Oct 3 2005, 08:18 PM
This is the skeleton for a run I'm designing; I've yet to really weave the sinew and muscle around it, but I thought I'd get your feedback first.
Nova &
Sunday_Gamer, you know the drill.
[ Spoiler ]
(Dumpshock drinking game: take a shot every time you read the word "marketing" in this post. Mad whuffies if you make it all the way to the end without falling out of your chair.)
N.B.:Please see
this thread for background on this plot's gestation. My thanks to everyone who participated in that discussion for their help, creativity and insight. Even if I didn't incorporate your suggestion, I appreciate your input.
First, a quote from a post I wrote on July 30th:
In my game, one of Deus' plans is marketing: Deus 'converted' a few high-level Renraku marketing execs and implanted an idea in their heads for a new campaign. For the last few months, there's been a special deal available at arcology cyberware clinics: 30% off your first installation of alpha-grade headware. That's right: come on in to the SCIRE in downtown Seattle, walk in to any of their fine clinics, pick out the top-of-the-line piece of 'ware you want (memory, senseware, a phone, whatever) and have the implantation surgery done on the spot... and SAVE 30% OFF REGULAR RETAIL PRICE.
In my game, Deus has been implanting his special packages (Invoked Memory Stimulators, BTL Simulators, etc.) in most customers who come in for this special deal. The marketing blitz has been going on for months and hundreds of people are signing up for it.Deus has decided to expand and accelerate his marketing campaign by introducing viral elements. For those of you who aren't familiar with "viral marketing" (a contemporary term), a good breakdown of the principles can be found
here. In a nutshell, it (and I'm quoting the site here) "describes any strategy that encourages individuals to pass on a marketing message to others, creating the potential for exponential growth in the message's exposure and influence." Basically a viral campaign is one that enlists the consumer in the marketing effort. It's brilliant and can be tremendously effective (Hotmail uses this strategy, for instance).
Now, in the 21st century marketing has probably iterated to an unrecognizable form and that's fine: I'm not a Business major and I have no interest in theorizing about the nuts and bolts of advertising in 2054 (though y'all are welcome to bounce ideas around if you like). Suffice to say that Deus wants to ramp up his efforts and with this goal in mind has targeted a marketing guru for extraction from a corporate facility:
Antonio Grandin is a magician who does advanced R&D on advertising and market penetration for Aztechnology. The Saotome corporation, a major Yamatetsu subsidiary and operator of the world-famous Saotome Aquadome, has leased Grandin and his Research Assitant for an extended consultancy.
Grandin, his RA and a small staff of Saotome researchers are working on adapting metafaunal telepathic and empathic powers to support and enhance marketing campaigns. To this end, they have several spirit types and Awakened animals in the lab. Creatures with the following powers are favourites, for obvious reasons: Compulsion, Confusion, Desire Reflection, Glamour, Hypnotic Song, Influence and Possession.
Recently, Grandin has achieved some success with nomads: their ability to self-replicate and lay dormant within a host for long periods has made them useful subjects for study. Since one of the most interesting and potentially useful aspects of the nomad--its uncanny ability to duplicate itself--is also one of the most threatening, Grandin took steps to suppress this power using [insert highly abstract technomagical technique here]. Unfortunately, his approach worked too well.
The nomad being directly studied was allowed to grow, but not permitted to 'split,' as nomads do when they reach a certain Force. As a result, the nomad has become changed, transformed into a unique spirit with unknown abilities and a serious hate-on for its tormentor: Grandin.
You can probably see where this is going.
The PCs are hired to break into the aquadome, extract Grandin and return him to the Johnson (an agent of Deus). Of course, things in the aquadome have gone horribly awry. When the PCs do begin their run, they quickly realize that the entire facility has shut down: Nomads (which can breed fairly quickly) have spread across the dome's population and are wreaking havoc. Now the characters have to find their target and get him out while fending off the attacks of his Jaguar Guard entourage, possessed (and therefore innocent!) civilians, loose Nomads (which can hit Force 17!), the Free-Spirit-which-was-once-a-nomad and any other paracritters from Grandin's experiments the GM feels like throwing in there.
The idea is to replicate some of the conditions of the arcology: a closed community--a supposedly "safe" environment--which turns against its inhabitants and becomes a deathtrap.
What do you think? Criticisms, compliments, suggestions?
