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With the remote service and good intel, elemental make relentless assassin's. Depenant on force their intellengence can be higher than most humans and in some cases very high IQ's.
For mundanes the fear of such spectral killer must poses some threat and apprehension. eek.gif
How do you think this would manifest on the street?
In slang? In culture? In practice of the mega corps and the mage societies? In the minds and actions of mundane runners?
Playing a mage character, I doubt I would send off an Elemental on an assassination mission.

There's too much of a chance it would be captured or otherwise lead the target back to me.

"If you're going to kill someone, stick your sword in him." ~ Belgarath the Sorcerer
Risky and expensive, for most mundanes the threat of elemental assassins won't be significantly greater than the risk of ordinary assassins (for a couple thousand nuyen you could probably hire a ganger to off most ordinary Joes). More important people already have to be protected against mages, so they're already protected.

don't summoned spirits carry the astral sig of their summoner?

child of insanity
isn't there a way to offset that? can masking help?
I'm not sure. Changing your signature when you initiate might be able to, if you summon the elemental prior to initiating.

QUOTE (Kagetenshi @ Oct 7 2006, 03:21 PM)
I'm not sure. Changing your signature when you initiate might be able to, if you summon the elemental prior to initiating.


I would say that the next time you call a bound elemental for a service, it would take on your current signature.

If you have a bound elemental present during an initiatory ritual where you change your aura signature, I would say that the change would propagate to the elemental.

If the elemental were karma-bound, I would say the same as the above.

If the elemental were karma-bound to someone else, I would say that no change would occur as long as it remained assigned to that person.
QUOTE (child of insanity)
can masking help?

If your Initiate Grade is high enough, you can conceal the entire elemental, but it can't change the elemental's signature (i.e. yours).


Unless you want to allow Masking to have an additional power.

But if Masking can alter a signature, that would open up a small can of worms, from my perspective.
QUOTE (RainOfSteel)
I would say that the next time you call a bound elemental for a service, it would take on your current signature.


QUOTE (Kagetenshi @ Oct 7 2006, 05:01 PM)
QUOTE (RainOfSteel @ Oct 7 2006, 04:40 PM)
I would say that the next time you call a bound elemental for a service, it would take on your current signature.



It is possible to rule either way on the subject.

I chose to rule that way because I simply believe it would work that way.

"I summon up a bunch of elementals, initiate to change my signature, and dispatch the elementals on murder missions worry-free".

Ah, no.

If a mage uses Conjuring to capture an elemental, then I also believe that it immediately takes on the mage's signature, although I would rule that the prior mage's signature could be studied for 1 hour per Force point of the elemental.
I'm wondering what leads you to believe it's possible to rule that way.

As for your example, why no? Not only is it not worry-free (unless the possibility of failure is totally unworrying), it's hideously expensive—it means giving up a significant guaranteed benefit at initiation for a variable-value gamble.

QUOTE (Kagetenshi @ Oct 7 2006, 05:47 PM)
I'm wondering what leads you to believe it's possible to rule that way.

As for your example, why no? Not only is it not worry-free (unless the possibility of failure is totally unworrying), it's hideously expensive—it means giving up a significant guaranteed benefit at initiation for a variable-value gamble.


From my viewpoint, it fits with the spirit of the rest of the rules.

Or, put another way, I think the SR authors would have ruled it that way. That is, of course, only my opinion.

Part of it is also that I feel that the mage's control over the elemental is revealed by the presence of the aura signature on the elemental.

I believe that if you call an elemental for a service, and you've changed signatures via initiation, then if your signature doesn't propagate to the elemental (I think I might allow the mage a choice), then the elemental would dissipate and any remaining services would be lost.

No signature on the elmental = no control of the elemental.

Another part is that I feel this causes fewer problems.

I feel going the other way requires a complete chart of answers to what happens to extant signature links when a signature is changed via initiation (to anchoring foci, etc.). My ruling avoids even bringing the question up.
err... don't have my book in front of me, but isn't there a 'Flexible Signature' metamagic in the core book that makes your aura/signature appear different, as well as making astral signature go away faster?

edit:sorry, SR4
While it's a scary possibility, I don't think its anymore likely or scarier than mundane assassination.

One, mages willing to be assassinate are probably at least as rare as mundane assassins.

Two, I don't see why their intelligence is important. IMO, it's not like elementals can or like to problem solve in the mundane plane as they have no familiarity or interest in human affairs. I don't imagine an elemental doing anything with tact, if that's what you mean.

