Apr 22 2005, 08:47 PM
just stop.
do not ponder the workings of the smartlink, for down that road lies madness. it just works. accept that and move on.
Apr 23 2005, 07:26 AM
It is the of centre gun witch made me believe that the smart link would need to plot a path on your field of vision and not a single cross hare.
If your gun is being fired from your right hip at a target slightly above you and to your left a line would appear in your field of vision going from the bottom right to the top right. The bullet will hit “something” on that line. The line has ranges marked on it (possibly just a colour fade of the line) so you know how far way from you the bullet will be when it reaches that point on the line. If you believe the target is 30m from you, you line up the 30m mark on that line with the target and shoot, if you estimated the range badly you miss.
A SL2 will have improved tracking resulting in a finer more accurate line that curves down slightly based on the projected drop of the bullet due to gravity. If a range finder is fitter then a small line will be drawn perpendicular to the primary line at the point corresponding to the range the range finder is returning, giving a true cross hare.
Of cause that is not a canon explanation but it works for me.
Apr 23 2005, 07:45 AM
Sharaloth, thanks for the reference. I can't believe I never saw that before, and it clears things up a lot.
Apr 23 2005, 07:57 PM
For my 2 cents,
AStral perception is a combination of enhanced sight and a psychic sense. The verbage on p. 171 says that you can see the glowing auras surrounding living things and magical objects, as well as, get additional information about those things through a psychic sixth sense known as assensing.
I translate that to mean that astral perception overlays your normal vision the same way thermographic does or ultrasound. Now, if everyone wants to say that thermographic doesn't work with your SL2 system because it isn't using your eyes, than we can discuss that.
Also I noticed that everyone was presuming the Astral Perception came from being awakened. What about for Ghouls and Changelings with the Dual-natured flaw? (I'm leaving shapeshifters out of this for obvious reasons)
A corrolary argument for the interaction between Astral Perception and a SL2 is that the character paid essence for the cyberware, effectively bringing it into his body's physical and spiritual structure, in a similar way to cyber eyes. Just because I replace my Sam's eyes with cybernetics doesn't mean that I automatically see through Invisibility or Phantasm--because the implants were paid for with essence, the simple illusions hit me even if they don't cover technology.
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