For the record, you can check out the stats for nomads and other paracritters
Crusher Bob
Oct 4 2005, 08:18 AM
[ Spoiler ]
Don't forget to have the zombies chanting the benefits of Aztech hair care products (or whatever)
This will also allow your pcs to 'talk their way through the zombies' by appearing to be 'one of the converted' (e.g. they know all the marketing slogans)
Oct 4 2005, 10:14 AM
[ Spoiler ]
What I'm wondering is if this ubber nomad would make a good long-term concact for the PCs. Of course, I tend to think insane thoughts like that. Is this just going to be a nomad on vitamins with a grudge or will this be a fully devolped spirit that is capible of being dealt and reasoned with?
Oct 4 2005, 01:53 PM
[ Spoiler ]
hyzmarca sez:
What I'm wondering is if this ubber nomad would make a good long-term concact for the PCs. Of course, I tend to think insane thoughts like that. Is this just going to be a nomad on vitamins with a grudge or will this be a fully devolped spirit that is capible of being dealt and reasoned with?
Good question. I'm thinking that things will be much more interesting if the nomad has "evolved" into something with an actual intelligence and motives, so yeah--it could potentially be reasoned with. It is still a nomad though, so it's malevolent, and vicious... but it's probably starting to develop a larger purpose than simply: "Possess. Kill. Rinse. Repeat."
There's definitely potential for a recurring villain here, especially if one accepts the fact that nomads are basically small Horrors...
Oct 6 2005, 03:02 PM
I'm not in the habit of bumping threads just for the sake of it, but I was hoping to get some more feedback on my initial post. I won't bump it again.
Oct 6 2005, 05:05 PM
Not bad, not bad.
Of course, I've already exposed my group to the Shutdown first hand, so I think they may go "Oh no, not again" if I were to throw this one at them.
Oct 7 2005, 04:01 AM
sorry, I fell out of my chair after the 5th 'marketing'..... I wasn't even drinking....
Oct 7 2005, 03:51 PM
Believe me, I looked for a reasonable synonym.
Oct 8 2005, 12:38 PM
QUOTE (Velocity) |
[ Spoiler ] hyzmarca sez: What I'm wondering is if this ubber nomad would make a good long-term concact for the PCs. Of course, I tend to think insane thoughts like that. Is this just going to be a nomad on vitamins with a grudge or will this be a fully devolped spirit that is capible of being dealt and reasoned with?
Good question. I'm thinking that things will be much more interesting if the nomad has "evolved" into something with an actual intelligence and motives, so yeah--it could potentially be reasoned with. It is still a nomad though, so it's malevolent, and vicious... but it's probably starting to develop a larger purpose than simply: "Possess. Kill. Rinse. Repeat."
There's definitely potential for a recurring villain here, especially if one accepts the fact that nomads are basically small Horrors... |
Velocity, please watch "Session 9".
Oct 8 2005, 01:37 PM
QUOTE (Dogsoup) |
Velocity, please watch "Session 9". |
Session 9... David Caruso, right? Something about a work crew in an abandoned psychiatric hospital? I rented it a couple of years ago but I remember being disappointed with it--don't remember why.
For those of you who haven't seen the movie, don't read this:
[ Spoiler ]
It's the boss, right? If I remember correctly, we're lead to think that there's some kind of vengeful ghost or something in the building, but it's actualy the crew's boss who's lost his shit. I think.
It's a good example of a team breaking down along their psychological fault lines, but PCs rarely succumb to that kind of manipulation, unfortunately.
Oct 8 2005, 03:57 PM
QUOTE ("Velocity") |
Session 9... David Caruso, right? /... |
[ Spoiler ]
I interpreted it as a "monster flick" though. Only the fact that both views works marks it as a great movie IMO *shrug*.
As for SR...
[ Spoiler ]
...I toyed with the "intelligent nomad" idea and just imagined playing up the "tape clips" from the movie to the PCs as old damaged soundchips from the 2020's and then watch the players' faces as they realize their Johnson calls himself "Simon" and looks way too young to have been even alive back then.
The run itself being in some Harlequin's Back-style with nebulous "go here, do that"-missions involving unknown events from the early decades of the 21th century. The various clues about "Simon" are unrelated to the completions of the run, and maybe even implies he survived the the manacycle downtime.
And now back to our regular Deus programs!
