Mister Juan
Aug 6 2005, 09:36 PM
Thanks again for the karma mate... you're really being quite generous
Well, I'm off for to a margarita degustation; so I probably won't be able to post until later tonite (like close to midnight).
Tomorrow, I'm only working from noon to 5, so if anyone wants to do a little RP rush, I'll be around.
Overwatch: no sweat buddy, happens to all of us.
Aug 6 2005, 09:56 PM
Konton is trying to assence Carmens aura.
[ Spoiler ]
Assencing test INT 6
16 14 04 04 02 01
Also could one of my knowledge skills be used to guess Carmen's Magical tradition? Or would hat be a second intelligence test?
Aug 6 2005, 10:07 PM
Gotta love it when people post at the same time...guess I'll set my post back to save confusion.
For assensing back:
[ Spoiler ]
11, 10, 3, 3, 2, 2
Aug 6 2005, 10:14 PM
Edited my follow up to your edited post
Aug 6 2005, 11:04 PM
I'll let you fill each other in on your assensing tests. I'm off to meet up with some old friends, so I won't be posting till tomorrow.
Oh... and yeah, since I'm not living with someone who likes to suck the life out of me, I can post on weekends now.
Aug 6 2005, 11:35 PM
Ok, Default TN is 4. So Whizbang, you got two successes. That gives you the following
Health and implants: Konton is in perfect physical health. He has no bioware or cyber.
General emotional state: Excited, he seems genuinely happy to be shadowrunning.
Konton is definitely awakened. Also he has no foci apart from some spell fetishes.
Aug 7 2005, 01:44 AM
And you have 4 successes...
Carmen is healthy, with no implants. She's amused, though there is a hint of concern. Awakened. Parrot shaman. Magic rating 9, just one foci.
Aug 7 2005, 11:06 AM
I just wanted to let people know.... Miho's stealth is 16, 12 of that is without the Power Point she spent for Improved ability. I realize some of you think it's rude that I'm always 'hiding' and 'sneaking', but it's really almost impossible for her not to. It's the best thing she does, and she's the very best at what she does. I honestly do not think there is a stealthier person in the world, and Miho does it with Ruthenium and Thermal Dampeners (8 scanners). It's in her nature.
Not posting to brag, posting so tht we don't run into the same problem as before.
Anyhows, Assensing Results:
Magically Active (Adept). Some Essence loss, mostly Bioware related (Essence: 5, BioIndex: 4)
Mister Juan
Aug 7 2005, 03:45 PM
Which is starting to make me wonder: does anyone think it would be best to let all the other players see other character's sheets? I mean, I love the mysterie of it all, but it might make some things easier.
Because some things are sometimes difficult to simulate through RP... like Miho stealthiness. Now that I am informed that she is indeed ridiculously skilled in it, there is no way Christophe will ever stop her (well... he might... but you get my drift).
I agree that sharing like that would break some of the RP fun in some places, but it might make it easier on other stuff.
Anyways... thats all I had to say. Please don't lynch mob me
Mister Juan
Aug 7 2005, 03:46 PM
Why doesn't anyone want to assense my character?
Aug 7 2005, 04:38 PM
QUOTE (Mister Juan) |
Which is starting to make me wonder: does anyone think it would be best to let all the other players see other character's sheets? I mean, I love the mysterie of it all, but it might make some things easier.
Because some things are sometimes difficult to simulate through RP... like Miho stealthiness. Now that I am informed that she is indeed ridiculously skilled in it, there is no way Christophe will ever stop her (well... he might... but you get my drift).
I agree that sharing like that would break some of the RP fun in some places, but it might make it easier on other stuff.
Anyways... thats all I had to say. Please don't lynch mob me |
Thats up to you guys. Most of you posted your sheets online, if you want to share the links, go right ahead. Anyone that didn't post theirs and would like to do so, I'd be happy to host it for you.
Qillin: Just waiting on Marco to make his apperance, then I'll move foward to the first gathering with the Johnson.
Everyone: Nix the data sheet idea. I'm gunna say that the Johnson gave you the info he gave you in the chat room. Its an extraction of a woman, then her daughter from her school. He'd fill you in with the details when you got there. It just makes things easier on me the way stuff has been lately.
Aug 7 2005, 06:26 PM
Alright sounds good.
For the record then, Konton wasn't reading the data packet. He was meditating on the plane. And reading this seasons issue of Kateigaho.
Mister Juan
Aug 7 2005, 09:20 PM
Well, Qillin hasn't been active on this game, and his other ones for a few days... he just sorta vanished.
Aug 7 2005, 09:26 PM
hrm... Perhaps we should just assume he's present for the briefing?
Aug 7 2005, 10:09 PM
If we don't hear from him by the end of today I'll bump things in the morning. Its the weekend, he may just be busy.
Aug 7 2005, 10:10 PM
sounds good to me.
Mister Juan
Aug 7 2005, 10:49 PM
Overwatch: is Konton asking a cigarette from Christophe? Because if it is the case... well... Leblanc doesn't smoke
Aug 7 2005, 10:58 PM
whoops, i thought i read he was smoking outside with the texan when they met.
In that case..EDIT!
Mister Juan
Aug 7 2005, 11:00 PM
It's not written anywhere, but I justfidied Leblanc's low physical attributs by giving him mild asthma (which also gives him an allergy to smoke in general).
He'd be the last guy to smoke
But he does drink for 10 people...
Aug 7 2005, 11:02 PM
Seemlessly edited
obviously I'm used to screwing up posts.
