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Sorry about the lag out there.

Going to look through all the visual feeds from the drones and check for gang tags and the like.

Perception + Intuition
06 05 03 02 (2 hits)
I'll make an IC post when or if I get anything info on the gang signs (giving myself a get out in case something's wrong, like no gang tags or other rolls required)
CX2--I need a perception test.
Sorry, thought the rolls were for the van team since they were out there.

[ Spoiler ]
I'm gonna roll to observe the feed as well, just to get a feel for the place and any thing that stands out as a good entry point, or something (or someone) to exploit.

INT + Perception:
5, 4, 4, 2, 2 / 1 hit
Anything on our Perception tests? I'll be waiting to get the information from my contact to give to the group. Let me know if I need to roll anything for the drones as they monitor the site.
So the thread, she is not moving? I was wondering if people have just lost interest or are having a hellish week? Sound off if you're out there and still have an itch to play this thread out.

(this will count as me saying yes to the thread going on)
Bumped IC. smile.gif
Posted IC too, take this as a yes.
so we got barely half the team responding...I'm going to give a few days and then look into either decom'ing this run and trying again later or killing off the stragglers and recruiting fresh meat.
Hey sorry, I'm back, my car broke down in the middle of no-where and I got stuck without any access for a couple days. Will catch up and get posting.
still here as well.

rolling knowledge skill : Security design.

I'm looking for ANYTHING usefull.

05, 06, 04, 02

and if I needed to roll perception, all I gots is INT.

4 -2 3 -2
Fix-It--remember those skill tests are Skill + Attribute. Security Design would be 8 dice...Security Design (4) + Logic (4)

And your perception test would be Intuition (4) -2 for defaulting, so you are rolling 2 Dice.
Nothing on the local gangs knowledge roll I made before? I kjnow the rolls were sort of in the wrong order, just thought it would help to know more detail if possible.
CX2--That's what my last post directed towards Patch up was...

--The gang name is the Rusted Stilletos.
--As a gang, they are generally more violent than the average ganger.
--When unable to take their anger out on people, they will destroy property. (Such as slashing the tires of vehicles...)

I raised the threshold because your Local gangs was around the area of your clinic, and this site is not in that local area.

I've been playing so much paranoia live lately, just be thankfull I didn't roll D20s. nyahnyah.gif


Also looks like the forum isn't notifying me of updates as often as it should for some reason, I'll have to be checking manually for new posts here on.
McQuillan is there enough time for me to try to compile and register a sprite or two?
Buddha that all depends on how much time you want to spend...If you were going to try and register a Rating 12 Sprite, I don't think the rest of your team is going to want to sit there and wait.
EEGADS!! NO! I was thinking the 4 to 6 range but I have to question why you would think I would do a Force 12 one in the first place?
It was the highest rating possible for a starting character...
Riiight...... ohplease.gif
aight. sorry for the delay again. was in southern indiana,

sec design+logic= 3-3-2-2-5-4-3-5

perception = 3-4

PM me what copperhead finds.
OK going to compile a Crack Sprite (Rating 6) then try to register it.

Compiling (Resonance + Compiling + Codeslinger)
02 02 04 04 05 05 06 06 06 (5 hits)

The Sprite can buy 1 hit so that leaves a net of 4.

Fading (Willpower + Resonance)
02 02 03 03 03 04 05 05 06 (3 hits)

Registering (Resonance + Registering + Edge)
02 03 03 03 04 05 05 06 06 (4 hits)

Edge Reroll #1
05 06 (1 hit)

Edge Reroll #2
06 (1 hit)

Edge Reroll #3

Ok so that's 6 hits totals and the Sprite can buy 3 hits to resist. Leaving me a net of 3 hits so 2 extra services (6 total) on this one. I am going to hold there for now and see if anything has changed after 6 hours has passed for the registering process.

McQuillan let me know if I messed anything up since this is my 1st attempt at doing this.
Fix-It--PM Sent.

Buddha--The initial Fading test, you only scored 3 hits, whcih means you will take 3 points of physical damage. That damage will reduce your pool for the Registering test.
*scratches head in confusion*

I thought the DV for compiliing was twice the hits (not the net hits) generated by the sprite on the Opposed Test. (pg. 237).
Sorry...I was remembering the DV for threading which is a fixed value. Though there is a second fading test for the registration.
This is going to hurt I think

Fading (Willpower + Resonance) DV 6
01 02 06 06 06 06 06 06 (5 hits)

Spending Edge to reroll failures though I should have adding Edge to this roll it looks like.

Edge Reroll
03 04

Ok no more Edge so I taking a wound at this point. frown.gif
Let me know when the 6 hours has gone by in the IC thread.
What is everyone doing with the next 6 hours...
PU will be collecting his trenchcoat, his other pistols and clips, snap blades, medkit and other running related gear.

If there is any time left he'll probably just head back in to the rest of the team, finding somewhere to stow his gear first. If PU's home is too far away I apologise since I have no understanding of the local geography anywhere within the US, including Seattle.
I'll take PU back to his place, swing by my place and collect my stuff, and call the group for food wink.gif

Mmm... food.

I've mentioned this elsewhere, but I'm out of town for a week starting Monday (yeah, I know that's yesterday smile.gif ). I'll try to post if I have access, but I expect access to be intermittent and time for posting to be short. Vadeux will want to tag along on any recon so she can astrally view this place.
Alright, so it's been a few weeks since I have heard from Fix-it or Tashio, and almost a week since an IC post.

Are people motivated by this run? Is there something I can do to move the run along?

If the motivation has faltered, should I cut my losses at this point and focus my energies on something else?
As much as it saddens me to say I think this one is turning green and needs to be buried. I tried to rally people but it seemed to have a short term effect, sorry. frown.gif

Thanks for an awesome thread, I was very much enjoying my 1st foray into SR4 and I look forward to any games you might start in the future.
Thanks very much for the game, gave me the motivation to make a cool character I'm looking forward to playing again.
Yea, for some reason the whole thing just seemed to loose focus, was a new character type for me, a break from my usual adepts/mages and I think things just did not pan out quite like I expected. Maybe we dragged it out to long and could have maybe tried to focus on moving along (prehaps a bit of railroading), considering it was for most people an intro to 4th Ed.

I'm definatly keen to play anouther game, but I'll leave the face stuff up to someone else smile.gif
Yup, thanks. For me this was my first foray into an SR RPG game (I've dabbled in a mud and read a lot of fiction). We just didn't seem to get past the planning phase. It's given me a sense of what sort of pace is often expected in these games though, and let me dip my toe in the water.

The further along the more PU looked like a botch job anyway. I've got a couple character ideas in the pipeline that are a little more well crafted, especially in terms of personality. I've also learned that I'm not very good at altering the language I use for the character, something I'll be able to take into account in the future... PU was sounding a bit too upmarket for what he was.

And this run certainly highlighted how poor my old dice roller was.

Good luck to all wherever you might go from here.
Awww shucks. Glad to have played with all of you. Thanks McQuillan for the game and see you lot around.

And cx2, most games are a bit more brisk than this one. I for one should have posted more than I did. Remind me never to roll a character without legwork skills or contacts that she doesn't want to use. biggrin.gif

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