Oct 8 2005, 04:05 PM
Hm, seems like I can't edit the above post without fucking it up. Well, I only wanted to say that you once again have provided a brilliant, epic and gothic scenario, Velocity.
Session 9 is a beautiful idea for a run. It would require more subtlety than most, on the part of the GM.
Guy I know worked on it. Says there was a whole subplot scripted and shot, that never made the cut. Revealed a whole other big nasty in the works. D'you notice the shots that looked like someone peeking around corners at the characters from hiding? But anyway....
If you agree that Session 9 is a cool run, check out "The Bunker," an English flick about German soldiers in the last days of WWII, and the "horrors" of war. Would also make a wicked run.
Oct 8 2005, 07:52 PM
This campaing idea made me come in my pants. I can't express it any other way. I will steal the sealed-off-aquadome-of-nomad-hell. Thank you.
Oct 8 2005, 08:22 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Simons last words do suggest that he is a supernatural entity rather than a facet of Mary's personality. "I live in the weak and the wounded". One could interperate as the boss being possessed by a mellovant spirit. Simon as a nomad-like demon is what I got out of it.
However, as homocidal possessing spirit horror goes, I prefer Fallen. Azazel just has a great personality.
Oct 8 2005, 09:19 PM
QUOTE (Dogsoup) |
Well, I only wanted to say that you once again have provided a brilliant, epic and gothic scenario, Velocity. |
Gee, thanks. I think it could potentially be a really gripping, creepy run. I still need to flesh it out a bit though... I'll keep using this thread to bounce my ideas off of people and post the finished product at some point.
Oct 9 2005, 02:14 AM
Has the uber-nomad been Named by the scientist?
I think the irony of humanity creating a Named horror from an unNamed one is amusing.
Oct 9 2005, 05:07 AM
[ Spoiler ]
I'm not sure yet how, exactly, the nomad becomes... well, whatever it becomes. Tell me what you think of this:
I'm thinking that when its regular life-cycle is disrupted and it falls under the enchantment of whatever arcane metamagical technique is used to contain it, that's when it begins to transform.
(If you're not familiar with the nomad, it's an Essence-draining creature which adds consumed Essence to its Force. The second it reaches Force 18, it splits into two Force 9 nomads and they each go off to drain Essence and cause havoc. Hence, it's not possible to have a Force 18 nomad--it splits immediately.)
This particular nomad was artifically kept at Force 18 and when its containment field broke, it lunged out at the nearest target: Antonio Grandin. The act of possessing Grandin, an Initiated Mage, was the 'X Factor' that served as a catalyst to turn the nomad into a Free Spirit.
What say?
Oct 9 2005, 07:37 AM
Nomads are very minor horrors. If it's gone through a process analogous to other spirits going Free, then it would almost certainly has become a Named horror, and probably one of the first to arrive in the Sixth world, other than Yssrgrathe (who got blown up by Aina).
As far as game effects, just make it follow the rules for Free Spirits. d3 Free Spirit powers, Spirit Energy 1, and a True Name.
I would give it the Sorcery power, and a few custom spells (Onionskin and Skinshift).
Oct 9 2005, 05:33 PM
QUOTE (Backgammon) |
This campaing idea made me come in my pants. I can't express it any other way. I will steal the sealed-off-aquadome-of-nomad-hell. Thank you. |
Hey, by all means: take it, make it yours and have a great time. As it continues to take shape, I'll keep posting the details. Eventually, I'd like to produce a short (2-3 pages) PDF document in the style of the published adventures. There's still some plot elements I have to straighten out first, though.
Oct 10 2005, 03:57 AM
QUOTE (nick012000) |
If it's gone through a process analogous to other spirits going Free, then it would almost certainly has become a Named horror, and probably one of the first to arrive in the Sixth world |
Is that implausible or absurd? I'm serious, does the idea of a named Horror "evolving" (and I'm using the term loosely) from a nomad seem, well... silly? It sounds okay to me, but what I know about Horrors would fit in a gnat's ear.
QUOTE (nick012000) |
a few custom spells (Onionskin and Skinshift). |
How what now?
Oct 10 2005, 04:16 AM
QUOTE (Velocity @ Oct 9 2005, 10:57 PM) |
QUOTE (nick012000) | a few custom spells (Onionskin and Skinshift). |
How what now?
nick012000 thinks you should give the nomad some spells that mimic Horror Powers. Although, it would be just as simple to give it unique powers that are Horror Powers or Unique Powers tht no one has ever seen before.
