Aug 16 2005, 01:09 AM
Yep, that's right. The
main Shadowrun page has a list of all the playtesters up as thanks, since they couldn't fit it into the book, as well as... the table of contents in PDF format!
Two words: It's green.
Aug 16 2005, 01:13 AM
Yay organleggers! Is it me or were they conspiciously absent from the SR3 Book?
Aug 16 2005, 01:29 AM
Okay, this is raising a red flag. I've already said the cover and logo make me thing they are merely going for another version of D20 Modern. After seeing that PDF, I must say that my impression has not changed.
More than likely, the information is still the same (at least we know that guns still use bullets), and they even included a few items that I would have wanted in SR3. And, to be honest, I noticed they specifically included the term "Riggers," which means that anyone who wants to play one can keep the term. And, to be honest, the entire list of items in the PDF almost seemed to be Shadowrun. I almost accepted it.
However, I am an experienced DnD player and also have played D20 Modern and its variants. I don't play those anymore because of the tone they naturally support. I wanted a game that was gritty. That's why I play SR. And that's why I'm currently doubting that the 4th Edition is a good thing.
To be honest, they did not have a single item you cannot include in a D20 Modern game. The front cover I've already criticised and do not feel representative of SR. But these page decorations are something I expect when I pick up a book by WotC and see the D20 logo on it. This is not something I expect when playing a gritty, down-to-Earth game where my character can very likely be killed by some teenaged punk just trying out their first gun. This looks like they are trying so hard to present a cool look for Shadowrun that they forgot to include the Shadowrun in the look.
I seriously hope tomorrow's preview includes something with the SR flavor in it. As it stands, I doubt I have seen anything they have put out about SR4 that actually includes the SR in it.
Aug 16 2005, 01:29 AM
Matrix Crash 2.0...
Just looking over the ToC, it looks like a little bit of everything is covered. But I noticed only 2 pages on Adept powers?
Aug 16 2005, 01:34 AM
That's about what the current book has. More than likely, part of the information continues onto 189.
Aug 16 2005, 01:43 AM
QUOTE (danbuter1 @ Aug 15 2005, 09:29 PM) |
Just looking over the ToC, it looks like a little bit of everything is covered. But I noticed only 2 pages on Adept powers? |
Also note that there's "mystic adepts" now. I'm wondering if adept powers have been completely revamped.
Aug 16 2005, 01:46 AM
I'm thinking that's a subsection of Adepts. The upcomming book on magic will probably include other types.
Aug 16 2005, 01:58 AM
hey check it out, under matrix combat there is a subheader called "simultaneous combat in multiple nodes". and under programs there is one "source code and piracy".
this beast seems to cover everything and then some. still, its more then likely nothing more then 1 page at best pr topic.
allso, the stuff will be mostly utilitarian. if you want setting material, check out the start of the book.
and i kinda fail to see the comparison between sr4 and d20 modern based on the toc. d20 modern is a framework book, that the gm can create his own settings based on. sr4 have a buildt in setting...
as for the art, i kinda like it

but then the only full color book i have had a problem with is ogl cybernet as it have this freaky eyeball in the corner

and for those that worry about the everpresent connectivity of wireless, page 304 have the subheading "turning it off"
SL James
Aug 16 2005, 02:06 AM
QUOTE (hobgoblin) |
this beast seems to cover everything and then some. still, its more then likely nothing more then 1 page at best pr topic.
allso, the stuff will be mostly utilitarian. if you want setting material, check out the start of the book. |
Except geographical setting information of any depth.
Yeah, I know. Wait for Runner Havens. I'll take comfort in that while I'm sitting here waiting for Latin America and Sytem Failure.
The TOC doesn't feel right. I look at it and feel like I should be breaking out my Yuh-Gi-Oh deck.
Aug 16 2005, 02:21 AM
I don't get that feeling at all. It's very slick, obviously inspired by the
Matrix films, but still very stylish without overwhelming the page. I get the feeling it's certainly aimed at the post-
Matrix concepts of cyberpunk, instead of the late 80's version classic SR had.
