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To help break up Demonseed's post chain, I'll put in my 2 nuyen.gif

One way to start getting more writers to add to the pool could be following up with people who submit proposals. I understand that this is not always viable, but a simple form letter that says "We have received your proposal and will take it under consideration" may help new writers feel comfortable enough to send in second or third proposals if their first one doesn't fly.

This is somewhat a personal matter for me, as I have submitted two different proposals for sections in unrelated books. Now, over a year later I still have not heard from anyone in the office about either proposal or a follow up to the e-mail I sent 6 weeks afterwards to see if the proposals had been received.

I'm also glad to see that they will be at PAX, which means there will be two West coast stops for me to hit.
Demonseed Elite
One way to start getting more writers to add to the pool could be following up with people who submit proposals. I understand that this is not always viable, but a simple form letter that says "We have received your proposal and will take it under consideration" may help new writers feel comfortable enough to send in second or third proposals if their first one doesn't fly.

Yeah, I'd agree with that. I don't really know what the traffic is like on how many unsolicited proposals FanPro receives, so it's hard for me to say what the best method would be, but I agree that you should hear something. I also think FanPro should be more open about what interested writers should propose material for. We have a slate of upcoming books and I personally think it'd be more productive for everyone involved if interested writers were proposing for those instead of proposing their own book ideas (which are much less likely to be accepted, I'd imagine).

The freelancers' pool gets dates on the proposal periods for different books. I personally don't think it'd be a bad idea to open those dates up to people who aren't in the existing freelancers' pool, to at least let them try to propose things for these books.
Synner had answered a few questions how to become a freelancer for FanPro in a thread at the end of last year. Very interesting, but to me it seems that FanPro (or better: Synner and Rob Boyle, I guess) have very high expetations for submissions. Anyone willing to work as a freelancer has so submit a proposal, what I found hard to do work books like Feral Cities - when you don't know what will be in the book, it's hard to submit a promising proposal.

It would be cool if FanPro points out more what they want - in case of Feral Cities saying like "these cities will be in the book. If you want to submit something to it, work on these cities."

It may be less freedom for potential freelancers, but I could live with it.
WotC had some successopenning themselves up to outside input. The Eberron Campaign Setting book won the Origins Award for Best Roleplaying Game Supplement in `04. I'm not saying that FanPro should run a full on UCAS Idol-type search, but maybe a bit more openness to outside submissions.

I think PDF publishing, and (sacrilege alert!) the Open Gaming License, show an interesting model for this. What if outside writers (fans, freelancers, whoever) could write their books using the full SR4 system and self-publish them under a sort of M&M Superlink system through FanPro?

The best and brightest could get tapped for "real" freelancing jobs by the company.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me that most industry pro's these days were just "reallly good gamemasters" five to ten years ago. Heck, the "old guard" in industry (Monte, Gygax, Hickman, Seimbedia) were just "reallly good gamemasters" twenty to thirty years ago.

In fact, a certain Adam Jury went from "chummer with a website" to "published author" by getting good ideas, and getting his ideas into print.

Maybe its a pipedream. I dunno.

RedBrick had great success with their open call for the name-givers compendium - they said what they wanted (descriptions of 15 disciplines), chose from the submissions and worked with the authors.
Demonseed Elite
QUOTE (Grinder)
It would be cool if FanPro points out more what they want - in case of Feral Cities saying like "these cities will be in the book. If you want to submit something to it, work on these cities."

In some cases, FanPro doesn't really dictate that up front. With the sprawl books, they sometimes have suggestions, but the final breakdown of which two major cities will be in the book and what the minor city entries will be at least partially depends on the proposals they receive.

As far as the "fans to freelancers", that extends to most of us. I know a few of us (myself included) came from the Shadowland website and another bunch came from the "Shadows of Europe" fan-work crew.
Ancient History
Not tae mention one or two from SoLA.
I think PDF publishing, and (sacrilege alert!) the Open Gaming License, show an interesting model for this. What if outside writers (fans, freelancers, whoever) could write their books using the full SR4 system and self-publish them under a sort of M&M Superlink system through FanPro?

