Aug 16 2005, 10:54 PM
It's SL James. I don't think he's learned the meaning of respect.
He certainly shows it to....nobody in existence.
Aug 16 2005, 10:55 PM
QUOTE (Adarael) |
That's the point of D20 - you can add anything from any suppliment with a minor amount of tinkering. |
d20 is not really a generic setting. I find d20 good for a lot of hack 'n' slash, dungeon crawl, and high fantasy type of settings. I haven't found the ruleset terribly useful for superhero games (d20 doesn't deal with vast differences in ability in a fun way as everything becomes completely impossible or automatic and with the same level of quality) or for gritty/realistic games (too hard to get the right mix of danger and progression and so on) or for dramatic, cinematic games (too many rules, and not ones that promote an exciting scene at the expense, if necessary, of all else).
That's fine, though. d20 is good at some things, and those things are fun for quite a few people. Nothing wrong with that. GURPS is designed to be a Generic Universal Role Playing System and it does well at that (while sacrificing some aspects of gameplay).
QUOTE (Adarael) |
Serenity RPG, ala Weiss and Hickman.
According to accounts, it uses an Earthdawn-like die step system. |
That sounds cool, and I haven't even watched Firefly. The plot points sound especially fun. There are plenty of details that could derail the whole thing, of course, but it definitely sounds like it's worth a look.
Aug 16 2005, 10:56 PM
QUOTE (chevalier_neon @ Aug 16 2005, 04:49 PM) |
QUOTE (SL James @ Aug 16 2005, 04:02 PM) | But outside of gaming, twelve year-olds are stupid with regard to everything. That's just the way it is. |
QUOTE (blakkie) | Yes many that are 12 years old haven't had the time or the opportunity to have learned all the things that many adults have. Things like "making broad, absolute generalizations is usually a quick path to showing people that you are an intellectually lazy dumbass."
Excuse me, but what is the link to being a moron and not having time/opportunity to have learned all the things that many adults have ?? |
Could it be my insinuated opinion of SL James was expressed too sutbly?
Aug 16 2005, 11:13 PM
QUOTE (Ellery @ Aug 16 2005, 04:55 PM) |
QUOTE (Adarael) | Serenity RPG, ala Weiss and Hickman.
According to accounts, it uses an Earthdawn-like die step system. |
That sounds cool, and I haven't even watched Firefly. The plot points sound especially fun. There are plenty of details that could derail the whole thing, of course, but it definitely sounds like it's worth a look.
I recommend you find the Firefly DVD set somewhere and watch it. At that point you'll become
desparate to find some way to have as much fun in an RPG as watching the show.

Firefly is nothing less than cheese done right with a slathered on coating of artful, hip style.
Milo Simpkin
Aug 16 2005, 11:18 PM
I fear. The table of contents has the thing I was hating seeing 'shooting through barriers'. Eeeeeep!
Aug 17 2005, 12:13 AM
There is one thing I fear about this. I've already had one character forced to become a sex slave to a vampire in order to save the group's life. I don't want my GM using it every single run.
Aug 17 2005, 12:14 AM
At least the sex information in the background section and not the mechanics section. Didn't SR3 have a bit on sex anyway? IE Where do little metahumans come from?
Aug 17 2005, 12:15 AM
QUOTE (Nerbert) |
At least the sex information in the background section and not the mechanics section. Didn't SR3 have a bit on sex anyway? IE Where do little metahumans come from? |
Nope, that was in SSG.
Aug 17 2005, 12:15 AM
Not in the core book. It sort of glossed over it.
Edit: Wow. Look at the timing of that.
Aug 17 2005, 12:19 AM
Whoa. But I was about a nanosecond faster (or does the forum sort alphabetically?).
Aug 17 2005, 12:27 AM
Nope, you posted sometime in the prior seconds. There are sixty of them to play with, anyway.
Aug 17 2005, 12:31 AM
I donīt like the "word" n00b. I can take most other new internet words and shortenings, but that one I hate. Itīs used like a very nasty insult, almost always with a seriously bad intent. But at the same time it speaks abundance about the person who says it; calling someone a noob is saying they are stupid retards for not playing some game 24/7, or something equivilent. I get the feeling most people who use the word are humorless, vengeful nerds, lacking any perspective on reality. (Im not excluding it can be used with humor of course, in which case above is not true)
<<edit>> I feel a need to be more frank. SL James: I may need to grow a stronger stomach too. Maybe you are trying to be radical and provoking, but you come of to me as someone unlikable and nothing more.
Aug 17 2005, 01:31 AM
QUOTE (Ellery) |
I haven't found the ruleset terribly useful for superhero games (d20 doesn't deal with vast differences in ability in a fun way as everything becomes completely impossible or automatic and with the same level of quality). |
just wondering but have you taken a look at mutants & masterminds?
Aug 17 2005, 01:40 AM
No, I haven't. I don't really like superhero games.
