Sep 4 2005, 12:53 PM
In SoTA64(?) it was said they are flying manned to Mars, in SoA it is said tehy are returning... Ok with troubles but returning...
In SR4 it is said they have a manned base on Mars...
Will there be any more info on that to get? eg SF?
Demonseed Elite
Sep 4 2005, 01:44 PM
System Failure does have a little bit of info on the changes in Yamatetsu, including the management changes that make projects like Mars more of a focus.
But I'm positive there will be more on that aspect of Evo (aka Yamatetsu) in the future.
Sep 4 2005, 04:16 PM
a base on Mars? Hello!
After all the mysteries that happened on mars in the past this is BIG, HUGE! MASSIVE!
Are the bones still there that were in Dunkelzahn's will? Remember the first landing failed on the day of the Awakening on Earth. There is a link there. What? Magic? Energy? Jahovah's witnesses? Is there Life on Mars? We have come Out of the Silent Planet, and this only gets a passing mention?
Yamatetsu has the best prometa-human image and isd on the outs with the Japanocorps, has a free spirit on the board. This could be nothing or everything.
Space runs? it just reached far beyond orbital stations.
Demonseed Elite
Sep 4 2005, 04:52 PM
If I remember right, isn't some more detail on the bones/pyramids on Mars stuff detailed more in the Missions book?
Sep 4 2005, 04:54 PM
Yep, Mission Mars scenario. The truth is out there.
Sep 4 2005, 04:57 PM
Doo doo do DOO doooo...
Sep 4 2005, 05:18 PM
Not that the mission really revelas anything new
Sep 4 2005, 06:35 PM
QUOTE (Snow_Fox) |
Are the bones still there that were in Dunkelzahn's will? |
[ Spoiler ]
One of the latest books, I can't recall which one, mentions that the cosmonauts found bones and structures on Mars and were bringing samples back when just as they entered lunar orbit they dissapeared. Apparently they turned up a week later with no memory of the event or even knowing they'd been MIA for the time.
Jürgen Hubert
Sep 4 2005, 07:07 PM
The details on this are in Shadows of Asia, near the end of the Russia section.
Weird stuff. Very weird indeed.
Sep 4 2005, 07:17 PM
Sep 4 2005, 07:17 PM
The truth is out there?
M.I.B. ?
Shadowrunners are pretty paranoid already. This might mean we should be.
Sep 4 2005, 08:53 PM
I bet the landing crew just rolled more than half ones on their re-entry...
Sep 5 2005, 02:19 AM
Critical hit to their shorts?
Sep 5 2005, 03:29 AM
QUOTE (FlakJacket) |
QUOTE (Snow_Fox) | Are the bones still there that were in Dunkelzahn's will? |
[ Spoiler ] One of the latest books, I can't recall which one, mentions that the cosmonauts found bones and structures on Mars and were bringing samples back when just as they entered lunar orbit they dissapeared. Apparently they turned up a week later with no memory of the event or even knowing they'd been MIA for the time. |
How much you wanna bet that an omnipotent AI or Great Dragon is responsible...just like EVERYTHING else it seems like...
Sep 5 2005, 05:02 AM
QUOTE (FrostyNSO @ Sep 4 2005, 10:29 PM) |
QUOTE (FlakJacket @ Sep 4 2005, 01:35 PM) | QUOTE (Snow_Fox) | Are the bones still there that were in Dunkelzahn's will? |
[ Spoiler ] One of the latest books, I can't recall which one, mentions that the cosmonauts found bones and structures on Mars and were bringing samples back when just as they entered lunar orbit they dissapeared. Apparently they turned up a week later with no memory of the event or even knowing they'd been MIA for the time. |
How much you wanna bet that an omnipotent AI or Great Dragon is responsible...just like EVERYTHING else it seems like...
I wouldn't rule out malicious space spirits or inhuman Martian lifeforms.
Sep 5 2005, 05:35 PM
Like I said:
Celestial Intervention Agency
Ancient History
Sep 5 2005, 05:41 PM
The Veil, Snowy. MiB are poseurs next to the real deal.