Since Shadowrun is published under license from WizKids, doing this is impossible at this time and improbable in the future. To use your previous example, while you can produce Eberron compatible material under the d20 or OGL license, you can't actually produce books set in the Eberron setting or using Eberron trademarks.

In fact, a certain Adam Jury went from "chummer with a website" to "published author" by getting good ideas, and getting his ideas into print.

And I "went through the system" like normal -- submitting proposals, getting on the playtesting team, going to conventions, finally getting a proposal accepted, etc. Being known in the fan community did help, but it wasn't a magic bullet.

I also worked joe jobs to support myself, took a low-paying internship one summer -- in another country -- and then moved across my own country on a week's notice -- to take another low-paying game industry job that lasted about two years. Two years after that, game industry freelancing [but not game industry writing -- I do almost no writing for publication now] is my "day job," but without the two years working at GoO, I doubt I would still be here in anything close to a full-time capacity.

And, along the way, I had to spend a fair amount of time dealing with "real" work issues -- books that didn't interest me, books that I *hated*, friction with co-workers -- it's not some magic dream job where everyone is happy because we're all gamers, and games DON'T randomly spring up during the middle of a workday.

Some people want to get into the game industry and think the opposite -- every project is fun, everyone you work with is cool, and you get to play games all the time and get paid for that gaming, and it's just not true. smile.gif

Whew, got off on a tangent there. FanPro is actively working on finding more ways to "discover" new talent, through people writing adventures for Missions, fiction for, and probably some more writing outlets on soon.
Cynic project
QUOTE (Demonseed Elite)
Incest spirits done the easy way. They come the deep metaplots.

I'm sorry, but the unintended words in that line made me crack up at my desk at work. biggrin.gif

Unintentended ways with words?I fully knew that the word meant when I used them. Yes they come the deep metaplots..Cause that is jsut as reasonable as the deep metaplanes..
Cynic project
QUOTE (Moon-Hawk)
QUOTE (Cynic project @ Jan 24 2007, 11:29 AM)
My point is that flavor does need rules and rules do not make flavor.

Not to address this example specifically, but I find myself disagreeing with this statement on a very fundamental level.
Maybe "flavor" isn't the word that I want, but rules do have a very large bearing on the overall "feel" of a game, in general and in specific areas.

For example, you can convert all you want you will never be able to achieve the "feel" of Shadowrun in d20.

I think the point here is that the designers wanted the Threats to "feel" different than normal spirits. Part of that is accomplished through "fluff", in describing them differently and saying that they're different, but part of that feel is also established through "cruch"; actually giving them some subtle differences in rules. But overall, the rules are pretty similar, and the differences are pretty small, IMO.

note: I seem to be having a "problem" with using "too many" quotes today. I'm "sorry". Maybe it's because I'm using a different keyboard. wink.gif

Do shaman and hermetic magi feel the same to you now?
QUOTE (Cynic project)
QUOTE (Demonseed Elite @ Jan 24 2007, 11:55 AM)
Incest spirits done the easy way. They come the deep metaplots.

I'm sorry, but the unintended words in that line made me crack up at my desk at work. biggrin.gif

Unintentended ways with words?I fully knew that the word meant when I used them. Yes they come the deep metaplots..Cause that is jsut as reasonable as the deep metaplanes..

I believe Demonseed was referring to your Incest vs Insect spirit...not the metaplot.
QUOTE (Cynic project)
Do shaman and hermetic magi feel the same to you now?

In short, yeah, they do a bit. Not exactly the same, there are still some slight crunch differences and the fluff is still completely different, but I don't feel nearly the difference I used to.

Of course, that's also consistent with the increase in their understanding of magic and the rise of the unified magical theory. They're starting to learn each others' tricks and they really are becoming a bit more similar.

So no, they don't feel exactly the same, but they do feel a lot more similar to me in 4th than they used to.
QUOTE (Moon-Hawk @ Jan 24 2007, 05:16 PM)
So no, they don't feel exactly the same, but they do feel a lot more similar to me in 4th than they used to.

Just from the SR4 core material, yeah, they feel the same to me. It's mostly cosmetic differences.

