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This is a holder post for OOC: Tequila Blues.

Again, the roster of players is as follows:

Whizbang (She's out of town right now, but should be back on the 20th)
Mister Juan

If you guys want to start posting some background as to where you character is at right now, feel free. Try to include some location information in your post as well, it'll help me get a few things off the ground.
I have characters from...

Mister Juan - Chris Leblanc
Shadow - Raven
Quillin - Marco Q
Overwatch - Konton
Sphynx - Miho

I've got Whizbang's first write up, but I know she was changing some stuff around. I'll get it from her when she gets back from vacation.
I am allmost positive that I speak for Ecce when I say...

get those spoiler tags and non IC stuf (like sigs) out of the IC.
Ummm... Yeah. Please edit those posts and post sheets in OOC if you want to post them. You don't have to though, I'm the only one that really needs to know whats on them. However, post your backgrounds, it'll help you have a feel for each others characters.

Also, make sure you uncheck the box that puts your signature in the post.
Background and bio
[ Spoiler ]
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Forgive me. This is my first time in a dumpshock message board game. i was following Spynx's lead, basically mirroring thier post. I think I have it correct now. And i'm typing up my set up sequence as we speak, should have it up soon.
Hey Overwatch, welcome to your first game!

Ask if you have any questions.
heh. you shouldnt have said that. Now I'm going to be incouragable. smile.gif

My original plan was to just watch how things were posted/handled etc. and try my best to follow along. But since you are volunteering...

How are actions handled in game. As far as dice rolls and outcomes are concerned. Is there a utility to handle that, will Ecc. have to roll dice for everyone on his computer desk, etc.?

Also what kind of regualrity/schedule should i post with. Is this a once a day thing, or every hour, or once a week or what?

Thanks ahead of time for all the help and information. I've been playing SR for 15 years, but have never done it this way.
How are actions handled in game. As far as dice rolls and outcomes are concerned. Is there a utility to handle that, will Ecc. have to roll dice for everyone on his computer desk, etc.?

Generally you say your intended action and intended outcome OOC, and the post all possible rolls and modifiers you have for it in OOC. You do the rolling (unless a gm says otherwise) I like to use Mcmacks dice roller (you can get the link in my sig).

Also what kind of regualrity/schedule should i post with. Is this a once a day thing, or every hour, or once a week or what?

Most GMS want a minimum of once a day M-F (Ecce usually isnt availible on weekends). The more you post the better though. Games tend to die if there isn't multiple posts a day.

I've been playing SR for 15 years, but have never done it this way.

Same here, except I didnt discover DSF and PbP till I lost my tabletop group frown.gif
Thanks for the pointers, let's see if i can get all this right smile.gif
Mister Juan
Hey guys; glad to be aboard with such a fine bunch.
I just came back from work and will be posting shortly (just going to grab some dinner first).

[ Spoiler ]
can we get a smiley face to signify the ooc like you did the the ic. Smileys really help track down the threads you are looking for fast.
Yeah... I ment to do that, but hit Post too quickly. Unfortunately I can't edit it after the fact...
Ah! Yes I can!
Nice intros guys, I'm really liking what I'm seeing. 1 karma for Mister Juan for the most entertaining intro. I got slammed at work today, but I'll start having the fixers put out their calls sometime tonight.
Mister Juan
WoW! Only posted once and I already got some karma!

Thanks a bunch buddy; I take that as a very flattering thing.

Mister Juan
Basically, Christophe goes and do a bit of scouting at the adress he received. Nothing agressive, yet. He'll, of course, try to get acces to it and track who owns it. If all goes well, he'll edit the place as to leave himself a little exit door if need be.

He also boots up Marcus (agent) and sends him on onto Shadowland in search of any rumors concerning upcoming runs outside of Seattle.

Tell me what rolls you need, and I'll provide.

In case you need that info, deck loadout has been updated for the current actions and is viewable at the url I sent you.
Konton preps all of his working gear at home, cleaning and loading his pistols, wrapping his no-dachi etc. He arrives at a matrix cafe half an hour before the meeting time if possible, orders some tea, and pays for two hours of matrix time and a rental fee for a trode rig.

He has no weapons on him, and is wearing a dark suit over FFBA. During the meeting his pocket secretary will be set to hold all calls, as will his wrist phone. The only other gear he is carrying are his spell fetishes (ring, watch, belt), and his thermographic shades.
Anyone checking on the chat room ahead of time will find that it is a virtual host on an anonymous chat server. The room isn't open yet.

