Feb 22 2006, 10:58 AM
Im confused here, it's 4am so it may just be because Im exhausted.

You said the first series was S + S and the second was L + M. Isn't S + S equal to 6 + 6 = 12 (dead) ?
Opposed Melee Question:
Again, I am slightly confused as I read my sheet. I think I may have made an error. I have both the Gun-fu skill (melee using the guns as clubs) AND a Clubs/Pistols skill. I think they are actually redundant, and in that case, which I should be using.
Feb 22 2006, 04:46 PM
Blitz--Pain Editor and several levels of Damage Compensators? Or maybe Corps Cadavres? I don't know much about them...
Feb 22 2006, 08:54 PM
Oh..I see where the confusion lies. I rolled them as Freddy's attacker first, and the second was the one coming at Nevermore, but Fenris applied them to opposite, (probably because that was the order he initially posted in)
Feb 22 2006, 09:17 PM
Blitz - To clear up the confusion, I'm posting just the damage according to the die rolls. That's why I specified that the target was still up. Platlett factories, trauma dampner, etc. are all reasons that the target may be able to physically take more then 10 boxes. As
McQuillan mentioned, they may also be dead/undead/cyberzombies/shapeshifters/whatever

Regarding the opposed melee thing: Keep in mind that martial arts dice cannot be applied to attacks made with a weapon, as per the abstract game mechanic. Your martial arts form was designed specifically to allow you to use martial arts techniques (like whirling, close combat, etc) with your pistols as clubs. For the actual melee test, you still use your clubs[pistols] skill.
Additionally, I'm fairly sure I applied them in the order you rolled.
Freddie's attacker was first, and the one coming after you was second.
Caramel - I'll post the resistance roll for the test as soon as I get to my books, unless someone else can quote the rules for pulling objects out of people's hands before then. I vaguely remember something about a roll with strength opposing, but I'll check the books before roll anything.
Feb 22 2006, 09:54 PM
Fenris--Not entirely sure Strength or Willpower, but there is a resistance test. Spell Defense/shielding/Reflecting etc, would apply. I know that the spell's force must also be greater than 1/2 the Object resistance of the item. This second part probably only comes into account if the swords are dikoted, but thought I'd throw it out there...
Are they dikoted? Could I tell when the guy landed next to me, or would I need a perception test?
caramel frappuccino
Feb 23 2006, 01:20 AM
The book says you roll Strength against Force and compare the results to the caster's successes. The caster must have at least 1 net success to win. It doesn't mention anything about spell defense/shielding, but I'm assuming that they would apply, since it would be weird if your spell defense doesn't cover the stuff you're wearing and carrying. Spell's force must be equal to or greater than half object resistance. IIRC, a dikoted sword has an OR of 9, so Force 5 or higher would go through.
Also, if the swords collectively weigh more than 100 kg (