Of course, now the whole thread is going to derail onto that subject...
Aug 16 2005, 02:31 AM
I love the "Criminal Elements .... Other than You" comment. Excellent.
Digital Heroin
Aug 16 2005, 02:31 AM
QUOTE (Sabosect @ Aug 16 2005, 01:46 AM) |
I'm thinking that's a subsection of Adepts. The upcomming book on magic will probably include other types. |
Still inexcusable, really... to give only three pages to such a diverse group and then pretty much say "buy another book sucker" that leaves me feeling ill already. I mean they give more space to SINs than to Adepts, that just seems wrong.
Aug 16 2005, 02:40 AM
It does seem like the background setting information included the in the basic book is a lot more comprehensive and better organized this time around.
As for everything else... Well, that'd require mind reading.
Aug 16 2005, 02:56 AM
hrm. well, at least the names won't be in the book.
Aug 16 2005, 03:22 AM
Much of what I've looked at with post-Matrix concepts of cyberpunk really isn't cyberpunk. The Matrix movies themselves were barely-disguised morality tales dealing with the philosophy of "What is reality?" and choosing to follow the same route explored to death by many religions and quite a few philosophers throughout history.
Much of my complaint about this has nothing to do with cyberpunk, but just Shadowrun. Shadowrun is a dark, gritty game in its feel. I don't feel the cover, logo, and interior decorations of SR4 even come close to attempting to reflect that. It looks to me like they are trying to clean the grime out of the gutters in a vain attempt to draw in the crowds lured by the "cleaner" games WotC pulls out of its hoop. I'm sorry, it just seems like they're kiddyfying SR. If I didn't know better, I would swear this is a book put out by WotC.
Kremlin KOA
Aug 16 2005, 03:36 AM
hrmm organleggers and fences get good amounts of data... screw following a Johnson's orders I'l gonna murder people and looit them, sell their stuff to a fence and sell THEM to the organlegger
Aug 16 2005, 03:47 AM
OK, curiosty is sufficiently whetted. Especially the interesting entry about "Sex."
Demonseed Elite
Aug 16 2005, 03:57 AM
I can't speak for the art, Sabosect, but I do know that the writers have been given more freedom to be dark and gritty than at any point in Shadowrun since I've been writing for it.
Aug 16 2005, 04:04 AM
Eh, nobody mention the fonts.... They really sucks... I just hope it's a problems of low-res .pdf
Aug 16 2005, 04:04 AM
Well, I'm hoping so. I just don't like the looks of it from what I have seen so far. I'm hoping tomorrow's preview will totally blow my opinions so far out of the war, then nail them with antiaircraft fire while they're comming back down.
Lady Anaka
Aug 16 2005, 04:11 AM
QUOTE (Sabosect) |
Much of my complaint about this has nothing to do with cyberpunk, but just Shadowrun. Shadowrun is a dark, gritty game in its feel. I don't feel the cover, logo, and interior decorations of SR4 even come close to attempting to reflect that. It looks to me like they are trying to clean the grime out of the gutters in a vain attempt to draw in the crowds lured by the "cleaner" games WotC pulls out of its hoop. I'm sorry, it just seems like they're kiddyfying SR. If I didn't know better, I would swear this is a book put out by WotC. |
Well, if you want to claim that from layout and art alone the book looks like it came from WotC, that's actually pretty much the highest praise you could give it. WotC spends significantly more on art and production values than any other company out there -- enough so that for FanPro to have even come close in anyone's eyes is a significant compliment, at least from my perspective.
I recognize this wasn't your point, and that you intended something closer to a slam regarding SR being transformed into some Nick Jr version of itself, but I'm afraid I can't agree with that assessment at all. I'll be interested to hear how you feel about it later this week, when the book becomes available and there's actually text on which to make a judgement.