Three, as mentioned, there is also the issue that elementals always give away the person who "hired" them.
child of insanity
could you not order the killing, and then order them to erase the signature and leave?
QUOTE (child of insanity)
could you not order the killing, and then order them to erase the signature and leave?
Only if you can summon Spirits Of The Elements and you have the Invoking metamagic. Spirits summoned by a hermetic mage (ie elementals) cannot do this, however Wuxing allows you to summon Spirits Of The Five Elements (MitS p17) of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. And Wind (p106). So, six elements, one of which (metal) doesn't have a spirit type associated with it. So, five.
If summoned into its Great Form it will have the power of Cleansing (p107) and cleanse the signature it creates... except that Cleansing (p74) says "For cleansing to be effective, the cause of the background count must first be removed." ie the spirit itself. So really the Cleansing provided by a Great Form Spirit of the Elements is only good for cleansing your signature once you flee the crime scene. Its signature will remain; however if it is only low force that signature will dissipate far faster than the high force powerball's signature it was erasing would have.

QUOTE (RainOfSteel)
I believe that if you call an elemental for a service, and you've changed signatures via initiation, then if your signature doesn't propagate to the elemental (I think I might allow the mage a choice), then the elemental would dissipate and any remaining services would be lost.
Though there are no rules to say so, this is what I would go along with if a player kept a spirit around for ages and in the meantime changed his or her signature. Next time he called on the elemental it would reply "who are you?" "the guy who summoned you" "no you're not; I distinctly remember the flavour of his signature... and yours isn't it - stop bothering me". On the other hand, the mage's ally spirit is built around its core Magic point, and that Magic point came from / is part of the essence of the mage, so as soon as his signature changes, the ally's signature would update simultaneously. If the ally were to go free, sever the connection between that Magic point and its donor, then any signature changes made by the mage would not affect the free spirit's signature.
QUOTE (odei @ Oct 8 2006, 12:16 AM)
While it's a scary possibility, I don't think its anymore likely or scarier than mundane assassination.

One, mages willing to be assassinate are probably at least as rare as mundane assassins.

Two, I don't see why their intelligence is important. IMO, it's not like elementals can or like to problem solve in the mundane plane as they have no familiarity or interest in human affairs. I don't imagine an elemental doing anything with tact, if that's what you mean.

Three, as mentioned, there is also the issue that elementals always give away the person who "hired" them.

To address your points.
Mundane assassins are not invisable then bullet proof and do not heal wounds at rate of minutes outside of combat. Niether do they have magic powers.

Their intellegence is important because it governs how they interepret their orders with in a situation. "Kill them".
For example allows a highly intellegent elemental to use it's powers as it see's fit, whom to attack, how it tracks a target etc

Finally if your a mega corp mage that isn't going to leave your extra territorial enclave you don't care if a magician can tell you sent the elemental to kill a mundane, whom by the way couldn't tell.
Slithery D
QUOTE (Bodak)
If summoned into its Great Form it will have the power of Cleansing (p107) and cleanse the signature it creates... except that Cleansing (p74) says "For cleansing to be effective, the cause of the background count must first be removed." ie the spirit itself.

That's not right. The presence of spirits doesn't cause background, magical/emotional activity does. Killing someone, casting a spell, using a spirit power, torturing someone, prayer/worship, sitting in a cubicle dwelling on the pointlessness of your life and career, etc. Those are the causes that must be "removed," which for temporary background really means "stopped."
A high Intelligence in an elemental assassin isn't neccessarily a good thing.

Remember that spirits aren't the most willing of servants. An elemental with a high Intelligence is likelier to use that high Intelligence to pervert the intentions of its orders, or to cause complications for the summoning mage. A lot of that may depend on how the summoner treats his elementals, of course.
It might matter how a summoner treats his spirits or elementals if the spirits or elementals were independent beings, but they are not. They are merely manifestations of the summoner's will, and as such, disobedience from them indicates nothing more than disorder in the summoner's own mind.

Damn "spirit rights" activists.

QUOTE (Slithery D)
QUOTE (Bodak @ Oct 8 2006, 07:42 AM)
If summoned into its Great Form it will have the power of Cleansing (p107) and cleanse the signature it creates... except that Cleansing (p74) says "For cleansing to be effective, the cause of the background count must first be removed." ie the spirit itself.

