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Considering that AK-98s sell on the street for 500 nuyen, I doubt there's serious legislation or enforcement efforts in place to try and limit troll archer assassins.

HAHAHAHAHA not in my game the GM has desided to put in the street codes from 2 and 3 ed so that 500 new yen gun is like 2500 to 3000 or so depending if ONE is avalable

I asked to buy 3 barret 121 guns for 3 drones of mine it would cost 75000 for 3 or 19000 for one so I can put it in a 2k drone??? eek.gif
Your game isn't RAW. To have any basis for discussion things are discussed from a RAW standpoint. By the RAW, ak-98s are 500„ on the street.
QUOTE (blakkie @ May 30 2006, 02:42 PM)
It wouldn't be a fingers or even fingers with gloves deal, they'd be using a release aid.

Release aids are for pansys. You don't need no skin on your firngers. It just gets in the way. Hard callous and exposed bone are what you want.
QUOTE (Kanada Ten)
Full auto, belt feed, explosive fragmentation, rocket boosted crossbows... for vampire hunting.

What about the lasersighting? or will this be a smartlinked bow >.<
no. just... no...

Oh and dissonance, good job on insulting your way to victory. Best way to win an arguement. Is it any different then to ask what kind of market there would be for reflex enhancers, pain editors, EX-explosive rounds or any grenade? Aquisition is not the question, trying to integrate the physical possibility of an old solution to a futuristic world and then applying abstract rules is the issue.

And to everyone else who has been posting info on this, thank you. You've given me alot to think about, and alot of great help. I particularly like the info on contruction and size of draw/arrows

I honestly think its a little silly for a bow to do that much damage, until i realised that it would effectively be firing a javelin or harpoon. Its still a little much damage wise though and i'm content with the current maximum damage rating of 8P (rating 6 for a bow str min.) my GM has imposed. It was for a character who lives in a wireless-free zone, a smart troll acting as the stupid backwards bountyhunter, and with all you've all said to help, i think it will go smoothly.

and now my own 2 nuyen.gif on the matter at hand: what about a bonus to armor of its rating against anything with structure? or even just give anything with a structure double armor. Takes the "exploding lonestar helicopters" out of the equation. and past rating 6 it becomes an exponenital increase in cost, or to simplify things, 250 nuyen.gif *rating, and past rating 12 it becomes 500 nuyen.gif *level. There are several cases of this in the book, of rating dependant pricing multipliers. maybe give it -1 AP at rating 7 and up, and then -2 AP at rating 13 and up, with a corresponding decrease in damage? so a min. str rating 13 bow would do 13P with -2AP and cost 6500 nuyen.gif . Perhaps even making the availibility be rating up to 6, 1.5*rating to 12 and 2*rating above 12. This way that same rating 13 bow would be rating 26 to find. Still legal, but it would take a very very long time to find one. Make arrows be availibility of the bow's rating to find. so for this particular example, rating 13 to locate new arrows. Double that and R for the injector arrows, with a minimum of 8R availibility.

And if thats not enough, maybe make rating 7 and up R and rating 13 and up F.

it should be noted that we're now on our 3rd run, and I (the meatwall for the party) haven't even had to draw a weapon yet. there hasn't been a single fight (not counting shocking a sleeping man into unconciousness). The smart runner avoids ever being seen. Shadows are alot harder to hide in when they are lit up with gunfire.

talk is cheap. Bullets are not. My word are particularly cheap, which is why you get such a long post for 2 nuyen.gif

one more question, does an arrow automatically break if it strikes a living target, or is that just a convention from *cough* some other game? having only fired bows at target boards, i don't know the answer to that one either.
Dender, your cost escallation suggestions are good and all, but what if the character takes the armorer skill and wants to make his own bow?
QUOTE (Dender)

one more question, does an arrow automatically break if it strikes a living target, or is that just a convention from *cough* some other game? having only fired bows at target boards, i don't know the answer to that one either.

I don't see any reason for the arrows to break, no. Especially since you're almost certainly talking about shafts made from some SOTA material. I'd assume that some arrows are damaged (but repairable) modern terms, something along the lines of aluminium shafts that get bent and need to be straightened. You could come up with some detailed houserules for that (penalties for re-using arrows that you haven't repaired yet, yadda yadda) but that would seem to be contrary to the SR4 'streamlined rules' approach. Just handwave it.
QUOTE (Butterblume)
One clever person I know brought up the idea that the bow-rating is limited by the skill of the bow-maker.
So, the best bow would be a rating 9. Probably one to three persons in the world could build one.