Mister Juan
Aug 7 2005, 11:21 PM
No harm done buddy. Happens to all of us.
Aug 8 2005, 05:06 PM
Sorry about not posting all weekend I was under the impression that we got them off. But now that Ecclesiastes said he could post on weekends I値l try and check in on the forms on the weekends. That said next week end I値l be at my Mothers for her b-day, she doesn't live close to me so I spend the night when I see her so I値l post sat morning before I head out and then try when I get back Sunday night. And then the next week end I知 going on vacation, from 8/19 to 8/28 I'm not sure how much computer time I値l have while I知 gone but I should get a post in once a day or every 2 days mon-fri that week but probably not those 2 week ends but then after that I知 not going out of town for some time so I should be able to post consistently, again sorry for not posting this week end and sorry about my upcoming slowness of posting while on my vacation.
That said here is my perception test while standing in the hanger door entrance
[ Spoiler ]
Intel roll
03 02 02 01 01
Wow I really couldn't see anything but the plane and the van maybe not even those big items hehe
Aug 8 2005, 05:27 PM
Qillin: No stress man. I figured it was something like that. I don't require posting on weekends, but now that I can, if other can, it would be nice. But still, not a requirement.
Look for a bump sometime this morning.
Aug 9 2005, 02:27 AM
*looks over her char sheet* oops...forgot about that trauma dampener I had.
Aug 9 2005, 02:30 AM
Huh. I promised you guys a post. Then I crashed one of the most important applications in my company and spent half my day fixing it, then the other half explaining that it wasn't my fault, but the stupid project manager who told me what to do. So yeah. Bad freaking day. I'll try to get in the mood to write while I eat pizza with a buddy and post something laster tonight. Note... I said try, not promise.
Aug 9 2005, 02:31 AM
Noted... i wonder how something like that would show up in the astral...
Mister Juan
Aug 9 2005, 02:31 AM
Its fine dude.
It's fragging hot as hell where I am right now... there's nothing to do but sit and drink cooooolllddd beer
Aug 9 2005, 02:32 AM
No problem Ecc. Enjoy your Pizza. Let me recommend BACON. No topping is superior to BACON.
Mister Juan
Aug 9 2005, 02:32 AM
Isn't bioware invisible to astral scanning? Only shows up on medical examination... No?
Mister Juan
Aug 9 2005, 02:32 AM
Overwatch: Well; hot peppers kick ass!
Aug 9 2005, 02:34 AM
Let me fact check that. I'll browse through some other books. The assencing section of SR3 only states that it reveals "implants" not specific to bio or cyber.
Aug 9 2005, 02:35 AM
And i wish...I have a nice collection of ulcers. No hot peppers for me, although i can do medium spicey Thai food when i'm feeling hungry and stupid.
Mister Juan
Aug 9 2005, 02:36 AM
Don't you just love it when only ONE post unleashes 20 others in span of 2 minutes?
Aug 9 2005, 02:39 AM
Yeah, it's one of those internet "effects" people keeping talking about.
Aug 9 2005, 02:39 AM
*shrugs* I'm a bit fuzzy on the subject myself...I'm always forgetting about the handy feature that is assensing.
Mister Juan
Aug 9 2005, 02:41 AM
Well, I know for sure that cyber shows up as patches of grey, of lifeless, in ones aura (and more precisely around the area where the ware is located).
Bioware isn't something mecanical... so technically, it has a "lifeforce"... and so, should be "part" of the aura.
But then again... I'm no mage expert
Edit: While talking on MSN with Whizbang... I discovered something. We are a team of 7 runners: of which 4 are elves.
Am I the only one disturbed by that?
Aug 9 2005, 02:47 AM
Any implants you have diverge your aura form the state of "normal" thats why bioware can still cause magic loss, but it's way more subtle than cyber.. maybe a higher target number?
Aug 9 2005, 02:51 AM
heh i noticed it... would have been a problem if i decided to play Konton along the Japan anti-kawaruhito stereo type. But I decided he's seen enough REAL monsters in his days, that he doesn't buy the party line at all.
Aug 9 2005, 04:20 AM
No matter how much Konton hated elves, I doubt it would hold a candle to how much one of the elves hates elves. (Not Raven)
Mister Juan
Aug 9 2005, 04:21 AM
I think he just has a general "anti-people" thing
Aug 9 2005, 05:44 AM
Really, no.
Aug 9 2005, 05:48 AM
Pizza didn't help. Mass depression set in. No post tonight, sorry guys.
Mister Juan
Aug 9 2005, 05:51 AM
Tsk tsk man; no need to even apologize mate! We all have our days! You just take it easy.
Aug 9 2005, 06:40 AM
Ok, I couldn't sleep, so there ya go. Enjoy.
Aug 9 2005, 04:39 PM
Here is what Marco Q sort of looks like atm. he has normal cloths and armor on underneath this but basically this is the look.
Aug 9 2005, 05:10 PM
Damn you guys post fast. I give you a bone and you all jump on it like a pack of wolves!
Mister Juan
Aug 9 2005, 05:15 PM
What can we say; we're dedicated players who have no outside lives whatsoever
Aug 9 2005, 05:19 PM
I think its that second part that has more to do with it.
Aug 9 2005, 05:26 PM
Were enjoying the game. Stop working and start posting punk.
Aug 9 2005, 05:47 PM
Actually, I'm working on the post right now, you guys just asked a LOT of questions, so I've got a big bump coming. Its just gunna take time to get it done while I'm trying to build new XP images for some Dual Xeon systems that just got thrown on my desk.
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