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You know you don't get rule of six on initiative, right? lol

Just kidding. Nice initiative roll.

Initiative for Nevermore - 31.

Caramel - Lyra's astral, right?
Reaction Minako
14 04 04 04 04 02 01 (5 successes)

05 05 (2 successes/7 total)

Reaction Kiyo
10 09 08 05 04 04 02 01 (6 successes)

05 04 (1 success/7 total)

Initiative (Minako): 33
Initiative (Kiyo): 33

Wow the same!

Lyra - 43 (3)

Will Davis -35 (cool.gif

Minako - 33 (7)

Kiyo - 33 (6)

Nevermore - 31 (5)

Izzy - 30 (5)

???? - 28 (10)

Twilight - 26 (14)

???? - 25 (7)

???? - 24 (9)

Freddie Krieger - 24 (2)

???? - 22 (10)

Izzy's Spirit - 19 (3)

Excuse my special education map, but I'm not much of a digital artist wink.gif :
Underworld Map

Lyra, Will, and Minako are up. The room is basically filled with IR smoke, and at this point you have no idea where the figures at the end of the room are. It's a simple to make a detailed perception.
caramel frappuccino
QUOTE (Fenris)
Caramel - Lyra's astral, right?

Nope, she's dual in dragonfly form.

Lyra delays action, Izzy uses one simple action to switch to astral perception and the other to make a detailed perception check. Izzy uses his movement rate for this pass to move behind a pillar.

Spirit hangs around doing nothing except leeching up Izzy's shielding dice. Izzy will also extend his remaining shielding to the rest of the party.
Got my shielding up as well.

Also casting Combat Sense

Sorcery: 15, 11, 5, 5, 5, 4, 3, 3, 1
Drain: 5, 5, 4, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1
Fenris, it seems like it would actually work better if we all told you what we want to do, and roll our dice in this thread, then you do the narrative in the other thread. Does that work, or should we all freelance?
It's up to you guys. I'm not adverse to doing it either way. It's more a question of what the players prefer. Some GM's do lame descriptive text, so I've preferred to do my own flavor text around my actions in some games. Other times it works and sounds better all tied into a whole. Up to you wink.gif

For those of you that want to just post your rolls and have me write the IC text, that's fine. For those of you that prefer your own IC text, because you know your character or the specifics of the flavor and things like that, that's fine too.
Just so I make sure that I understand.

We are going in order of initiative but the bad guy who acts before me, cannot directly effect me because I have more successes on the reaction test?

On my action, I can technically cast my Force 12 Summon Cows from Orbit and decimate any individual who has fewer successes? (Barring of course the fact that I don't spellcast, etc.)
Hey everyone, I just made it back online and it looks like I have a LOT of catching up to do. Fenris, can you send me a copy of the character sheet I mailed you? I haven't been able to find all my files yet. Once I have that, I'll jump back into the action.

Thanks for being so patient with me!
I will post tonight or early tomorrow morning, sorry no copy of my character here at work. frown.gif

But Minako's going to cast a defensive spell on herself and her ally spirit will be casting Clean Air to remove the IR smoke from around her at least. I don't think I have enough mojo to clear the entire space with one casting.
I need to get one thing cleared before I act:
As I'm dual natured, I'm astrally percieving all the time (especially 'cause I'm blind). Do I see these guys astrally? If I were astral, could I hit them? I need to know because it will entirely determine my actions.
Cedric Rolfsson
Problem. My office was burglarized this weekend and all of my computers were jacked. I do not have reliable access to a computer so if anyone is waiting for me to do something the GM will have to step in. As soon as I get this fixed I'll post that I'm back up and running. Sorry for the inconvenience.
McQuillan - That's a GM only spell, but yes, technically wink.gif On your action, you can take any action which doesn't directly affect or inhibit anyone that has a higher reaction score. Even though the bad guys may go before you in initiative, if you scored higher on the reaction test, they can't attack you or interfere with your actions.

Bearclaw - Since you're dual natured, you can attack using astral perception if you like. If they were present on the astral plane (being dual natured, or a percieving mage or something similar) you could attack them from the astral. As they are mundane, you can use your astral sight to attack them in the mundane plane. Keep in mind that obstacles in the mundane plane which create physical obstacles or visual obstacles (like smoke) will also create physical or visual obstacles in the astral plane (i.e., you will still take vision mods for the smoke while astrally perceiving)

Izzy - Go ahead and roll your perception check, and which direction are you moving from where you're standing?

Cedric - Sorry to hear it! I'll make sure your character keeps in the action while your out.

Blitz - I'll get your character sheet to you tomorrow morning.