I admit, this idea has it's weak points, but I like it, so I think I will use it.

The main weak point is that...well, it doesn't really make any sense. Making a stronger bow isn't really any harder than making a weak one. You just make it all bigger, thicker, and heavier.

What's hard in bowmaking is making the bow /efficient/. Given X pounds of draw, how much of that energy is transferred to the arrow (as opposed to being wasted in moving the string, the arms of the bow, making noise, etc etc etc). If you really wanted to model that, you could give a bow a DV of StrMin + (Maker's skill/3, round down). Or skill/2, if you wanted to be generous.

I'm taking no position on whether a bow doing 13P is realistic. At least, yet :) I'm just saying that the maker's skill isn't the limiting factor on the strength of the bow.
The main weak point is that...well, it doesn't really make any sense. Making a stronger bow isn't really any harder than making a weak one. You just make it all bigger, thicker, and heavier.

Hm, using this reasoning, why not make a more efficient sword - just make it bigger, thicker, and heavier.

I'm just saying that the maker's skill isn't the limiting factor on the strength of the bow.

This solution isn't probably the ultimate wisdom, but I thought it has its merits. After all, even today only a few people craft really powerfull bows.
Austere Emancipator
QUOTE (Butterblume)
After all, even today only a few people craft really powerfull bows.

That's because there's no point.
James McMurray
QUOTE (Butterblume)
Hm, using this reasoning, why not make a more efficient sword - just make it bigger, thicker, and heavier.

You mean like say, dagger vs. claymore?
Holy Threadnomancy, Batman!

I wasn't being insulting, Dender. At least, not intentionally. I'd personally disagree with you. There _is_ a market for reflex enhancers and various bits of cyberware. They are proven bits of awesome tech that help out Joe Mundane on the battlefield. Furthermore, nearly everybody can benefit from the cyberware, the auto-shotguns, the assault rifles, and the awesome cars.

The only people who can benefit from a trollbow is a troll. I personally figure that bows eventually have a cutoff point. A bow that does double-digit damage isn't really a bow anymore. It's more of a ballista. Like the converted one that Detritus uses in the Discworld novels.

I just have trouble believing that these trollbows exist, because the market is just so damned specialized for them. The target audience is, like, troll bowhunters. I am loath to believe that people in third world countries could make a bow that wouldn't just splinter under a troll's full draw strength.

And, again, there's style over substance. My view isn't RAW. I'm just being a Devil's Advocate, and not doing a very good job of it, either.
Austere Emancipator
James McMurray: Neither is more "efficient" overall. That sort of bladed weapons are a bad analogy, though, because when you go from humans to trolls, making a cut-and-thrust sword bigger, thicker, and heavier actually works, creating a weapon that a troll can use as easily as a human can a 2½lb sword, but fucking up people far worse when it hits. Just making a bow bigger does not really achieve anything in and of itself, since the velocity or the weight of the arrow matter fuck-all beyond a certain (very low) point when hunting humans.

You don't need to be a genius to manufacture a siege crossbow capable of hurling massive bolts. Coming up with any use for such a stupid weapon is a lot more difficult.
James McMurray
I wasn't trying to say the analogy was appropriate, only that it's flawed, because bigger blades actually are better at dealing bigger wounds.
Austere Emancipator
Understood. Should have divided that paragraph.
QUOTE (Austere Emancipator)
James McMurray: Neither is more "efficient" overall. That sort of bladed weapons are a bad analogy.

To defend McMurray, that was my bad analogy wink.gif.

Probably to much soccer today. When I wrote it, it sounded like a good analogy biggrin.gif.

The point I was trying to make, is that just by making the bow heavier, it will not be more efficient.

Regarding the siege crossbow: I can only bring the lame reasoning that crossbows aren't bows wink.gif.
Austere Emancipator
In that case, remove the stock and the mount and give it to a troll, then it's a "regular" bow, albeit pointless and extremely difficult to use.
The point I was trying to make, is that just by making the bow heavier, it will not be more efficient.

True, but that doesn't mean it's any more difficult to make a more powerful bow. The physics of making a bow are pretty straightforward, and given the right materials, anyone with skill can make a bow of pretty much any draw-weight they want. Unless we're talking custom-troll builds, I don't see *why* anyone would want such an insane thing, but it's certainly possible.
QUOTE (Cain)
The physics of making a bow are pretty straightforward, and given the right materials, anyone with skill can make a bow of pretty much any draw-weight they want.  Unless we're talking custom-troll builds, I don't see *why* anyone would want such an insane thing, but it's certainly possible.