Aug 16 2005, 04:29 AM
WTC is also known for producing errata books that have more errors in them than what they were trying to fix (3.5 core books), for kiddyfying items and overmarking their seriousness in an attempt to cover themselves (BoVD is softcore evil that doesn't even get the evil portion right), and for taking something mildly broken and nerfing it to the point it's not even worth mentioning. Their production values may be higher, but their average errata list per book is bigger than the combined errata for the entirety of SR3. Higher production values in this case is resulting in increasingly reduced quality.
So, yeah, saying it's a book produced by WotC is like telling a world chef that the guy working in the back of McDonalds is a better cook.
As for SR4: As I said, I hope tomorrow makes me apologize for today.
Aug 16 2005, 04:35 AM
time on target: t- minus 56 hours until SR4 goes on sale
I do have one stupid question thou.. is there any errata yet?
Aug 16 2005, 04:55 AM
Well saying that because something looks like X means it must be just like X in all respects has a name, whatsitcalled? Oh yeah judging a book by it's cover. But certainly no one is doing that.
And as for the comparisons to WotC. Well the SR design team does love us the d20. We loves it something fierce.
Aug 16 2005, 05:00 AM
QUOTE (Phoniex) |
time on target: t- minus 56 hours until SR4 goes on sale
I do have one stupid question thou.. is there any errata yet? |
PDF online in 25 =P
Aug 16 2005, 05:07 AM
If you don't want the book judged by it's cover, then why all of the effort into the artwork? The answer is that the artwork is to draw in customers. The problem is that the logic behind it assumes people will be judging it by its cover. Thus, the whole purpose of the artwork is to encourage people to judge the book by its cover and come to a particular judgement in favor of the book. So complaining that I am judging a book by its cover when the intent of the cover is to judge the book by it produces an interesting paradox of you not wanting me to do exactly what was intended for me to do
Actually, what I've heard about the writing so far has me excited. However, I will not disguise that the graphicals of this have me disappointed. But, really, that's my only complaint so far. The hacker/decker issue I don't see as a problem, the rigger issue appears to finally come to reflect the reality of what they always were, this one finally addresses at least two issues that have been danced around in SR3, and it finally includes more information in it. But, that's still not going to change the fact I'm going to wonder where the D20 logo is every time I look at the cover.
Lady Anaka
Aug 16 2005, 05:50 AM
QUOTE (Sabosect) |
If you don't want the book judged by it's cover, then why all of the effort into the artwork? The answer is that the artwork is to draw in customers. The problem is that the logic behind it assumes people will be judging it by its cover. Thus, the whole purpose of the artwork is to encourage people to judge the book by its cover and come to a particular judgement in favor of the book. So complaining that I am judging a book by its cover when the intent of the cover is to judge the book by it produces an interesting paradox of you not wanting me to do exactly what was intended for me to do
Actually, I'm glad you have an opinion. I don't necessarily agree with it, but that really doesn't mean squat. I never meant that you shouldn't have an opinion about the artwork. I just don't share the opinion you happen to have. *grin* I just get to espouse mine too, now. It's a very freeing feeling, trust me.
Aug 16 2005, 05:53 AM
I think it's rather rare for Shadowrun products to actually express the "low life" part of High Tech & Low Life through the layout and design elements; certainly the SR3 layout and design was very focused towards the High Tech. Frankly, the high tech is a much easier and accessible metaphor.
Aug 16 2005, 06:19 AM
The SR2 cover did a decent job blending low life and high tech. Although after a quick look through all products from SR2 to now, I only picked out Cyberpirates as also conveying some of that feeling from the cover. For what it's worth, the SR4 cover does, I believe, a better job of blending the two than a lot of SR sourcebook covers do.
Aug 16 2005, 06:28 AM
it's pretty, so it must be d20ish. wow.
Aug 16 2005, 06:57 AM
Indeed, I'm amazed a page of contents can attract so many complaints.
Aug 16 2005, 08:24 AM
Nice. I see they actually did manage to cramp most important things into the book this time (initiation!). Also, I like that the book also gives a general rundown of how the sixth world functions (and gritty details like organlegging and fencing are included, as well as general day-to-day life things like SINs, how magic is perceived, how the average citizen and the matrix interact, sex ...). Giving hints on how to use skills is a good idea too.
