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"Bullshit,Kratos was dominant because he could be, it's like taking chips, you do it coz you got the wonga to spare."
emo samurai
"... Perhaps I erred in mentioning Kratos, especially as a way to prove my point..."
Over the engine noise of the car, you can hear Autumn's teeth grinding, and you are pretty sure that it is nothing to do with the driving.
emo samurai
"To ground it in the present, what have you been doing since Phoenix rescued you?"
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"Nothing really."
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emo samurai
"Define nothing. And how did you feel while you were doing nothing?"
Emo Samurai
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"I don't know. Relieved to be away from that twisted fuck."
emo samurai
"It seems there is much you don't know about yourself.

"Do you have any plans for after he is dead?"
"Much I don't know about my self? Fuck off you pretentious git! You're so busy trying to help you've no fucking idea how the world works. It just fucks you with a fucking switch blade and leaves you to bleed i the fucking gutter. Once he's dead, if any one can mange that, which i doubt, I'm going to have his fucking baby ripped out of me, and go back to shutting olut this shitty life ith what ever comes to hand!"
emo samurai
"If I am so wrong in saying that there is much you don't know about yourself, tell me what you DO know about yourself, aside from your ability to weave interesting metaphors for the world's violence."
"just stop fuck talking to me. you just spout bullshit."
emo samurai
"I will not until you tell me something more useful than 'There is no point to life outside of survival.' I would go into the logical inconsistency of circular reasoning, but you do not seem interested in listening."
Through clenched teeth, Autumn says,

"Do you actually want helping or not? If you do, I suggest that you stay in the car and I will take you wherever you need to be, otherwise, I will let you out here and now and you will be without the people who are trying to support and help you. Two of which are in this car."
Hannah twitches visibly at Autumn's statement, "Please, don't throw me out. I want help but I have nothing I can do, all I'm good for is a sex toy."
emo samurai
"Skills can be learned; that is not a problem. What we need is for you to find something that you enjoy, something that makes life worthwhile for you. What, in the past, has given you joy?"
"Nothing, my life has been a pile of shit. The last people to promise to improve it sold me to a psychotic dominant who treated me as if I was some sort of pet."
emo samurai
"I think by now you can trust us not to do the same.

"Have you ever done anything for enjoyment? Ever played an AR game? Gone to an amusement park? Gone to a museum?"
"Not really, I've never had the money. I was turning tricks for the Hammers at twelve."
emo samurai
"Then I think the best thing for you to do right now is learn to enjoy life. I suggest you do the aforementioned things, though I suggest you keep your head down until Kratos is dead."
"Enjoy life?" her tone is questioning almost pleading for an explanation of an alien concept, "the only fun things are when you forget life like with BTL." The bitter tone returns to her voice as she rexerts her jaundiced world view.
emo samurai
"Did you ever focus on any single genre, or did you just go for BTL's in general? I am thinking that if you look for in real life what you look for in the BTL's, many problems can be solved."
"Brandon loves life, if you like the next time we go somewhere, you can come with us. I don't think that Phoenix would mind, you'd be safe with me. Kratos or no Kratos."
"I enjoyed anything that helped forget who I was. I suppose I would like to come out with you and your son, maybe, but are you sure you could keep me safe?"
"I have taken on Feathered Serpants and Vampires, and walked out under my own steam, and they haven't. I can keep you safe."
"Jesus Christ!" Hannah seems shocked at Autumn's confidence but maybe it's just her choice of examples.
"It's all true. Although I only just managed to walk out the last time I fought Vampires and their minions. I did have to hold bits of my side together. I got shot with an asault cannon whilst wearing a stealth suit."
hannah appears silent with shock at Autumn's claim.
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"I'll show you the scars when we get in, if you like."

Autumn finds a parking place, a little away from the safehouse, and kills the engine.

"Well, we're here kids. Out you get" She moves to get out of the car herself.
emo samurai
Shen gets out of the car himself and takes a good long look at the new safehouse.
The new safe house is posher than the last, a detached house with a front garden sat off one side of a suburban street. There's a couple of bikes parked in the drive.

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emo samurai
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AS you step out the car. You both see a fairly familiar car turn a corner about thirty metres away, and start heading your way. A couple of guys are leaning ou of windows with guns. Pheonix's voice will come over the comm. "Ah fuck, take them down asap, I have their comms seriously jammed, they aren't spilling the beans to Kratos just yet." Hannah still in the back seat, clearly hears the car and a look of terror crosses her face.

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emo samurai
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I will hold until the car is level with me.
The car accelerates towards you. The distance is now about ten metres between the car and Autumn.

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emo samurai
Shen locks onto the people in the car's auras and decimates them with a veritable nuclear blast of mana.

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The manaball detonates around the car, blood spurts form the ears of the gunman hanging out of the rear drivers side window and he collapses hanging comatose out of the car. A wall of mana from somewhere protects the gunman hanging out of the front passenger side window and the spell simply washes over him. He grins as he starts to bring his gun up.

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Autumn will now attempt the insane...

She will take a running jump to flying kick through the car's windshield on the drivers' side, and attempt to severely hurt (preferably kill) whoever is sitting in the seat.

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Skidpan swore as his VR senses showed the elf bint charging his Westwind. "Crazy bitch!" he thinks as he tries the somhow avoid her attack, a jink to the right comes too late as Autumn's booted titanium laced foot shatters the wind shield, Skidpan has a breif moment to regret the fact he is in VR as Autumn leap carries her through the flying plexiglass and into the car. Skidpan's chest explodes from the impact, and Autumn's motion comes to a halt in a mess of rigger and drivers seat. A somewhat shocked man in a hoody decorated with runic embroidary stares at her in outright terror. The gunman next to her swears and shoots at her twice at point blank range.

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Jay Dee, realised he was in trouble, Kratos hadn't breifed them about this woman, he had vauge memories of some crazed stories about an indestructable elf from back when he started, but surely these where only stories. He stoped concentrating on the Manball he had wanted to cast and focused his attention on this crazy bitch. He let fly a manabolt as big as he could make it while chanting the stacatto rhymes that Hermes Trismegestris taught him.

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emo samurai
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The spell fails to penetrate the wall of spell defence Shen throws in it's way.

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Pheonix will mutter about charmed lives over the commlines and then say, "For safties sake I'll control that car. Glad to see you still know how to have a good time Autumn."

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