Sep 5 2005, 06:55 PM
Possibly. Although with the UCAS no longer being the superpower the US was I figure their operating resources will be much reduced, especially on foreign soil. And since all the other corps involved in the aerospace business as well as third part groups like the Apep Consortium or Atlanteans would like to have a look or hijack their work, I figure the security would have been extreme around the mission. :/
Sep 6 2005, 01:35 AM
QUOTE (Ancient History) |
The Veil, Snowy. MiB are poseurs next to the real deal. |
And they can't hold an electric candle to the CIA or the
and if you know what I am referencing there boys and girls, you'll know all of a sudden that could be what is going on. The only question is who holds the reins?
Sep 6 2005, 01:45 AM
QUOTE (Snow_Fox) |
And if you know what I am referencing there boys and girls, you'll know all of a sudden that could be what is going on. The only question is who holds the reins? |
Where's the nearest film studio?

On who's pulling the strings, probably the Corporate Court IMO. They're the only group with enough clout and resources to finance an operation like that and also keep it under wraps.
Sep 6 2005, 02:23 AM
I soooo, do not look good in purple!
but you could have a very good point. remember people who become residents of the stattion give up their assets so that could provide resources.
Kanada Ten
Sep 6 2005, 02:31 AM
Did we ever discover who sent the mystery probe to the comet? It seems that group might have the resources and the secrecy down pat...
Sep 6 2005, 02:31 AM
AH found out but then they gave him the amnesia drug.
Ancient History
Sep 6 2005, 02:57 AM
No they didn't. I would have remembered that.
Sep 7 2005, 02:42 AM
My wheels are turning. this could get ugly.
Sep 7 2005, 05:18 AM
so anyone wanna spill the beans on what happened in Missions in any amount of detail?
or is
One of the latest books, I can't recall which one, mentions that the cosmonauts found bones and structures on Mars and were bringing samples back when just as they entered lunar orbit they dissapeared. Apparently they turned up a week later with no memory of the event or even knowing they'd been MIA for the time. |
that it?
Sep 7 2005, 05:52 AM
QUOTE (Snow_Fox) |
Remember the first landing failed on the day of the Awakening on Earth. There is a link there. |
Woah, that's pretty dang significant. I don't recall reading it anywhere, though. Could I get a reference to convince my players? Is it in Missions?
Sep 7 2005, 04:16 PM
QUOTE (Snow_Fox) |
QUOTE (Ancient History @ Sep 5 2005, 12:41 PM) | The Veil, Snowy. MiB are poseurs next to the real deal. |
And they can't hold an electric candle to the CIA or the Supreme Headquarters Alien Defense Force
and if you know what I am referencing there boys and girls, you'll know all of a sudden that could be what is going on. The only question is who holds the reins?
Some of us are really old. Hands up who has seen this on it's first run or at least was around and old enough?
Well, at least being tracked by those guys is better than facing the agents from the
Command for
Law and
Sep 7 2005, 07:19 PM
QUOTE (Fireside) |
QUOTE (Snow_Fox @ Sep 4 2005, 04:16 PM) | Remember the first landing failed on the day of the Awakening on Earth. There is a link there. |
Woah, that's pretty dang significant. I don't recall reading it anywhere, though. Could I get a reference to convince my players? Is it in Missions?
Missions, p52. The planetfall was in July of 2011, and was successful. It was the return voyage that had disaster, with a major malfunction and crash landing occurring on Dec 24, 2011, the same date that Daniel Howling Coyote left Abilene and Ryumyo is sighted.
Sep 8 2005, 02:35 AM
Right when I said landing I did not mean the actual touch down but the whole mission. Xmas eve was one hell of a time that year.
Omer Joel
Oct 9 2005, 11:32 AM
Was there any reference of the Veil besides Missions and.or Portfolio (sp?) of a dragon?
Oct 9 2005, 12:05 PM
I heard in one of the new SR4 books coming out next year, we'll get a hint on this. Something about an attempted landing, but the shuttle was later retrieved with all hands gone and no sign of their fate but a twig of eucalyptus.