But I like some of the stuff I see in Street Magic. Most of my problems with the magic system "being the same for everyone" are mostly solved with the Aspected Magician rules, along with the optional rule allowing magicians to specialize and recieve bonuses in their Aspect.
Cynic project
QUOTE (Moon-Hawk)
QUOTE (Cynic project @ Jan 24 2007, 04:43 PM)
Do shaman and hermetic magi feel the same to you now?

In short, yeah, they do a bit. Not exactly the same, there are still some slight crunch differences and the fluff is still completely different, but I don't feel nearly the difference I used to.

Of course, that's also consistent with the increase in their understanding of magic and the rise of the unified magical theory. They're starting to learn each others' tricks and they really are becoming a bit more similar.

So no, they don't feel exactly the same, but they do feel a lot more similar to me in 4th than they used to.

Now with a wave of my hand and with one of two rules I make toxic magi scary and diffrent.

One either only fight toxic magi in their dommians.

You could have them have dommains that they move with them.

You could have their own kind of domains that move with them that depending on what type of toxic they are either helps them or hurts you but not both...
SL James
QUOTE (Demonseed Elite @ Jan 24 2007, 12:51 PM)
I know a few of us (myself included) came from the Shadowland website

Present company excluded, none of the others seemed to last very long, either.

Funny that.

I don't see freelancing credit in any current user's future.
QUOTE (Prime Mover)
I hope SR is around for many more years and fully intend to support the company that keeps it alive.

Here here! Regardless of what some may think I find SR4 to be a massive improvement in the game mechanics end of things alone. In regards to fluff, I don't care what anyone says, I liked RH. Breathed some life into the old town that New Seattle had strangled out. As for Street Magic, all I can say if cool - I mean, for a rules heavy book to come out in SR that I have 3 or less house rules to adapt it to my tastes? That pretty much says it all I think. Do I have my gripes? Yeah in regard to all of these books, but they're minor. If WizKids keeps going as is, I'll be happy.

Do I want Augmentation, Arsenal, and Unwired yesterday? Definitely. Can I wait? I hate to say it but yes, the BBB and Street Magic alone could keep me occupied for at least another year play-wise. I'd rather see quality than quantity (and frankly WotC's splatbook of the month production overdrive is frankly pissing me off - who can keep up?).

My biggest disappointment at the moment is the lack of new SR novels. Hopefully that will change eventually...frown.gif

QUOTE (Demonseed Elite)
Also, on SoLA, I can't say I know the details, but from what I can gather, the whole thing is more complicated than most know. At first glance, it'd be pretty simple to slap the writing into a PDF and post it on the the Shadowrun website, but it seems like there are other entanglements that would need to be worked out first before that could be done. Not that I've been told so, but that's the feeling I've gotten talking to the devs.

Scissors are good against entanglements and red tape wink.gif
QUOTE (SL James)
QUOTE (Demonseed Elite @ Jan 24 2007, 12:51 PM)
I know a few of us (myself included) came from the Shadowland website

Present company excluded, none of the others seemed to last very long, either.

Funny that.

I don't see freelancing credit in any current user's future.

Refresh my memory? Shadowland is that place that's been reduced to a poisoned clutch of a few people that spend a good deal of time sitting around moaning, bitching, and waxing about the "glory days" with the only break being when someone dies of bitterness? Sort of like a sad caricature of a retirement home, one of the crooked ones from 60 Minutes.

Or am I thinking about something else? biggrin.gif
QUOTE (SL James)
I don't see freelancing credit in any current user's future.

I'm probably kicking a hornet nest here, but what exactly are these criteria by which you eliminate the membership of DSF from the pool of potential Fanpro freelancers?

I can think of a few folks around these parts that I enjoy the ideas and writing of (and that I don't think are current freelancers, although I could be wrong) off the top of my head.
Demonseed Elite
QUOTE (eidolon)
I'm probably kicking a hornet nest here, but what exactly are these criteria by which you eliminate the membership of DSF from the pool of potential Fanpro freelancers?

