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Heck if we cant agree on what our constitution says in 200 years or so.... what makes you think we can agree on something important in a year or so smile.gif
Blind optimism?
The fact that we can all agree we love Shadowrun?

The fact that we're a smaller group of people than compose the nation?

The fact that noone benifits from our being a divided populace and therefore no one manipulates the debate in an effort to divide us on stupid, minor issues we have neither the capacity nor the right to decide?

The fact that I am so obviously right that you can't help but bow down before my greatness. (Oh, shit, I forgot. My improved ability (debate) power doesn't work online!)
The fact that we can all agree we love Shadowrun?

Agree! Though then again I love this country smile.gif

The fact that we're a smaller group of people than compose the nation?

Hmm smaller then compose the nation perhaps, I'm not positive I would wager on the smaller then are invovled in constritutional debates smile.gif

The fact that noone benifits from our being a divided populace and therefore no one manipulates the debate in an effort to divide us on stupid, minor issues we have neither the capacity nor the right to decide?

Hmm SOMEBODY benefits depending on 'can you heal physical drain with magic' so not quite 100% right smile.gif

Also somebody gains (or loses) on say... Is overcasting to powerful smile.gif

The fact that I am so obviously right that you can't help but bow down before my greatness. (Oh, shit, I forgot. My improved ability (debate) power doesn't work online!)

Hey I wasnt bowing, just tying my shoes. Your improve ability (debate) doesnt work, but it seems like your palming (untie shoes) does and gets similiar results...
QUOTE (knasser @ Nov 8 2006, 06:27 AM)
Wow! You actually found a GM that would allow that? Incompetent: Nautical Mechanics? Incompetent: Pilot Anthroform?

The sad thing is that the character is not actually that powerful or unbalancing. Silly amounts of edge seems to be the worst of it. But even then, I tend to refresh once a mission and with a longish mission, he's going to suffer.

Why won't a GM allow those Incompetencies? They are perfectly fine by the RAW and there's no such House Rules I can recall for SRM4 which happens to be the semi-official SR4 campaign.

Not if you were refreshing according to canon.

If you are running 2-hourly sessions(for the once per session refresh) or if game time passes quickly and have only short periods of actual mission time(for once per 24 game hours refresh), either will boost Lucky's Edge up and this is all according to canon. As the GM, you may choose to have a different/partial refresh rate(also according to canon), but someone else may choose to have a refresh rate of "every combat" or some such.
QUOTE (toturi @ Nov 8 2006, 03:13 PM)
They are perfectly fine by the RAW.

I seriously considered posting a Poll on how long it would take for you to comment. wink.gif biggrin.gif
QUOTE (toturi)

Why won't a GM allow those Incompetencies? They are perfectly fine by the RAW.

You should NEVER allow someone to take incompetent on something that they can't default to. (Unless it's part of an elaborate plot to completely screw them, that is.) Because they can't default to it they can NEVER use the skill. Both are non-defaultable.
QUOTE (toturi @ Nov 8 2006, 04:13 AM)
QUOTE (knasser @ Nov 8 2006, 06:27 AM)
Wow! You actually found a GM that would allow that? Incompetent: Nautical Mechanics? Incompetent: Pilot Anthroform?

The sad thing is that the character is not actually that powerful or unbalancing. Silly amounts of edge seems to be the worst of it. But even then, I tend to refresh once a mission and with a longish mission, he's going to suffer.

Why won't a GM allow those Incompetencies? They are perfectly fine by the RAW and there's no such House Rules I can recall for SRM4 which happens to be the semi-official SR4 campaign.

Well will agree besides 'common sense' I caa find nothing in the BBB that limits it; however if you allow those just get smarter...

Nothing limits:

Incompentence (Assensing)
Incompetence (Astral Combat)
Incompetence (Banishing)
Incompetence (Binding)
Incompetence (Counterspelling)
Incompetence (Ritual Spellcasting)
Incompetence (Spellcasting)

For 35 points of flaws.

Lets call this the 'Mundance package' to balance out overpowered mages smile.gif All mundance get 35 extra build points with effectively no flaws.
QUOTE (kzt)
You should NEVER allow someone to take incompetent on something that they can't default to. (Unless it's part of an elaborate plot to completely screw them, that is.) Because they can't default to it they can NEVER use the skill. Both are non-defaultable.

