How many rounds are on that belt?
QUOTE (Arsenal 146-147, Weapon Mounts, Size)
The size of a weapon mount determines whihc weapons you can mount into it. A normal weapon mount can hold a firearm up to LMG size, while a reinforced weapon mont can hold firearms larger than LMG size. As a general rule, one weapon mount can be added to a vehicle for every 3 points of Body it has, rounded up. One reinforced weapon mount counts as two normal weapon mounts. Each weapon mount can also hold up to 250 rounds of ammunition, if the weapon has a beltfeed loading mechanism. Weapons with other loading mechanisms or larger ammunition (rocket launchers, for example) are restricted to their standard amount of ammunition.
The time it takes to mount and unmount a weapon depends largely on the weapon, as well as the design of the weapon mount and where it is attached to the vehicle. In most cases, assume that manually mounting or unmounting a weapon takes 2 minutes each.
The time it takes to mount and unmount a weapon depends largely on the weapon, as well as the design of the weapon mount and where it is attached to the vehicle. In most cases, assume that manually mounting or unmounting a weapon takes 2 minutes each.
QUOTE (SR4 page 148)
Vehicles may be equipped with a number of weapon mounts equal to their body % 3 (round down). Weapon mounts may hold any LMG or smaller sized weapon and 250 rounds of ammo.
Now you might be thinking 'AH HA! I got you! The weapon doesn't have a belt feed, therefore it doesn't have any ammo!' Great. You can read. So can I. Now if you read up a bit, the ammo bins say they augment a particular gun point("Each ammo bin is attached to a single weapon mount") 250 rounds. In both editions of the book, its pretty clear that a weapon mount gets 250 rounds, and the only hurdle is getting access to them with some weapons. With a #2 ammo bin, you now have a beltfeed on the weapon mount, because the mod says it does.
So, like I've been saying the entire thread, all the ammo bins do is move the belt feed to the weapon mount instead of the gun, and you just hook that up to any weapon you care to throw in the mount.