Huh? I don't know what you are talking about.
QUOTE (Demonseed Elite @ Jan 25 2007, 07:34 AM)
QUOTE (eidolon)
I'm probably kicking a hornet nest here, but what exactly are these criteria by which you eliminate the membership of DSF from the pool of potential Fanpro freelancers?

Huh? I don't know what you are talking about.

He's refering to this:

QUOTE (SL James)
I don't see freelancing credit in any current user's future.

Where James is taking a shot at anyone here with aspirations to submit to FanPro. I take his statement to mean that there is noone here good enough, though it could mean that FanPro is planning on ignoring everyone. I'd say that by using the term current user he's saying anyone here is unqualified.
SLJames, as in "James at ShadowLand", is refering to the people at Shadowland. The core of the highly verbal [minority] that made an ongoing shitdump on SR4 on this board back during development and for a while after release was about, what maybe 1/2 the active people on Shadowland. Whiteknight, Elsie(or something like that), mfb (AKA Motorboxfire on Shadowland), SLJames, and Critias.

EDIT: Or was that Wireknight instead of Whiteknight, yeah I think that was it? Anyway, he wasn't that much ongoing here. He was on the playtesting team though, and publicly threw up his hands and quit. He didn't post on this forum much after that as far as I remember reading, likely hasn't posted here in a long time. Then there was Crimsondude 2.0, but that was just a different account name here not a different person.
QUOTE (Brahm @ Jan 25 2007, 12:49 PM)
EDIT3: Then there was Crimsondude 2.0, but that was just a different account name here not a different person.

Crimsondude = SL James
Yeah, I wasn't clear about. Thanks. I also didn't mention that mfb was also a playtester that threw up his hands and quit because he didn't personally like the changes being made. Only unlike Wireknight he dragged it out long after not only the direction of SR4 was clearly set, but after the book came out. Yup, at least 3 out of a fairly small group of people were there if you include DE. Given the keys to the magic kingdom and 2 of them decided to use the opportunity to loudly and publicly piss all over the front gate. *shrug*
QUOTE (Demonseed Elite)
Huh? I don't know what you are talking about.

Sorry, fixed my post to include the statement I was responding to.
Dakhran the Dark
Yeah, that particular crew of SR4-haters was why my Dumpshock link went down to the bottom of my bookmarks for the last year or so...that, and I was currently involved in running a game of That Other System™...

Still, now that I've finished my campaign, I'm setting my sights on SR4, and I've been loving the new books (as unpopular an opinion as that might be). They're clean, hardbound, hold together under a stiff breeze (unlike SR3), and the rules are simple enough that I don't scare off any newbie players, which describes 90% of my current crew.

My only complaint about the releases, aside from wanting everything NOW dammit, is that they didn't print Unwired first, before Arsenal. Gear is okay, but typically it's just gun porn for the rabid killspree types, and I usually like to impress upon my players that, unlike in The Other Game, the more bodies you leave behind, the more CATFU'd the run has become. Whereas Unwired would allow me to impress upon players both old and new just how changed from 2060 the setting has become (not to mention how far from 2007 it is), and further explain both flavor and crunch regarding augmented reality. I may be prejudiced of course, seeing as how I'm a programmer IRL, and tend to play decker/hacker types when on the other side of the screen... cyber.gif

Not to mention -- if Arsenal includes vehicles, then technically it could qualify as a rigger book, and we all know that the rigger book is the Sign of the End Times for a Shadowrun edition... biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Dakhran the Dark)
My only complaint about the releases, aside from wanting everything NOW dammit, is that they didn't print Unwired first, before Arsenal. Gear is okay, but typically it's just gun porn for the rabid killspree types, and I usually like to impress upon my players that, unlike in The Other Game, the more bodies you leave behind, the more CATFU'd the run has become. Whereas Unwired would allow me to impress upon players both old and new just how changed from 2060 the setting has become (not to mention how far from 2007 it is), and further explain both flavor and crunch regarding augmented reality. I may be prejudiced of course, seeing as how I'm a programmer IRL, and tend to play decker/hacker types when on the other side of the screen... cyber.gif


Not releasing Unwired first was in my opinion a big mistake.
SR4 culture is extremely influenced by the advent of AR, information technology and data availability that Unwired should get first priority.

