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"i don't know. What can i do?"
emo samurai
"Well, you could take up painting again. Go to art museums, exotic locations, that sort of thing. I'm sure we could keep you safe, and I could sponsor that, if you'd like."
"You'd help me be an artist?"
emo samurai
"Of course. There's little else for me to do outside of slowly go insane watching people when they can't see me. Long story. The point is, I have all the money and time I will ever need, I don't know what to do with it all, and if I ever ran out of money, I could just produce more orichalcum, which would hardly take up my time."
She looks at you in a puzzled sort of way. You'd think some who had been resuced by people at a risk to themselves, and them looked after for free by serious runner bodyguards would realise that there are some nice people in the world.
emo samurai
"I'm rich, I'm bored, and I have nothing to do with myself. That's pretty much it."
"Okay. I guess I want you to help me be an artist. If I can do it safely, please tell me you can protect me from Kratos."
emo samurai
"Actually, in a week, Kratos might be a moot point. Phoenix and company are currently seeing if they have a good way of killing him. If you wish to wait until then, be my guest. Otherwise, yes, I can protect you. I could provide you with several very convincing fake SIN's, from Wuxing itself, and a physical masking spell. If you're squeamish about working with Wuxing, I want you to know that the woman I know comes from a completely different world from your parents. She was born into the Chinese countryside, ran away at the age of 15 to join an investment company, and used a loan I footed to buy it out and sell it to Wuxing for a huge profit five years later. She most likely has no idea who your parents are, and her outlook on life will not resemble theirs in the least."
I don't want anything to do with Wuxing.
emo samurai
"She has nothing to do with the Wuxing you know. You're just another client, and your parents are just another pair of middle managers. You're on my dollar now, not theirs, and unlike them, I will help you become an artist.

If that still doesn't convince you, Phoenix could always help with the SINs."
"I suppose, I just don't like Wuxing, to many bad memories from school."
emo samurai
"Phoenix it is, then.

When do you want to start?"
She looks kinda shocked, the pace seems to have taken her by surprise. "Umm, not yet, I'm not quite ready to try life yet, but give me few days."
emo samurai
"Very good.

Anything else you wish to tell me?"
"Nothing that springs to mind. Thank you for the time."
emo samurai
"You're very welcome." If she assenses fine, he'll get up and leave.

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emo samurai
"No trouble. I hope you find happiness in your art." Shen gets up, leaves, and comlinks Cheerleader to lead him to Hannah after hearing Wing answer.
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"Goodbye, I hope we can talk again, maybe I could do your portrait."

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emo samurai
"I hope to see you too. I'm sure my portrait will be very good."
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OOC- Its the Gathering, large fantasy set annual event. I'm playinga semi angelic fox creature who is called either bold or stupid...
emo samurai
OOC - Cool.
OOC - right back.
emo samurai
OOC - Ready... set... go!!!
You head out of the room back to the main part of the house. Cheerleader nods at you from the couch.

"That seemed to work out. You want a chance to unwind before you try another?"

Her feral companion is nowhere to be seen.
emo samurai

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She nods, "Can I get you a drink or something to eat?"
emo samurai
"Maybe some tea.

So what can you tell me about Hannah?"
Cheerleader wanders over to the kitchenette and starts to sort out a pot of tea,jasmine by the smell.

"Charlotte? Not that much really she's SINless and probably always has been, seems to be coping okay, but we suspect covering up. We think she may be an adept of some sort."
emo samurai
"Has she told you much about her past?"
"She hasn't said much I could repeat to my mother."
emo samurai
"Anything useful?"
"Couple of nice insults, but nothing really useful."
emo samurai
"Any tips on getting her to talk to me?"
"Not really sure, she seems happy to rant, so getting her started shouldn't be a problem, but useful stuff? Not really sure. Wildside tried, but just got an offer he had to refuse."
emo samurai
"I see. I suppose I may as well get started."
"Drink the tea first, I'd rather Wildside was back before you leave the room."
emo samurai
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emo samurai
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You sit and sip the tea, it's surprisingly good by Seattle standards. After about twenty minutes Wildside bursts through the front door. He makes some sort of hand signal to Cheerleader and points at the window in the kitchen area.

"Move!" says Cheerleader, diving off the sofa away from the kitchen.

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emo samurai
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As Cheerleader shouts, the kitchen window explodes inwards infront of the feet of a heavy set and completely covered humanoid. The sound of running feet breaks out on the stairs and and a second crash echoes the first from the bathroom.
emo samurai
Jumping for cover, Shen weaves mana into his very nervous system, syncing and lubricating synapses. The world slows to a crawl and is brought into a new sort of focus, normally allowed only to the wired and powerful adepts.

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Wildchild executes a rapid backflip, somehow fitting in a 180° flip to land back in the doorway with a bound he disappears through the door. Cheerleader moves with blinding speed in a graceful dance as she throws a bolt of power at the man who came through the window, he reels backwards as if hit by a troll. Then gunfire erupts from the stairs. The one enemy you can see recovers quickly from Cheerleader's magical blitz, he brings up his gun blasts a pair of burst towards he keeping the barrel under tight control. Impossibly fast Cheerleader dives for cover even so you think both bursts make contact.

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emo samurai
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emo samurai
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From the stairs comes the sound of breaking wood, shortly followed by a loud thump as if some one fell through the guard rail. In the room with you a somewhat bloodied Cheerleader finishes her dive with a roll to her feet and throws a second Manabolt at the thug, who crumples like a sack of potatoes. She flashes you a grin that shifts to a scowl as a pair of spirits one a horse wreathed in flame and the other a beautiful woman with leaves for hair enter from the bathroom, the horse snorts a gout of flame towards you, as the dryad dives towards Cheeerleader.

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emo samurai
Shen somehow manages to shrug off the fire and drown the two spirits in concentrated life energy.
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