Right. This is the point I was trying to make. Making a bow of arbitrary draw-weight is reasonably trivial, given modest skill and access to the necessary materials. That is NOT the same thing as efficiency.

Making the spring as strong as you like is easy. Designing the bow such that it efficiently transfers as much of that energy as possible into the projectile is more difficult. (As a point of interest, though relating to crossbows rather than bows, modern crossbows are upwards of four times as efficient as medieval ones - a modern 150-pound crossbow fires the same projectile at the same speed as a medieval 700-pounder. I can dig up references for that if anyone cares; I mostly mention it just because I think it's interesting smile.gif )

And, of course there's AE's point that increasing the velocity of the same arrow perhaps shouldn't increase its damage without bound - there may be a point of diminishing returns. I'm undecided on that one.
One can assume that bows require arrows that are suited to their draw weight, as in real life. Strength 17 troll bow is equivilant to a ballista then the arrow it fires should put a nice hole in a castle wall.
Why are people so quick to houserule and deny things?

There is nothing what so ever with a troll bow that does 17p damage.

The rules are clear cut and straight forward.

You don't want this troll killing all of your npc's? Kill him. He obviosuly has some extreme points locked up in strength. Shoot him in his head with a sniper rifle. Have a mage mana bolt his face.

Many many tools are there for GM's, just use them. Why is a 17P single shot bow so ridiculous when you can do the same thing with a machine gun and a arm gyromount?
Austere Emancipator
QUOTE (hyzmarca)
Strength 17 troll bow is equivilant to a ballista then the arrow it fires should put a nice hole in a castle wall.

Well, not really. It may put a nice hole in wooden battlements, but it'll hardly even scratch sturdy stone structures.

And, of course there's AE's point that increasing the velocity of the same arrow perhaps shouldn't increase its damage without bound - there may be a point of diminishing returns. I'm undecided on that one.

When you're shooting humans with hunting broadheads, diminishing returns set in at around 200fps. Beyond 250fps, with any velocity that any bow we can dream of can achieve, the wound caused will be the same, unless you also increase the size of the arrowhead. A 1" diameter arrowhead makes a 1" diameter wound through a human, regardless of whether it's attached to a 450gr arrow that's moving 250fps or a 1000gr arrow that's moving at 450fps. Unless the arrowhead is changed, once you have achieve full penetration through a human body, velocity no longer increases the size of the wound at all.

If you increase the size of the broadhead to a ridiculous degree, then you can make use of a ridiculously oversized (and overpowered) bow. This way, with a siege-weapon type bow, you could theoretically create wounds in humans that could challenge powerful rifles -- like the .338 Lapuas or whatever the Sniper Rifles in SR are supposed to represent. Such a bow would still penetrate rigid armor far worse than any serious rifle with armor piercing ammunition, though. Hence why damage codes up to around 7P are, IMO, justifiable for bows.
Kremlin KOA
RIGID armor

I would remind people that the rigid armor in the game does little to stop a sword swung by joe average against joe average

joe1 attacks and joe2 parries
Tied, attacker still wins ties I think

so damage is str3/2 =1+2 = 3
lined coat adds 4 soak dies
giving 7 dice to soak
1 damage gets through

and remember kevlar armors, even rigid kevlar (not spectra weave) would be next to useless against broadheads

or we can ust admit it is abstract and accept that trolls with superpowers (either through cyber or magic) can use bows so big and nasty that they decapitate

oh and as to the market thing
there are more trolls than magicals, and very few magicals would ever want a weapon focus so they shoudl be baned

beta and deltaware for those not human, or Tir Na nOg Elves, should be banned (only high end corp citizens of the cyberwear corps would ever get it designed for them)
Metamagics should be banned (initiates are rarer than TrollBowhunters)
Cultured bioware is way out, (have to grow it using the clients DNA, too uneconomical)
Austere Emancipator
QUOTE (Kremlin KOA)
and remember kevlar armors, even rigid kevlar (not spectra weave) would be next to useless against broadheads

No. Hard kevlar, like in ballistic helmets, would work wonders against broadheads. Cutting that shit is really damn hard. Some forms of (by SR4, 70-year-old) flexible ballistic armor would be less useful against arrows than they would against handgun rounds, but that's only a meaningful comparison if you're looking at a bow that does the same damage as a handgun. Other forms of flexible armor would work at least as well against broadheads as handgun rounds -- check up on stab-resistant body armor.

