QUOTE (Falconer @ May 23 2010, 10:38 AM)

I agree... 10:1 is too high... 1:1 is about right given cost of living. Small apartment plus food plus minor vehicle... is a low lifestyle at about 2000/month... 24k a year. Just about spot on, unless you're in the middle of nowhere where you're not looking at city rents.
In the end, conversion does not really matter, it was just a point I was making to show that the munitions were not all that cheap...
Also Ballista and great dragon prices are NOT per 10 rounds... look inside the chart the chart says they're (per missile).
Point to Falconer... I totally missed the parenthetical descriptor somehow... but then, why put it in that particular table (in the fluff section)? It appears that the Table at the end of Arsenal has it in the correct place, with the Missile Ammunition, rather than the Miscellaneous Ammunition like in the interior... wierd...
Another thought... since technically any missile/seeker head equipped rocket (w/ sensor) has both sensors... a signal rating... and a response rating... what's stopping anyone from loading a pilot program written for drones on to it? Really a rating 1 or 2 program isn't that hard to write (and I don't think pilot or system programs can be optomized or otherwise have their rating exceed response). Doing other normal drone/electronics mods to the missile... IE: the rating 1 sensor suite is kinda bleah... well I'm going to upgrade the thermographic camera from rating 1->6 (laser designators home in on an IR laser... so I'd say they have a thermo camera)
Makes Sense, and would probably do the same myself...
Paired w/ a captains chair approach to avoid dumpshock as your drone self-destructs (remote control, free action to switch perspective). This also avoids the response problem, you end up rolling command + piloting skill +- handling (which is probably same as the heimdall at +1 if you buy a seeking head for your rocket). Given adequate signal range, you could literally fly the 'drone' into it's target (just like a TOW).
Which is my preference, as they become so much more accurate that way...
Theoretically you could just buy a rocket (which is still expensive 750 for a basic HE unguided)... (assuming it's response 1, signal 0, FW: high... it is ordinance and a device), though probably w/ a safety pin like a grenade (to stop hackers from just setting things off.. it's can't be armed til the pin is removed). Just to avoid problems (like claiming rockets have no guidance ability... pay the +500 for sensor 1 or a seeker head... so it has a sensor package and some kind of limited mobility to change it's course). (seeker head is just a thermographic camera + guidance fins, plus software, according to the chart... it's capacity 3 sensor package so probably also includes a rangefinder)
Pins are not generally used, as the Rocket itself has an arming distance that is satisfied through flight... which is a lot harder to screw with...
1250. Now per the chart... if like any good rigger, we keep a cracked firewall on hand and pay the monthly SOTA costs to keep it up to date for all our toys. Firewall 6 on the cheap. Signal rating 3 cotss 150 for 400m comms range(if we want to actually remote it), rating 4 (1km) is 500. If we keep the response at 1 -> 2 is costly at 750... so probably not worth it compared to the heimdall. That will limit you to 2 programs... guessing an optomized encrypt, and an ergonomic optomized something else... use the new data bomb rules to put a big data bomb on the node for any hackers trying to hack it in a hurry. (still don't fully understand the new data bomb rules). Probably write a second piece of software who's only purpose in life is to detonate after the missile gets within a certain range, and after it hits closest point of approach.
Really, the Heimdall is the cheapest you can get if you want to guide Munitions through Rigging... Even Good sensor driven Missiles are more expensive in the end... just keep a few cracked programs for the Drone's stats, and you should be okay...
1500 for everything on the heimdall I'd consider a bargain for high rating stuff, (I'd assume the heimdall is rating 4 'security' device... though since it's disposable 'low cost' one-time use maybe downgrade that to rating 2 or 3... as an actual self-contained drone... definitely a bargain. Though given it's range.. probably has a 10km rating 6 signal chip in it. (it flies 2-3km per second). But given the above...
Yeah... My munitions of choice for Missile/Rocket Launchers is the Heimdall (and the variability of theMunitions is a big plus, depending upon your application; 2500 Nuyen for the most expensive version of Anit-Vehicle Munitions)... I would leave it at a Rating 4 (Security) though it may actually qualify for a Rating 5 (Military) Package... but it is so fast that the opposition will not really have enough time to acquire it and then hack it before it detonates... that whole 2000-3000 MPS is very brutal indeed... and since it is so fast, anyone with a Signal Rating of 5 has only a single second (1 pass from detection) to really do anything to the Drone before it impacts... Signal 4 or less and they will not see it coming before it actually impacts the vehicle/target... Brutal...
Of course, Standard Missiles should follow the same flight characteristics as well, though many (All?) Rockets are far slower than that...
Keep the Faith