[ Spoiler ]
However, I think that giving it manifesting is a bad idea. Nomads, by their very nature, can't manifest and many of the most powerful Horrors are limited in this way except at the very peak of the mana cycle. Giving it the basic "Horror Mark", which allows it to mark a character's pattern or aura and then allows it to communicate telepathicly with and use its powers on that character from a great distance (100 miles off the top of my head. May be more and may be less) and without being restricted by which plane it is on (in the same way that Loa can use their powers on their sumoners despite being limited to the astral plane)power isn't a bad idea.
Of course, I doubt a newly born Named Horror would know how to use its powers right off the bat. It is possible that it has any number of unique powers that it simply has to learn to access and many others that it could devolp as it gains Good Karma.
Oct 10 2005, 07:26 PM
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
nick012000 thinks you should give the nomad some spells that mimic Horror Powers. |
I was thinking of using the standard 'Free Spirit' rules for now and if the nomad survives the scenario, I can worry abut it developing unique powers down the line. I'm a little concerned about the creature being too powerful though: 'basic' nomads are quite tough and if Iapply the 'Free Spirit' rules, it might be ridiculously powerful...
Oct 11 2005, 12:56 AM
[ Spoiler ]
Okay, so I have a problem: the narrative that I've sketched out in my head results in a Force 18 nomad which, upon becoming a Free Spirit, will look something like this:
B: 15
Q: 12 (x3)
S: N/A
C: 15
I: 15
W: 15
E: 18
R: 14
Initiative: 22 + 1D6
Spirit Energy: 1
Compulsion (special: homicidal mania)
Essence Drain (modified)
Immunity (Normal Weapons)
1D3 Spirit Powers (I'm thinking Aura Masking, Hidden Life and Personal Domain are all appropriate, although Personal Domain might be excessive...)
Does anyone else think this is a a little too
? For the record, the group I'm designing this for is a samurai, a penetration decker and a shaman -- each about 160 Karma.
Oct 11 2005, 08:25 AM
I would say to dump Personal Domain and go with Sorcery, but that's just me.
Also, Nomads do have the Materialization power: they appear as amorphous patches of blackness about half a meter accross, according to Critters, p. 38.
Oct 11 2005, 12:12 PM
I thought perhaps that Sorcery might be a bit much, because it's a pretty radical change for a nomad to develop the ability to cast spells. Aura Masking and Hidden Life are both in line (IMO) with the overall nomad "concept," but Sorcery seems to be a real departure.
Also, Sorcery allows it an awful lot of options and already I'm worried about this thing being too powerful.
Oct 11 2005, 12:38 PM
[ Spoiler ]
If they fight this monster they will die. That is for certain. Only navel scale weaponry or Wallhacker weilding elemental spurs can hope to defeat it. However, the question you must ask is will your runners fight it. Will the story force a confrontation? Will the players try to defeat it? If the answer to either of these questions is yes your runners are dead, they just don't know it yet. If the answer is no, then you have a truely frightening villain. If the don't mind running for their lives and potentially selling their souls to this thing if it comes to that, then I say go for it.
Hidden life would be useful if you tone it down or if your PCs are somehow powerful enough to defeat it. It would allow the creature to survive defeat. However, if not it just rubs salt into the wounds. ubbing salt in the wound can be good for storytelling, especially if it hides its life in one of the players, eventually driving the PC to feed it of his or her own free will.
Oct 11 2005, 01:02 PM
I wasn't really imagining a
D&D-style 'top-of-the-bad-guy-pyramid' confrontation with the nomad; I don't like 'Final Boss' epic battles (in
Shadowrun, anyway). However, on some level there will be confrontation with this creature and I do want the PCs to be able to survive the adventure. They're an effective team and I give them a lot of credit, but I've never had an antagonist with stats like these in my campaign.
Right now, I'm thinking that the nomad has possessed Grandin (the extraction target) and has placed its hidden life within him. The possession provides an interesting challenge: how to get the nomad out of Grandin so they can rescue the guy and collect the big payout?
Also, by (secretly) making him the nomad's Life Vessel, I have an easy way to bring the spirit back at some point in the future...
How does that sound?
Oct 11 2005, 02:25 PM
Wouldnt the nomad try to get back Grandin right away? Or destroy the PC's as a reflective action for forcing him out of Grandin ?