But they still have the (admittedly minor in some cases) drawback in that they can never learn the particular Skill (without buying off the Fl...Quality), even if future in-game events make it an attractive option.

One way to look at it is that it is a minor BP gain in exchange for permanently narrowing the character's potential. Since SR4 is scaled in such a way that characters quickly reach a cap in their main Skills (if they don't actually start at that cap), most of their accumulated Karma is going to go into broadening their skillset. Each Incompetence takes away choices, even though those choices might not seem significant at the time of chargen. A lot of Skills are included in Groups, An Incompetence in one of these precludes a character from gaining the benefit of purchasing the rest of the Skills in that associated Group at a discount BP/Karma rate.
Well mages can get 15 of the 35 points by taking:

Incompetence (compiling)
Incompetence (registering)
Incompetence (decompiling)
QUOTE (toturi @ Nov 8 2006, 04:13 AM)

Why won't a GM allow those Incompetencies? They are perfectly fine by the RAW

As a GM, I houseruled this because to take incompetency in a skill your character can't use anyway is no drawback.

Sure, you can assume that if a character takes incompetency, they will do everything in their power to aviod needing to use that skill. This is well and good. But some skills are easier to aviod than others. Skills you can default on are skills that the GM can force a player to make at times. In those instances, a person with no skill can maybe get by, where the incompetent person will suffer. This suffering is what gets them the extra points.

Whereas if a person is incompetent in a skill you cannot default on, they suffer no more for it than someone who had no points in said skill. Neither one can make the check, they are both equally screwed. Only the guy who is incompetent gets extra BP for it. Extra points for no extra difficulties. Well, he can never learn said skill, but if neither character ever planned on getting it, then he makes out ahead. And the ability to buy the skill later doesn't help either character when the test must be made then and there. Finally, you can buy off the flaw with Karma, which means that you can effectively front-load your character's advancement and come out ahead overall. It may not be THAT abusive, but its still broken.

If it's allowed, why shouldn't I take incompetency in every skill that can't be defaulted if I don't put ranks in them? This "negative quality" needs errata, house ruling or sever GM oversight, all of which mean changing or abandoning the RAW.

:: and 5 people post while I type this. I am so slow. ::

What about my examples.

'Raw' nothing excludes them that I can find. I unless you have the appropriate 'edge' (and I have never seen a GM that will allow you to 'buy' the mage/technomancer edge, with karma. Its at creation or never (save for the 'partial one (the one from SM that give the GM an option to have you awaken at some time).

And a Technomancer, can certainly pay-off being a technomancer just by taking the 7 incompetence in magic.

Likewise by 'raw' a mage could take the 3 'ressonance active' skills and get the 15 free points for absolutely NO loss.
QUOTE (kzt)
QUOTE (toturi @ Nov 7 2006, 11:13 PM)

Why won't a GM allow those Incompetencies? They are perfectly fine by the RAW.

You should NEVER allow someone to take incompetent on something that they can't default to. (Unless it's part of an elaborate plot to completely screw them, that is.) Because they can't default to it they can NEVER use the skill. Both are non-defaultable.

But if we're talking "Nevers", then we've jumped way past the GM discretion zone, and well into the "House Rule" zone. Since we're discussing strict SR4 canon, this is one example of a house rule that badly needs to be put in place.

The precice incompetences aren't really relevant; Mr Lucky could have taken any skill that doesn't allow defaulting, and have no problem. Notice how no one's complaining about Incompetences in Hardware and Software? Those should come up every game, and he's screwed; it's just that so's anyone else without those skills. Heck, anyone who isn't a dedicated techie is probably screwed if a Hardware or Software roll come up.

Having played the character, I can also say that in practice, he's managed to work his way through a number of situations without problem. He's not a one-trick pony, either; the stupid amounts of Edge and the insane Pistols ability make for two separate tricks. And the Edge refresh rate isn't a problem, either; he's never spent more than 3 edge in a game, and by the time he's out of edge, odds are that the rest of the team is as well. In short, they're all equally screwed under the right circumstances; Mr Lucky just dramatically outperforms them in other areas.

