Jun 19 2006, 03:52 PM
QUOTE (2bit) |
Perhaps a sojourn to the metaplanes is like an LSD trip; sometimes it's a dream, sometimes it's a nightmare. |
You left out the best plot hook: sometimes you have vivid flashbacks.
Jun 19 2006, 04:34 PM
LSD flashbacks are a myth created and perpetuated by the anti-drug lobby.
James McMurray
Jun 19 2006, 04:37 PM
Then how do you explain the people that have them?
Jun 19 2006, 05:05 PM
QUOTE (James McMurray) |
Then how do you explain the people that have them? |
The people that claim to have them.
I would suspect that most of these cases are psychosomatic rather than chemical and the ones that are chemical are perpetuated by something other than LSD. LSD readily metabolizes in the liver and is removed from the body through urine. Traces do not remain in the body as is postulated by common LSD myths. However, studies do suggest that it is a nonspecific trigger for certain pre-existing conditions.
James McMurray
Jun 19 2006, 05:53 PM
So you're saying that the symptoms that I never had prior to experimenting with LSD, but now have are not real? I'm just "claiming to have them?"
While they aren't caused by LSD stored in my spinal column as many people think, I find it difficult to believe that the psychology behind them isn't due to the original influences of the drug, and that had I never experimented I probably would never have experienced the symptoms. I'd be interested in seeing a study which disproves LSD's ties to psychological occurrences later in life.
By the way, they can't be psychosomatic, because they aren't of the body, they're of the mind. They can be hallucinatory, or real but unrelated to LSD.
Jun 19 2006, 06:48 PM
well, if we can learn anything from V from Vendetta, it is that repeated use of LSD will give you superpowers such as enhanced strength, reflexes, and intelligence. the government doesn't want people to use LSD because they fear their corrupt regime will be toppled by an army of supermen!
McMurray, your description doesn't seem at odds, to me, from what hyzmarca said. had you not experimented with LSD, according to hyzmarca's post, you may very well have never experienced those symptoms--because you would have never run into anything that might trigger them.
James McMurray
Jun 19 2006, 06:50 PM
I don't remember the presence of LSD in the movie. What did I miss or what have I forgotten?
Jun 19 2006, 06:52 PM
heh, it was only in the comic. jesus, you must be insane--showing heroes blowing up buildings in order to bring about a violent regime change is all fine and good, but showing them doing drugs? who will think of the children!
/scathing mockery of hollywood
James McMurray
Jun 19 2006, 06:53 PM
Was it integral to the story? If not it might have been left out to make more time for all the preaching that went on in the flick.
Jun 19 2006, 06:58 PM
mneh, eh. remember the scene where Inspector Finch sees the whole story laid out in front of him? a similar scene occured in the comic, but it was a series of LSD hallucinations brought on by Finch's experimental use. Finch had found out that V had been repeatedly treated with LSD during the experiments, and hoped to get into V's head by trying some himself.
James McMurray
Jun 19 2006, 07:05 PM
Ah, then not really integral, and probably more likely to cause confusion in a typical theater audience. To make it work they'd have to go into more detail about V's mysterious treatments and more detail about Finch.
Jun 19 2006, 07:24 PM
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin) |
Thank you, Joseph Campbell. |
What? Just because I'm world famouse mythologist I can't get down and shoot a few Trolls now and then?
Jun 19 2006, 07:45 PM
QUOTE (mfb) |
well, if we can learn anything from V from Vendetta, it is that repeated use of LSD will give you superpowers such as enhanced strength, reflexes, and intelligence. the government doesn't want people to use LSD because they fear their corrupt regime will be toppled by an army of supermen! |
There is one instance of LSD use in V for Vendetta which is when Inspector Finch, unable to get into the head of V takes it in the closed down Larkhall concentration camp. There's a line near the beginning where Finch says something very similar to "the person we're dealing with here isn't normal - either physically or mentally. And it's the mentally part that bothers me because if I'm going to crack this - and I will - I'm going to have to get inside his head and learn how he thinks."