Added in edit: but if I want to play one, I at least want my superheros to be super.
SL James
Aug 17 2005, 02:15 AM
QUOTE (Penta @ Aug 16 2005, 04:54 PM) |
It's SL James. I don't think he's learned the meaning of respect.
He certainly shows it to....nobody in existence. |
Respect must be earned.
QUOTE (mintcar) |
<<edit>> I feel a need to be more frank. SL James: I may need to grow a stronger stomach too. Maybe you are trying to be radical and provoking, but you come of to me as someone unlikable and nothing more. |
I didn't realize being myself was "trying to be radical and provocative".
I have an opinion, and am expressing it.
OBTW, I'm plenty likable in person.
QUOTE (chevalier_neon) |
And by the way SL James, I haven't insulted you on my previous post, so I would have like you to pay me a little bit more of respect. |
Yes, actually you did. It is the only reason why I responded the way I did, and I don't apologize for it.
Aug 17 2005, 03:54 AM
QUOTE (SL James) |
OBTW, I'm plenty likable in person. |
But it is okay to be jerk to those who don't know you in person?
Aug 17 2005, 04:11 AM
Everyone knock it off and behave. You know better.
Aug 17 2005, 05:10 AM
I wish we could stop attacking one another and actually talk about the book, or even just about SR. If I wanted a headache or obsessive insults I would go spend more time on Fark. I always liked that SR was civil, I'd hate to lose that.
Oh, and, eeee! SR 4! Yay!
Aug 17 2005, 08:31 AM
QUOTE (strangeling @ Aug 16 2005, 11:10 PM) |
I wish we could stop attacking one another and actually talk about the book, or even just about SR. If I wanted a headache or obsessive insults I would go spend more time on Fark. I always liked that SR was civil, I'd hate to lose that.
Oh, and, eeee! SR 4! Yay! |
You know, it's this exact point that caused me to give up on Dumpshock a couple years ago.
*shrugs* Still, it's the only place I feel comfortable coming back to for opinions, even if I filter out the jerks nearly instantaneously. I feel.. comfortable here.. like knowing everyone has a knife, but in knowing that, we all keep ourselves civil-"ish" out of a sense of personal survival instinct.
Ironically, I post here, after seeing the char example, and the character sheet. I don't know if they are doing this, but it would be INCREDIBLY sensible to color-code the various parts of the book in this electronica style.
If there's one thing I dislike about the 3rd edition L5R book (Also updated, colorized, and returning to an earlier time), it's the fact that you cannot quickly assertain what section you are looking for with the parchment style. With 4th, the name of the section jumps out and grabs ya off the bat, and again the prospect of color could be in aide in finding specific sections, if the layout guys decided to go down that path. Funny thing how color works like that.
BTW, I don't feel the map gives any insight into this area -- Being placed at the back of the book, when it is obvious the overriding color scheme is this green color, it would make sense it would be in green. Thus, I still have faith.
On the individual ToC entries.. I may be a notorious rule nitpicker amongst my friends, but even I know better than to judge anything by the titles used to describe them. Titles belie depth, quality, or content. So do page numbers, especially if the game has plenty of artwork.
... I wish I knew how to use Acrobat Reader better, though. I want to see what it looks like in B&W, as I doubt every book coming down the pike will be full color... And I think that green was chosen because it can easily translate into a greyscale that is pleasing on the eye.
Aug 17 2005, 08:45 AM
The entire book is green. Color-coding individual chapters can be a complete nightmare, especially when the book has many chapters. Take a look at any of the major GURPS 4 releases for examples of this.
Aug 17 2005, 08:50 AM
QUOTE (strangeling) |
I always liked that SR was civil, ..... |
I just find this ironic, since it is a game about professional criminals. Must go back to that whole "what is proffessional" thing.
Aug 17 2005, 09:09 AM
Oh, I don't know.
I always felt that there is a certain civility and honor inherrant in criminal activity, and in Anarchy in general.
You see, unless one is the most jaded, cynical, and misinformed person in the world (or clinical, but I'll leave that out), one must recognize the basic necessities of life -- food, shelter, and personal security. Now.. One can go about achieving these three at the point of a gun, and many do.. But in that case, the quality is shitty, the one becomes paranoid of "eat or be eaten," and eventually self destruction occurs.
Thus, even at the street gang level, hierarchies of civility and respect develop, to establish safeguards and prop up one's ideology. It's the very foundation of Shadowrun itself: Contacts. Be the contact the owner of the local grocery store, or the most powerful Mr. Johnson that Renraku can slide by you, or even another PC (and yes, I do in a way consider PC's to be contacts of a more developed type, and smart players interact on that level too), contacts are what make the world go round.. and thus, respect, hierarchies, and the like keep even the lawless from falling into total lawlessness and self destruction.
