Like Wuxing, Fenh Shui, ancestor worship along side the matrix overlay in places like Neo-Tokyo. I think the thing that threw me the most was going from one extreme to the other. Most of the book seemed to be focusing on the societys and the way the awakening had affected, and was effecting them, until we reached Japan, where magic seemed to take a back seat to the text.
But I think the thing I was looking for the most was new hooks for PC's in Japan. I was planning on doing some runs in HK and either Tokyo or Chiba. Now I have some excellent setting info on both, but not (in my opinion at least) a lot of new run oppurtunities that doesn't invlove the royal family in Japan. I can just go with the same old same old, since there's still 3 mega's based there. I guess I was just looking for some more corp intrigue as well.
That's not to say that I diidn't enjoy the section. I think that for running a game there, the main thing I would need to be able to do is get across the proper mindset. I think that the whole media craze and the salaryman section help a lot with that. It makes the area
feel different when you're doing a run in Japan on Renraku as opposed to doing the same run on Renraku in Seattle. it's the 'feel'.
The politics in Russia I think will acutally be a lot of use, as it's another area I plan on sending runners to, and at least to my mind set, it seems something that runners can take more of a role in, than with the seemingly unkillable emperor. Yes there are things that you can do with the Emporer, but the Russian situation seems more approachable. Especially when tying in other things in the area like Poland and Yakut.
Don't know if I said it yet but I really liked the magical info in India, and the differences that it has from the rest of the world, such as the effects of the 'SURGE", and the Golden triangle, as well as how the castes react to lower castes being born with magical ability.
I think that the larger world picture that it has provided will also help mor ewith things like pirates and sea/arcoblock runs, which I'm looking forward to using.
I myself don't have alot of use for the middle east section in my games. But I did like getting a better idea of what's going on over there, especially the progress of what's going on with Ibn Eisa and his little movement.I always have fun trying to figure out exactly what goings-ons in the area Aden has a claw into, since he's moves are always so much quieter.
As far as favorites though, I think the area that held my interest my most was China/Tibet. I like the magic stuff, and had plenty to froth over in that area, as well as stuff I can use in my games, once I can actually get players over there. I like that Tibet is still very mysterious, but is now more approachable in a way that runners can be involved, both locally and abroad with the traveling monks. I also like the potential for the 'lost' nuke bases, and the different interst groups in places like Hong Kong (which I am definitely looking forward to being covered in more detail in
Runner Havens ).
There's my two
for ya' Synner. Hope you find another point of view useful. All in all, very much enjoyed it. looking forward to So LA, assuminig it does eventually see the light of day.