Finch takes the LSD to try and get past some mental block and it works - things fall into place and he sees his life clearly for the first time. It's not stated anywhere in the book that V took LSD. We know that he was used as subject in drugs trials and that it
may have affected him mentally, but there's nothing that confirms it was LSD and, indeed, why would the government be experimenting with boring old LSD anyway?
V's power comes from being entirely free and unconditioned psychologically. He is a sketch of what someone could be if they had real mental focus, drive and a lack of fear. The comic is actually more realistic than the film as there's nothing in there that someone couldn't do with disciplined training. Heck - most of us could jump onto a slow moving train's roof if we were just insane enough to do it. The point about V is that he has no brakes. He actually decides to bring down a government. Most of us would be physically capable of doing most of the things he does in the book. We're just not capable of acting that way mentally.
V reached that point through incarceration and abuse. Evey is pushed to it through torture. Finch approximates it through drug use. But it is largely realistic and that's one of the things that I liked about the book. I particularly like that near the end, and additional explanation of how he is able to do some of the things he does is provided, making everything even more plausible.
[ Spoiler ]
V has access to the centralised government computer system used by the intelligence services, thus some of his luck and coincidences suddenly seem quite reasonable.
I enjoyed the film, but I think it weakened the character a little. And the tacked on romance between Evey and V added nothing at all.
Jun 19 2006, 08:15 PM
QUOTE (knasser) |
why would the government be experimenting with boring old LSD anyway? |
You mean aside from those ten years in the fifties? Nothing comes to mind
Jun 19 2006, 08:28 PM
QUOTE (nezumi) |
You mean aside from those ten years in the fifties? Nothing comes to mind |
Well that's my point - the tech is fifty years old. Besides the government wants people it can control, not free thinkers. Prozacs where it's at.
Jun 19 2006, 09:23 PM
QUOTE (knasser) |
QUOTE (nezumi @ Jun 19 2006, 03:15 PM) | You mean aside from those ten years in the fifties? Nothing comes to mind |
Well that's my point - the tech is fifty years old. Besides the government wants people it can control, not free thinkers. Prozacs where it's at. |
Amusement factor maybe? That always works for me.
Jun 19 2006, 10:07 PM
QUOTE (knasser) |
V's power comes from being entirely free and unconditioned psychologically. |
he was given the same hormone treatment as everyone else at the camp--a treatment which caused horrible, deadly mutations in all but one of those so treated. it did something to V as well, that i can't accept as being purely psychological. just because someone is batshit insane doesn't make them able to punch holes in peoples' chests.
he wasn't treated with LSD, though. i must've misread Finch's thought bubbles, there. it's still funny, to me, that they left in the building-blowing-up but took out the drug use.
as for the romance... the word 'love' was thrown around quite a bit in the last couple issues.
Jun 19 2006, 10:33 PM
QUOTE (mfb @ Jun 19 2006, 05:07 PM) |
QUOTE (knasser) | V's power comes from being entirely free and unconditioned psychologically. |
he was given the same hormone treatment as everyone else at the camp--a treatment which caused horrible, deadly mutations in all but one of those so treated. it did something to V as well, that i can't accept as being purely psychological. just because someone is batshit insane doesn't make them able to punch holes in peoples' chests.
he wasn't treated with LSD, though. i must've misread Finch's thought bubbles, there. it's still funny, to me, that they left in the building-blowing-up but took out the drug use.
as for the romance... the word 'love' was thrown around quite a bit in the last couple issues.
Oh there's talk of love. And of course there's the story of Valerie. I applaud the director of the film version for having the balls to leave that in. But between Evey and V there's nothing physical. I always liked the scene where they're dancing together and Evey makes this totally hamfisted attempt to find out why V isn't interested in her.
As to the fingers through the chest, that's as super-powered as it gets. We don't even get to see the wound in much detail. As far as V's super-human abiliities go, we've got Finch's "I've a nasty feeling he did this with his fingers" and the end where V manages to stay standing after having been shot three (four?) times. Not for very long, mind you. So it pushes the envelope a little bit, but not so much and never in a way that the story depends on.