That's not right. The presence of spirits doesn't cause background, magical/emotional activity does. Killing someone, casting a spell, using a spirit power,

So since we are talking about spirit assassins (or assassin's if you prefer) that involves killing someone (usually). And creating the consequential background count of violence. Since child of insanity suggested Cleansing I showed that it's only Great Form Spirits of the Elements who can have Cleansing as a power. You say using a spirit power causes a background count (such as a GFSotE using its own spirit power, Cleansing, as its conjuror instructed it to do) and MitS says Cleansing is ineffective unless the source of the background count (that is, the spirit whose power is being activated in this case, or the spirit who's just killed someone) is removed.

Or are you saying that while the spirit is on remote service, background count is generated around the conjuror since he is the one with the malevolent scheme to kill someone, and the elemental is merely his unthinking weapon? The old argument that "guns don't kill people; people kill people"?
Slithery D
It's ongoing death/emotion/magic use that creates background count. (Except for very large does of one of these, which create a permanent background count.)

So all you need to do is stop killing people, stop any bystanders from screaming or carrying on, stop using spirit powers. Summoning a (somewhat powerful) spirit might, if you're a pain in the ass GM, cause a brief background count of 1. A spirit hanging around, or a spell simply being sustained, does not.

What can't be Cleansed under SR3 rules is a site with ongoing emotional output - a torture chamber with living victims, a prison with inmates, a hospital with patients, a particularly soulless and grim cubicle farm with wageslaves at work.
I didn't say elementals weren't well-equipped for combat. I still don't think an elemental would do a crafty job killing anyone. Just move in astrally, manifest, do the job and depart ASAP. Elementals are supposed to be very single-minded.

If subtley is an issue, this is also important. A mundane assassin may kill the target discretely in any manner or a mage could cast spells at a distance, but an elemental has no choice but to make an obvious appearance and use violent means.

And while a mage could sit back in a corporate enclave while their elemental does the dirty work, if any magician is present at the scene then the summoner's signature at the time is known and they can still be traced back to the enclave. Even if the mage isn't indentified personally, it may be more obvious what group is responsible while a good covert operative may never be identified at all.

There's also the issue of astral barriers, which spirits just can't get around without alerting someone (if they jump metaplanes, that's an extra service so they have to attack on a remote service).

I'm not saying elementals don't make good assassins. They do seem like they would be rare and lack subtlety.
QUOTE (odei)
I still don't think an elemental would do a crafty job killing anyone. Just move in astrally, manifest, do the job and depart ASAP.
If the target is dual natured they don't need to manifest. If the target is exclusively on the physical plane, then manifesting will do nothing except alert the target an elemental is in the room. The spirit would actually need to materialise onto the physical plane to affect a physical being.

QUOTE (Slithery D)
It's ongoing death/emotion/magic use that creates background count. <snip>
So all you need to do is stop killing people, stop any bystanders from screaming or carrying on, stop using spirit powers.
Agreed. So if the spirit is using a spirit power (in this case, the power of Cleansing) then the source of the background count is still present. For cleansing to work, the spirit must stop using its spirit powers, ie stop cleansing. Then no background count is being generated or sustained. So then it is free to begin cleansing. Except that as soon as it does, it is using a spirit power and thus cleansing cannot be performed.

This demonstrates my point that a GFSotE can cleanse the signature of one of your spells (eg a powerbolt) because the source has already been removed (you are no longer casting powerbolt). However, the spirit cannot erase the signature it leaves by its presence / activity. Nevertheless if your powerbolt was force 8 that signature would have hung around for 8 hours; if your force 2 GFSotE cleanses it away there will only be a 2 hour period before the much weaker spirit signature dissipates.

I thought cleansing removed background counts, and you had to use sorcery to remove your astral signature?

I don't have MITS on hand to be certain, but I seem to recall the two being different. Or at least, I vividly recall my GM saying that they're explicitly different.

And even if they aren't -- why would cleansing leave any residue behind? It's the act of cleaning up a background count. Saying it creates one is counter-intuitive. Picking up a mess creates one?
I see I need to be more specific. Think not in the terms of the shadowrunners using elementals as assassins but rather elementals being sent to kill a mundane shadowrunner.
Direct and lacking in subtly but that dosen't matter where the SINless barren living runner is concerned.
My question relates to the effects this tactic would have on the street slang and culture.
Sorry, you did say runners... I was actually thinking corp vs. corp. I would be a scared little street sammie to wake up with an elemental in my bedroom. :eek:
QUOTE (Bodak)

If summoned into its Great Form it will have the power of Cleansing (p107) [...] cleansing your signature once you flee the crime scene.