QUOTE (Kremlin KOA)
or we can ust admit it is abstract and accept that trolls with superpowers (either through cyber or magic) can use bows so big and nasty that they decapitate

They bloody better be able to decapitate humans if you hit someone in the neck. So can everything from 5.56x45mm on up, and that's, what, 5P?
Key things to point out about bows is that they are SS (which already limits them in the game mechanics), their strength is hard set (which means you need to be strong enough to use it), and they are easy to break (oh a glitch, ping there goes my string, got to get a new one now).

I think if you need extra rules to moderate troll bows I would suggest the following:
1. Increase the availability of a bow past STRmin 6 to be 10 + (STRmin - 6) (eg a STRmin 16 bow would have an availability of 10 + (16-6) = 20). This is due to the highly specialized nature of the bow.
2. Increase the cost of the bow past STRmin 6 to be nuyen.gif Rating x 200. Again due to the highly specialized nature of the bow.
3. Any death from this bow would show tell tail signs that the death occured with a troll bow and due to the highly specialized nature of the bow you can increase the number of dice that LS uses to find the character using the bow (+ (Rating -6) dice would be my suggestion)
I would imagine that a max-strength troll bow is taller than the tallest troll, has a draw weight most easily measurable in fractions of a ton, and fires solid steel arrows about the size of an adult human arm.

Concealibility should be adjusted accordingly.

Although, trolls aren't what makes it insane. What untill arsenal comes out and you can make bows for mechanical arms mounted on tanks. They'd probably be better than a navel-scale railgun.
QUOTE (Austere Emancipator)

When you're shooting humans with hunting broadheads, diminishing returns set in at around 200fps. Beyond 250fps, with any velocity that any bow we can dream of can achieve, the wound caused will be the same, unless you also increase the size of the arrowhead. A 1" diameter arrowhead makes a 1" diameter wound through a human, regardless of whether it's attached to a 450gr arrow that's moving 250fps or a 1000gr arrow that's moving at 450fps. Unless the arrowhead is changed, once you have achieve full penetration through a human body, velocity no longer increases the size of the wound at all.

Ah! Okay, so you're basically talking about blow-through, yes? Past a certain point, increaing the kinetic energy of the arrow just means it's going faster when it comes out the other side. It's even possible that a vastly faster projectile might do less 'damage', punching through so quickly that it leaves a clean wound that has little effect on surrounding tissue.

Now, that said, two counter-points. First, the faster (and probably also more massive) arrow WOULD have improved armor penetration. Energy that's wasted blow-through on an unarmored human likely wouldn't be against someone wearing security armor. And second, I'm not sure how well the system handles blow-through for firearms, either...though the combination of DV and AP does make it possible to try to represent it.
QUOTE (hyzmarca)
I would imagine that a max-strength troll bow is taller than the tallest troll, has a draw weight most easily measurable in fractions of a ton, and fires solid steel arrows about the size of an adult human arm.

Concealibility should be adjusted accordingly.

Although, trolls aren't what makes it insane. What untill arsenal comes out and you can make bows for mechanical arms mounted on tanks. They'd probably be better than a navel-scale railgun.

and actually, if cyberarms are any indication, arms mounted on tanks are gonna suck =P

that's naval scale railgun. naval. not navel.

frankly, i don't know that i'd be too afraid of navel scale railguns wink.gif
Austere Emancipator
Ah! Okay, so you're basically talking about blow-through, yes? Past a certain point, increaing the kinetic energy of the arrow just means it's going faster when it comes out the other side.

When you're firing the arrow at an unarmored human, that point comes up really soon. Any serious hunting bow, with the right broadhead, will go clean through a human. With a 450gr arrow, something like 225fps should be enough to guarantee completely penetration of a human torso.

It's even possible that a vastly faster projectile might do less 'damage', punching through so quickly that it leaves a clean wound that has little effect on surrounding tissue.

That's not going to happen. With a broadhead, you never get any real effect on the surrounding tissue -- not at any velocity you can ever achieve with a bow, at least. All you get is the wound cut by the edges of the arrowhead. Whether this wound is cut at 200fps or 400fps, or even 600fps, makes no difference.

First, the faster (and probably also more massive) arrow WOULD have improved armor penetration. Energy that's wasted blow-through on an unarmored human likely wouldn't be against someone wearing security armor.