Any character can be screwed under the right circumstances. The problem is that the SR4 rules encourage min-maxing by making the horrendous monsters equally screwed, as opposed to more screwed.
Hell, I always take incompetency (Naval Architecture). No character I know will ever design a boat.

Oh, don't forget incompetency (artisan/pottery), (artisan/painting) (artisan/carpentry), (artisan/crayons) [he can't color inside the lines], (artisan/grammer) [he spells it "teh"]. etc.

Incompetence (pick up lines), Incompetence (remembering anniversaries), and Incomptence (sexual performance) are definately not RAW, though.
Steak and Spirits
Incompetence (Remembering Anniversaries). Take that one with caution.
QUOTE (laughingowl @ Nov 8 2006, 03:34 PM)
What about my examples.

I guess it all comes down to background.

For your first example (all Magic Skills), if the character also had something traumatic in the magic department included in his background, plus maybe the Magic Resistance Quality, then it might be fine.

Likewise, for the anti-Technomancer example, if he also included a description of how he was trapped in the Matrix during the Crash 2.0 ... or how Renraku suspected that he had Technomancer abilities, and their tinkering triggered some deep psychological block against those very abilities ... maybe.

Almost anything can be explained, even if the explanation is sometimes a little far-fetched.
QUOTE (Cain)
The precice incompetences aren't really relevant; Mr Lucky could have taken any skill that doesn't allow defaulting, and have no problem. Notice how no one's complaining about Incompetences in Hardware and Software? Those should come up every game, and he's screwed; it's just that so's anyone else without those skills.

Actually a few of us, take the approach can't take incompetence in a skill you cant default to.

So even hardware and software arent 'valid'.

Now I will make an exception for a skill you cant default to, BUT is a 'core' skill for you archetype.

Incompetent (ritual spell casting)

Incompetent (decompiling)

Other characters are hard to do a 'defentitve' list, but judge on a per character basis.

Also as it is 'canon' that 'with GM's approval you can buy off flaws.... I generally without a VERY VERY VERY good in game reason, will never approve buying off incompetence.
A good justification doesn't fix the problem.

I'd let myself be talked into those only if the player actually purchased the mage or technomancer qualities. A character with a resonance of 1 but incompetence in all resonace skills, and then gets enough cyber to squelch the talent forever, well, he could have been a technomancer, but went another way. The points spent on the positive quality were merely a gateway to the ones he got from the incompetencies.
My general rule of thumb is that if it has to be justified, it is wrong. if it makes me groan when they suggest it, it's wrong. But hey, that's just me.
Can you codify that as a hard and fast rule?
I limit incompetencies to skills that you COULD use and are commonly useful. If you can't get the skill then you can't be incompetant with it (and yes mine is in spelling). They also have to be commonly used. You can't have it in a melee weapon type, but you can have it in pilot ground vehicles.

My two cents about attribute costs:
I agree with the thought that attributes are too cheap after character creation. I have already included the cost change that someone on this board suggested with increasing the karma cost to x 5.

One of the things I was thinking was that my main problem with attribute increases is that they are too easy. The increase in karma cost helped that but I thinking that maybe it is how often they occur is the problem.

What if there was a time limit as well? Maybe something like a month x rating or more between increases?

Any suggestions?
QUOTE (PlatonicPimp)
Can you codify that as a hard and fast rule?

Nope. smile.gif That's the problem with people using and abusing Incompentence IMO.

If I were to make a hard and fast rule, first off, it wouldn't include any knowledge skills, only active. Second, any skill that had nothing to do with the character concept, I wouldn't allow. A street sam w/ incompetent:etiquette I would allow. A street sam w/ Inc:anthroform, no. Following RAW, it is allowable by my understanding. I chalk that up to it being unreasonable to write rules for all the things you can't do, as it would just take up to much space.
QUOTE (PlatonicPimp)
A good justification doesn't fix the problem.

I'd let myself be talked into those only if the player actually purchased the mage or technomancer qualities. A character with a resonance of 1 but incompetence in all resonace skills, and then gets enough cyber to squelch the talent forever, well, he could have been a technomancer, but went another way. The points spent on the positive quality were merely a gateway to the ones he got from the incompetencies.



Mage = Someform of 'mage quality: Mystic adept, Magician, Adept)
Technomancer = Technomancer edge.