The greenish colour is debatable, but meh, I can live with that.
I saw no mention of Hong Kong though, but maybe it escaped me.
Well, that makes me hope for SR4. Maybe it will indeed be a good book.
Aug 16 2005, 08:29 AM
QUOTE (Bandwidthoracle) |
PDF online in 25 =P |
nooooo! you have given me an evil choice.. to wait until I get to gencon to get the real hardback book.. or to buy and print it out and talk about it during the 12 hour car ride to Indy with my friends.
You sir are evil incarnate!
Aug 16 2005, 08:49 AM
I suspect that the book will not be made available right on the stroke of Thursday, given that I fully expect the people involved with getting the book online to be out causing trouble in whatever bar we happen to bump into.
SL James
Aug 16 2005, 08:54 AM
QUOTE (Adam @ Aug 15 2005, 11:53 PM) |
I think it's rather rare for Shadowrun products to actually express the "low life" part of High Tech & Low Life through the layout and design element |
Thank goodness!
The layout looks like my ass. Neon green doesn't belong in a Shadowrun book unless you're actively trying to make it look like a piece of crap.
I reiterate my utter disdain that there is no ostensibly solid information on running in one location (hahahaha! You need another book you stupid n00b bastards!). I'm not suprised, but i do think it was a stupid move.
This book is clearly for n00bs to Shadowrun, and put simply, your design philosophy seems to have been one of "Fuck the existing fanbase".
Oh well.
Aug 16 2005, 09:17 AM
In my opinion, the table of content is quiet nice (not for the green colour, I have to admit).
It is quiet important after 16 years to do a summary of what/how is really SR world. It is not especially for newbies, but there will be some of them of course. And if you want a description of Seattle, plus Hong Kong, plus the full adept rules and power, the full rules for initiation, a complete list of vehicles existing in SR world, all the ware for streetsams etc... this would be a 1000 pages that would cost around 150$. So please, stop the laments...
I can see a lot of really good things, all the issues seem to have been addressed (thanks to God, they did a few pages on security)... Each chapter seems to have been divided in a clever way, with all the gray area of former edition having at least a paragraph...
Honestly, my only ranting would be the colour, but as someone said : I can leave with that

I am really happy with what I can see...
Aug 16 2005, 09:19 AM
One could argue that the inclusion of things like initiation is there specifically to cater to the existing fanbase--people who have magicians who have picked up a level or two of initiation might be playable in SR4 now as opposed to six months from now (or whenever it is that Street Magic comes out).
I do think the green is a poor choice. Pastel greens typically look sickly. One can make them look non-sickly with effort, but that wasn't done here. Blue would have been a much better choice.
Aug 16 2005, 09:22 AM
Ever see that picture of the two runners breaking into the Ares facility (it was one of the color artworks in SR3). To me, that picture shows a good piece of "low-life".
Aug 16 2005, 09:33 AM
I get really get the feeling that you will be able to understand all the important elements of this game just from this book. The only thing that worries me is that the general placement of the rules seems to be in the same order as in SR3, and I always found some of the rules to be somewhat unlogicly placed. In any case, a delicious preview IMO.
Aug 16 2005, 09:36 AM
Two FYIs:
* I specifically said design/layout relating to high tech & low life, not artwork.
* The colours onscreen will not be 100% accurate as to the exact colour of the book.
SL James
Aug 16 2005, 10:17 AM
QUOTE (chevalier_neon @ Aug 16 2005, 03:17 AM) |
And if you want a description of Seattle, plus Hong Kong, plus the full adept rules and power, the full rules for initiation, a complete list of vehicles existing in SR world, all the ware for streetsams etc... this would be a 1000 pages that would cost around 150$. So please, stop the laments... |
Are you kidding?
How fucking stupid do you take me for?
Pull your head out of your ass and think for a second. A core book is a core book. Duh. I get that. I'm not demanding everything be on in book. That's just retarded.