In case of a "troll bow", you're definitely looking at a much heavier arrow instead of a much higher velocity. Either way, yes, bigger and heavier projectiles penetrate better. Since the starting point for the penetration is so low, the increase may even seem like a particularly large one. You still won't get penetration as good as you get with AP rifle ammo, but with a siege weapon scale bow you could probably get through flexible body armor without too much trouble (like you can with any rifle, firing just about any ammunition).

And second, I'm not sure how well the system handles blow-through for firearms, either...

Overpenetration isn't the problem, undercavitation is.

As you make firearms more powerful, with similar ammunition they will generally make bigger wounds. A .50 BMG FMJ is absolutely guaranteed to go right through a human body and retain a whole lot of velocity on exit. But it also causes cavernous wounds, because it's a big bullet traveling insanely fast. In the 2000+fps range, even a spitzer shape ejects tissue sideways at quite a high velocity.

In some cases added velocity or projectile weight make little to no difference to terminal effect on unarmored humans. This is usually because of wrong ammunition choices. With some types of ammunition, nearly any firearm will fully penetrate the human body from most angles, and with others even a long range magnum rifle can be stopped quickly in tissue. By the choosing the right ammunition, you can make sure the increased velocity, projectile weight or projectile diameter is utilized to increase the terminal effect in metahuman bodies. Thus, at least when deciding what the Damage Code of a particular firearm is (and not a particular firearm/ammunition combination), overpenetration is a nonissue.

Anyway, there's no actual rule for scaling up the power of firearms and getting a higher Damage Code in return, so the system doesn't need to handle this with firearms like it does with bows.
QUOTE (hyzmarca)
What untill arsenal comes out and you can make bows for mechanical arms mounted on tanks. They'd probably be better than a navel-scale railgun.

Surface-to-air thor shot??? question.gif
Shinobi Killfist
Ignoring the issue of balance of damage or realism, the thing that is wierd to me is that every other strength based weapon in the game is str/2+modifier. The bow gets full strength, it seems like a cut and paste error from SR3 or just bad editing. When every other strength based example is 1/2 str it makes me wonder if the one exception is intentional or a mistake.
yeah but everything else is you applying the strength directly to the target. In this case, you're using a mechanical devise to do damage.
BTW realism is overrated.
Shinobi Killfist
QUOTE (fool)
yeah but everything else is you applying the strength directly to the target. In this case, you're using a mechanical devise to do damage.
BTW realism is overrated.

actually I think all the str based weapons use mechaincal devices to apply damage. I think they all use of one of the simple machines called the lever. Note I suck at science, math etc. But I think a sword is baiscally just levered force projected into a point/edge.

And yes relaism is overrated, I could care less if a troll bow is realistic. I do care if it is unbalanced to the breaking point, and I have trouble seeing a reason why bows should massively out damage mellee combat.
Easy soloution, then.

Just rule that bows do str/2+2 damage. Problemo solved.
I don't know, I don't see any real mechanical, game balance problems with the troll bow, per se. Of course, after the first few times it was used, God help the troll if he didn't specifically wipe down the arrows before firing, in my games. "Oh, it's one of those arrows the size of a javelin that we've been seeing. Seems like it passed through the car, killing everyone inside, then through a few apartments in the adjacent building. Three residents are at county hospital in critical condition, one's dead. Dust it for prints."

Eventually, that kind of obvious, unique shit would get someone the Distinctive Style flaw (or whatever it's called), as well as a lot more police and media attention. "The Ballista Killer struck again today, murdering four citizens with a single arrow. Police have organized a city-wide manhunt for this vicious killer. And now the weather."

[edit]: One other thing that occurs to me. I reckon it would be hard to be stealthy with ginormous arrows that travel the faster than speed of sound, leaving sonic booms as they get fired. Nevermind the bowstring twang.
Austere Emancipator
The rules don't say troll bows fire arrows faster than the speed of sound, nor would such a thing make any sense at all, so at least be sure to warn your players beforehand if you're going to make that kind of ruling.
QUOTE (Austere Emancipator)
The rules don't say troll bows fire arrows faster than the speed of sound, nor would such a thing make any sense at all, so at least be sure to warn your players beforehand if you're going to make that kind of ruling.

Well, I was sort of kidding on the "Mach 3" comment, but I'd imagine such a thing would be more audible. Not necessary across town, or anything, but would certainly be more audible.
They make things today that muffle the sound of the bowstring cutting through the air. I'd imagine that by 2070 they have done even better.
On reading the whole blow-through and naval scale damage equilavency, I just can't help but have this image of the poor sap who get's shot having his rigid plate chest piece "blow-through" into the poor sap behind im as the troll-bow pins him to god.
I've just read through this entire thread and noticed that no-one has commented on bows requiring a simple action to load (Ready Weapon).

