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Ok, here is a second draft of my character.

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Very Cool. I like.
Ol' Scratch
Question: Can we pay to learn maneuvers with Melee Weapon Skills without having to buy a Martial Art that allows for that option? For example, can we pay 2 Karma to learn to use Disorient or Evasion with Edged Weapons to reflect a fencer or whatnot without having to be a master ninja as well?
QUOTE (Doctor Funkenstein)
Question: Can we pay to learn maneuvers with Melee Weapon Skills without having to buy a Martial Art that allows for that option? For example, can we pay 2 Karma to learn to use Disorient or Evasion with Edged Weapons to reflect a fencer or whatnot without having to be a master ninja as well?

Good morning all, are we waiting for any other characters still? smile.gif
Ol' Scratch
Yes. You can't rush perfection, beyotch. <insert grumpy face here>
Hay doc! Saw your post on Ash, your amazing, you ever try writting?

I know about perfection, that b**** takes her sweet time getting the job done.
QUOTE (GaiasWrath8)
Hay doc! Saw your post on Ash, your amazing, you ever try writting?

I know about perfection, that **** takes her sweet time getting the job done.

Language please.

umm, sorry. Damn, there goes another browny point.
So far 4 people have expressed interest but only one has given me a character.
Working on it. Should have it by sometime tonight/the wee hours of tomorrow morning at the latest.

Sounds good, I look forward to seeing the fruits of your labor.
I sure hope that one was me... smile.gif

Guess what! I got spanked by my company for reinstalling that msxml3usa so I could chat. They got upset and said it was not for work, bla bla bla.
I"m getting there...should be done within the next day or two. Depends on how much I procrastinate.
Ol' Scratch
As soon as I come up with a name I like for both my character and his familiar, I'll be all but done myself. But those names elude me, and I would curse them both if only I had a name to give them, but I don't, which just adds to the frustration!
QUOTE (GaiasWrath8)
I sure hope that one was me... smile.gif

Guess what! I got spanked by my company for reinstalling that msxml3usa so I could chat. They got upset and said it was not for work, bla bla bla.

That could be a problem, a large part of this was going to take place on DSF's IRC
Quick, find something legitimate to use XML for!

You're conducting a survey for the company? smile.gif
And I actually managed to get my char done. smile.gif

[ Spoiler ]
OK, done. Damn this is unreal. I talked my boss into giving me access by saying the program is needed to run parts of an ISO search for criminals. LOL He bought it. I will be back up and running by tomorrow.
Might want to actually, y'know, start downloading an XML feed of that sort of thing. Just in case and all.

What do you do for a living?
Funny question. Weekdays I work as an insurance claims adjuster. Weekends I teach martial arts.

But thats all easy stuff, in my spare time I raise two kids. smile.gif

Ya, I have a program for searching for criminal checks and I use it. It just does not need the chat program. LOL
Ol' Scratch
Out of curiosity, is anyone taking a high Small Unit Tactics skill? And if so, will a Tactical Computer or BattleTac Master Component count as a government-paid-for accessory?
I'm planning to, since it just goes so well with the Rigger role. Unfortunately, an internal tactical computer will likely be out of the question, as I'm pretty sure the gummint won't pay for Deltaware.

Ol' Scratch
Cool. I'll see if I can shuffle in a BattleTac Cyberlink implant myself then. smile.gif
I'll get an external receiver put into my armor.
Hmm.... unless I want to loose another point of essance and pick up another geas...
Ol' Scratch
It depends on which is more valuable to you. That extra -1 target modifier that'll net you more Combat Pool or Initaitive each round of combat, or having to use another crutch for your magic. Pretty tough call for a combat type.
oh poop. Does this mean I should adjuster my character and make sure he has something? What peace of equipment do I need to take advantage of some one with tactical skills?
Ol' Scratch
Adding a BattleTac Receiver component to your government-issued Personal Comm Unit will work (both of which are free according to Shadow). But if you're a hardcore combatant and really want to take advantage of it, you probably want the 30,000-nuyen 0.20 essence BattleTac Cyberlink for the extra -1 target modifier if you can afford it.

It's sort of the same difference between a pair of Smartgoggles and a cybernetic Smartlink. So if you're fine with using Smartgoggles, you'll be fine with the free BattleTac Receiver, too.
Ok, does the implant come with the BattleTac Receiver component to your government-issued Personal Comm Unit or do I pick that up as well?
Ol' Scratch
They're too completely seperate items. You only need one or the other.
Ok, first I modified the character, suffered some money and stuff around. Dropped a few minor things and grabber the Tactical Duda Thing-a-migey. Also got a Nano Tattoo of my wife and kids. smile.gif

So what exsactly does the tactical thing do for me, we need one person with the tactical skill I take it.
Ol' Scratch
In an action scene, Kage will basically bark a bunch of orders to the rest of us and roll a ton of dice. We each use those dice to determine how many successes we get based upon how we're receiving those orders (through voice/hand signals, a Battletac Receiver, a Battletac Cyberlink, or whatever). Then, for every two successes scored, you can either improve your Initiative roll by +1 or gain +1 to your Combat Pool for the duration of that Combat Turn.