Which is why I listed those.

In general for 'X archetype' I generally rule the 'bonus points' must be spent on the said archtype.

So for 'scorched'

5bp or 10bp for Techomancer or Hackers.

Will Technomancer is a given. If you spent the 5bp there, you can get the 10bp flaw.

Hackers are harder to define, but my ruling on it is, you are a 'hacker' if atleast 5 of the bp from the 'flaw' go towards 'hacking skills.

So if you put atleast 5bp into 'computers' then you could take the 10bp verision of the flaw.

In effect it means MOST people that take them WILL take the 'higher' point cost (for hacker skills atleast) since they get free points... but it also means they are more likely to either not get anything for the extra points (since they were spent on skills that require the 'use' of the flaw) or they deal with facing their flaw.

But yes:
My games:

Incompetence (any magic active) is ONLY possible if you have the edge necessary that you COULD take that skill.

Incompetence (Ressonance active) only is you are a technomancer) (and couldnt take more then what you spend on 'technomancer skills'

Incompotence (active skills that dont allow defaulting) only if it is a noticable / obvious / weakness for the characer.

If somebody wants to spend 5bp on Computers, by taking 'incompetence (hardware)' I dont have a problem, the 'flaw' is related to were he is spending the extra points and even if he nevers plans on getting hardware skill, they fact that he does know computers means there is a good chance he is going to WISH he knew hardware.

If I were designing a game system (and I am, but thats neither here nor there) I'd require that you have ranks in a skill before you could be incompetent in it. That's a totally different system than SR, but that's how I'd do it. I feel you can never know you suck that bad at something until you try to learn.

It seems to me that not letting you take non-defaultable skills as incompetencies pretty much covers it.
QUOTE (PlatonicPimp)
Can you codify that as a hard and fast rule?

Incompetence 'Bonus points' must be spend on a related skill.

Incompetence (ritual spell casting) the 5bp must be spend in another magical active skill.

Incompetence (boats), the 5bp must be spend in another vehicle operation skill.

The are like old-schoole specializations .... limiting an area, for more effect in another area.
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
My general rule of thumb is that if it has to be justified, it is wrong. if it makes me groan when they suggest it, it's wrong. But hey, that's just me.

A GM I used to play with was willing to let anyone take any disad they wanted. But they would ALWAYS come up in play. No matter how totally convoluted the situation had to be to get "terrified of swans" to come up every few scenarios he would get the fun of having the Swan Manics attacking him, or get chased out a park by an angry swan with people watching and mocking him. So I can deal with most negative qualities using this. But if you can't think of a way that you can torture the player by exploiting a negative quality you probably shouldn't allow them to get points for it.
QUOTE (kzt)
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ Nov 8 2006, 12:10 AM)
My general rule of thumb is that if it has to be justified, it is wrong. if it makes me groan when they suggest it, it's wrong. But hey, that's just me.

A GM I used to play with was willing to let anyone take any disad they wanted. But they would ALWAYS come up in play. No matter how totally convoluted the situation had to be to get "terrified of swans" to come up every few scenarios he would get the fun of having the Swan Manics attacking him, or get chased out a park by an angry swan with people watching and mocking him. So I can deal with most negative qualities using this. But if you can't think of a way that you can torture the player by exploiting a negative quality you probably shouldn't allow them to get points for it.


As an authentic <evil GM> I tend to agree with you; however some of them you 'can't'

(such as incompetnent (sorcery) for somebody without any magical qualities)

Since incompetent as a whole means you can never use that skill, you can't be put into a situation to use it.. (now you can be put into a situation you WISH you could use it, but figure that is different).

Then again I have already been accused of punishing my players, for the fact that if they chose Allergy (mild, Siamse cats) I WOULD have siamse cats show up every couple of sessions.
Actually I was thinking of baning all Mild allergies because of cheap medicines.

A flip side to incompetencies I thought it would be fun to have it where you had to take an incompence with any aptitude. That way your character could be more specialized but not overly powerful.
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
If I were to make a hard and fast rule, first off, it wouldn't include any knowledge skills, only active.

That already is the rule as wriiten. wink.gif
That already is the rule as written.