Mister Juan: Toss me out a computer check to see if you can dig any deeper.
Oh, any just to warn you guys, I'm sick today, so don't expect a lot outta me.
Mister Juan
Plain Computer, or the Decking specialization?
Mister Juan
Anyways, here's is a roll of both

[ Spoiler ]

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The room was reserved by someone going by the name Wraith.
Mister Juan
Christophe makes a call to Miron to see if he knows of an operative named "Wraith"
Etiquette / Street
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He then goes on a Matrix search using the handle as a base. He uses Marcus for assistance, and does a Standard Matrix search (doesn't have the time for anything more). I threw in all the modifiers I could think of, but you might want to add some yourself (in case I forgot something).

Standard Matrix Search
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Finally's my sheet...still need to write up the background.

[ Spoiler ]
Mister Juan
Welcome aboard! The more, the merrier!

Just wanted to say I really liked you intro
What a day! Got 3 hours of sleep, got called into work two hours early because we had servers dropping left and right (which turned out to not be my problem anyways), and one fire after another....

So... I'm going to try real hard to get through the fog of my brain and get things moving along.
What kind of cool computer tech job job do you have where you get to put out fires?!?! With me it's usually just end users that have screwed up their outlook, or people infecting the entire office by opening e-mail attachments. booo-ring!

Seriously though, no problem Ecc. don't kill yourself. We'll be here. smile.gif
Alright guys, lets go ahead and move forward to the meet. Let me know if you need anything. Once I see everyone has joined, I'll move things along again.
Mister Juan
I take it Christophe's search didn't turn anything more?
Sorry, I forgot to reply to that. You come up with a few runners who have gone by that name, it'll take more time than you've got to track them all down.
Qillin: Edit your last IC post and remove the signature please.
Mister Juan
Even thought Christophe is running his sleaze utility, he makes his presence known to both users. He is just running it to prevent any scanning of his loadout.

He then runs a Scan Icon operation on both user present.
Target number = Masking index + Sleaze

Computer / Decking
[ Spoiler ]

Mister Juan
Same deal for the two new personas

Computer / Decking
[ Spoiler ]

Althought he is trying to be slightly subtle in his actions, Christophe is betting on the others "lack" of Matrix experience and iconography knowledge to pass his operation as simple "emotes"
All the icons are Deckers/Users (duh). Wriath is hard to scan, all you get is that he much be using a farely good deck in order to keep you from scanning him. I'll let the other players fill you in on their stuff, but I think a lot of them are using standard gear to log in.
Mister Juan
Concerning the Scan Icon, Christophe is basically trying to get the MPCP rating of everyone, as well as their MXP address.
Konton is using a standard public matrix access terminal circa 2059. So no evasion or masking chips, and a very low rent MPCP. Also if you can tell this via a scan, he's not using hot ASIST or anything like that. It's a trode and keyboard interface. His Icon is one of dozens from the Renraku Persona-san line. Popular in japan three years ago, with just a few cosmetic changes.

The "business card" is a typical data packet of contact information. Not unlike what you'd get from some ones pocket secretary during an exchange.

i haven't done anything with the matrixs books and my character doesn't have a computer skill so what ever the cafe has set up to protect it's systems is what marco has. the cred stick he paid for the machine with was certified with no info attached to it. so maybe he can tell where in the world i am and thats probably it.
I missed mentioning my location. If there is some kind of trace being run, Konton is located on the downtown Seattle LTG. If you can track the location specifically, it's a Matrix Cafe in downtown Seattle in the international district south of central downtown.
Mister Juan
Well, a Scan Icon operation can't really track a user... but it can note down its MSP account number (which can be tracked later).
Miho is jacked in from Seattle University.
Shadow and Whizbang, give me a post that you are showing up to the chat. If I don't see one by tomorrow, I'll just assume you show up and move on from there.
Mister Juan
anyone there?
I think we're jsut waitin on Ecc. to get back online next week. As I understand it, he doesnt get online on weekends.
Welp, I'm not having a normal weekend right now, so I actually did get online. I'll start putting something together for ya in a few minutes, just need to deal with a few things first. smile.gif
Mister Juan
You want any negociation rolls?
Mister Juan
One overall, or one per "item" asked for? (higher pay, medical coverage, utilities)

edit: back in 20 minutes (going to rent movies)
And in the future, if you think there is a chance of needing to roll something, go ahead and roll it. That way its waiting for me when I check up on the thread.
Just give me one roll along with a list of stuff the team will need. It can all be worked out later once the team talks about what they all want.
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