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Full Version: Full-auto shaped-charge ammo shotguns...
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
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Kage: I know. That's the idea. They'll still work a real number on someone wearing less than super-hardened armor, though. smile.gif
The Frag-12 HEAP is not a HESH, "LESH" (hahaha no) or anything like that. By the description, it sounds like a conventional explosive armor-piercing type, probably just a small HEDP warhead (shaped charge, copper liner; boom, explosion compresses liner into a nice wad of molten copper directed into target thank you very much have a nice day). Basically just a 19mm version of the M433 40mm grenade.

The range claim seems a tad optimistic without some pretty thorough training on the part of the guy using it. I would probably treat the HE load as +2 power, +35% range (Match rules on my site), the HEFA as that plus a small area effect (say, -5/meter), and HEAP the same way I treat HEIAP shotgun slugs on my site, sans incendiary effects.

M41A, anyone?
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