Funny how message boards work like that. The elements only take on different aspects: Food is the information and conversation, what everyone comes to a BBS for. Shelter is the feeling that one is welcome on a board, that one feels they will get something out of a board.. And personal security changes quite simply into personal reputation. Again, there are souls who go for complete anarchy.. Or, worse yet, the destruction of the structures and dogmas established... Hereby referred to as flamers and trollers, who care little for security or shelter. I see these people as toxic, or insects... hmm. Again, go figure.
But anyways. Cults of personality and morality aside... It was a shot in the dark, Adam.

Do you have any more chapter-specific indicators, besides the name being printed on the side?
Aug 17 2005, 01:24 PM
In general I've noticed that here. People come on, make a lot of fuss, get shot down. They either disappear forever, or return again a little smarter and more selective in who and how they reply to people. I have a nagging suspicion waaaay back in the day, Herald and AH posted crazy stuff on the public cave walls and people ridiculed them and they got involved in big flame wars (or rock wars, as technology allowed).
Aug 17 2005, 01:27 PM
QUOTE (Adam) |
The entire book is green. Color-coding individual chapters can be a complete nightmare, especially when the book has many chapters. Take a look at any of the major GURPS 4 releases for examples of this. |
I've actually found the color-coded sections in GURPS 4 very helpful... Not sure how it's a "nightmare"?
Aug 17 2005, 01:29 PM
I could do with a subtler hue of green, but I like the stuff in general so far.
Aug 17 2005, 01:30 PM
QUOTE (mmu1) |
QUOTE (Adam @ Aug 17 2005, 04:45 AM) | The entire book is green. Color-coding individual chapters can be a complete nightmare, especially when the book has many chapters. Take a look at any of the major GURPS 4 releases for examples of this. |
I've actually found the color-coded sections in GURPS 4 very helpful... Not sure how it's a "nightmare"?
I think he means from an implementation POV. Also my understanding is that doing that would require them them to have the entire book printed full colour instead of 2 colour. Meaning a cost increase.
Aug 17 2005, 01:32 PM
QUOTE (blakkie) |
QUOTE (mmu1 @ Aug 17 2005, 07:27 AM) | QUOTE (Adam @ Aug 17 2005, 04:45 AM) | The entire book is green. Color-coding individual chapters can be a complete nightmare, especially when the book has many chapters. Take a look at any of the major GURPS 4 releases for examples of this. |
I've actually found the color-coded sections in GURPS 4 very helpful... Not sure how it's a "nightmare"?
I think he means from an implementation POV. Also my understanding is that doing that would require them them to have the entire book printed full colour instead of 2 colour. Meaning a cost increase.
Yeah, full color spreads are prohibitive, especially if the target audience is not young professionals with discressionary money.
Aug 17 2005, 01:58 PM
QUOTE (mmu1) |
QUOTE (Adam @ Aug 17 2005, 04:45 AM) | The entire book is green. Color-coding individual chapters can be a complete nightmare, especially when the book has many chapters. Take a look at any of the major GURPS 4 releases for examples of this. |
I've actually found the color-coded sections in GURPS 4 very helpful... Not sure how it's a "nightmare"?
Mostly in terms of background. (Black on red is baad, mmkay?) One thing the RPG industry as a whole needs to learn and accept is that the eye health of the population is generally declining (as defined by incidence of vision loss), and learning the benefits of high contrasts would be helpful to everyone.
Aug 17 2005, 02:03 PM
Honestly, I could do without yet another company ripping off Matrix graphics.
The seemingly random (I don't know how to ready anything other than english aside from a smattering of German I can puzzle out and a littleSpanish) characters scrolling to the side or down. It's almost blatant in the design kyping, and I was hoping for more.
Aug 17 2005, 04:42 PM
QUOTE (Nikoli) |
Honestly, I could do without yet another company ripping off Matrix graphics.
The seemingly random (I don't know how to ready anything other than english aside from a smattering of German I can puzzle out and a littleSpanish) characters scrolling to the side or down. It's almost blatant in the design kyping, and I was hoping for more. |
Well, symbols like that were in SR3, if you look closely. I've seen them in other sourcebooks as well, just not as omnipresent.
Remember, the theme of M2.0 is "augmented" reality.. it would make sense that code would be visible to one who looked for it, as opposed to the "PDA-like" style of SR3's rulebooks (admittedly, I like the early sourcebooks of SR3, like New Seattle or Corporate Download, more than the Novatech PDA design)..
Also, when I saw Nigel Sade got a credit for "Cool symbols," my heart jumped. That guy was in the top 5 coolest people I met in GC the year I went...
Aug 17 2005, 04:51 PM
The Matrix-like symbols appear to be a combination of Kanji, Angelic script, and Alchemical symbols.
Aug 17 2005, 04:58 PM
I'm sure it is just a digital representation of Spetherial, or however you spell the name of that suppositly native language of magic created by that 19th century society. What, you think i'm just deluding my self in hopes of achieving a blissful state? *plugs ears* I AM NOT HEARING YOU! I AM NOT HEARING YOU!
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