Oct 9 2005, 03:39 PM
I missed the signifigance of this the last time round, but whoa! Has anyone noticed that there is a huge number of lgitches going on with RL Mars probes? OK Bad landings on planets. No problem there. robots landing on an unknown terrain could go wrong but there seems to be a huge number of provable/preventable glitches. Most infamously was the case of a probe that crashed because the rocket scientists failed to convert meters to yards. now a probe that we're told turns itself off.
Just to be touch paranoid, what if there are NO glitches? What if they have worked perfectly? Think about it.
To get back to the topic. We have been kicking around who might really know what's going on. To recap from a year ago, there was speculation that the dragon bones on Mars were a group from the last age of maic who fled the Enemy. suppose we had itbackwards. Suppose the dragons now on earth came from somewhere else and Mars was their stepping stone to earth. The secrets there might be the sources of Dragonic powers.
There would be an interest in human powers to find out what there are and the dragons in keeping it secret. If the IA's oppose the Dragons they might want the knowledge as a leverage.
I see 5 potential groups who migfht all be trying to get/block the knowledge. We can rule out policlubs and AA's, not enough resources but IA's, Dragons, AAA's, Corporate Court and Civil Governments. All could have a hand in this and this could lead to some fabulous runs with never leaving the surface of earth.
supply lines, probes up,affect bases, grab the info, intercept the info, corrupt info, protect the info, destroy the info,
Oct 9 2005, 05:29 PM
Yes yes, dragons are aliens.. they are here!
Wonder if magic works diffrantly on mars than on earth tho..
Omer Joel
Oct 9 2005, 08:50 PM
So, aside from Missions, Portfolio of a Dragon and Shadows of Asia, any more references to Mars and/or the Veil in Shadowrun cannon?
Jürgen Hubert
Oct 10 2005, 07:33 AM
QUOTE (nezumi) |
I heard in one of the new SR4 books coming out next year, we'll get a hint on this. Something about an attempted landing, but the shuttle was later retrieved with all hands gone and no sign of their fate but a twig of eucalyptus. |
You are a bad, bad man.
Jürgen Hubert
Oct 10 2005, 07:37 AM
QUOTE (Snow_Fox) |
I missed the signifigance of this the last time round, but whoa! Has anyone noticed that there is a huge number of lgitches going on with RL Mars probes? OK Bad landings on planets. No problem there. robots landing on an unknown terrain could go wrong but there seems to be a huge number of provable/preventable glitches. Most infamously was the case of a probe that crashed because the rocket scientists failed to convert meters to yards. now a probe that we're told turns itself off. |
In Real Life, most of these glitches can be attributed to the fact that pretty much all of these vehicles are untested prototypes, since there is no way of testing them short of actually using them for their intended mission. No other kind of device has to deal with something like tha - even nuclear weapons were tested before they were used in war (and to the relief of the builders, the nuclear chain reaction did not ignite the atmosphere and end all life on Earth as some of them expected...).
But it's certainly that kind of thing that the Lone Gunman would obsess about.
Oct 10 2005, 12:36 PM
I must admit my personal theory was always that Dragons and Horrors came from another world. When Mana reaches a certain level the Manasphere extends far enough towards their homeworld to touch their Manasphere and they can cross over.
After dunk's will I started to believe the planet of the horrors is mars, the bones are horror bones, and the built the pyramids (which sort of explains the azzie ones).
Okay I'll admit its wacky but read the Great Hunters section in the ED horrors book. It appears that Icewing thinks dragons come from another world and that world was iirc red...
Wonder what Ghostwalker thinks of the mars mission?
Kyoto Kid
Oct 12 2005, 02:25 AM
....This is a news bulletin from the Mercury Radio Network
We have just received information of a large glowing object seen streaking across the sky over upstate New York..,
(cue theremin music...)
Ancient History
Oct 12 2005, 02:35 AM
Not yet, kid. Gotta wait another 18 days.
<cues peanut butter lid unscrewing in toilet bowl>
I notice y'all haven't mentioned the missing Martian meteorite fragments...
Oct 12 2005, 03:58 AM
I acutally had noticed that , just wasn't sure about any conclusions to draw. I try not to make too many conjectures I'm just gonna feel stupid for later. Lazy that way I guess.
not a sign of their fate but a twig of eucalyptus |
Omer Joel
Oct 12 2005, 08:46 AM
QUOTE (Ancient History @ Oct 12 2005, 02:35 AM) |
Not yet, kid. Gotta wait another 18 days.
