Jun 15 2005, 04:43 PM
Wow, there really is a government poster for everything.
Jun 15 2005, 05:07 PM
QUOTE (nick012000) |
I say a mage with an optical telescope and a high-force Powerbolt is your best shot.
You'd probably want to know the Sacifice and Centering metamagics, though, so you don't kill yourself with the Drain. |
You can't even do that, it's explicitly stated that even the location of the station isn't even know exactly to anyone. You can't just go find a satellite with a telescope without knowing where it is.
Jun 15 2005, 05:17 PM
Sure you can, it just takes a pantload of time and resources. Hence the Orichalcum toilet for payment...
Gyro the Greek Sandwich Pirate
Jun 15 2005, 05:23 PM
Breaking into the ZO is like breaking into the NORAD retirement home. It's dumb.
Jun 15 2005, 05:35 PM
Yeah, but thats not the point and it never has been. Taking any job where "you may be shot at" is in the description is dumb.
Jun 15 2005, 06:03 PM
QUOTE (BitBasher @ Jun 15 2005, 05:07 PM) |
You can't even do that, it's explicitly stated that even the location of the station isn't even know exactly to anyone. You can't just go find a satellite with a telescope without knowing where it is. |
Sure you can. Amateur satellite watchers do it all the time.
And spotting a behemoth like ZO in low orbit will be easy. It's not like you'll mistake it for a small telecomm constellation satellite or something. See the big satellite, check public databases for possibilities, eliminate most of them, etc.
Of course, it's probably not fast and you're not guaranteed that it's passing over your head at convenient times, but it can be done. Someplace on the equator would be a good place to conduct the search.
BTW, is the term "manasphere" or "gaiasphere"?
Jun 15 2005, 06:29 PM
QUOTE (Cray74) |
BTW, is the term "manasphere" or "gaiasphere"? |
Depends on what you are talking about. For ecology I'd use gaia- for magic/astral space I'd use mana-.
Jun 15 2005, 07:02 PM
T:WL just didn't want to make up any new rules, I guess. Anyway, I highly doupt you could shoot down a space station with a mana bolt, unless perhaps you happen to be Lofwyr or Harlequine.
I would expect ZO to use ship rules for stats, so the spell should really be MASSIVE. Substitute a nuclear sub for it, but triple the armour. what would that make the TN for a spell cast on it - 30 + OR 8?
Good luck.
Jun 15 2005, 07:13 PM
QUOTE (Dissonance) |
Why would you even want to hack the ZO, anyways?
I think there was something on a dumpshock site about why it's ultimately pointless to hack the ZO. Something about if the security were compromised, all nuyen would be suddenly devalued. |
Anarchists, communists, anti-corp groups, end of the world cults like Winternight, awakend nations like Amazonia, nationalistic groups that think taking out ZO would give them more power etc. All got a reason for wanting to see ZO take a fall.
Just be sure to have changed the fee and all your savings into physical valuables before completing the job.
Jun 15 2005, 07:13 PM
When hacking ZO I would go in with a MPCP 12 deck in masking mode, that is masking 18 and detection factor 15, more if the optional rule to add hacking pool dice to detection factor is in play. The system being red 20 will be rolling 20 dice against target 15 or better to notice me. Mean while its subsystem ratings are in the low 20s, my program ratings of 12 men I am rolling my skill + available pool (say 18 dice) against a TN between 8 and 12.
Because I redirected my dater trail 30 times before attempting the insert (a procedure that would take les than 5 min) I am willing to ignore any IC that will try to detect my location.
That should buy me enough time to create a slandered user account that will last while I have a shower get changes before I go in again to do my actual snooping. It may take several trips but it can be done.
Although the location of the satellite is not known to the general public it is known to every nation or corp with satellite tracking hardware, if hacking one of those should be possible.