All - If you post rolls and actions here in the OOC thread and don't post anything IC, I will assume you want me to roll the post into mine, so I'll do so.

caramel frappuccino
Perception: 23 09 04 03 01 01

If I'm reading the map right, Izzy and Lyra will be moving to the south if the question mark team is to the east, and to the east if they're to the south. The goal is to put the nearest pillar in between themselves and the enemy.

Also, are the mods for smoke different on the astral plane or the same? I can't recall.
Caramel - The same. Only difference would be that you won't take any of the additional penalties for the IR part of the IR smoke. Bad guys are to the East.
Blitz - Char sheet sent. Whatcha doing?
OK, my plan is to use my already cast and sustained levitate to go straight up, and then over to where I think they are.
If I can get a group of three or more in my line of sight, I'll drop a stunball on them
(9S stunball - 15 11 08 08 05 05 05 04 04 03 03 02 01
#D:13 TN:4 H#:15 S:9

Drain - 11 10 05 04 04 03 03 03 03 02 01 01
#D:12 TN:2 H#:11 S:10)

if not, I'll manabolt the first one who spots me
(6S manabolt - 09 05 04 04 04 04 03 03 02 01 01 01 01
#D:13 TN:4 H#:9 S:6

Drain - 09 08 05 05 05 04 04 04 03 02 02 01
#D:12 TN:3 H#:9 S:9)
Bearclaw - Sure, give me a perception check.
QUOTE (Fenris)
Bearclaw - Sure, give me a perception check.

11 10 05 04 04 02 01 01 01
#D:9 TN:0 H#:11 S:9
Mantle of Petals (Sorcery + 1 spell pool)
11 10 09 07 05 05 05 04 02 02 02 (8 successes)

Drain 4M Stun (Willpower 10)
11 07 05 04 04 03 02 01 01 01 (5 successes/no drain)

Putting the rest of my spell pool into Shielding (10 dice) covering myself and Kiyo.

Clean Air (Sorcery 10)
11 07 07 05 05 04 03 02 01 01 (3 successes)

Drain 4S Stun (Willpower 6 + 8 spell pool)

Will be centered on Minako and will clear a 6 meter radius out from here.
Thanks Fenris! Now, if only I can locate my SR3 books smile.gif

Ok..obviously a perception check first. Mundane first, then astral. Not sure what the bonuses are for my perception enhancers so I'll list them here for consideration.

Mundane Perception
Int: 6
11 7 3 3 3 2

Astral Perception
Int: 6
8 5 4 3 2 1

Improved Senses: Thermo, Motion, Scent and S Sound Filter

Also, I'm not sure if it's possible, but can I center for successes on a reaction test? If so, she's going to begin meditating (her centering skill) to prepare for the moment of combat to begin. Also, with the target numbers, I'm not sure if it's actually better for me to wait for combat with my eyes shut (blindfighting).

Blitz Nope, you can't center for a reaction test, you have to center for skills as an adept.

Select Sound filter: +5 dice for hearing-based perception tests. (yes, you could roll them here for sound based perception)

Are you dual natured? If not, you do realize that it will take a simple action to switch to astral perception, correct?

As for vision mods, with thermo you'd be at a +16 (+8 for full darkness, +8 for thermal smoke), ultrasound would put you at a +6 (+4 for full darkness, +2 for the smoke), where as blindsight would put you at +4 if you closed your eyes.

McQ - Twilight's actions?
Izzy - Sorry, forgot to ask. How much cover are you taking behind the pillar? Every two points will count as one point of modifer on your own actions against the people you're taking cover from, and you can take up to +8, and which point they completely can't see you, and you completely can't see them.
I will switch to astral if I can before action happens. No, I am not dual natured.

+5 dice for sound:
15 14 5 3 3

And thanks for the rundown!

I will be closing my eyes as that seems to be most effective smile.gif
Actually Motion Sense can reduce any of those modifiers. The sense extends out meters equal to your Magic Rating. Make a Perception Test with aginst a TN 4 or their Stealth Open Test number if they are being sneaky. You only need one success to detect them and receive the -2 TN bonus.
Blitz - Sorry about that, misinterpreted Motion Sense as ultrasound for some reason. If you can make your Motion Sense test, you reduce it to to, for a total +2 modifier with Blind-Fight and Motion sense. Using your perception test from before, you've successfully activated your Motion Sense, but you don't sense anything beyond the people you came in with within the range of that sense. You can, however, hear 12 people moving about 40 meters away, spread out across the room.