Is there something about the PC's that the Nomad can find interesting enough not to kill them on sight ? Especially if they try to evict him from his Host body, that is allso his Hidden life and run off with it ?
Oct 11 2005, 03:27 PM
QUOTE (Nkari) |
Wouldnt the nomad try to get back Grandin right away? Or destroy the PC's as a reflective action for forcing him out of Grandin? |
Thanks for the questions. I obviously need to get all of this straight before I write up the adventure.
Unless I'm mistaken (and please correct me if I am), if the possessed individual suffers Deadly Physical damage, the possessing spirit is forced out of the body. While this is a risky move--considering that the Johnson wants the target alive--it is possible to deal Deadly damage to Grandin and then immediately apply measures to save him.
Alternately, the spirit can be Banished by the team's shaman (who is a Grade 3 Initiate).
I understand that this is really challenging, but it seems feasible to me. Am I being unrealistic?
Oct 11 2005, 03:49 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Banishing a Force 18 (effective 19) is "possible" for a grade 3 initiate... but about as likely as sniping a great dragon with a pistol.
You're looking at, for the nomad, 19 dice, target 9. For the initiate.... howevermany dice, target 19. Really, really low odds.
Then again, at that type of force, it wouldn't really be banished. And it won't get any easier in the off chance the first round succeeds really. We're talking a lot of karma burned to be able to pull it off.
Oct 11 2005, 05:08 PM
QUOTE (Dawnshadow) |
Banishing a Force 18 (effective 19) is "possible" for a grade 3 initiate... but about as likely as sniping a great dragon with a pistol. |
It seems like a number of logistical problems we're encountering stem from the fact that the spirit is of such a ridiculously high Force. Maybe I should re-think that aspect of the adventure...
Normally, a nomad that reaches Force 18 splits into two separate Force 9 nomads. When I came up with the idea for an "evolving" nomad, I thought that it should stay at Force 18 (hence the reason for its "ascension" to a higher order of consciousness) but now I'm reconsidering that idea.
How about this: the Force 18 nomad, upon being freed from captivity, immediately splits into two separate Force 9 nomads: one attacks Grandin and the other attacks his research assistant. Although he's a competent mage--and an Initiate--Grandin was caught completely off-guard (coughplotdevicecough). He and his assistant both succumb to the nomads' attacks and become possessed. From there, the "infestation" easily spreads across the facility.
In the case of Grandin's possession, because the nomad was subtly 'altered' by its prolonged captivity, the act of possessing him results in the creation of a Free Spirit. The same did not happen with the research assistant because Grandin is also an Initiate and had a unique relationship with the nomad before it was freed.
Does that work better? Does it make sense? If you were a player, would you roll your eyes at this explanation?
Oct 11 2005, 07:30 PM
I really like the basic idea you have so dont scratch it, just make sure the PCs have some sort of way to scare off the nomad.. perhaps create something regarding the Nomads creation that he greatly fears and will flee if he sees it.. and above all do not put his hidden life in the extraction object, but rather in some non living object that the characters simply will not leave behind, no matter what, but give them some sort of warnings that things are not allright in here.. (as if all the spirits/zombies etc wouldnt be enough) have them feel some omnipotent presence in the facility, the shaman catching glimpts of it every now an then.. but never more than quick flashes, whispers that could be mistaken for ones own thoughts, goose bumps.. you name it.. something should be seriously wrong with this place, something un natural..
And if the Item gets left behind, then just have the nomad spark a interest in one of the characterts, perhaps the shaman, and it will continue to track them when they leave the facility and starts killing random people that the characters have had some sort of contact with, dont let this happen to often tho, and it should probably not kill off any real important npcs.. but the more contact the characters have with certain people the more likley the Nomand wants to know why and posess the poor bugger..
Have the shaman get that omnious feeling from time to time.. that something is not right.. those whispers coming to them while they sleep at random intervalls etc..
So much potential for some nice horror with this, especially if the group are a bunch of paranoid runners and allready has some mofos on their tail since old..
Oct 11 2005, 08:00 PM
QUOTE (Nkari) |
I really like the basic idea you have so dont scratch it |
I won't scrap the basic idea, but I think a Force 18 Free Spirit might be excessive.
Besides, even the reduced Force is pretty impressive...