Why should that stop anybody? It certainly hasn't stopped me! wink.gif
Ok, so your character has the Incomp: Knowledge quality...
That makes no sense to me...
Ok, so your character has the Incomp: Knowledge quality...

Yes, that would make them fairly normal in America.
QUOTE (Synner @ Oct 10 2006, 02:14 AM)
Slithery D's interpretation is correct as regards the writer's intention and this will be addressed in upcoming errata and FAQ. Even under the current RAW a GM can put a check on abuse of such Qualities as Incompetent through his approval/veto following character creation- if he doesn't do so it is his choice.

QUOTE (Slithery D @ Oct 8 2006, 09:58 AM)
For incompetence to have any meaning it must actually be possible to have learned it so that you're actually giving it up.

So we go from "The Writers' Intentions"™ of "must be possible to learn" to "must be able to default". What is next? How about "Can only take Incompetence if at least one of Skill-linked-Stats is more than 5?" Or "Can only take Incompetence only for skills absolutely necessary for survival".
How about something more evil?

What if incompatencies were limited to Skill Groups or groups of three related skills? You could be bad with Electronics but not computers.
QUOTE (Garrowolf @ Nov 8 2006, 05:48 PM)
How about something more evil?

What if incompatencies were limited to Skill Groups or groups of three related skills? You could be bad with Electronics but not computers.

If you wish, as a GM, you can have Incompetency: Shadowrunning as the only Incompetency you allow in your game. But it sure aint canon.
James McMurray
If it's allowed, why shouldn't I take incompetency in every skill that can't be defaulted if I don't put ranks in them? This "negative quality" needs errata, house ruling or sever GM oversight, all of which mean changing or abandoning the RAW.

It doesn't need any changes. SR4 is built around the idea that options are presented andt he group decides which to use. For some people (like Cain and Toturi) Incompetent with no limits is fine. To others it isn't. The point in the RAW that covers this is the step of character creation where GM approval is gained. The rules already have this "problem" fitted into them.

So we go from "The Writers' Intentions"™ of "must be possible to learn" to "must be able to default". What is next? How about "Can only take Incompetence if at least one of Skill-linked-Stats is more than 5?" Or "Can only take Incompetence only for skills absolutely necessary for survival".

That's a bit strict for me, and, since nobody else here is suggesting them, presumably too strict for them as well. So either you're erecting a straw man or you think it's a good idea. My guess is the former.
QUOTE (James McMurray)
That's a bit strict for me, and, since nobody else here is suggesting them, presumably too strict for them as well. So either you're erecting a straw man or you think it's a good idea. My guess is the former.

My point was once you deviate from canon and you house rule, anything goes, from Incompetence: Hold your own boobs to Incompetence: Breathing. wink.gif
House Rules == GM approval

GM Approval == House Rules
Actually, the need for GM Approval is part of the RAW and therefore no house rule, nor does it create a house rule if the GM approved or disapproved something.
James McMurray
QUOTE (toturi)
QUOTE (James McMurray @ Nov 8 2006, 10:54 PM)
That's a bit strict for me, and, since nobody else here is suggesting them, presumably too strict for them as well. So either you're erecting a straw man or you think it's a good idea. My guess is the former.

My point was once you deviate from canon and you house rule, anything goes, from Incompetence: Hold your own boobs to Incompetence: Breathing. wink.gif

Sure it does, if your life is some sort of slippery slope. In practice that rarely happens. Arguing against it generally means you can't argue against what's actually being done and have to find some extremely unlikely occurrence to argue against instead. don't look now, but your fallacy is showing.
Toturi's stance on this is pretty clear, and won't change. wink.gif

In a previous discussion on mundanes taking Magical skills, one mitigating point did come up:

Incompetence isn't just no ranks. It is a complete and utter lack of understanding.

Incompetence (Sorcery) means that not only can the character not cast spells, ever, but that the character is fundamentally unable to understand casting spells. They might not even be able to identify someone casting a spell. Somehow, they just can't get it.

So that could come up a lot in play, if you push it.

