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CX2--The Sting is IIRC harder to detect with a will still pick up on a cyberware scanner.

Sparky--So far no one has admitted to having an item lost.
I'm just trying to understand this. I know the SR4 rules are a little holey, it just read like it was immune to detection. Here's the quote. I'm not trying to argue, just trying to get it straight in my head. Is there a difference between cyberware scanners and mad scanners? I thought they were the same thing.

Sting: This weapon’s “lemon squeezer”
design (the gun’s barrel protrudes from
between the firer’s fingers and it’s fired by making
a fist) and its polyresin composition (undetectable
by MAD scanners) makes for a very stealthy
weapon. It fires flechette ammunition only (already
included in the weapon stats).

By the way, I think it's fair to assume PU left his sting in the coat check. Better than letting some yobs find it if they take an interest in his bike.
CX2--MAD scanners are basically metal detectors. Cyberware scanners are "millimeter wave detection systems" and will detect the presence of Cyberware and weapons. (SR4, p. 255 breaks it down) I'm perfectly fine with it being left at coatcheck.

Consider it a minor thing at the moment--no one inside the Looking Glass has any weapons and you will all get your weapons back when you leave.
Ah, thanks. I'm still finding my feet, sorry if I get confused a little with one or two things.

I'm leaving my posts be anyway, it's probably fiar to say that PU doesn't know enough about security and has probably heard Raecors are difficult to detect.
Hmmm... An angle I hadn't considered. I know medical centres aren't exactly a street doc's thing, but is there any sort of roll I can make to see if he knows anything? Slim chance I know, only fair to ask.

Just to let you know any response from me'll have to wait until morning now (I'm on GMT). I know it's not terribly late, but I got hit by a cold over the weekend and I'm still shaking it off.
CX2--Throw me some Street Rumors or possibly your Medical background skill but the version I have says Medical dr, so I don't know if that's drugs or doctors...If all else fails you can always call people, Etiquette can be used for your legwork.

Team--You seem to be in the planning phase, let me know if you are going to sound out any contacts or do a data search. (Remember data searches are now measured in 1 minute increments rather than hours and days.)
Compiling a Data Sprite Rating 4
06 06 05 05 05 04 04 03 (5 hits)

(as per PM with McQuillan)
Sprite buys 1 hit

Fading 2 Stun
Buying 2 hits

So 4 tasks on the sprite

Task 1 is do a data search on the street clinic for 10 minutes
Task 2 is do a data search on the target Finn for 10 minutes
Task 3 is do a dtata search on the TAO project for 10 minutes

The sprite will buy 2 successes per 30 second period so each test will have 40 hits total. Let's see what we find.

It was drugs. I'll roll on street rumours. I think it was linked to intuition, if I'm wrong please correct me. It probably won't give the same sort of info as more closely related knowledge,n but here goes nothing.

[ Spoiler ]

I didn't roll on etiquette since I'd have to default, and I'd be lucky to get one hit on that with my charisma.
CX2--You've heard some mention of the clinic having a lot more funding than it looks like from the outside. Scattered reports are linked to some company or corp that had a recent merger to increase capital.
Fix/Tash/Sparky--Are the three of you doing any checks or thinking in the half hour before the Sprite comes back?

Team--Are you waiting on the Sprite's info before calling the Johnson?
mind if i take your group and make them npcs on the npcwiki. i know i am behind already but i would love to add them. i like them very much.

ps... sorry to have barged in... i guess i didnt notice you all were having a run.. hehe.. sorry again. cyber.gif
Cang--that's up to the players.
I'll do an area knowledge Seattle to see if Vadeux can recall anything noteworthy about the area.

01 03 05 05

2 Hits! Hopefully that meets some useful threshold. smile.gif
Sparky--The clinic is south of Downtown just inside the industrial sector. Lots of warehouses and heavy equipment.
That's a Data Search roll, defaulting to Logic (2) which gives me a whopping DP of 1.

How often will Edge refresh in our game since there aren't easily defined sessions?
Cang feel free to toss Widget up. biggrin.gif
Sparky--At scene changes.
My only problem is I'll need someway to transport them

Please tell me someone's character has transportation.

Well I only need a vehicle for the combat drone at this point but I think someone must have a vehicle we can put them in. biggrin.gif

Or we could go out and steal one real quick too.
You'd have to find out IC, but PU has a banged up old van he uses mainly for when there are serious incidents involving gang battles or the like. You could probably fit a couple of people in the back, but it's more for medical treatment (4 medkits).
Vadeux has a sedan. Not sure if a combat drone would fit. They're motorcycle sized, right?

Rolling Edge on Vadeux's musing on the building history... Logic (2 -1) + Edge (6)

6 (rerolled 4) 1 hit
5 1 hit
6 (rerolled 6, rerolled 4) 2 hits

Showed them in order. How do you separate which dice are the skill dice and which are the edge dice (exploding)? Or do you?
Sparky--If you declare the use of edge before you roll, all the dice related to the test are effected by the rule of sixes. The only time you need to sort the dice, is if you roll and decide that you still need more successes and then choose to use edge. In that case you roll your edge dice and only they will "explode".

Looks like a total of 4 hits.

The huge (6m across) ovens used to roast coffee beans have been pulled out, but their casings and frames are still intact. That means either that they have been converted to some other usage (Storage?) or they have probably just been drywalled/concreted/bricked over. The large heat vents are still open to the sky above, but the filters will probably either have been removed and sold for salvage or rusted through the joints and fallen in under the weight of assorted debris.
Street Clinic
South Seattle Medical center began as a free clinic helping with industrial accidents and worker's injuries in the industrial areas south of Downtown Seattle. Following the Crash of 65, psychiatric facility began seeing a lot of patients with Artificially Induced Psychotropic Schizophrenia, at that point they received a corporate grant from Ikekara Inc. Ikekara shuttled the acute psych patients to a mental hospital and helped update the failing technology within the clinic.

