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Full Version: OOC: Underworld, SR Style
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Alright folks, just to establish a few things right from the begining:

All OOC stuff, including anything relating to the mechanics, lists of equipment, Etiquette rolls, etc will go here. I'd like, for the most part, for the IC thread to read like a novel or short story.

The formatting I use in the IC post is as follows:

Italics - Internal monologue or non-verbal communication.

Bold - The name of a PC or an NPC.

Colored - Things spoken in a different language. I don't have specific colors for specific languages, that may get established as we move forward. I will generally either tell you in the IC text or in an OOC post what language it's in.

I personally only use date/time stamps [i.e., 11:00pm, November 5th] when I think it's important for the PC's to be aware of the passage of time, in the case of being in a time crunch for something. I'd appreciate if you didn't use date/time stamps unless your posting during a period of time you have control over and that doesn't effect other players.

For those that might be new to PbP games, or unaware of general etiquette, I'll put down a few pointers.

1.) Don't use mind control spells on the other players wink.gif (Sounds silly, I know, but I've seen at least two games completely implode because of something like that)

2.) Don't post other players actions, reactions, or descriptions. I know it's tempting to do some kind of witty banter or cute interactions, but we have to respect other players rights to do what they want with their characters. If you want to work something out with the other player beforehand and post it all in one post, that's fine, but talk with the other player first. Along those same lines, unless I ask you to, don't post for any NPC's you don't control (like ally spirits). I'll be roleplaying your contacts and the rest based on the information you gave me with your characters. If I'm not playing them correctly, feel free to PM me and we'll discuss it.

3.) Feel free to get as creative and descriptive as you like, assuming you're observing rule #2. The only thing that really makes this interesting is the creative text that goes along with the game mechanics, and I don't have any limits, like only a paragraph or something similar for each post.

4.) Be creative! Give a description of your characters physical descriptions, reactions, internal emotions, and all that other cool stuff that serves to deepen the character. The more 3d it is, the more interesting it will be to play and for other people to read. If I'm ever getting flat and bland with my posts, especially in combat, feel free to write me and give me a verbal kick in the rear (notice I said verbal) and tell me to spice things up a bit! If you have a picture of your character, please feel free to put up a link to it so other people can see it. If you don't have somewhere to put it up on the web, email it to me (quantumthoughts at gmail dot com) and I'll put it up on the geocities website I use for game notes.

5.) No signatures in the IC thread, please. Like I said before, I'd like the IC thread to flow as much as is possible in this format.


Alright, here's a comprehensive player list, just so people (like me wink.gif) can keep things straight:

caramel frappuccino:Izzy
Bearclaw:Freddie Krieger
Cedric Rolfson:John Walker
Whizbang:Will Davis
Woot!! The game, she is started! biggrin.gif
caramel frappuccino
Along those same lines, unless I ask you to, don't post for any NPC's you don't control (like ally spirits).

I've already been asked twice about this, so I guess my akward sentence structure is catching up with me. Basically, I meant:

Don't post for NPC's you don't control. NPC's you do control, for example, would be like an ally spirit. NPC's you don't control would be like a contact, or some random person on the street.
I do have to applaud your cinematics in my opening post. That was just too cool. smile.gif
I must did well introducing the characters smile.gif
Especially those of us who break gender roles...
that always throws me so off. I don't think I've ever gender swapped in RPing...
I have, but I did it poorly smile.gif
I'm not gender swapped, I'm a guy playing a guy...who just happens to sometimes be a lady...
caramel frappuccino
I do believe that is the smell of my brain blowing a fuse.

Why am I strangely not surprised....
Because you know the depths my mind will take any normal idea as it twists and bends...
Fenris--If tickets are not arranged, Twilight will purchase them with his false SIN (tied to his Paris identity).
At work but going to do a reading on the upcoming meeting and how it relates to me. I can post the rolls tonight after I get home.
Still alive. Sorry for the delay, but I was just out of town for the weekened.

Honestly, I didn't expect the game to start yet ... even though the wait was not doing good things for my blood pressure. wink.gif
Fortune - No problem, we can hash out a deal where I remove various important parts of your character to make up for your lapse later wink.gif

McQuillan - Of course tickets are arranged!