"You notice that the enemy mage is casting a spell. Everyone roll perception to figure out where he's casting it. Oh, except you, Billy Badass."
James McMurray
QUOTE (lorechaser)
Toturi's stance on this is pretty clear, and won't change. wink.gif

I know. I just like to point out when people are being obviously self-serving and providing no real benefit to a discussion. smile.gif

Unless it's me of course.
QUOTE (Fortune)
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ Nov 8 2006, 04:24 PM)
If I were to make a hard and fast rule, first off, it wouldn't include any knowledge skills, only active.

That already is the rule as wriiten. wink.gif

swell! smile.gif
It doesn't need any changes. SR4 is built around the idea that options are presented andt he group decides which to use. For some people (like Cain and Toturi) Incompetent with no limits is fine. To others it isn't. The point in the RAW that covers this is the step of character creation where GM approval is gained. The rules already have this "problem" fitted into them.

First of all, I'm the one suggesting that we need a house rule. Namely, no Incompetences in skills you can't default to. I'm pointing out that incompetence with no limits is not fine. It appears to be your argument that the RAW is perfect as is, with absolutely no house rules required, even though massive abuses are possible. The fact is, there are major gaping holes in most game systems; it's just that SR4's are somewhat more obvious than average. Your argument that the rules already cover this problem by going outside of the rules is fallacious.

Second, it's the RAW that expressly allows this sort of thing. To fix the problem, you need more than case-by-case GM approval, you need a universal house rule. The rules don't cover it, not "as written" at least.

GM approval, as played by expert GM's, is a case of: "Hm, I don't think that's best for this game, we're going with this instead in this one case." A house rule is: "This entire section of the rules is bad, we're changing it to this."

So, suggested house rule: No incompetences in skills you cannot default to. This isn't "GM approval", since I'm not approving anything. This is a house rule.

We can go into the other situations requiring house rules later, but this was one of the first ones you encounter in chargen.
QUOTE (Cain)
First of all, I'm the one suggesting that we need a house rule. Namely, no Incompetences in skills you can't default to.

So you don't think that it is a disadvantage to never be able to invest in:
    Pilot: Aircraft
    Automotive Mechanic
    Electronic Warfare
    Industrial Mechanic

Those are all no-default skills that seem like never having might be a pretty severe limitation.

The 35 BP limit for negative qualities is pretty easy to hit by a number of means, and what you are actually getting those points for is largely flavor text. Having acharacter who is never going to be able to hotwire a car seems like at least as interesting a plot hook as having a legal SIN.

Wouldn't a GM need to approve House Rules?
QUOTE (DireRadiant)
Wouldn't a GM need to approve House Rules?

Technically, so would Players. wink.gif
James McMurray
double post
James McMurray
QUOTE (Cain)
So, suggested house rule: No incompetences in skills you cannot default to. This isn't "GM approval", since I'm not approving anything. This is a house rule.

You are of course free to go that route if you choose, but you're basically just saying in advance what sorts of things will not pass the approval stage. Character generation has a step for GM Approval, at which point some GMs will say no to those incompetencies. If you feel the need to say in advance "this is our house rule" then by all means go ahead. If the group is such that they'll try that sort of thing, then saying it ahead of time might save them some trouble during character generation.

Of course, you then end up with a situation where there are other abuses possible that they'll try. If they're the type to try and squeeze one absurdity past, they're usually the type to try another. You don't fix that sort of situation with house rules unless you plan on codifying everything possible into the categories of allowed and not allowed. In my experience it's better to stress in advance that the GM Approval step will be emphasized. That tends to get rid of problems, at least in the groups I've played in.
QUOTE (laughingowl @ Nov 8 2006, 04:27 AM)
Well  will agree besides 'common sense' I caa find nothing in the BBB that limits it; however if you allow those just get smarter...

Nothing limits:

Incompentence (Assensing)
Incompetence (Astral Combat)
Incompetence (Banishing)
Incompetence (Binding)
Incompetence (Counterspelling)
Incompetence (Ritual Spellcasting)
Incompetence (Spellcasting)

For 35 points of flaws.

Lets call this the 'Mundance package'  to balance out overpowered mages smile.gif  All mundance get 35 extra build points with effectively no flaws.

Of course, the poor fella will have to deal with a Notoriety of *7* hovering over his head like the Sword of Damocles.

"Yeah, love to hire you, but Sir Thumbsalot over there? Sorry, gotta pass. He's one famous frakup."
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