QUOTE (Nkari) |
and above all do not put his hidden life in the extraction object, but rather in some non living object that the characters simply will not leave behind, no matter what |
The reason I'm tempted to make Grandin the subject of Hidden Life is this:
Ultimately, I want Grandin to be a sympathetic character. I'm sick and tired of the "heinous Aztechnology mage" stereotype; I think it's lazy storytelling. While Grandin is cynical and maybe even a little callous, he's not a bad person and will be sincerely revolted by the terrible things he's done while under the spirit's influence. In fact, he might even be able to help the PCs "destroy" the nomad once he's freed from its control (he is a competent mage, after all).
Later (months or years from now), if I decide to bring the nomad back, it can "reform" directly within Grandin and the PCs can once again deal with the moral dilemmas.
Also--perhaps just as importantly--the Johnson hiring the PCs for this run works for Deus. Grandin's being extracted for his marketing savvy, which the AI wants to exploit for its own purposes. It'd be interesting to have the nomad 'reclaim' Grandin while he's deep within the arcology, under Deus' influence...
Oct 11 2005, 09:55 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Well, if you don't want the thinkg to slaughter the team outright you may give it a weakness that prevents it from engaging them. Virtual essence loss very combat turn while materialized due to the fact that it is too powerful to exist on the physical plane in this mana level would limit it to astral most of the time. This would also fit with what we know about very powerful spirits and powerful named horrors. A metal elemental or equivilant would simply suffocate for lack of mana if it tried to materialize in any time except the peak of the mana cycle. If you rule that elemental manipulations count of magic attacks for the purpose of damaging spirits then the Shaman could get lucky with one while it is on the physical plane. If you rule them to be a magically powered physical attack then they are out of luck even there. Force 18 manipulations are rare. The TN for standard combat spells would simply be too high to reliably cause damage. Although, one could get a lucky roll and/or burn some karma.
Oct 12 2005, 05:50 AM
Well, a martial arts troll adept with a polearm weapon focus would kick its ass when it's materialized. The weapon focus punches through its Immunity to Normal Weapons, he has Imp. Ability (Polearms) 6, and a reach of 3, resulting in a very disrupted materialized spirit when he adds in the Combat Pool.
Oct 12 2005, 12:10 PM
Well, yes--yes it would.
However, there isn't a physical adept in the group, much less one with a polearm weapon focus. Besides, I wasn't planning on having the spirit materialize: no spirit should ever make itself vulnerable like that if it doesn't have to...
Oct 12 2005, 12:20 PM
Free Spirit (Force 9 nomad)
N.B.: As a nomad, its Force (and therefore its Attributes) are fluid. Beginning at Force 9, it drains Essence and its Force increases until it reaches 18. It then divides, "birthing" a new Force 9 nomad and is itself reduced to Force 9. The cycle begins anew.
Whaddya think?
B: 6
Q: 3 (x3)
S: N/A
C: 6
I: 6
W: 6
E: 9
R: 5
Initiative: 16 + 1D6
Spirit Energy: 1
Compulsion (special: homicidal mania)
Essence Drain (modified)
Immunity (Normal Weapons)
Aura Masking
Hidden Life
Oct 12 2005, 01:48 PM
Shouldn't the Spirit Energy be added to its Force for the purposes of its stats? Also, it should gain a new Free Spirit Power every time it increases Force. So, just make the good doctor murder his secretary, and it suddenly gets 6 new powers, along with the 6 new points of Force...
I have a feeling that Harlequin would get involved very, very quickly. Fortunately for the PCs, he has a job offer for them. An Astral Quest, to its home metaplane, to learn its True Name.
I say fortunately, because by the game rules, an Astral Quest to the Horror's metaplane is no different to a quest to any other metaplane. Of couse, this would be a rating 19-or-so quest, so it would still be very hard. You might want to consider throwing something like a wormskull against them if they're unlucky enough to hit a Place of Battle. While tough, they're still beatable, if memory serves (though I've never read the ED rules too closely).
