakes head) That's just wrong. smile.gif

I like some of these flaws, wonder if they will end up in 4th edition?

The Yaoi flaw or being fans of the more perverse varieties of japanese pop culture?

Here's another edge:
Scary And Knows It: (1 pt.)
Characters with this edge are of the sort that, deep down, make most Oyabun look like kitten fanciers. Under all the social gestures and other nicities, this character is freakishly scary. When he lets go of these pretenses, he becomes almost as a rabid animal, incisors exposed and growling as if posessed by something. Although this gives no benifit in combat, this ability gives an additional -3 modifier in interrogation tests and a -1 modifier on intimidation tests. However, anyone seeing the character act in this manner will usually run screaming like a little girl, so it's best not used in crowded areas.

False Sincerity (3)
The opposite of the Liar flaw. When lying (or even if they're not lying but need to convince someone), the oppoment roll a 6-sided die, the target number for which is equal to their intelligence minus (the opponent's charisma+2) . (a 6 always means that the person saw right through the lie, or is at least a bit incredulous.)

Religious: (-3, -5)
This character has a devotion to his/her religion not commonly found in 2064. The character must not work on the holy day of the week (usuaally friday, saturday, or sunday), and follow the basic tenets of the religion. For the -4 point flaw, the character must pay religious dues (roughly 10% of earnings) to their church. This flaw is usually taken in conjunction with pacifisim, which is a common commandment amongst many religions.

Dyslexic: (-1)
Characters with this flaw lose the free read/write skill given at the beginning of the game. In addition, characters must pay triple the normal amount for read/write skills . Linguasofts with read/write functionality do not function for this character.

I've just been invited to another SR game, and my pistol-adept character has a charisma of 8, negotiations and etiquette 6, and a bunch of social edges. He's a bit limited on skills (he only knows how to use a pistol, albiet very well), but he can talk his way into anywere. I, personally, am surprised that social skills have such a low value for players, as it's often easier to charm your way into a party and "forget" a briefcase, which is conviniently filled with C4.
Herald of Verjigorm
QUOTE (SpasticTeapot @ Apr 6 2005, 12:45 PM)
Dyslexic: (-1)
Characters with this flaw lose the free read/write skill given at the beginning of the game. In addition, characters must pay triple the normal amount for read/write skills . Linguasofts with read/write functionality do not function for this character.

Ok, that one's nonsense. Just make it a TN penalty for each point of the flaw when attempting to use written communications dependant on character recognition. Toss in that the dyslexic must also actually roll the skill at a TN of at least their penalty amount even in situations that characters without the flaw wouldn't need to roll.
QUOTE (Herald of Verjigorm)
QUOTE (SpasticTeapot @ Apr 6 2005, 12:45 PM)
Dyslexic: (-1)
Characters with this flaw lose the free read/write skill given at the beginning of the game. In addition, characters must pay triple the normal amount for read/write skills . Linguasofts with read/write functionality do not function for this character.

Ok, that one's nonsense. Just make it a TN penalty for each point of the flaw when attempting to use written communications dependant on character recognition. Toss in that the dyslexic must also actually roll the skill at a TN of at least their penalty amount even in situations that characters without the flaw wouldn't need to roll.

Although my description of the flaw is less than wonderful, you must not know very many dyslexic people. Although dyslexia makes reading very difficult, many dyslexics can read just as well as you or I; it merely requires a lot more practice and effort. In fact, I have met a dyslexic poet; she can think of couplets much faster than I can, but she takes a bit longer to write them down.
The whole linguasoft thing is essentially there just to keep street samurai with appropriate cyberware from taking this as a freebie flaw.