Just think what the cell-phone did to society, and now imagine that you have the knowledge of the whole planet available to you in seconds (you already have today with a PDA, flatrate and wikipedia). Furthermore you have agents planning everything for you, arranging your perfect life, RFIDs everywhere, sensors everywhere building a mountain of data where you can find virtually every detail of Joe Normals life. Everybody is making his own world using AR. Learning in school has changed beyond recognition: You dont learn facts any more, you learn how to filter information to find information and to discriminate between usefull and useless informaiton.
Most of the jobs out there are done by either agents or drones. An unskilled employee is eaily pimped by cheap knowsoft or a worker by skillsoft.

Society has changed so much, but most people dont know about that because there is no Unwired book.
Well, I think/hope we'll get some background information in Emergence.
QUOTE (Dakhran the Dark)
hold together under a stiff breeze (unlike SR3),

To be fair though, it was the old FASA print runs (and maybe not even every one of those) that had issues with the binding being particularly fragile. Every single Fanpro book I have for SR has held together marvelously (and we beat the crap out of some of them).
My first print of the 4th ed core book is starting to seriously take a beating. I'm way anal about my books and how they're treated, and and constantly yelling at my players to treat them better (ask SinN or OneTrikPony). In the end, it was my two year old the got the binding to start tearing lose. sarcastic.gif
Demonseed Elite
QUOTE (Demerzel)
He's refering to this:

QUOTE (SL James)
I don't see freelancing credit in any current user's future.

Where James is taking a shot at anyone here with aspirations to submit to FanPro. I take his statement to mean that there is noone here good enough, though it could mean that FanPro is planning on ignoring everyone. I'd say that by using the term current user he's saying anyone here is unqualified.

Yeah, James is talking about Shadowland, not DSF. Further, there's no "ban" or anything on writers from Shadowland, at least as far as I'm aware. Obviously, people who despise SR4 probably won't be submitting many proposals to write for it, though.

If you propose something and they like it, I imagine it will be considered, regardless of where you're "from" on the Internet. It is important, though, for them to pick writers who they know they can work with. You can be a great writer, but if you don't work well in a collaborative writing setting (of which SR definitely is), it's just not gonna work out.
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
I'm way anal about my books and how they're treated, and and constantly yelling at my players to treat them better (ask SinN or OneTrikPony).

One of my players back in HI is big on throwing and tossing books around the room rather than handing them around or, Dunk forbid, walking across the room. He does it with his books and doesn't care, but then he'd of course get one of mine and chuck it to someone and wonder why I was coming unglued. Irritated the crap out of me. smile.gif
Didn't some of mfb's ideas and outcome from discussions with him make it into some of your SR4 work DE? Or am I thinking of someone else's work? In some ways it is kinda too bad mfb couldn't tolerate/grok/whatever SR4's shift to the unified game mechanics because he's definately got a lot of good insight into the setting.
QUOTE (eidolon)
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ Jan 25 2007, 02:28 PM)
I'm way anal about my books and how they're treated, and and constantly yelling at my players to treat them better (ask SinN or OneTrikPony).

One of my players back in HI is big on throwing and tossing books around the room rather than handing them around or, Dunk forbid, walking across the room. He does it with his books and doesn't care, but then he'd of course get one of mine and chuck it to someone and wonder why I was coming unglued. Irritated the crap out of me. smile.gif

God, my first thought "I would fucking kill someone!"

yeah... irritated.. not the word...

I might have issues....
Demonseed Elite
QUOTE (Brahm)
Didn't some of mfb's ideas and outcome from discussions with him make it into some of your SR4 work DE? Or am I thinking of someone else's work? In some ways it is kinda too bad mfb couldn't tolerate/grok/whatever SR4's shift to the unified game mechanics because he's definately got a lot of good insight into the setting.

There's a lot of cross-pollination of ideas, yah. I used to game with the Shadowland crew regularly for many years and I still chat with some of them about SR.
QUOTE (Demonseed Elite)
There's a lot of cross-pollination of ideas, yah. I used to game with the Shadowland crew regularly for many years and I still chat with some of them about SR.


