Dipping into my personal stash of vehicles here:
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Aztechnology Incinerator
Chassis: Small UAV (Markup .25)
Power Plant: Electric Fuel Cell
Starting Load: 5
Max Speed: 90
Max Accel: 12
Max Econ: .5
DPV: 199
Final Cost: ¥5,975
Hand. 4, Speed 40, Accel 3, Body 1, Armor 0, Sig 8, Auto 0, Pilot 1, Sensor 1, Cargo 0, Load 94, Fuel E (100 PF), Econ .2 Km/PF
Flamethrower (22 shots, SS, 8M) Spotlight, Infrared Spotlight, Remote-Control Interface, Rigger Adaptation
[ Spoiler ]
Renraku Arachnoid Plus
Chassis: Micro Walker (Markup .25) (215 DPV)
Power Plant: Electric Fuel Cell
Starting Cargo: 0
Starting Load: 0
Max Speed: 8
Max Accel.:
Max Econ: 2 Km/PF
DPV: 836
Final Cost: ¥20,900
Hand. 4/4, Speed 2, Accel. , Body 0, Armor , Sig 12, Auto , Pilot 1, Sensor 1, Cargo 0.6, Load 6, Seating , Entry , Fuel EC (4 PF), Econ .5 Km/PF
Rigger Adaptation, Remote-Control Interface, Engine Enviroseal, Water Enviroseal, Amphibious Operation Package II (Speed 30 in water, no Handling modifier), Spotlight, Infrared Spotlight, L5 Encryption
[ Spoiler ]
Vector Kimji
Chassis: Micro UAV (Markup .25)
Power Plant: Electric Fuel Cell
DPV: 313
Final Cost: ¥7,825
Hand. 4, Speed 50, Accel 4, Body 0, Armor 0, Sig 12, Auto 0, Pilot 1, Sensor 1, Cargo 0, Load 0, Fuel EC (9 PF), Econ .25 Km/PF
Spotlight, Infrared Spotlight
[ Spoiler ]
CatCO Lanceur Drone Deployment Vehicle
Chassis: Van (Markup 1.00)
Power Plant: Diesel
DPV: 635
Final Cost: ¥63,500
Hand. 1/7, Speed 80, Accel 4, Body 4, Armor 0, Sig 2, Auto 2, Pilot 2, Sensor 3, Cargo 48, Load 2,975, Seating 2, Entry 2d+1s+1g Fuel (95 l), Econ 4 Km/l
Drive-By-Wire 3, Drone Racks (200 CF), Photovoltaic Chameleon Paint, Spotlight, Infrared Spotlight, Remote-Control Interface, Rigger Adaptation
Variant: Smart Materials (+100 DPV, -1 Handling, +1 to Stress Tests)
[ Spoiler ]
Saeder-Krupp Schattenauge
Chassis: Miniblimp
Power Plant: Electric
DPV: 739
Final Cost: ¥36,950
Hand. 4, Speed 75, Accel 5, Body 2, Armor 0, Sig 10, Auto 0, Pilot 3, Sensor 6, Cargo 3, Load 15, Fuel E (65 PF), Econ 5 Km/PF
SunCell Power, Autosoft Interpretation System, Spotlight, Infrared Spotlight, Remote Control Interface, Rigger Adaptation
Variant: Schattenauge II
Above plus BattleTac FDDM Receiver Module (+350 DPV), total cost ¥54,450
Variant: Schattenauge S (or S II)
Above plus L5 Encryption (+250 DPV), total cost ¥49,450 or ¥66,950.
Now I just need to finish our primary ground transport vehicle, finish allocating some resources, and I'll be ready to roll.