), that's +1 to the TN for every multiple of 100.
Mar 2 2006, 05:07 PM
My niece was born yesterday morning.
She's 6 1/2 lbs and 20 inches long. Both her and her mommies are doing great but I will be taking the week off from posting to help them all settle in. Big brother stuff very serious in our family.
See ya next Monday!
caramel frappuccino
Mar 3 2006, 10:54 AM
Hey, congrats!
Mar 3 2006, 05:43 PM
caramel - You're good with 3 extra successes. You have ahold of the swords.
McQ - If you have a background knowledge skill in swords or weaponsmithing, you can roll that without an action. Otherwise you'll need a perception roll.
Bearclaw - I still need an opposed melee check please.
Freddie is up, then top of the round again with Lyra.
Mar 3 2006, 06:05 PM
You got it.
Unarmed combat 5 + 5 points of combat pool = 5 hits
07 05 05 04 04 03 03 03 02 01
#D:10 TN:4 H#:7 S:5
Mar 3 2006, 07:12 PM
I have Edged Weapons 5, which IIRC gives me a background knowledge of Edged weapons at 2...please correct me if i'm wrong.
05 03
Mar 3 2006, 08:44 PM
McQ - That is correct, and yes, the weapons are dikoted. It's easier to see on the two that are floating through the air now
Blitz - Still waiting on that opposed melee test.
Mar 6 2006, 06:21 PM
I thought you were waiting for MY opposed melee test.
Mar 6 2006, 06:25 PM
Bearclaw--I think he needs one from each. There's an attacker on Freddie and one on Nevermore.
Mar 6 2006, 07:49 PM
QUOTE (Buddha72) |
My niece was born yesterday morning.
She's 6 1/2 lbs and 20 inches long. Both her and her mommies are doing great but I will be taking the week off from posting to help them all settle in. Big brother stuff very serious in our family.
See ya next Monday! |
Congrats dude!
Mar 8 2006, 05:06 PM
caramel frappuccino
Mar 10 2006, 11:01 PM
Mar 11 2006, 03:38 PM
Okay, things have been dragging, and there's still quite a few people. Since this was the intro combat, not anything I imagined taking more then a few weeks at most, I'd like to move this along. In those interests, I'll be making rolls for anyone that takes more then 48 hours to post. The majority of you are very good about responding promptly, and I feel this is the best way to push the thread along without ignoring or dropping anyone's character if something comes up and they're not at their computer for a couple of days. No, I won't ever be as good as you, not knowing your characters and all them modifiers.
As such, Nevermore's oppsed combat test:
09 08 07 07 05 05 05 05 04 04 03 03 02 02 02 02 01 01
Bearclaw - You've got one more action at the end of the last phase. You won the opposed melee with one net success, what's the damage?
Then, new phase.
Lyra - 13
Minako - 3
Kiyo - 3
Nevermore - 1
caramel frappuccino
Mar 11 2006, 04:36 PM
Since the bad guys are almost dead anyway, Lyra will heal herself by spending this action to pop into the metaplanes, and the next one to pop back.
Mar 14 2006, 06:55 PM
I'm in the process of moving, and will be offline until Friday.
Mar 14 2006, 09:37 PM
I'm pretty sure I do 5M physical, and with only one success there's no chance of raising that so my damage is:
On my phase, I'd like to put a manabolt through the face of the guy who tried to punch me.
6S manabolt - 09 05 04 04 04 04 03 03 02 01 01 01 01
#D:13 TN:4 H#:9 S:6
= 6d plus four successes
Drain - 09 08 05 05 05 04 04 04 03 02 02 01
#D:12 TN:3 H#:9 S:9
=no drain
Mar 18 2006, 12:54 AM
Minako and Kiyo please. Then is Nevermore again.
Mar 18 2006, 07:08 AM
Ok Minako is going to cast Blossoms of Yin & Yang at Force 8.
Blossoms of Yin & Yang Force 8 set to Deadly TN 4 (10 Sorcery/3 Ally Spirit)
15 10 05 05 05 05 05 03 02 02 01 01 01 (7 successes)
Drain 6M (10 Willpower/3 Ally Spirit)
16 14 11 07 05 05 05 05 05 04 02 02 01 (4 successes/no drain)
Kiyo will be acting as a power focus for me.
Mar 21 2006, 12:19 AM
Nevermore's going to put a few bullets into the guy in front of her.
17 10 10 10 07 05 04 04 03 03 02 02 02 02 02 01 01 01
11 09 09 05 05 05 04 03 03 03 03 03 02 02 02 02 01 01
11 09 05 04 04 03 03 03 03 03 03 02 02 02 02 01 01 01
07 04 03 03 03 03 02 02 02 02 02 02 01 01 01 01 01 01
I'll need new initiatives from everyone, please.
Mar 25 2006, 12:17 AM, cricket.
Mar 27 2006, 01:47 PM
Gah...I hate writer's block. The type that coveres several boards worth of games is worse. I hope I can still catch up...
Mar 28 2006, 02:35 AM
Sorry for the delay.
caramel frappuccino
Mar 28 2006, 10:37 PM
Lyra - 45
Izzy - 23
Mar 29 2006, 05:40 PM
I am terribly sorry. Things in my family have been unbelieveably crazy and I've been back and forth traveling between my parent's and my sister's. Sister's preggers and moving to Idaho so I haven't had a moment to get to a computer for weeks. Things should be settling down a bit now (everything that has happened has been a surprise so I haven't had time to stop and post at all).
Thanks Fenris for NPCing me in the meantime. Please feel free to do that anytime I am holding up the game. I shouldn't have any problems going forward, (at least not without warning) but Im here now and ready to work

Oh...and damn...I kicked some butt while I was gone

I believe you wanted initiative rolls, which I'd be happy to do...but first I have a way stupid question. I cannot find my SR books, I can't get NSRCG to install and I don't have initiative written down on my stupid sheet. What's the forumla again? Int + Qui + Wil = N then divide by 3?
Mar 30 2006, 01:41 AM
Minako 30
Kiyo 28
Welcome back and sorry for the late posting on the rolls.
Mar 30 2006, 05:10 AM
Blitz - Welcome back. I know how the family thing can get. To make up for it, you can help me keep things rolling in this game

And initiative is Reaction (Quickness+Intelligence / 2) + dice.
Whizbang - Sorry to hear about the writers block. You're still in for the moment, all I really need is initiative to move forward.
Thanks to those of you that've already posted your initiative. I'll give the latecombers our now-standard 48 hours and press on with round two.
Mar 30 2006, 05:58 AM
Init: 27
Mar 30 2006, 05:10 PM
Thanks guys!
Int: 25
Apr 1 2006, 05:12 PM
Sorry for the delay

init = 18
caramel frappuccino
Apr 6 2006, 03:19 AM
I'm afraid that I'm going to have to drop out. At the pace the game is moving, it's hard for me to get enthusiastic about it, and I would rather play no character at all than play a crappy one that I'm not excited about. You guys were a lot of fun to game with, and a big thanks especially to Fenris for being a great GM. Best of luck in the future!
Apr 10 2006, 07:32 PM
I'm going to have to second the general intent of Caramel's post. It's just taking too much time to do anything, even just get rolls for initiative, for me to stay interested. I may re-start this thread a little later with a much smaller group (max 4?) and see if the smaller group size will help cut down on some of the lag.
I don't blame anyone, I place the responsibility squarely at the feet of the medium
Thanks to everyone for participating and hanging on as long as you did. Hopefully a later, smaller reincarnation will be more successful.
Apr 10 2006, 08:25 PM
I haven't been in one yet that survived the first combat
Apr 10 2006, 08:57 PM
Sorry to see it go but I agree, this one never really got off the ground. Hope to see something soon from you
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