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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
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Quite simply, the human body is terribly inefficient. You lose energy at the digestive level and at the cellular level. I think cellular respiration, all other factors aside, is only like 40% efficient. From the standpoint of generating electricity, you'd be better off using the food given to human batteries to fire steam-turbine generators.

Glucose to ATP conversion is 65% efficient.
ATP chemical energy to mechanical conversion is 44% efficient.
Losses due to friction make the mechanical energy used 25% efficient.
Total efficiency: 7.15%.
Conclusion: We ain't very efficient at all.
QUOTE (Nikoli)
mmmm, pistons

Pistons are for retro steampunk arms. I'm sure there is a market for oversized cyberamrs that have to be fed a steady supply of coal and oil. For the street samurai who wants to earn his distinctive style flaw.
I may be talking out my ass, but could it be that the machines were harnessing the brainwaves of the humans (for whatever reason), rather than (or in addition to) the electrical output from their bodies?
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