I don’t think ZO would be really hard to destroy assuming you could cast a spell on it or hit it with an object (missile axe whatever), my understanding was that most objects build to operate in space without rentery ability where made light, any armour would be optimised for very small objects and low mass, like that foam and foil armour that was mentioned earlier, also it is modular without the same uniform shape as a vehicle, I would treat it as a building for the purpose of spells or damage, you don’t attack it as a whole you attack walls and support struts decompressing it a section at a time. thus in order to properly destroy the station you would need to cast many spells but each one would be as easy to cast as if you where casting against a fragile object of similar technological complexity in the same environment (the mana warp is still going to kill any caster that is not a high level initiate)
Jun 15 2005, 07:21 PM
QUOTE (Edward) |
That should buy me enough time to create a slandered user account that will last while I have a shower get changes before I go in again to do my actual snooping. It may take several trips but it can be done. |
I would be incredibly surprised if the user database was editable. More likely would be something like an OMC with the user database loaded into a reader without write capabilities, and even then it would probably be audited regularly.
Jun 15 2005, 09:46 PM
Wreck Vehicle...
Jun 15 2005, 09:54 PM
QUOTE (Angelone) |
Wreck Vehicle... |
Range touch...
Jun 16 2005, 04:00 AM
Ram is touch. Wreck is LOS. Which is why Ram (object) is probably the most useless spell in the game, especially the vehicle version.
Jun 16 2005, 04:32 AM
Guys are still forgetting, she wants to know how you would infiltrate ZO, not blast it out of the sky.
Mostly 'cause she's trying to convinve us to do a run on it. We told Mr . Johnson "no" (then left quickly) , but I think she's trying to find alternate means of persuasion on us. I personally think it'd be easier to blast the thing than go 'wuite in, quite out'. But that's not the run (that we're trying to avoid)
Jun 16 2005, 04:38 AM
If the DM wants you to get into Zurich Orbital, the Johnson can give you the way to get into ZO.
Jun 16 2005, 04:42 AM
Never bet on that.
Last run I did, we only made it because I faked my death with an immortal flower (well, didn't really fake as much as die temporarily).
In our games, it's usually the players job to figure out how to get out alive. Once we cack whom ever needs cacking, Johnson's pretty much happy. Our job would be to get out alive to collect our pay. That's why you only get half up front.
Shadowrunning is really two jobs. First one is to get in and get the job done. That's the first half of the pay. The second half is to get back out alive .
Jun 16 2005, 04:46 AM
No, the reason you only get half up front is because your job is to get your pay, not do what the J wants you to. If you've gotten your pay you've done your job and can leave, and it's the J's fault if he or she isn't happy yet.
Jun 16 2005, 04:52 AM
yeah.. that's pretty much what I said.... but not.....
Jun 16 2005, 05:11 AM
Well, in my extremely limited opinion, getting in is relatively easy.
All you need is a Decker who can slip into the systems and set off every alarm bell and whistle his electronic fingers can reach. Which sounds like a piece of cake in a security scenario this hot.
The trick is to make the ZO authorities believe that they've ALREADY had a physical intrustion event, and get them to send out a general panic situation alarm.
Naturally, everyone who has an interest in ZO (Which is everyone) is going to come flying to the rescue as fast as they can launch crisis-ops teams.
The trick is to have yourselves disguised as a crisis op team. Your best bet may be to actually BE one of the official crisis ops teams. Arrive in UCAS hardware, with UCAS uniforms, etcetera. Replace them before launch, or even have yourselves hired out as a drek-hot crisis-team response unit beforehand.
Jun 16 2005, 05:21 AM
been watching Oceans Eleven again?
Jun 16 2005, 05:31 AM
Ummmm, no actually...
Lady Door
Jun 16 2005, 05:33 AM
Personally, I like SD's idea. Efficient. Quick... and hopefully, painless.
Jun 16 2005, 05:38 AM
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685) |
Ummmm, no actually... Why? |
If you havne't seen it, I won't spoil it.