In terms of game-balance, a troll-bow is a nice tool, but you could have two burst fires at 8P for each shot you get off with a bow and with APDS you get a nice -4 AP. It still leaves the bow as a the better choice when you run into a dragon, but its not as good at mook despatching. Perhaps it's just the style of game I favour, but for me, the power of the bow is offset by the fewer tactical options (e.g. no supressive fire), the odd drop off at short range compared to an assault rifle (the favoured weapon in my experience), the lower rate of fire and the difficulty of concealing it or use in confined areas.

As you can tell, combat scenarios in my games tend to be very tactical affairs with low-powered but organised opposition. In these circumstances, having to stand up to shoot whilst everyone else is crouched behind the crates with their rifles is a big problem. So I leave the bow as it is. Strength is normally a little bit of a dump stat in Shadowrun anyway. If someone is bumping up their strength to 11 then they're doing it at the expense of something else and they ought to get something in return for living dangerously.

EDIT: I'll also turn a blind eye to the Troll Samural carrying 100 bullets. The one with a hundred reinforced arrows with broad heads isn't so lucky.
True, knasser. I don't see any particular game balance problems with the bow as written - stat-wise, it's balanced versus firearms, given the SS + reload actions required, the lack of concealability, etc etc etc. I think it's more an issue of plausbility / internal consistency. Not 'is a weapon with these stats fair' but 'does it make sense for a bow to do as much damage as a full-auto burst from an assault rifle'.
The point of the bow is not that your strength powers the bow but the strength stored in the bow itself. This means you just need to be strong enough to pull the thing back. Hence the StrMin + 2 damage.
QUOTE (TBRMInsanity)
The point of the bow is not that your strength powers the bow but the strength stored in the bow itself. This means you just need to be strong enough to pull the thing back. Hence the StrMin + 2 damage.


Your strength does 'power' the bow. But if by 'strength stored in the bow' you meant 'the bow stores the power you put into it until you release it', then yes, that's true too. Using the bow's strength rating rather than the archer's (higher) strength makes sense because it's the limiting factor on how much energy you can put into it.

So yes, using StrMin is appropriate. But...I didn't see anyone actually questioning that part. Except perhaps to suggest StrMin/2+some number instead.
I believe that what TBRMInsanity meant was that a bow allows you to apply a much greater percentage of your strength to a projectile then would otherwise be possible. Throwing weapons use STR/2 so it would make sense that the more efficient bow uses STR.
QUOTE (hyzmarca)
I believe that what TBRMInsanity meant was that a bow allows you to apply a much greater percentage of your strength to a projectile then would otherwise be possible. Throwing weapons use STR/2 so it would make sense that the more efficient bow uses STR.

I'm all good with the bow doing more damage than a thrown weapon. I don't have any quantitative comparison to offer, but I think the fact that thrown weapons have generally become obsolete in any culture that knew how to make bows is a pretty good argument in that direction (though some of that is from their superior range, accuracy, etc).

I do think it's a bit odd that a bow does more damage than a melee weapon at any above-average strength, though. Would you rather the huge honkin' troll shoot you with an arrow, or hit you with a great bloody axe?
[edit]: Nevermind. Friends don't let friends quote bad science.
QUOTE (Geekkake)

I suppose that depends on whether the hydrostatic shock from the arrow would reduce the victim to pulp.


The break-even point is Strength 5, though, which isn't even super-human. A Str5 bow does 7P; a Str5 PC with an axe does 6P.
James McMurray
Big pointy swords should definitely be more damaging than tiny arrows. Luckily there's an easy fix known as Mr. House Rule. smile.gif
QUOTE (Geekkake)
I suppose that depends on whether the hydrostatic shock from the arrow would reduce the victim to pulp.

Urban Myth alert.

QUOTE (hyzmarca)
[...]or hit you with a great bloody axe?

Isn't it unhygienic to use an axe with blood on it? biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Butterblume)

Isn't it unhygienic to use an axe with blood on it? biggrin.gif

Ooooh, good point. After the victim makes their damage resistance test, how about another against disease? smile.gif
QUOTE (Butterblume @ Jun 15 2006, 01:15 PM)
QUOTE (Geekkake)
I suppose that depends on whether the hydrostatic shock from the arrow would reduce the victim to pulp.

Urban Myth alert.

Huh. Just read up on it a little, and so it is. My mistake. I've edited the reply accordingly.
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