Oct 12 2005, 02:39 PM
QUOTE (nick012000) |
Also, it should gain a new Free Spirit Power every time it increases Force. |
While I initially had a small heart attack upon reading that, I remembered the following rule and calmed down a bit:
"[The Free Spirit] may gain additional powers when it increases its Force. To determine such a gain, roll 2D6. If the result is greater than or equal to the spirit's new Force, it gains another power. The more powerful the spirit becomes, the more fixed its manifestation and the more difficult it is to gain new powers." (from
Magic in the Shadows)
So while it may possibly gain new powers, it's unlikely. Still possible though, which does make for a tense situation once the PCs realize this: "Whatever you do, don't let it kill again! It'll only get
QUOTE (nick012000) |
I have a feeling that Harlequin would get involved very, very quickly. Fortunately for the PCs, he has a job offer for them. An Astral Quest, to its home metaplane, to learn its True Name. |
Oooh... okay, I'm so stealing this idea.
Oct 12 2005, 02:54 PM
I sort of liked it better when it started at Force 18. Sure, it would slaughter the PCs, but it probably wouldn't try to stop them. After all, its host's extraction simply means that it'll get outside.
Oct 12 2005, 03:05 PM
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
I sort of liked it better when it started at Force 18. Sure, it would slaughter the PCs, but it probably wouldn't try to stop them. After all, its host's extraction simply means that it'll get outside. |
Well, technically it'll still be a Force 18 eventually. Like regular nomads, it'll go through its regular life cycle, from Force 9 to Force 18 (as it murders), then splitting and returning to 9. The only difference is that I haven't 'locked' it at 18, meaning that if the PCs time it right, they can strike when it's in a slump and potentially disrupt it (temporarily, anyway).
Oct 12 2005, 03:48 PM
QUOTE (Velocity) |
QUOTE (hyzmarca) | I sort of liked it better when it started at Force 18. Sure, it would slaughter the PCs, but it probably wouldn't try to stop them. After all, its host's extraction simply means that it'll get outside. |
Well, technically it'll still be a Force 18 eventually. Like regular nomads, it'll go through its regular life cycle, from Force 9 to Force 18 (as it murders), then splitting and returning to 9. The only difference is that I haven't 'locked' it at 18, meaning that if the PCs time it right, they can strike when it's in a slump and potentially disrupt it (temporarily, anyway).
But will its babies be Free when it splits?
Oct 12 2005, 03:59 PM
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
QUOTE (Velocity) | Well, technically it'll still be a Force 18 eventually. Like regular nomads, it'll go through its regular life cycle, from Force 9 to Force 18 (as it murders), then splitting and returning to 9. |
But will its babies be Free when it splits?
Uuh... actually, I dunno. What do you think? That sounds metaplot-upsetting: it's got the potential to significantly affect the balance of power in the Sixth World. I'm not opposed to that, mind you...
Oct 12 2005, 05:36 PM
[ Spoiler ]
How about givng it the unique ability to spawn an unnamed servitor Nomads at the cost of its force and at will. It could go with the classic force 9 at 18, it could wait and spawn one or two force 9s at 27, it could create a small army of force 1s, or anything in between. It cannot spawn a servitor with a force greater than 9 at any time.
Servitors have all of the powers of Nomads and also have the Mind Link power, connecting them to their creator. They can be used as a ritual link back to it and can travel to its location through the metaplanes as a complex action. Likewise, it can use the metaplanes to travel to any servitor's location. It can cut the link between itself and a servitor as a free action at any time. If this is done the servitor instantly becomes a normal Nomad and is lost to its creator forever.
Restrict it in that its own force cannot drop below 9. This would prevent it from going too overboard when it is on the fence. To make things easier on the crew, the total force of its servitors cannot be greater than twice its own force. If the force of its servitors exceeds its current force the most powerful one automaticly goes out of control and becomes a normal Nomad.
It can elevate one of its "children" to "free" status by performing spending 9 points of spirit energy and performing an exlusive naming ritual with a TN of 25-(Servitor's Force). The naming itself only takes five minutes to perform, however the Spirit Energy is lost even if the ritual fails. This ritual can only be applied to Servitor Nomads. It cannot be used on any other spirit, not even an uncontroled former servitor.
It is unlikely to make use of this ritual on any but its most beloved and loyal spawn. Both the cost in spirit energy and the risk of having another Named Nomad around are to great.
Servitors cannot gain a force greater than 17. If they attempt to drain essence beyond that they much make Force test against a TN equal to the Force of their creator. Should the servitor succeed in this test it drains a single point of essence from its final victim and ceases to exist, dying as it give asexual birth to two normal nomads.
At the time of its introduction, the Nomad has 8+1d6 Force points worth of servitors, explaining why it only has a force of 9.