I notice y'all haven't mentioned the missing Martian meteorite fragments... |
Are you working on what I'm working on? Un-
Veil-ing the mysteries of the (SR) universe?
Expect a research file (inspired by your style

) about space development, space settlements and space-related mysteries within two days. Tomorrow is Yom Kippur, and I'm not religious, so the only thing left for me to do is dig into old, dusty Shadowrun tomes in search of snippets of space lore.
Care to compare notes?
Ancient History
Oct 12 2005, 10:16 AM
Ah, snippets of space lore. I like the bits in Cyberpirates!, meself.
Oct 12 2005, 11:26 AM
QUOTE (Kyoto Kid) |
....This is a news bulletin from the Mercury Radio Network We have just received information of a large glowing object seen streaking across the sky over upstate New York.., (cue theremin music...) |
three options: classic
"Look! up there in the sky."
"It's a bird"
"It's a plane"
obscure: "Red Alert! I have positive identification of UFO"
or more likely in this setting
"Raise all yer hands over your head and move away from your punk ass broken vehical."
Oct 12 2005, 04:01 PM
I have a feeling that Lone Star SWAT mages would simply slaughter Superman. He is too high profile, he does have any powers that a sufficient initiate can't reproduce, and he is vulnerable to magic.
Will Smith, on the other hand, would be right at home in the Sixth World.
I can't comment on the middle one, it is too obscure.
Kyoto Kid
Oct 12 2005, 09:06 PM
MR Sulu, Plot a course to take liberty with the game setting...
Mr Scott, do we have warp power...?
Being an old SF/Space Gamer (Traveller - when it still was the three basic books, High Guard, Merchants, & the various "Travelers Aid" journals). I have actually fleshed out a bit more of Near (and not so near) Space in my campaign then the books hint at. My next Arc after Rhapsody is complete will set the stage for:
Or more locally known to my group as "Enemy of the Tir"
And yes. it does involve one of those pesky IEs
...you came in that thing? you're braver than I thought.
Oct 14 2005, 02:20 AM
The Middle of the 3 quotes of mine is from UFO by Jerry Anderson. filmed in 1969 is was set in the near future of "1980" about a secret organization defending earth from Aliens. If you get a change, watch it. it is hillarious for what they thought 1980 would be like now that is the near past. The best example is the first episode of the 2nd set, entitled "The Responsibility seat" you see what is supposed to be the home of a iflm executive but it can only be discribed as "An episode of Trading Spaces that went terribly terribly wrong."
You could probably also do a lot with the adventures of Jon Pertwee, the 3rd Dr. Who ,this was when he was trapped on earth for much of the 5 season he had the show and had to work with the governments.
QUOTE (Kyoto Kid @ Oct 12 2005, 04:06 PM) |
...you came in that thing? you're braver than I thought. |
Kyoto Kid
Oct 14 2005, 02:51 AM
...I actually do remember the series. Must have seen almost every episode too.
Of course two British shows that I actually like to occasionally throw the "feel" of into my campaign are the original Avengers - The Steed & Peel ones (Some of these episodes were almost Harlequin-esque) and Secret Agent - The Prisoner (Definitely a fascinating story arc between the two)
BlackAdder also has some potential as well especially if you are dealing with the British Aristocracy.
Of course the list goes on:
Yes Minister (& it's sequel Yes Prime Minister)
To The Manor Born
Are You Being Served
Waiting For God
Red Dwarf
Just to name a few.
Oct 14 2005, 08:30 AM
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
I have a feeling that Lone Star SWAT mages would simply slaughter Superman. He is too high profile, he does have any powers that a sufficient initiate can't reproduce, and he is vulnerable to magic. |
Last time I checked, adepts can't get Immunity to Normal Weapons, flight, Innate Spell (Laser), or X-ray Vision.
Oct 14 2005, 09:02 AM
yes, but a mage with the right spells and sustaining foci can (well, not Imm, but armor, which would be about right anyways). SUPER MAGE ! AWAAAAAYYY!
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