All - Just so you know, I'll specficially say feel free to play fast and loose with your travel to the meet location. I did it more as an intro thing, and I don't plan on hassling anyone with travel restrictions yet, so get there however you like wink.gif
Ok my question is going to be in the general category (TN 6). The question is does this meeting hold any danger for me?

Centering (for additional successes)
15 11 10 07 05 05 03 02 (4 successes/2 carry over)

Divination (with 6 extra dice from the ally spirit)
16 10 09 05 05 05 04 03 03 03 02 02 02 01 (3 successes/5 total)
QUOTE (Fenris)
so get there however you like wink.gif

So it's kosher if I hitch a ride with the Gnomes of Zurich and their underground bullet train?
McQuillan - lol...sure, if that's how you'd like to get there, no problem.
Do you want us to NPC our own counterparts in order to make a post arriving in Prague? I'm all about running her through to the meet right quick, but dont want to step on any toes doing it.
Nah, I'll do the NPC thing, thanks. But I'll try and keep things moving so we move through quickly wink.gif
Ok...I know Runes and Tarot....

I Ching in the fourth position sows confusion amidst my mind wink.gif

Fenris, what's the odds of there being a Sons Of Krieger hall in Prague?
Underworld Politics to determine current events based in Prague dealing with the Lower Council

Centering Test--11 05 05 04 04 (unsure of TN)
Underworld Politics 6 +1 for Cognition --14 11 03 03 02 01 01

Once I get near the address, I will wait with Magic Sense extended.

TN4 if I can see anyone within my range, TN6 if out of sight, TN 10 for purely Astral activity (18 m radius)
15 10 05 05 05 04 04 04 04 04 04 03 02 02 02 02 01 01
2 Successes on out of sight or Astral
11 Successes in line of sight

Bearclaw - Freddie - I don't know about a hall, but there certainly is a chapter, run by a rather vicious (and by vicious I mean cold-blooded, not animalistic) ghoul that goes by Kälte.

McQuillan - Twilight - Current events based in Prague (this is based on 2 successes at the highest TN): 1.) There is a position open on the Low Council, left when a recent member of the Animus clan went "missing". Since the positions often go to the members of the different factions that are individually the strongest, there's no clear progession tradition.

2.) There is some consernation among the factions at some rather rash series of assasinations that have taken place recently. There's no real pattern to date, and no one faction in particular seems to be benefiting directly from the deaths.

3.) The Dracul Family is facing competition from a new vampire family, the Polekiev's (obviously Eastern bloc based wink.gif ). To date, there's been no direct confrontation that either side is admitting to, but everyone assumes they'll come to blows soon enough to determine the alpha male..errr, vampire....err, whatever.

Let me know if you have any questions about the IC results of your perception check, let me know.

All - For those of you that know the I-Ching, yes, I'm not re-printing all the different determinants, and I'm changing some lines. It's my way of making it fit with the information I want to give through divining wink.gif
Freddie never wanders around without his levitate, and usually wears a physical mask spell as well. The ring and necklace are sustaining foci.

Roll for Physical Mask:
07 07 05 04 04 04 03 03 02 01
#D:10 TN:4 H#:7 S:6

Resist for Physical Mask:
11 10 07 04 04 04 02 01 01 01 01 01
#D:12 TN:4 H#:11 S:6
No Drain

Roll for Levitate spell:
07 04 04 03 03 03 02 02 01 01
#D:10 TN:4 H#:7 S:3

Resist Levitate Drain:
09 08 07 05 04 04 04 04 03 03 03 01
#D:12 TN:4 H#:9 S:8
No Drain.
QUOTE (Fenris)
McQuillan - Twilight - Let me know if you have any questions about the IC results of your perception check, let me know.