Cleansing does not remove astral signatures.

It removes temporary background count.

As far as I know, they aren't the same thing.
QUOTE (Pendaric)
I see I need to be more specific. Think not in the terms of the shadowrunners using elementals as assassins but rather elementals being sent to kill a mundane shadowrunner.
Direct and lacking in subtly but that dosen't matter where the SINless barren living runner is concerned.
My question relates to the effects this tactic would have on the street slang and culture.

I do not believe it would happen enough to make a significant impact in cultural linguistics.

For ordinary people, it would be easier, cheaper, and safer to hire thugs through multiple cut-outs.

For getting rid of Shadowrunners, I wouldn't trust an elemental. It would be best to launch a terminating shadowrun.
Except for the fear factor. Shadow runners are usaed to shooting people and being shot at. They are less used to fighting living flames that wish to burn them alive.
Or am I being simplistic?
Also the standard rate for wet work is ten thousand, so an elemental would cost at most six thousand and bit for the mage would it really be cheaper if you hire talent comsumate to the challenge?
QUOTE (Dawnshadow)
I thought cleansing removed background counts, and you had to use sorcery to remove your astral signature?
QUOTE (RainOfSteel)
Cleansing does not remove astral signatures.
QUOTE (MitS p74)
Cleansing background count also erases any other astral traces and signatures associated with the background count. If a character wishes to assense an area for information, it must be done before any cleansing is performed.
QUOTE (MitS p83)
Background count can be generated in many ways, including the following:
<> The emotions common during acts of violence
<> Natural death or homicide
<> Strong or prolonged magical activity, including ritual sorcery, extremely high-Force spells or conjurings
QUOTE (SR3 p172)
Magical skills produce an astral signature on anything affected by them, which can be detected using assensing. An astral signature is the magical "fingerprint" of the magician who created it. A signature lasts for a number of hours equal to the Force of the magical effect after the magical effect ends. You can attempt to erase your astral signature from a target by making a test using the appropriate skill (Sorcery for spells and Conjuring for spirits) against the Force of the spell or spirit. The inherent signatures of magical things like existing spells, spirits and foci cannot be erased.

So my point is if you're in a street fight and don't want a six hour signature hanging around saying "this specific mage was here and fired a force 6 powerbolt at some gangers and there they are dead" you could (if you were a Wujen with Invoking) summon a GFSotE and command it to cleanse the area to erase your signature. You then flee. The SotE then spends 12 complex actions cleansing away the background count caused by your magical homicidal act of violence and erasing your signature. It then expires. The astral forensic investigator turns up later and if he's lucky the signature of the spirit will still be lurking around, but if it was a low force SotE its signature may already have dissipated. It can't erase its own signature.

When sending an elemental as an assassin, it will be high force. It also will not have the power of Cleansing because an elemental is not a spirit of the elements. The background count it creates and your accompanying signature will hang around for Force hours after the elemental has left.
Using an elemental as a trigger-thing would be a vicious card to play, and one that only the Awakened would traditionally be in the least prepared to resist. Being engulfed by an Elemental would be the sort of thing most runners would hope only to experience in simsense horror. It'd be brutally effective, nigh-impossible to resist and, if done properly, chances are the body won't be found before the astral signature has worn away. It's not like you'd need a force-8 fire elemental to reduce Bob the Samurai to a small pile of ash. Also, it doesn't have to be the summon, engulf and eliminate route every time- with a little planning and forethought on the part of the summoning mage and care given in the issued instructions, almost any method available to the physical assassin is available to the ethereal one, with the added advantage that there will be a reduced or non-existant level of physical evidence remaining. And how many police departments (normally understaffed and overstretched at the best of times) are going to be able to get an Awakened detective or forensic specialist on the scene in short order?

As to its place in the vernacular: Ghosted? Wizwhacked?

QUOTE (Blaze)
It'd be brutally effective, nigh-impossible to resist and, if done properly, chances are the body won't be found before the astral signature has worn away. It's not like you'd need a force-8 fire elemental to reduce Bob the Samurai to a small pile of ash.
On the other hand if your elemental was sent against a fisherman (or even worse, someone working in a fishing shop) then you'd better hope it was force 8 or higher.