I think Alan Moore regretted some of the earlier, more super-heroey stuff as the comic progressed. The start is still a bit forced compared to the rest of the series. But the character of V I think is great. It's similar to Neal Stephenson's bit in Snow Crash about how if we could only dedicate our lives to it, if only our parents were killed by mobsters and we became obsessed with vengeance, then we could be a bad motherfucker. V is the one who has found the way to do that, to remove all the brakes from his mind. That's far more important than any mere physical attributes he has.
EDIT: Absolutely agree, btw. It's hillarious that they leave in several murders, a massive bombing campaign but the drug use has to be cut.
James McMurray
Jun 19 2006, 11:17 PM
I don't think he LSD was removed because of any squeemishness about drugs, but more likely because it isn't necessary and would just confuse things.
Jun 19 2006, 11:33 PM
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
QUOTE (mfb @ Jun 18 2006, 05:27 PM) | i have to agree with eidolon. the D&D system works just fine, if you use it as intended rather than using it as a straightjacket. |
But the alignment system is a straightjacket. Asside from roleplaying fluff its primary purpose is to determine which magical items you can and cannot use and which classes you can and cannot be.
It also determines what spells your deity will or will not grant you for clerics, it also determines how your character is most likely to act in a given situation. Alignment does not have to be followed exactly, its merely a guideline, I'd say its almost expected you walk outside it sometimes.
Lawful Good person disagrees with a law he thinks is doing more harm than good he's more likely to go and try to get it repealed/changed/whatever. However, it is entirely possible they will break this law if it interferes with the good aspect of their alignment. Does this make them neutral or chaotic now? No. They broke a law once out of how many times would they normally have obeyed it?
As for Paladins getting screwed by it... read the Book of Exalted Deeds for some messed up stuff you can do to make people fall from grace.
Back to depressing settings. They can be fun, if as someone said before the PCs are allowed to shine in their own way without neccessarily compromising. Look at Fallout as an example. Being good didn't always compromise your goal. Sometimes being evil and taking the better (but more dubious) offer would get you more. But it didn't always.
James McMurray
Jun 19 2006, 11:46 PM
McMurray, your description doesn't seem at odds, to me, from what hyzmarca said. had you not experimented with LSD, according to hyzmarca's post, you may very well have never experienced those symptoms--because you would have never run into anything that might trigger them. |
I just noticed this, was it an edit? In any case, that's definitely true, but doesn't mean I'm not having LSD induced states of mind. They aren't caused by actual LSD, but the LSD is the root cause, hence they qualify as flashbacks in my mind. It's probable that we're both just using different meanings for the word flashback.
How did I miss the D&D references? I gotta jump in on those discussions, whether I actually care about the topic or not.

Unfortunately I'm reduced to just saying "what X-calibur said." It's only a straightjacket if your gaming group decides not to use it as written.
Jun 20 2006, 12:49 AM
yeah, it was an edit. it sounds like you and hyzmarca basically agree on this, as his main point was that post-LSD flashbacks aren't caused by physical remnants of the drug in the user's system. whether the post-use flashbacks are caused by pre-existing conditions that are triggered by LSD use, or whether LSD use creates those conditions is another question.
Jun 20 2006, 01:27 AM
I was also being a little nitpicky about technical definitions. Some studies define LSD flashbacks in such a broad way that many people who have no mental disorders and have never taken any hallucinogens could qualify.
Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder is a very specific and very rare diagnosis. It is what most people think of when they think of 'flashbacks' but the popular perception of LSD flashbacks doesn't really match HPPD. I certainly won't argue that HPPD isn't a real condition. It most certainly is. I will argue that one diagnostic criterion is flawed. By definition, one must have taken a hallucinogen to have HPPD but there isn't really enough research to support the assertion that hallucinogen use is a prerequisite for HPPD symptoms. The condition is simply that rare.
Likewise, the fact that HPPD has been tied to a wide variety of hallucinogenic substances (not just LSD) suggests that the the hallucinogen use simply triggers altered perceptions in people susceptible to them. The wide variety of different responses to hallucinogens supports this hypothesis, as well.