But by establishing a system by which there will be two major and four lesser geopgrahic locales that the game is centered upon, and not really focusing on them to any degree without having to buy another $25 sourcebook, all of that lifestyle information that takes up 30 pages of precious page count is so vague as to be meaningless without at least hinting that if you're going to play Fourth Edition, you should be advised that there are some locations which are going to be important, and OBTW, this is why.
BTW, demanding SR be grittier and aiming at the 12 year-old video gamer audience is either incredibly optimistic about your target audience, or really naive. I'm leaning towards naive. Twelve year-olds are morons.
Aug 16 2005, 10:26 AM
Well, I guess you don't really want low-life layout, since that would probably include typos, ink blotches, insets that overlap text and leave awkward blocks of whitespace, and generally a book that looks like it's been kicked around in the gutter for a while before put on the store shelves.
I guess that Planescape had a bit of that feel (and you could get it also by putting bits of trash like the shot-up monitor from the SR2 page in the borders), but yes, if you explicitly exclude artwork from "design and layout", then I'd agree.
SL James
Aug 16 2005, 10:29 AM
Nah... That'd be *gasp* "gritty" and "dark".
Not that anything for Shadowrun in the last year or so has been either, or even close. It's become a cartoon joke of itself.
This thing has been nerfed from the start, so I'm not surprised how disappointing the end result is.
Aug 16 2005, 11:01 AM
In the art credits itīs revieled that there will be a North America map! How I missed that in SR3. Hope its fold-out like in SR2.
Demonseed Elite
Aug 16 2005, 12:18 PM
James' posts make me nauseous now.
Aug 16 2005, 01:26 PM
QUOTE (Phoniex) |
QUOTE (Bandwidthoracle) | PDF online in 25 =P |
nooooo! you have given me an evil choice.. to wait until I get to gencon to get the real hardback book.. or to buy and print it out and talk about it during the 12 hour car ride to Indy with my friends.
You sir are evil incarnate!
Think about that, how cool would it be to know you've read it on Wenesday, when everyone knows it comes out Thursday?
Aug 16 2005, 01:28 PM
QUOTE (SL James) |
"F#@$ the existing fanbase".
Oh well. |
Never heard that before.
otaku mike
Aug 16 2005, 01:47 PM
QUOTE (Demonseed Elite) |
James' posts make me nauseous now. |
Aug 16 2005, 02:13 PM
Are you kidding?
How fucking stupid do you take me for? |
Must... resist... temptation...
But by establishing a system by which there will be two major and four lesser geopgrahic locales that the game is centered upon, and not really focusing on them to any degree without having to buy another $25 sourcebook, all of that lifestyle information that takes up 30 pages of precious page count is so vague as to be meaningless without at least hinting that if you're going to play Fourth Edition, you should be advised that there are some locations which are going to be important, and OBTW, this is why. |
Ahem... two major and four lesser locations? You should check your facts and avoid mixing them, before making any wrong statement.
And as for "vague"... LOL
Aug 16 2005, 02:37 PM
QUOTE (chevalier_neon) |
It is quiet important after 16 years to do a summary of what/how is really SR world. It is not especially for newbies, but there will be some of them of course. And if you want a description of Seattle, plus Hong Kong, plus the full adept rules and power, the full rules for initiation, a complete list of vehicles existing in SR world, all the ware for streetsams etc... this would be a 1000 pages that would cost around 150$. So please, stop the laments... |
but that's exactly what we want ! (and you too as we have discussed a month ago

) so may be we will have a special rare limited 500 pages edition (like Spycraft 2.0 (496 pages for 50$!)
I am really happy with what I can see... |
I will be even more happy when I have read the entire SR4 book tomorrow

to be more serious, after reading the comments on DS which are, as always, "passionate" (how can people overreact about just a TOC

) it seems a little weird that some rules take so little place (for example 1 page about metamagical powers seems a little short to say the last

) if that's just to say there is masking and centering the others are in the upcoming magic sourcebook maybe it s better not to talk about metamagic at all...
hopefully, we'll see tomorrow why SR4 is the best RPG ever made
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