You freely admit to fraternizing with us "rabble" DE? wink.gif

Seriously though, if FanPro was foolish enough to disregard proposals from potential freelancers just on the basis of where they game, that would be an amazingly stupid move on their part.

Sure a lot (not all) of SL'ers hold SR3 near and dear to their hearts and would rather piss on an SR4 book than try to play it, but it doesn't mean they can't write or don't have an amazing vision of the SR universe outside of the SR3 vs. SR4 argument.

Honestly with some of the dedication to details and research and just general real-world knowledge some of these guys have that they can manage to translate into the SR Universe, I'd be surprised if based off a submission of writing alone, their talents weren't snatched up and put to the grindstone to crank out awesome sourcebooks for SR4.

But now I ramble, and therefore I shall stop. biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Vegas)
Seriously though, if FanPro was foolish enough to disregard proposals from potential freelancers just on the basis of where they game, that would be an amazingly stupid move on their part.

Often those proposals tend to try change things where is no chance to change them. So you can see in those proposals, if someone don't like SR4. But you have to accept some circumstances, if you like them or not, especially if you want to write something for sourcebooks and not only fiction.
QUOTE (Dakhran the Dark)
Gear is okay, but typically it's just gun porn for the rabid killspree types

Gun porn = good biggrin.gif cool.gif

Not to mention -- if Arsenal includes vehicles, then technically it could qualify as a rigger book, and we all know that the rigger book is the Sign of the End Times for a Shadowrun edition... biggrin.gif

Ugh, don't remind me frown.gif
Demonseed Elite
QUOTE (Vegas)

You freely admit to fraternizing with us "rabble" DE? wink.gif

I enjoy fraternizing with rabble!
SL James
QUOTE (Demonseed Elite @ Jan 25 2007, 02:46 PM)
Yeah, James is talking about Shadowland, not DSF.

I can't believe that had to be spelled out.

What a despicable assumption that I was suggesting some sort of hostility on Fanpro's part, rather than sheer indifference of the people with whom I game to do something stupid and spend six months working on something like this.
Demonseed Elite
I am unware of any hostility. Lack of response, though, isn't uncommon, even to freelancers. It's driven me nuts more times than I want to recall.
QUOTE (Serbitar)
QUOTE (Dakhran the Dark @ Jan 25 2007, 08:24 PM)
My only complaint about the releases, aside from wanting everything NOW dammit, is that they didn't print Unwired first, before Arsenal.  Gear is okay, but typically it's just gun porn for the rabid killspree types, and I usually like to impress upon my players that, unlike in The Other Game, the more bodies you leave behind, the more CATFU'd the run has become.  Whereas Unwired would allow me to impress upon players both old and new just how changed from 2060 the setting has become (not to mention how far from 2007 it is), and further explain both flavor and crunch regarding augmented reality.  I may be prejudiced of course, seeing as how I'm a programmer IRL, and tend to play decker/hacker types when on the other side of the screen... cyber.gif


Not releasing Unwired first was in my opinion a big mistake.
SR4 culture is extremely influenced by the advent of AR, information technology and data availability that Unwired should get first priority.

Just think what the cell-phone did to society, and now imagine that you have the knowledge of the whole planet available to you in seconds (you already have today with a PDA, flatrate and wikipedia). Furthermore you have agents planning everything for you, arranging your perfect life, RFIDs everywhere, sensors everywhere building a mountain of data where you can find virtually every detail of Joe Normals life. Everybody is making his own world using AR. Learning in school has changed beyond recognition: You dont learn facts any more, you learn how to filter information to find information and to discriminate between usefull and useless informaiton.
Most of the jobs out there are done by either agents or drones. An unskilled employee is eaily pimped by cheap knowsoft or a worker by skillsoft.

Society has changed so much, but most people dont know about that because there is no Unwired book.