Jun 21 2006, 02:48 AM
You know, another problem with the "selling out" thing occurred to me. It shouldn't always work out that simply! Taking the easy road might get you ahead... but it might also get you betrayed, swerved, or tied down to some corporation or criminal organization.
For example, one sammie turns down a sick job (shooting a kid in front of his dad, for a mafia boss). The other sammie's will crumbles, though, when the don offers to give the street-level sammie some level: 2 wired reflexes at the mafia's own clinic for doing the job. Afterwards, though, he wakes up with boosted reflexes: 1 ("What, you thought we'd waste the good stuff on street trash like you?") and a cortex bomb ("Just remember who owns you now"). Extreme example, but if you betray friends, do things that even other 'runners frown upon, and deal with the nastier end of Seattle's shadows, it should come back and bite you sometimes.
James McMurray
Jun 21 2006, 02:51 AM
IF he's going to own you via cortex bomb, it's not a waste to put in wired 2. Better tools are by definition, well, better.
Jun 21 2006, 03:25 AM
No, actually, they aren't. Key is in realizing that there are two "better"s there—one is "better tool", the other is "better for the user", and the two do not have a direct correlation.
Jun 21 2006, 03:40 AM
I've always thought that cortex bombs should have a lower availibility. You can't take them at chargen in SR3 or SR4. I don't think that's right. A cortex bomb can be integral to certain character concepts.
Someone might mention the Cortex Bomb flaw. Yes, that is great for some people but the flaw assumes that another party will control the bomb. In cases where you control your own cortex bomb it isn't much of a flaw.
Considering some of the crap Shadowrunners can get themselves in I'm surprised that more runners don't have their own cortex bombs installed as a final solution to an inescapable situation.
Stuck in an Invae cacoon? Cortex Bomb.
Traped in Deus' arcology? Cortex Bomb.
Tortured and interrogated? Afraid you'll break and betray your friends? Cortex Bomb. Cortex Bomb.
Wendigo eating you alive? Cortex Bomb. Cortex Bomb. Cortex Bomb.
With a catchy jingle like that I suspect that many wageslaves will be begging for the things.
Jun 21 2006, 04:00 AM
Depressed 'cause Stuffer Shack sent the bill?
Don't worry, just explode your head at will.
That's right. Use the original cortex bomb, the Renraku Brain-Be-Gone. Accept no substitutes and use only Renraku Brain-Be-Gone accessories.
The Renraku Brain-Be-Gone...when you absolutely can't pay the dinner check.
Jun 21 2006, 07:09 AM
Bah. Forget cortex bombs. Do it like Raven from Snow Crash - have your own personal nuke, set to go off if you ever kack it.
James McMurray
Jun 21 2006, 12:47 PM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi @ Jun 20 2006, 10:25 PM) |
No, actually, they aren't. Key is in realizing that there are two "better"s there—one is "better tool", the other is "better for the user", and the two do not have a direct correlation. |
Move along little fella, your intellectual posturing is unnecessary here. ones which would apply to tools are 1, 2, 3b, 4a, 5a, and 11a. All of those involve a tool that is more capable of performing it's tasks.
Edit: And because I know you think dictionaries are wrong when they contradict you, there's also: The applicable ones are 4 and 5.
Or perhaps you prefer There you'll be interested in adjective definitions 1, 2, and 5.
Jun 21 2006, 01:32 PM
See, here I thought you were just misguided, rather than being a fucking idiot. Has the concept of "return on investment" never crossed your tiny brain?
James McMurray
Jun 21 2006, 01:46 PM
You have pretty much infinite potential for return on investment, because the guy will likely end up working for you for life. The more capable he is, the faster you get the return on the investment.
Not resort to cursing by the way. Very intellectual of you. I know I'm impressed.*
* Because I realize you probably would be willfully ignorant enough to assume that was true, here's the "it's sarcasm" disclaimer.
Calvin Hobbes
Jun 21 2006, 03:34 PM
You can just get an alphaware tooth capsule with FUGU in it.
James McMurray
Jun 21 2006, 03:36 PM
The tooth capsule can't be high explosives capable of taking out the people that took you out.