Plan B: I'll hold you to that if you trick us into that run
Jun 16 2005, 05:38 AM
What's wrong with infiltrating it's burnt wreckage after it's crashed to earth?
There is really no way to infiltrate it. They measure cargo to the gram, they have the best magical protection (it doesn't work), and it's isolated as hell. So we're trying to bring it down.
Jun 16 2005, 05:45 AM
Well, the problem with infiltrating wreckage is that there generally is nothing left in working order.
KILLING it, if you really wanted to, is easy enough, if you have a hot enough Decker. Erase it's current location from UCAS databases, and spoof their early-warning systems into thinking that it's the mother of all bandits.
They'll launch all kinds of nukes and Surface-to-Space hardware at it, and boom, no more Zurich Orbital.
But that's really a very extreme way to do some wetwork, and nothing else but. If you want to crack their systems and nose around or something, your run, and the data you need, is all slag. If the missiles don't kill it, the re-entry will, and if by some miracle the re-entry does... Well, it may not exactly be a Deep Impact scenario, but hitting earth or water at those speeds will smash anything.
Jun 16 2005, 07:16 AM
Good idea, I'll have to bring that up next session. I think reentry, not to metion the massive explosions of all the bombs and such hitting it, would break it up enough to not cause any serious harm upon hitting the earth. What was the effect of the Mir as it came down? While the Mir wasn't blown into tiny chunks (I think) that should be a good measuring stick.
Jun 16 2005, 07:29 AM
What would happen if you removed your weight in food from a create distend for ZO and climbed in with a re breather unit.
You would want to do this after the crate had been verified and thus need a way to reseal the crate including verification seal; this could be done with a couple of ground crew payed off.
As for getting down again all I can think of is hijack a supply shuttle after your job is done.
Jun 16 2005, 07:34 AM
well, you have to also remember that they're probably going to open the food crates to pack them away. so you'd probably get found . And it'd have to be one big bribe for the ground crew to risk getting caught, since for all they know, you coudl be planting a bomb.
As ofr escape, I'd try setting up a pickup somewhere with the 'independant' space station that caters to runners. Maybe snag a suit, and jump out an airlock with some retro's and some extra air tanks, and have a shuttle from there pick you up. Expensive , but do able.
Jun 16 2005, 08:28 AM
I was thinking that crates of food would be shipped up for the station kitchen, of cause they may well be to small to fit in.
Jun 16 2005, 08:47 AM
welkl yeah, but the kitchen's gonna unload them.
Just send the 'grease man' from Ocean's 11
Jun 16 2005, 09:35 AM
QUOTE (Angelone @ Jun 16 2005, 02:16 AM) |
I think reentry, not to metion the massive explosions of all the bombs and such hitting it, would break it up enough to not cause any serious harm upon hitting the earth. What was the effect of the Mir as it came down? While the Mir wasn't blown into tiny chunks (I think) that should be a good measuring stick. |
When Skylab came down a fair amount of debris hit Australia. Fortunately the empty bits of it, as one of the chunks was the lead film safe.
Mind you this would be the least of your problems as with ZO out of the way all cred would now be suspect (including, of course, your fee) and corporate war would almost certianly break out.
Jun 16 2005, 10:01 AM
KILLING it, if you really wanted to, is easy enough, if you have a hot enough Decker. Erase it's current location from UCAS databases, and spoof their early-warning systems into thinking that it's the mother of all bandits.
They'll launch all kinds of nukes and Surface-to-Space hardware at it, and boom, no more Zurich Orbital. |
That's a great idea and would surely work, if the station in question wasn't on a geostationary orbit. And I doupt the UCAS has defensive capabilities it can deploy above Europe, being without foreign bases and all.
Of course, should the UCAS detonate nukes above Europe, other powers might feel threatened. Lofwyr, for instance. Russia. The Elves. And they might feel like retaliating. Which woukld surely make for an interesting setting change, but ... well, it would also mean that EVERYONE is gonna be looking for the freaks who caused this to happen. Hunted at 6, some extra powerful enemies, and Dark Secret, for all characters involved.