Next time, actually look at the definition of dyslexia before writing a flaw on it.
Herald of Verjigorm
I have known dyslexics, and some seem to completely overcome it while others still have mild fallbacks. From those examples, a TN penalty on even trivial tasks seems more fitting than making it harder for them to learn on such an excessive scale.
QUOTE (Herald of Verjigorm @ Apr 6 2005, 03:43 PM)
I have known dyslexics, and some seem to completely overcome it while others still have mild fallbacks.  From those examples, a TN penalty on even trivial tasks seems more fitting than making it harder for them to learn on such an excessive scale.

Yes, but the reason they overcome it is because they work much harder at learning how to read than non-dyslexics, incurring the karma cost penalty.
Requiring tests for basic tasks is sort of stupid, as, providing they work hard enough, most dyslexics will not find themselves mysteriously unable to read the menu at a burger king. Learning how to read the menu, however, is a tricky thing to do. Not being able to read at random intervals is not "overcoming dyslexia completely" in my book.

The whole "triple cost" thing is based on teaching in public schools. Non-dyslexic kids get maybe 30 minutes to an hour of reading practice a day in early grades; dyslexic kids get an hour more. And, although learning to read is not a huge problem, learning to distinguish a P from a q can take a very long time.
Dyslexia is a spectrum of disorders, all having to do with difficulties in reading and writing, with drastically different etiologies. Both of the "dyslexic" flaws proposed can be valid. Most programs designed to help dyslexic students focus on alternate methods of reading comprehension or writing composition or both. Dyslexia, in general, is not a good "flaw" to write a game mechanic for simply because it is too broad of a generalization, just like the so-called photographic memory edge... no one has a universal "photographic" memory, but the game mechanics as written lump all the various different memorization phenomena into one category.
QUOTE (Enigma)
Depressing Character - Value -2
Your character is depressing. He is a drag. He cannot look at the bright side of life, he cannot enjoy himself in any situation and he is either resigned or pessimistic in every situation. Your character must pay double contract upkeep (nobody wants to hang around him because it's so d*mn depressing), and all social interaction target numbers not involving intimidation are increased by +1. Also, nobody wants to hear your character's opinion about anything, ever.

You must have run into me at some point during your life.
QUOTE (Enigma)

Depressing Character - Value -2
Your character is depressing. He is a drag. He cannot look at the bright side of life, he cannot enjoy himself in any situation and he is either resigned or pessimistic in every situation. Your character must pay double contract upkeep (nobody wants to hang around him because it's so d*mn depressing), and all social interaction target numbers not involving intimidation are increased by +1. Also, nobody wants to hear your character's opinion about anything, ever.

And I've got this terrible pain in the diodes all down my left side...
QUOTE (SpasticTeapot)
QUOTE (Enigma @ Apr 4 2005, 05:47 AM)

Depressing Character - Value -2
Your character is depressing.  He is a drag.  He cannot look at the bright side of life, he cannot enjoy himself in any situation and he is either resigned or pessimistic in every situation.  Your character must pay double contract upkeep (nobody wants to hang around him because it's so d*mn depressing), and all social interaction target numbers not involving intimidation are increased by +1.  Also, nobody wants to hear your character's opinion about anything, ever.

And I've got this terrible pain in the diodes all down my left side...

Uruguayan (cost varies)

"No matter where you, you'll always find an Uruguayan."

Your luck has blessed/cursed you to be wherever something big happens. This option can be taken as a Flaw or an Edge, at variable costs.

If you take this as an Edge, you might even become the only Uruguayan who'll ever win an Oscar or host a major American news network.
If you take this as a Flaw... well, you were the only Uruguayan in Aceh (Indonesia) when the tsunami wiped out the province. Note that a lower grade Flaw doesn't mean you avoid these disasters --you just happen to be there and barely survive it. Fate likes to make your life very exciting (and very miserable).

This Edge/Flaw also allows you to automatically find other Uruguayans by mere chance, even if you're touring the Himalayas or you just happened to enter a random McDonald's in Barcelona for a quick lunch. Just tell the GM you want to find one, and he'll create an encounter.

(The above examples are all true stories) silly.gif
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