If you were only eliminating a competitor in the shadows then sure, their compadres may not look for them / miss them for at least 8 hours by which your signature has faded, but if your target was a corporate goon, the security cameras will make sure even though the corp can't save the target, they'll sure track down whoever wanted to screw up their research and give them some 'reconditioning'. Big corps can and do afford wagemages for these kind of investigations.

QUOTE (Blaze)
almost any method available to the physical assassin is available to the ethereal one,
The only differences really are that an elemental can't take a weapon with it and has to rely on its Unarmed skill or magical powers; an elemental has no other skills, such as Stealth; and an elemental has to contend with Wards, which a mundane assassin could just stroll through. Other things like the Armour / Immunity to normal weapons and Boosted reflexes / +10 to Initiative while materialised, etc are comparable.
Thanks Blaze your first person to actuial post a reply to my question.
Perhapes "having a demon on his tail" might be entered into the vernacular.
I try. smile.gif

I note also that nearly everyone has assumed assassination must go down the pistol-to-the-back-of-the-head route. Or sniping, or cleaving in half with a fire axe- you get the idea: overt killings. In my book, a successful assassination is one where two and two aren't put together for hours, days or weeks (or, hopefully, never). Elementals have their uses for this- gas main explosions? Sudden freak subsidence? Unexplained windshear? Catastrophic aircon failure leading to suffocation? Drowning due to sudden density changes in water?

QUOTE (Blaze)
And how many police departments (normally understaffed and overstretched at the best of times) are going to be able to get an Awakened detective or forensic specialist on the scene in short order?

As to its place in the vernacular: Ghosted? Wizwhacked?


Taking the security template from New Seattle (pg. 111) an astral mage or spirit, or security drone will be on scene between 1 and 18 combat rounds depending on the zone. so 1 in 3 times there is a violent criminal incident an astrally present mage will respond (where they will view an astral signature which they will immediately recall if they ever see again). A combat mage in person will be on the scene in between 10 and 36 combat turns depending on the zone.

(all that really does is indicate that the security template is totally broken, but I suppose its a canon-ish response time, and reflects the number of mages that police can call on.)

i think you're right that the advantage of the elemental assassin would be in causing deaths that didn't look like assassinations.
Nothing like a sub-two-minute worst-case response time. I can see how Lone Star got their contract.

QUOTE (Bodak)
QUOTE (MitS p74)
Cleansing background count also erases any other astral traces and signatures associated with the background count. If a character wishes to assense an area for information, it must be done before any cleansing is performed.

I suppose the keyphrase is "associated with the background count".

By a strict reading of the background count rules, if a spell was cast in a violent way, it would create a background count of at least 1 (cough, cough, what a joke!) for a while.

I concede that I was wrong.


(And I also do not quite run background count that way, because otherwise large cities would be nothing but background count.)
So even though my GFSotE can cleanse the area in 12 complex actions its own signature will still be glaringly obvious when the astral detective comes projecting to the scene of the crime. Shame. Looks like the GFSotE might need a Watcher Attack Pack ™ entourage.
QUOTE (Bodak)
[...] Watcher Attack Pack ™ entourage.

Can you explain or point me at a link? (My imagination gives rise to many ideas, but I'm looking for exactly what it is you mean.)
QUOTE (RainOfSteel)
And I also do not quite run background count that way, because otherwise large cities would be nothing but background count.
Oh I agree, for sure. Fortunately background count hangs around for days, or hours, or however long the GM wants. This thread was about that... and I guess it's an easy 'volume control' for the GM to turn up or turn down how eager players are to use magic in certain parts of the city, etc. But I agree - it would be very unattractive to play in a game where everywhere you went there was a background count.
Watchers on their own are very easily killed but when you have a normal spirit (whether that is an elemental, a spirit of the elements, or an ally spirit) and you know it's going to be in astral combat, you can summon your maximum number of watcher spirits and send them along with the primary spirit to give an insane Friends in Combat bonus to the primary spirit.

In this case the idea was to ambush the astral investigator and beat him to pulp with the GFSotE, with the watchers providing Friends in Combat to make sure the SotE wins each round.

It's a cheap trick, and one that can easily provoke the dm into having a retaliation watcher pack follow you around astrally and smash you every time you perceive or project.
Perhapes I should of used the term hit instead of asassination. My thought was this was more to send a message tactic than to be subtle, though with the right worded instruction this is possible approach. "Kill him/her when she is alone etc"
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