Mind you, though, I like the idea.

Good idea, I'll have to bring that up next session. I think reentry, not to metion the massive explosions of all the bombs and such hitting it, would break it up enough to not cause any serious harm upon hitting the earth. What was the effect of the Mir as it came down? While the Mir wasn't blown into tiny chunks (I think) that should be a good measuring stick. |
Mir only hurt a few fish because it hit earth in the middle if the Atlantic. Nukes don't blow stuff apart in space much (what would they want to cause shock waves in?), but fry it with radiation, and melt it all into a lumb of metal. And that lumb WILL damage stuff when it comes down.
Jun 16 2005, 10:41 AM
A descent sized nuke would reduce ZO to a lot of very small bits of mettle, its not all that big.
Also ZO is not in geosynchronous orbit, it is in LEO with an orbital period of a few hours. This was mentioned in corporate download (I think) they didn’t think it was worth the fuel to bump it up to geosynchronous orbit. It also has the advantage that it is harder to find.
And if your going to take a job of this nature I think you should demand payment in a currency you expect to retain some value. Oricalcum would be good if you can get it, if not gold or other precious materials.
Jun 16 2005, 10:49 AM
Or, just, y'know, write up a new character. Since something like this would so piss of so many people that are so powerful it's effectively an expensive, flashy, method of commiting suicide.
Jun 16 2005, 10:51 AM
QUOTE (Critias) |
Or, just, y'know, write up a new character. Since something like this would so piss of so many people that are so powerful it's effectively an expensive, flashy, method of commiting suicide. |
which is why we said no, and walked away......quickly
Jun 16 2005, 01:05 PM
QUOTE (Edward) |
Also ZO is not in geosynchronous orbit, it is in LEO with an orbital period of a few hours. |
90 minutes, give or take a few minutes. Anything in LEO will have about a 90-minute orbit. Any longer orbit (from about 600km altitude through geosynchronous and a bit beyond) has the problem of being in the Van Allen radiation belts.
Jun 16 2005, 01:53 PM
QUOTE (Angelone @ Jun 15 2005, 10:00 PM) |
Ram is touch. Wreck is LOS. Which is why Ram (object) is probably the most useless spell in the game, especially the vehicle version. |
Sorry, you are very correct.
mattness pl
Jun 21 2005, 11:28 PM
Few of you forgot about extensive security.
ZO isn't protected only from inside.
Corps probably has some sort of "Echelon" in Matrix. And Zurich Orbital IS one of most important key words... IMHO, Fixers will sell runners rather to help them (there are money in helping the corps. And Death Sentence for all contacts of the team). Anybody can sell runners. If I was GMing such session I'd even propose such thing to player (s).
Somebody suggest ball of metal thrown by magic into ZO. Stupid. Magic works in atmosphere only.
Corp mages will stop such thing, IMO.
But it can be done. IMHO the less complicated the plan, the bigger chance to accomplish. Less chance to leak the plan to the corps. If I plan such run, i'll took the most brute force, hijack shuttle. No Matrix / astral backup. Pure, brute and fast force.
And lots of luck & prayers

Herald of Verjigorm
Jun 21 2005, 11:45 PM
QUOTE (mattness pl) |
Magic works in atmosphere only. |
While the concept you are arguing against would be doomed to failure, your argument is blatantly false. In MitS, it is clearly stated that open space is a rating 10 mana warp and while such a warp is likely to kill anyone who casts a spell anywhere near it, the magic can potentially still work.
Also, if all the acceleration was done in atmosphere, it would evade the nasty drain problem entirely.
Now, you just need a mage with a very high force levitate and very high magic rating with about 500 dice to roll on sorcery and you can get a magically launched ballistic weapon. A magically launched ballistic weapon that will probably be intercepted long before it reaches the orbital, but a magically launched ballistic weapon none the less.