I couldn't agree more. In my mind Unwired should have been the first or second release, and when I saw that Street Magic was up first I nearly blew my top. Magic in 2070 isn't that different from magic in 2065, and the magic section of the main book was larger by far than the hacking section. I'll admit that I'm a bit biased, but if they're going to totaly reinvent the wheel and emphasis how different things are from the previous editions, they've got to back it up with something. I mean, the Crash 2.0 was THE pivitol point, the little black thing of plastic that seperates the groceries of 3rd Edition from the groceries of 4th (sorry, just got back from the store)! Yeah, I know that they want to get it right, but damn it, Unwired needed to be out first. I'm just glad that my hacker is becoming a gunslinging vigilante. There really is never enough gear...
Okay, pretend you haven't been playing Shadowrun for the past fifteen years. You find a book at your local shop and think to yourself: "Cool. Cyborgs and Elves! Submachineguns and spellcasting! Woot!"

Because, let's face it, if you are going to buy and play Shadowrun, that is the exact thought that dances through your head the first time. Then you read it. Samurai are pretty streight forward (guns + cyber = shoot people in the face), Faces and Sneaks are pretty straight forward (skills, skills, more skills). There are two areas of true complexity in the game: magic and hacking.

Of those two, magic is probably the more complex with its myraid subsystem (spellcasting, summoning, astral plane, magical threats, initiation). Yes, they're pretty easy to follow if you have experince with the game and its philosophy, but to a complete new player, hacking is much simpler to grasp, they've only got one subsystem, three if you count rigging and technomancers.

Plus, magic has a "gee wow" factor that "hacking" doesn't.

It's all about what will sell the best, what they get finished writting/testing first, and player demand. Remember, just because you want Hoboken in the Shadowsto see print before The Neo-Anarchist's Guide to Peoria doesn't mean that FanPro's other customers do.

Plus, in SR1 (7106) The Grimoire saw print before (7107) Virtual Realities; In SR2, (7903) Grimoire Second Edition was published before (7904) Virtual Realities 2.0; and last but not least, SR3's (7907) Magic in the Shadows beat (7909) Matrix to print too.

In fact, the trend seems to have been: Core Book > Chrome Book > Magic Book > Matrix Book > Rigger Book > New Edition.

SR4 breaks that pattern by putting (26009) Augmentation out after (26008) Unwired, but then agian there is more chrome in the SR4 BBB than any edition I can recall, and the Samurai will get somefun out of (26007) Arsenal, I'm sure.

As a wise man, okay a wise ass, once said:

QUOTE (Thain)

FanPro is working as fast as they can. Remember, they don't get to pay their rent if you don't buy their books. If they could print up, and get you to buy, fourty sourcebooks per anum they'd be very happy...

FanPro, and FanPro's freelancers, enjoy little things like food, clothing, and a roof. (Freelancers, jump in if I'm wrong on that nyahnyah.gif ) Now, they don't get any of those things unless they. sell. books. to. us. Thus, they write and sell the ones we want. In the order that we want.

And by "we" and mean everyone besides, aparently, you.

FP freelancers need: Coke/coffee(caffeine!!!) & lots of freelancer crack... biggrin.gif cool.gif
SR4 breaks that pattern by putting (26009) Augmentation out after (26008) Unwired, but then agian there is more chrome in the SR4 BBB than any edition I can recall, and the Samurai will get somefun out of (26007) Arsenal, I'm sure.

Augmentation will be out before Unwired.
And my happiness meter just dropped 2 points... frown.gif
QUOTE (Adam)
Augmentation will be out before Unwired.

Well then, I guess my list is wrong. Oh well, I guess we'll just have to wait.

Or we can, whats the proper term...? Make it up ourselves!
Caine Hazen
Guess FanPro can be making new plans since SoCal is dead though....
QUOTE (Caine Hazen)
Guess FanPro can be making new plans since SoCal is dead though....

I'm still unsure of the connection. What exactly does SoCal have to do with SR and SR books?
GenCon So Cal was one of the conventions that FanPro attended, as was talked about it in the Year End Report.
QUOTE (Adam)
GenCon So Cal was one of the conventions that FanPro attended, as was talked about it in the Year End Report.

Yeah but the impression I got was that one or two folk were saying because of SoCal not being around anymore X books wouldnt come out or some crap like that. Which.. makes no sense to me.
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