This is important because I think initiating without an ordeal is so totally against flawor that I would use them even without the karmadiscount. And this matters because metaplanar quests are personal. It actually even says that the dweller of the treshold (something you have to pass to get into the metaplanes), makes you face your weaknesses, fears and secrets. And the others can see at least parts of it.
Now Walker can almost smell that he gets to see the event again that made him lose his last job. And he would REALLY prefer not to show it to anyone he doesn't really trust. The trust on the rest of the team is naturally "shallow" since he hasn't known them a long time, but unless they do something on this job, he's willing to risk it.
If he doesn't find a good reason to initiate with the others without Bang, he will let him join, but will not initiate with just him, finding some way to politely decline.
Group initiation: I would be interested in actually playing the initiation. If all the awakened are interested, we could prolly get Haeffner with us (if he doesn't want to take a break) either as a projection or if he's interested even actually (since we have to get an astral gateway for the adepts anyway).
This is something we need to start planning now btw since it needs to be tailored for all of us which sort of makes it a bit hard... This is also something I think the players should be actively planning in addition to the GM. Not because I don't trust lord imp, but because at least I don't want to write pages of backround for Walker to give lord imp a good idea what Walker might encounter. And with planning I mean getting a fitting metaphor for all of us - naturally the actual quest should be GM designed.
As for the metamagics: Walker is one short of the "essentials" - Centering. Then he would like to get invocation and if at all possible and perhaps psychometry for his new job. Tho that depends on what Ellie gets.
Bangs centering: Unless I'm missing something, you should REALLY have adept centering instead of the normal version.
Combat monsters: Yeah Walker is short on real investigative assets too. He has exceedingly many ways of hurting things, but other then that, he's just moderately smart and has lots of skillsofts. However this isn't really something any of our char's have good skills for. Mainly because the things that would be usefull, are knowledge skills (investigation, crime reconstrucition, evidence gathering and so on) and a 100BP contact called "Sniches". Tho granted a big logic and intuition are good and social skills are good in interrogating.
Actually one of us really should have made an investigator to a cop game. Veery smart of us..

It's a good thing that my char is better trained and at least as smart as I am so I can just consentrate on the problem and not worry about saying something that Walker wouldn't say..

Magic: We (Ellie and Walker) should coordinate to get all the "investigative magical things". Such as the psychometry metamagic, mind probe (yeah it can't be used to get evidence, but there are many situations when it would be usefull), some truth detecting spells for interrogations, Extended Detect Guns for escorting missions and so on. I sort of have Divination since I can summon Guideance spirits so thats not really needed. Unless we want to be able to divine well.
On sheets: No need to remove it. Actually I think it would be better for the rest of us to spoiler ours. Not for the rest of us in the game, but for the ones just reading. What do the rest of you people think?
On the metaplanar quest: Walker has so far had a trench warfare thingie during the first world war with the "lesson" of trusting his teammates (to learn channeling) and then a "Saving Private Ryan"esque rescue mission (to get the familiar)
Cross (his mentor spirit) will lobby heavily for a warfare metaphor and unless ALL the others would be better off with a nonviolent metaphor, there will be fighting.
Now I had intended to IC Walker's centering quest with the metaphor of being an altillery spotter and having to calculate firing solutions in progressively worse situations (with a foxhole in a continuous heavy altillery barrage the last one), but it's not like I have any emotional attachments to it.
About the "professional disapproval": Walker tries to use the right terms, but doesn't really care what others use. You have to remember that he is new to all this cop thing, using wrong terms occasionally too. As in using military terms. Now since I'm not a native speaker, I can't replicate it so I have to play that very mildly.
Skillsofts: Walker can't keep all his skills in his head so here is the ones that he keep on for the moment:
Pistols 4
Shadowing 2
Intimidate 2
Con 2
Unarmed 2
Run 2
Climbing 2
Gymnastics 4
(So these don't fit in his head)
First aid 2
Navigation 2
Infiltration 4
Pilot groundcraft 2
I will be very annoyed if someone just posts TLDR...