Mention of a shadowrunner named Finn comes up a few times. He has a diminished matrix presence, but he is said to be a professional gun. Specialties are longarms, with a special penchant for sniper rifles. Methodical, he's been seen most frequently with a fixer known as The Suit. The main thing that stands out is a shift in MO. Whereas previously he had been completely money driven, something happened around the time of the Comet to cause him to re-evaluate his position. Now he seems to have a strange moral agenda that is backing the runs he and his team take.

Tao Project
Tactically Augmented Organisms. No one has ever been able to prove the existence of a specific super-soldier program, but there has always been speculation. During the Crash, secrets were leaked from several hundred minor hosts that had become compromised. At that point, program goals of a Tao Project were leaked from a Takara Corporate host. Many people believed that the reference was to the Greek letter Tao, but conspiracy theorists within the shadows are saying that they might finally have the proof they need.
Buddah you makeing your search info public?

[ Spoiler ]

I don't think 30 mins as come by yet in the IC thread. McQuillan?
Buddha--When you share the info with the team, 30 mins will have passed by. I posted the info because it seemed that the team was waiting on that info before contacting the Johnson.
Ok using the last task I have on the data sprite to do a search in the name Ikekara in the matrix. Going to do the same as last time and buy 2 successes and have the search run for 10 mins so I think that means 40 hits again on the search. Thanks!
Tashio!! I think we're waiting for you to call the Johnson, its all you baby!!
Ah okay we all ready then? Sorry works been rather crazy last few days, half the staff is away. Will post in a bit.
Everyone please say hi to Fenris. He will be playing the part of Lucky.

Buddha--Is Widget going to keep the line secure?
Uh oh... PC Johnsons... wink.gif

Heya Fen!
Funny you should ask, I would but with Lisa and Leng's baby so close and me helping set stuff up I haven't read far enough into SR4 to know how. biggrin.gif

So tell me what to throw and I will. Thanks!
As long as I get to abuse him with my social skills smile.gif
For encryption--you'd have to run an encrypt program on the commlink making the call.

For a trace it's an opposed Hacking+Spoof vs the System+Track to keep them from tracing the call. Each net hit will add 1 to the threshold before they are able to triangulate the call.

The system won't have your exact position because you are running wireless, but can narrow you down to around a 50m radius...
Ok going to compile a Courier Sprite 4 to encrypt the call.

Courier Sprite 4
06 06 05 05 05 05 04 01 (6 hits)

I am assuming the same as last time the sprite will buy 1 hit but let me know if not.

Fading 2 Stun
Buying 2 hits

Task #1 will be to encrypt the call
Task #2 will be to use the Cookie power(SR4 pg 236) to tag the call and see where it goes.

Cookie Opposed Test (vs. Firewall + Stealth, it uses Rating x2)
06 05 05 04 04 03 02 01 (3 hits)

I was wondering can I use my Edge for my Sprites rolls? Or do they have any?
Heya Sparky!

And sure, Tashio, feel free to abuse away. Just keep in mind that there's a player behind there and show some mercy wink.gif
Oooh boy, I see lots of things going horribly pear shaped here smile.gif

I forgot the no tracing thing, so going to thread a Spoof program.

Threading w/ Edge
06 06 06 05 05 04 04 03 02 (5 hits)

Egde Rerolls
06 04 03 (1 hit)

Egde Reroll
05 (1 hit/7 hit)

Will thread a rating 5 Spoof

5 Stun Fading
06 06 05 05 05 05 01 01 (6 hits/no stun)

Redirect Trace (6 dice for the test)

Because I didn't say so I am routing the call through my "organic commlink" and I have my forms active.
For simplicity's sake, each sentence back and forth between Black Widow and Lucky will count as an initiative pass. This will make it easier for me to determine how fast the Track works and if the system meets the threshold before the call is severed. I'll presume that Widget continues redirecting until the call disconnects.
Randomly picked out a pizza place in seattle, if place no longer exists can change it if you have more correct, its just a temp meet spot.

If no-one has secure location BW will contact Angel and request a secure meet spot asap. With reimbursement of course.
Presuming one more sentence from Lucky to terminate the call since BW waited...the conversation took 9 IPs.

Buddha--The sprite tells you that it got as far as Watanabe Security Consultants front door, then the cookie crumbled...
Okay I assume no-one is going to offer a location.
Tashio--throw me some Etiquette dice. Add Angel's Loyalty rating as a positive modifier.
What info did the sprite bring back on the company Ikekara so I can give it out to the team?
okies here they come

Charisma 8 + Influence Group 4 + Loyalty 2

Hits: 5
Tash--In the future can you list out what each die rolled? (see examples above)

With the new glitch rules and the amount of communal faith we all have in each other not fudging die rolls, seeing the numbers is my only requirement. No worries about this time, just for when we move forward.

As a secondary option, in non-stressful situations like this, you can always just buy hits.
Buddha--Ikekara has a sordid history. Starting out a single company, it divided to become two seperate B rate corps Ikeda Inc and Takara Enterprises over thirty years ago. They were run by rival sisters and it seems that their father's untimely death led to the division of all corporate assets between the two girls. The shadows saw a lot of business on both sides as these two tried to grind each other into dust.

Tun-Leng Loh is the current CEO of Ikekara. She is an expatriate from the Ikeda side of the political ladder and seems to be running the show without resorting to shadow action internally or externally.
Yea sorry was late was just about to get into bed, if my memory serves me.
1 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6
Just waiting for Mc to let me know whats buzzing with Angel then I'll let you know the plan.
Tash--Sorry for the delay. Angel will send the location to you via commlink after she makes the arrangements
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