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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
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no problem...not saying it was an unreasonable request...

we all know there are holes in the rules that can go either least until 4th edition comes out! eek.gif
Regnad Kcin
I've had some questions from my local Runners about the 4.0 conversion/rebuild/whatever we're calling it.

How is this 4.0 handoff going to work? Is it a straight 400 point build? What happens to the Runner's equipment, both mundane and magical? What happens to certed equipment? Will new contact certs be issued with updated stats?

On a separate note, I've heard some odd news about the license for SR 4.0 being pulled from FanPro because they're totally dicking up the print runs. Any word on that?

-Regnad Kcin
QUOTE (Regnad Kcin)
I've had some questions from my local Runners about the 4.0 conversion/rebuild/whatever we're calling it.

How is this 4.0 handoff going to work? Is it a straight 400 point build? What happens to the Runner's equipment, both mundane and magical? What happens to certed equipment? Will new contact certs be issued with updated stats?

On a separate note, I've heard some odd news about the license for SR 4.0 being pulled from FanPro because they're totally dicking up the print runs. Any word on that?

-Regnad Kcin

Character related questions answered in a new thread.

The "license rumor" is completely false, but also completely unrelated to Missions Character Generation.
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