Jun 22 2006, 02:45 AM
The reason that I would have them give the sammie boosted instead of wired-2, is that they would not consider an expendable street punk to be worth the cost. Hell, even their own soldiers don't all have wired reflexes. So he's a slave. Most mafia joygirls probably are, too, but you can bet the don doesn't spring for tailored pheromes for all of them.
I mean, let's face it, someone coerced into serving you out of fear for his life isn't going to be the most reliable person in the world. He'll constantly be on the lookout for a way to get the bomb disarmed, will screw you over whenever he thinks he can do so undetected, and over the long term he might become suicidal or break under the stress. So they give him the cheap stuff, and occasionally coerce him into doing nasty jobs for them.
James McMurray
Jun 22 2006, 12:27 PM
Cool. I disagree, but me not agreeing with someone isn't a rare occurrence.

I don't think it would be done in all cases (disposable soldiers are easier to get with trickery or bribery than cortex bombs). But when a long term asset is needed, and the cortex bomb is your best bet for doing it, making the tool more survivable means more return on the investment.
Jun 22 2006, 12:58 PM
yeah. the guy who gets wire-2 and a cortex bomb, though, is probably the guy who's already proven himself. he's basically either going to be a PC, or a major threat to the PCs.
James McMurray
Jun 22 2006, 01:05 PM
Wounded Ronin
Jun 22 2006, 10:53 PM
QUOTE (James McMurray) |
The tooth capsule can't be high explosives capable of taking out the people that took you out. |
I don't want to die in such a way that makes people think I was ripping off Duke Leto from Dune.
"Hmm, poison tooth capsule."
"Bah, he just liked sci fi too much."
BTW, the best cock-blocked suicide I've ever read was in the "Way of the Tiger" series of Fighting Fantasy solo adventure books where you play the roll of an 80s ninja.
In book 1 when the ninja grandmaster is giving you the philosophical Caine pep talk he says something to the effect of, "A true ninja fears only failure of the mission, and not capture and torture in and of itself, because there is always time to bite the tongue and bleed to death."
So there's this point all the way forward in book 3 where if you "lose" the bad guys are coming to torture you to death by breaking you on the wheel, right? So your guy bites his tongue, but because it's a magical fantasy setting one of the death clerics runs up and casts Cure Light Wounds or something on you to stop you from bleeding to death, and then they break you on the wheel.
Who said that clerics can't twist your nutsack with the best of them?
Jun 22 2006, 11:01 PM
meh, Duke Leto is hardly the only figure--literary or real--to use a poison capsule to kill themselves. it's a staple of a lot of spy fiction. personally, i didn't think of Leto at all until you mentioned him.
Wounded Ronin
Jun 22 2006, 11:11 PM
QUOTE (mfb) |
meh, Duke Leto is hardly the only figure--literary or real--to use a poison capsule to kill themselves. it's a staple of a lot of spy fiction. personally, i didn't think of Leto at all until you mentioned him. |
Eh, well, overall, it's just too passive aggressive for my taste. I really would prefer the cortext bomb just because it's at least plain old normal aggressive.
Actually, Cure Light Wounds clerics of death aside, I think it would be pretty cool to have a character who could ninja his own tongue off and bleed to death. I have no idea if that's a medically accurate way to kill yourself or not but personally as GM I would let that fly on account of 80s shtick.
As a GM, would you allow a character to bite off his or her own tongue and bleed to death? If so, what rules would you use for it?
I'd say that the character must first succeed in a Willpower (10) test (centering can come in handy, I guess) representing both overcoming the natural resistance to biting off your own tongue and also pressing through the organ through the pain to finish the job properly once started. Then the character will begin to take Physical damage as though they unstabilized; 1 box per combat turn. As long as the character is left alone for enough time to fill up his or her Physical condition monitor he or she will ninja to death.
Jun 22 2006, 11:23 PM
bite it off, i dunno. it sounds plausible, i guess, but it'd take a while. maybe a box per minute or so. swallow it, sure--again, it wouldn't be immediate; i'd cook up some variant on the drowning rules. i mean, i'm not a doctor. i just play one at your mom's house. ooooooohhhhh!
