Oct 14 2005, 09:42 AM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
well, not Imm, but armor |
The mage could gain Immunity To Normal Weapons by Channeling a Great Form.
Oct 14 2005, 09:50 AM
now would that be channel sky spirit/air elemental, or.... city spirit (leap tall buildings and all that). 'Course only problem is that only last 10-20 minutes on average. "I am IMMUNE to your attacks! But uhh... let's not let this drag out too long, 'k?"
Oct 14 2005, 10:04 AM
How long do your typical combat engagements last?
If they are really longer than 15-20 minutes, the I guess the Shaman will have to whip up anohter Great Form.
Oct 14 2005, 10:11 AM
yeah good point. The Superman fights in the movies dont even last that long. That's always sort of bothered me, that most fire fights are oven within about 30 seconds. I suppose it's more realistic, but I prefer to drag things out a bit and it's tough in certain situations.
And heck, in my game, I am the shaman with invoking and channeling!
Hehe, I once saw a player burn off a butt load of karma and do rerolls ( in the end, we actually watched him roll a 35!) to channel a force 20 Fire elemental (he'd burn just about as much getting a couple services from it in the first place) and get all excited about getting to toast some 'baddies', but he didn't know about the duration. He of course only got one success on channeling, and the duration was up before we got anywhere near a fight. So of course he took 20D. Physical. He probably should have read the power description a bit more.
Oct 14 2005, 12:19 PM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
yeah good point. The Superman fights in the movies dont even last that long. That's always sort of bothered me, that most fire fights are oven within about 30 seconds. I suppose it's more realistic, but I prefer to drag things out a bit and it's tough in certain situations.
And heck, in my game, I am the shaman with invoking and channeling!
Hehe, I once saw a player burn off a butt load of karma and do rerolls ( in the end, we actually watched him roll a 35!) to channel a force 20 Fire elemental (he'd burn just about as much getting a couple services from it in the first place) and get all excited about getting to toast some 'baddies', but he didn't know about the duration. He of course only got one success on channeling, and the duration was up before we got anywhere near a fight. So of course he took 20D. Physical. He probably should have read the power description a bit more. |
Well, it he had waited untill the fight started then he would have probably clobbered them all in one combat turn, with +20 +10d6 initiative and all.
Kyoto Kid
Oct 14 2005, 08:48 PM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
yes, but a mage with the right spells and sustaining foci can (well, not Imm, but armor, which would be about right anyways). SUPER MAGE ! AWAAAAAYYY! |
Yeah, but all the foci in the world don't mean diddly when you're in space or for that fact, even on Mars.
Immunity to Vaccuum, & cosmic radiation would be more appropriate here
Off the top of my head, the only critters I can remember of from any fiction (Game, Book, TV, Movie) that can survive the harsh environment of Outer Space are:
The Space Amoeba from the original Star Trek
Mynoks (sp?) and the Asteroid Worm from Star wars "Empire" (though this doesn't explain how Han & Luke could go walking around in that scene wearing only a respirator)
The Acanti from the X-Men (there was also a similar creature in either Star Trek "Voyager" or "Enterprise")
the Alien from movie of the same name
and... quite possibly Batman (from the old series) using his patented "Bat Space Survival" pill. "you never know when you may need it old chum."
Oct 14 2005, 09:21 PM
Filtering Metamagic along with a specialized version of Barrier and Oxygenate spells sustained.
Kyoto Kid
Oct 14 2005, 10:47 PM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
Filtering Metamagic along with a specialized version of Barrier and Oxygenate spells sustained.  |
Would work, theoretically, but I figure insanity from being outside the Gaiasphere of earth would set in first.
Ancient History
Oct 14 2005, 11:49 PM
There are those alien spirits from the site of that ancient meteorite impact, too.
Oct 15 2005, 12:00 AM
Say what now?
Oct 15 2005, 12:59 AM
I HATE it when he does That!
Oct 15 2005, 02:59 AM
Cryptic ≠ Sexy.
Ancient History
Oct 15 2005, 04:51 AM
Some children have never read the Germany SB.
Oct 15 2005, 05:40 AM
that doesn't fall into the whole Siberia/meteortie/shapefhiter/free spirit deal? There's another one!?
Ancient History
Oct 15 2005, 01:36 PM
Nördlinger, in the center of the 15-million-year-old Nördlinger Ries 25-kilometre diameter impact crater. Background Count: 4, adds 1 die to summoning fire spirits. The local earth, fire and forest spirits are unusual and difficult to understand; most scientists attribute this to reverbrations from the ancient meteorite impact, others claim the spirits are alien to Earth and native to another world. Meeting site for the Weisse.
Oct 15 2005, 03:59 PM
QUOTE (Ancient History) |
There are those alien spirits from the site of that ancient meteorite impact, too. |
The Nestine consciousness? Ready to animate plastic bodies?
Oct 15 2005, 04:43 PM
QUOTE (Ancient History) |
Some children have never read the Germany SB. |
But it's so much more rewarding to sit around the feet of Uncle Ancient.
Oct 16 2005, 04:54 AM
everyone in the 'magical circle' now while Uncle Ancient 'conjures ' us up a story.
Oct 16 2005, 04:57 AM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
that doesn't fall into the whole Siberia/meteortie/shapefhiter/free spirit deal? There's another one!? |
*sigh* Nothing like browsing DumpShock to make you feel hopelessly out of the loop...
Omer Joel
Oct 18 2005, 08:06 PM
Has anyone noticed the rumor in T: WL about a secret Ares facility on Mars? Or the planned Ares mission to Europa (one of Jupiter's moons) in 2064?
The research is progressing, almost finished processing T: WL, and the some of the most interesting snippets of space information in it aren't nescerily in the space section...
Oct 18 2005, 09:30 PM
Ah, you mean the Vostok bit? What with Yamatetsu going Evo and transhumanist plus all the space malarkey, I can't help but keep thinking of
Transhuman Space.
Oct 19 2005, 12:35 AM
I always liked that book...
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