Yeah, I think that'll make a suitably dreadfull villain that is dangerous but can still be defeated in its weakest moments.
Oct 12 2005, 06:19 PM
Uh... wow. Like,
wow. That's fucking brilliant.
Seriously, that's awesome--what a great, great idea. Consider it 'stolen.'
- Although it's implied, you never clarify the issue of control. Does the named nomad (we gotta come up with a proper name for it at some point) actually influence its servitors? Can it command them?
- Although the ability to create other named nomads is cool, why would it do that? Is it compelled (by internal impulse) to reproduce itself? It would fit with the overall concept of the spirit.
- If the named nomad is killed, do all servitors become 'regular' nomads?
Such an awesome idea... this will really help establish this creature as a unique and deadly threat.
Oct 12 2005, 09:43 PM
Hyzmarca, now that is a _really_ good idea.. =)
Name for the thing.. how about hyzmarca ?
Oct 13 2005, 01:59 AM
QUOTE (Velocity @ Oct 12 2005, 01:19 PM) |
Uh... wow. Like, wow. That's fucking brilliant. Seriously, that's awesome--what a great, great idea. Consider it 'stolen.'
- Although it's implied, you never clarify the issue of control. Does the named nomad (we gotta come up with a proper name for it at some point) actually influence its servitors? Can it command them?
- Although the ability to create other named nomads is cool, why would it do that? Is it compelled (by internal impulse) to reproduce itself? It would fit with the overall concept of the spirit.
- If the named nomad is killed, do all servitors become 'regular' nomads?
Such an awesome idea... this will really help establish this creature as a unique and deadly threat. |
I see the relationship as being like that of a magician and an Ally. The Servitors have their Nomad instincts and desires, but they are bound to obey the orders of their master no matter what. Some may resent the relationship. Others may have filial devotion to their creator. However, being Nomads they can't really come up with plans more complex than possess, kill, eat, kill, eat on their own. The Mind Link allows the Named to both recive information and issue commands from anywhere at an time. It can cooridinate its Servitors like a drone riger in captain's chair mode.
It would create other Nomads for the same reason as Magicians summon spirits, primarilary. They give it tactical and stratigi advantages. They allow it to enforce its will without a physical presence of its own, they can protect it if it is attacked, and they provide useful teleportation opportunities due to metaplanar travel. It can, for example, have one Servitor guard its Life Vessel with and, should he be attacked, have itself and its entire Nomad army there is a two complex actions no matter the distance.
The drive to reproduce may lead it to Name its most favored children.
I hadn't thought of that. I would assume yes. However, you could have them make willpower tests against a TN equal to their creator's Force when it died and let them gain 1 point of Spirit Energy for ever success with the higher force Servitors getting priority. 1 success would be all that was required to create either a Free Spirit that is gratefull for its freedom or one that possesses a hatred as hot as 1000 suns that can only be quenched by the flowing blood of the runners that murdered its parent.
But that is just a little cruel.
Oct 13 2005, 02:26 AM
I'm not terribly familiar with how life vessels work (or magic in shadowrun, for that matter -- 3 rulesets are enough for me -- matrix, meatworld, cars -- I don't need a 4th).
Does the life vessel need to be near the Nomad? If it doesn't, wouldn't the nomad want the life vessel to be safely extracted? Depending on how things work, the Nomad could pretend to put up a fight, then 'realize it's hopeless,' and flee the body of it's own free will. The runners then extract the guy, who's unknowingly harboring the life of the nomad. The runners extract, and super-nomad is finally able to breach the astral barriers around the facility and get out into the world.
If that works (and there's no reason why a Named One couldn't have powers that work differently than normal, apparently), then you don't have to worry about the runners trying to expel a Force 18 nomad, nor having to defeat him (since he'll be fighting to lose, so he can get out into the world).
So the nomad fights to win, thinking the runners were sent to kill him, he finds out they were sent to extract the mage, and so plays decoy and *wham,* he gets to wreck havoc on all of aztalan, not just the undersea dome.
Oct 13 2005, 04:45 AM
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
I see the relationship as being like that of a magician and an Ally (...) it can cooridinate its Servitors like a drone riger in captain's chair mode. |
Good, then we're on the same page--that's pretty much exactly what I was thinking.
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
It would create other Nomads for the same reason as Magicians summon spirits, primarilary (...) The drive to reproduce may lead it to Name its most favored children. |
Again, we agree completely.
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