Jun 22 2006, 11:56 PM
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin) |
Eh, well, overall, it's just too passive aggressive for my taste. I really would prefer the cortext bomb just because it's at least plain old normal aggressive. |
Plant a gun with a high-velocity armor-piercing round inside your skull. Don't give it an exit port, and make sure you're looking at someone you don't like when you pull the trigger.
As for rules for tongue-biting, sounds decent—maybe a little fast. I'd also say that if you try to swallow the blood (to keep from alerting your captors) you'd need to make either Body or Willpower tests every turn with increasing difficulty to avoid vomiting.
Jun 23 2006, 01:06 AM
I think I'd like a cyberarm with a subtac nuke in it.
"For when you absoloutely, positively have to blow the fraggers who fragged you."
James McMurray
Jun 23 2006, 03:02 AM
I'd probably require some sort of willpower rolls if you're trying to bite your tongue off with no pain editor or other means of making it not hurt like hell.
Jun 23 2006, 03:44 AM
oh, yeah, definitely. probably Will (8) or so. may as well blow all your karma on it!
Jun 23 2006, 04:38 PM
QUOTE (mfb) |
oh, yeah, definitely. probably Will ( or so. may as well blow all your karma on it! |
Many things are
are possible.
I wish I had a better link where it describes not only cutting through the nerves in the arm, one by one (*twang*) but the fact that when he stumbled back to civilisation he initially waited in the bushes for half an hour because there was a family picnicing and he didn't want to scare the children.
Not saying it ain't Willpower(

, but just that people can do it.
Oh yeah, Leto wasn't trying to kill himself. The tooth had been implanted by his mentat who had arranged for Leto's capture and had hypnotised him to bite down on it when the Baron got close enough to get caught in the poison cloud. It was an assasination attempt, not a suicide bid.
Jun 23 2006, 06:28 PM
Self-amputation isn't that unusual although it is mostly limited to people who have BIID. Self-amputation with a pen-knife is abut extreme. Usually these things are accomplished with
chainsaws and shotguns. I wonder exactly how he got through the bone. A pen knife wouldn't be able to cut if. He'd have to saw through very slowly or just snap it off. Either method would be very painfull.
As for bitting off the tougue, it can be fatal but it often isn't. Consider that tongue-splitting is becomming more and more common. The tongue is very vascular but it is mostly just a colection of muscles. If you sever a blood vessel profuse bleeding can result. If you don't sever a vessel it will still bleed but not nearly enough to kill. The trick to suicide by tongue bitting is to bite far enough back from the tip that you do sever a blood vessel. Unfortunatly, I don't know the average rate of blood loss from such a wound. I know it is difficult to stop but I don't believe that it is fast enough to kill within 30 seconds. It would almsot certainly take several minutes.
The biggest problem with tongue wounds isn't the rate of bleeding but the fact that it is very difficult to stop, from what I understand. Likewise, the risk of infection is rather high. This comes from research on
tongue-piercing and tongue-splitting rather than tongue severing so it may not be accurate for suicide attempts.
Personally, I think the best suicides by tongue-biting involve spitting the severed tongue at a captor and laughing like a maniac while blood flows down your chin. Sure, they can heal you but they can't make you talk. If they try to cauterize the wound with a hot iron you can be really hardcore and force your head down on it so the heat destroys your airway.
John Campbell
Jun 23 2006, 06:44 PM
My preferred method of suicide is high-Force Deadly Ball Lightning centered on myself, with every die of Sorcery, Spell Pool, and Karma I've got behind it.
Area-effect elemental manipulations are more fun when you're planning to spectacularly fail to soak the Drain!
Eyeless Blond
Jun 24 2006, 01:12 AM
QUOTE (nezumi) |
QUOTE (knasser @ Jun 19 2006, 03:28 PM) | QUOTE (nezumi @ Jun 19 2006, 03:15 PM) | You mean aside from those ten years in the fifties? Nothing comes to mind |
Well that's my point - the tech is fifty years old. Besides the government wants people it can control, not free thinkers. Prozacs where it's at. |
Amusement factor maybe? That always works for me.
Fifty-year old technology? Sounds like the government to me.