Short consideration on the sight modifiers, I want to clarify things. My assumption is that thermal smoke and full darkness generally combine to make matters worse then just closing your eyes (hence the +8 for darkness plus the +8 for thermal smoke on thermo.) I also assume at that point that most people would just use normal vision and only take a maximum +8. Since complete blindness is only a +8, I always rule vision mods can't really go higher then that after everything's calculated, since you can always just close your eyes wink.gif
Activate Rutheniums, begin to stealth towards one of the running figures.
11 09 08 04 04 02 01
+4 Traceless Step
+12 Ruthenium
+6 Thermal Dampening
+ ?? Vision Mods

Hands are open and loose at my sides.
Fenris...not completely sure I follow what you said. Are you saying that closing your eyes is better, or unnecessary?
Depends. For your character, with blindfighting and motion sense powers, you're better off just closing your eyes, since your blindfight would take it down to a +4, and if you made your motion sense roll, it'd be a plus two. If you don't roll your motion sense, however, you run into the problem of not knowing the exact location of the enemy you're swinging or shooting or whatever at. Mileage may vary with different character builds.
caramel frappuccino
QUOTE (Fenris)
Izzy - Sorry, forgot to ask. How much cover are you taking behind the pillar?  Every two points will count as one point of modifer on your own actions against the people you're taking cover from, and you can take up to +8, and which point they completely can't see you, and you completely can't see them.

I'll take 6 points of cover, please. smile.gif
Awesome! Then the only question I have is, do I need to make a seperate roll for the Motion Sense? If so, that's fine. smile.gif
Blitz - Nope, like I mentioned before I'll just use your other perception roll. You've successfully activated it, but there's nothing in your area of effect.
???? - Hidden action, hidden action wink.gif

Freddie, you're up, with Izzy's spirt aftwards. Those of you that successfully detected people originally will detect all of those people move another 10 meters closer, putting them about 30 meters away.
I continue with the origonal plan. If I can get three or more in LOS (remember I'm using astral so none of the darkness, smoke, etc matters to me) I'm dropping that big stunball (I went with that just in case I end up with a team mate in the way). If I get directly attacked by a single person before that happens, I'll blast them with the mana bolt and evaluate the situation afterwards.
caramel frappuccino
Er, Bearclaw, I don't think you can attack them. They all rolled higher on their Reaction checks than you did.

Anyway, after Freddy acts, Izzy's spirit uses its turn to initiate materialization.

Edit: Also, what, if anything, did Izzy learn from his Perception test?
Ok..I'll let you mesh her action into the action of the major post. She's gonna Quick Draw her pistols and take a pistoleer stance (cover 2?) while aiming each about 45 degrees from the ground (not up at any of the "team") and one in each opposite direction with her head bowed, eyes closed and listening for the first sign of aggression. At which point she'll open fire without hesitation smile.gif
Blitz--So does that mean if one of us gets aggressive, we are going to get put down?? **Goes back to reference rules for being quiet in melee...**
Damn skippy wink.gif...specially YOU
Hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years!!

Hey FENRIS!! Let's get this baby going again shall we? biggrin.gif
Did Fenris fall off the end of the world over the holidays? It's dangerous there, you safety railing.
Doth my ears deceive me, is that Blitz saying that someone is behind schedule?

"Pot, have you met Mr. Kettle?"

biggrin.gif Love ya, hon!!
"Hark, somewhere mine ears do percieve the tink'ling of glass, perhaps that such as from a house, a house wherein a stone is being thrown?"

Blitz - If you're going to delay, you have to delay your entire action. Since drawing the pistols is a free, you can do that on somebody elses action, but I just wanted to let you know.

Izzy -
Just before he ducks around the column, Izzy is briefly able to make out the form of a human, in tight fighting clothing, sprinting along the floor. It leaps to the side, pausing ever so briefly against one of the columns, and springs off it, bouncing back and forth between several of them as it rushes forward.

Bearclaw - Carmel is right. You did not roll high enough to establish LOS on the targets, so you cannot cast at them.

Drop ten off the initiative roll:


Lyra - 33

Will Davis -25

Minako - 23

Kiyo - 23

Nevermore - 21

Izzy - 20

???? - 18

Twilight - 16

???? - 15

???? - 14

Freddie Krieger - 14

???? - 12

Izzy's Spirit - 9

Lyra's up, followed by Will, Minako, and Kiyo. Then Nevermore and Izzy.
Im sorry confused..for some reason, I thought we were telling you the actions so you could blend them all together. Let me know when you want me to direct post smile.gif Though I really like the visual you gave her. Bravo smile.gif

FYI....just gonna hold until there's some indication of what's to come.
It actually is kind of going either way. I think the group didn't really come to a decision regarding how to do it, so I post when people don't, and I don't when they do wink.gif

And btw, my apologies. There shouldn't have been any numbers after the initiatives in this round, surprise round has already come and gone.
My plan hasn't changed.
caramel frappuccino
Lyra will delay again.
Will, Minako, and Kiyo. Then Nevermore and Izzy.
Holding action...preparing to shoot at any direct hostile action.
Minako will delay as well to see if we actual get attacked by these people/creatures.
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