Did I miss this somewhere?
Here are my rolls for my surveillance for the 5ish hours I will be watching the meeting site location. Not sure if you want multiple rolls, but I'll start with base ones first smile.gif

Perception: (6)
16 05 04 04 03 02

Stealth: (6)
+ Centering: (6)
14 05 04 04 03 02
+ 11 05 04 04 01 01
McQuillan - Twilight - No, you didn't miss anything, I was just talking about a post I hadn't made yet wink.gif It's up now.
What time of year is it, and when does it get dark?
Bearclaw - Freddie - Summer time, year unknown, probably gets dark around 7-8ish.
QUOTE (Fenris @ Nov 10 2005, 08:16 AM)
Bearclaw - Freddie - Summer time, year unknown, probably gets dark around 7-8ish.

Crap. OK, thanks.

For the record, his skin is completely covered, except his lower face, which should be shaded by the hat, and his hands, which he keeps in his pockets as much as possible.
He's gonna need a good pair of gloves smile.gif
caramel frappuccino
Perception tests as needed:

[ Spoiler ]

Stealth tests as needed (can stealth even be used on the astral?)

[ Spoiler ]

To break any masking:

[ Spoiler ]

Aura reading:

[ Spoiler ]

Anything else: just ask. smile.gif
QUOTE (caramel frappuccino)
... can stealth even be used on the astral?

Not only can Stealth be used on the Astral, but you could even Specialize in Astral Stealth. smile.gif
caramel frappuccino
Way cool.
Oh, forgot to add

Astral Perception:
Int: 6
14 09 09 02 01 01

Aura Reading on the other fella: wink.gif
Int: 6
11 10 07 05 05 04

Dude...really liking the dice roller that comes with NSRCG!
Oh, I am actively masking, and would like to pierce his masking if it's necessary. But I forget what needs to be rolled. smile.gif
caramel frappuccino
You roll a number of dice equal to your Magic Attribute, plus Astral Pool if you want. smile.gif
What's your astral pool equivalent to?
Initiative Grade.
Whoa...this is a ridiculous number of dice to roll....

Magic Attribute: 19
16 13 11 10 10 08 05 05 05 05 04 03 02 02 02 02 01 01 01

Astral Pool: 13 (I'll pull half that and roll 7)
09 05 04 04 03 02 02
I'd chuck the other 6 in there as well ... just to be sure. wink.gif biggrin.gif
LOL...that wasn't enough!? What's my target number?

The rest smile.gif
13 10 08 04 02 01
Don't ask me ... I'm not even there yet.
For Deliberate Masking, you roll your (2xGrade) TN:Your Magic Attribute, every two successes counters one success of someone viewing you.

It's an exclusive Simple action so you cannot perform any other magical tasks while doing it. Free action to stop deliberate Masking.

Fenris--Are you going to roll our piercing tests for us or should we do it?
All - For future reference, I will only allow Astral Pool to be used for Deliberate Masking if you're astrally active in some way, i.e., astrally perceiving, projecting, or if you're dual natured.

From this point on, I'll make the rolls for piercing masking, just because the book says I should and it'll speed things up a bit wink.gif

Just to clarify, at this point, Twilight and Nevermore are physically at the scene and have seen each other, and Izzy is astrally perceiving onto the scene and has seen them both. Twilight and Nevermore have percieved Izzy.

So, basically, all three of them are there, have seen each other, and are trying to break masking on the other. I'm assuming nobody's deliberately masking, because you can't do that and assense at the same time.

For those of you at the meet location already, feel free to drop a physical description and an astral description (if it's different) in the IC thread.

Izzy - You spot two characters, both mundane and not present on the astral plane.

Nevermore - You spot the other two characters, both mundane and not present on the astral plane. However, you will note that Izzy has no physical body to go along with his mundane, not present on the astral plane aura.

Twilight - You spot the other two characters, both mundane, both not present on the astral plane. However, you will note that Izzy has no physical body to go along with his mundane, not present on the astral plane aura.

Any questions or did I miss any questions?

Walker - You can give me a perception roll as you arrive at the meet, a stealth roll if you're trying to hide, an astral perception test if you're perceiving, etc.
caramel frappuccino
Do any of us spot any of the others noticing him/herself? biggrin.gif
For Clarification--Was the Invisible thing that crossed my magic sense the astrally projecting mage or a separate entity?
McQuillan A different entity.
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