At least that's how it works if my faulty memory is working. I'm rather rusty.
Acutally, getting +1 Combat Pool is an optional rule (though one posted in the book). Buy default you only get +1 to Initiative.
Third Draft!

[ Spoiler ]
Very cool. smile.gif I like, but I am suprised you have such a low essence. What did you need the image link and stuff for?
The Smartlink needs an eye display. I spend an extra .08 essense and get the Image Link. That lets me use the smartlink, but has the extra utility of doing heads-up displays of sensor feeds and whatnot when I've got my datajack plugged into my car. The datajack I have because, well, I think everyone should have one. It is the single most useful item of cyber there is. The spurs are his melee weapon, I wanted to try out the concept of an Adept who uses a cyberware weapon. Smartlink is for obvious reasons. I decided to go with the cybered BattleTac Link so that there is a higher chance of me getting to take advantage of out riggers tactics. Doing that took me over the 1 point, so I added on a few extra goodies (the bone lacing and bioware). Everything I took was light as far as how hard it would hit my Magic and I was able to get the Magic back by taking a few Geas.
I've been delayed again so my character's going to be up more like this afternoon, but as a good-faith effort here's my early draft of the skills and stats, no resources yet. Story's in my head but hasn't hit paper yet.

[ Spoiler ]

Again, apologies all for the continued delay. Let me know if anyone has advice, questions, or requests.

Ol' Scratch
Looks like a solid start, though I was surprised by the lack of Electronics or Electronics B/R skills... especially considering your love for the MIJI rules and whatnot. biggrin.gif
Np Kage, I am sure it will be worth the wait. It's not like Doc has posted his character or anything *points*
QUOTE (Ecclesiastes)
The Smartlink needs an eye display. I spend an extra .08 essense and get the Image Link. That lets me use the smartlink, but has the extra utility of doing heads-up displays of sensor feeds and whatnot when I've got my datajack plugged into my car. The datajack I have because, well, I think everyone should have one. It is the single most useful item of cyber there is. The spurs are his melee weapon, I wanted to try out the concept of an Adept who uses a cyberware weapon. Smartlink is for obvious reasons. I decided to go with the cybered BattleTac Link so that there is a higher chance of me getting to take advantage of out riggers tactics. Doing that took me over the 1 point, so I added on a few extra goodies (the bone lacing and bioware). Everything I took was light as far as how hard it would hit my Magic and I was able to get the Magic back by taking a few Geas.

Things might have changed as I use to play second edition like crazy but am new to third edition.

The image link does make it look nicer but if you only buy the smart link you still get a red dot in your field of vision provided by the DNI that is part of the smart link. You can just use a smart if this changed in 3rd edition please let me know, but I think you are safe.

Anyways, it’s an awesome character. This should be fun.

Are we still looking at taking code names? If so I want to be Mr. White. smile.gif
QUOTE (Doctor Funkenstein)
Looks like a solid start, though I was surprised by the lack of Electronics or Electronics B/R skills... especially considering your love for the MIJI rules and whatnot. biggrin.gif

Two reasons:

1) that's what I get for making my character draft at 2:00 AM

2) Level 3 encryption gives someone with a Rating 10 decryption module a 50% chance of hacking the network. Level 5 makes that some 9%. The base times on that are 15 and 25 minutes, respectively. The number of times that's feasible is… comparatively small.

Right....You see this face, this is the face I make when I have no clue what you just said. grinbig.gif

But thats cool, as long as some one has the Tactical Skill, or this peace of equipment I just bought would be worthless. smile.gif
QUOTE (GaiasWrath8)
The image link does make it look nicer but if you only buy the smart link you still get a red dot in your field of vision provided by the DNI that is part of the smart link. You can just use a smart if this changed in 3rd edition please let me know, but I think you are safe.

Yes, the red dot thing comes with a smartlink. But that is all it is. A red dot. By upgrading to an image link, I get the red dot, plus the usefulness of the image link.
Ol' Scratch
Even though I'm still not quite happy with it, I'm going to post what I have just to shut Shadow up about it. <shakes his fist angrily>

Elven Combat Magician (Dragonslayer Idolist)

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Note that while the meat and potatos are mostly done, I'll probably be juggling around his Knowledge Skills (I'm really not happy with 'em at all) and Edges & Flaws, and possibly renaming him if I can come up with a better one before the game begins. I also tried my best to keep the descriptions of things down mostly because this format sucks and it just gets cluttered. :D
Revised skills/attributes, starting resources now.
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Edit: 'Ey Doc, how'd you get it to not eat indentation? A list with no bullet style?

Ol' Scratch
That's exactly how I did it... just <LIST> with no <*>'s.
Well I only wanted four people, and I had two of them. Having three people submit characters beyond the first two makes my job really hard.

Final Player List:

Sorry Gais, maybe my next game. I do recomend to anyone who thinks they will enjoy this kind of game that they check out the LITS threads and talk to any of the GM's there. Really.

I will start the game on Monday, this gives people time to work on there characters over the weekend. This game will take place both here in PBP and in the DSF IRC client. So be ready.
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