Jun 22 2005, 12:31 AM
Haven't read everything so it might have been mentionned :
The best way to infiltrate ZO is to arrange it so that the megacorps send you there themselve.
You could in theory infiltrate an AAA corp with the intent of being selected as part of the staff of ZO. We're talking long term infiltration here, with heavy duty decking along the way. You need at least 5 year spotless record with a AAA corp. For most Shadowrunner, it's just not worth it. Who wants to sacrifice 5-10 years of his life in an infiltration?!
The most efficient course of action for a Johnson who wants to put a man inside ZO is IMO to recruit someone who is already on the fast track to a ZO staffer spot. Runner could be involved in the recruiting.
If you feel seriously "Mission Impossible", you could have a run where you kidnap and replace a man selected to go on ZO. You'd need not only to swap the future ZO staffer with a perfect physical match, you'd also need to find a way to spoof the aura, DNA, retinal, voice and every other conceivable check. A serious decking run seems necessary for at least three of these elements, and most likely must be done onsite (doubtful that this can be accessed from the Matrix). And whatever you do, you must leave no trace whatsoever because in all likelyhood the transfer to ZO would be cancelled on the slightest suspicion. Yeah, very "Mission Impossible".
Jun 22 2005, 01:41 AM
A simple wetwork job....coupled with cutting a deal with a master shedim.

Though it would have to be a scary high Force master shedim to pull of the Masking required. At least i think they'd have to do a mimicing Mask since the person is dead, even though a lot of his memories are absorbed and his corpse still walks. Threats 2 wasn't specific about this.
Of course there is the small matter of cutting the deal. First you have to establish [peaceful] contact. Also exactly what the master shedim would take in trade i'd rather not even try contemplat.
Jun 22 2005, 06:59 AM
SD did have the best outside of the box plan.
I would rather be on the run from some Johnson than frag with the corporate court. That is the kind of run that comes back to haunt you at some point in your life.
I would hate to have to change my name to Frank "Omega Order" Smith.
Jun 22 2005, 08:33 AM
Some point!? Yes, it would be soon, and it would be the last point!
Jun 25 2005, 03:37 PM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
welkl yeah, but the kitchen's gonna unload them.
Just send the 'grease man' from Ocean's 11 |
We don't need the 'grease man' from oceans 11. We have a sentient puddle of water!
Jun 25 2005, 04:03 PM
Welcome to the boards 'Zraith'
Jun 25 2005, 06:47 PM
QUOTE (Zraith) |
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ Jun 16 2005, 03:47 AM) | welkl yeah, but the kitchen's gonna unload them.
Just send the 'grease man' from Ocean's 11 |
We don't need the 'grease man' from oceans 11. We have a sentient puddle of water!
That die in space. Spirits are of limited usefulness here.
Jun 25 2005, 07:10 PM
Send up the Drop Bears!
Jun 25 2005, 07:24 PM
QUOTE (BitBasher) |
QUOTE (Zraith @ Jun 25 2005, 08:37 AM) | QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ Jun 16 2005, 03:47 AM) | welkl yeah, but the kitchen's gonna unload them.
Just send the 'grease man' from Ocean's 11 |
We don't need the 'grease man' from oceans 11. We have a sentient puddle of water!
That die in space. Spirits are of limited usefulness here.
Ya, they are only good to get you clearance for your insider or explosives payload onto the offical supply shuttle.
Jun 26 2005, 12:30 AM
QUOTE (BitBasher) |
QUOTE (Zraith @ Jun 25 2005, 08:37 AM) | QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ Jun 16 2005, 03:47 AM) | welkl yeah, but the kitchen's gonna unload them.
Just send the 'grease man' from Ocean's 11 |
We don't need the 'grease man' from oceans 11. We have a sentient puddle of water!
That die in space. Spirits are of limited usefulness here.
He's not a spirit. One of our PC's surged into a sentient puddle of water (wich is hilarious since he's the bigest pyro you'll ever meet).