May 17 2010, 11:17 PM
Well whats the wildest and craziest things you or your players have come up with for weapons?
A couple of years ago we we're needing a distraction so my rigger came up with a pepper spray/ itching powder aerosol grenade. The fun ensued after tossing about 4 of them into a crowd
May 18 2010, 12:04 AM
I've always liked my Slab splash/gas grenades with Ghilani Wichtiviridae.
Colt M23 (6P; -2 AP; SA/BF/FA; 0 RC; 40©; 5R) [5R, 750]
[3 Slots] Underbarrel Weapon (Monofilament Chainsaw: 1 Reach; 5P; -2 AP) [4, 300]
[2 Slots] Gas Vent 3 [6R, 400]
[1 Slot] Smartgun System [6R, 750]
Av: 6R
Cost: 2,200
Plus Model: (On Chainsaw)
[1 Slot] Personalized Grip [2, 100]
[1 Slot] Flashlight [-, 25]
[1 Slot] Low-Light Flashlight [-, 25]
[1 Slot] Thermographic Flashlight [-, 25]
Barrel Mounted Laser Sight [2, 100]
Shock Pad [2, 50]
Av: 6R
Cost: 2,525
Monofilament Chainsaw (1 Reach; 5P; -2 AP) [4, 350]
[1 Slot] R1 Custom Look (Sword) [2, 100]
[1 Slot] Personalized Grip [2, 100]
[1 Slot] Reduced Weight [6, 350]
[1 Slot] Gecko Grip [6, 100] (+6 Str vs. Disarm)
[1 Slot] Skinlink [6, 50] (+4 Str vs. Disarm)
[- Slots] Lanyard [10]
Av: 6
Cost: 1,060
Notes: Because of the custom look (sword) and reduced weight, the -2 penalty on attack rolls and parry tests should be negated. Also, this is street legal.
EDIT: I almost forgot my favorite:
Death Squirrel
Chimera Squirrel (Small Rodent) [-, 75]
Attribute Enhancement (Agility) [-, 23]
Attribute Enhancement (Reaction) [-, 23]
Attribute Enhancement (Intuition) [-, 23]
Chimeric Ability (Bite) [-, 38]
Chimeric Ability (Venom [Cobra]) [-, 38]
Skill Enhancement (Infiltration) [-, 23]
Potent Venom [-, 23]
Av: -(?)
Cost: 253
B 0
A 6
R 2
S 0
C 1
I 2
L 0
W 1
Ed 2
Ess 6
Ini/IP 4/1
CM 8
Movement: 10/50
Skills: Climbing 5, Infiltration 4, Perception 2
Powers: Enhanced Senses (Smell), Natural Weapon (Claws/Bite: DV 2P), Venom (Cobra: Injection; 1 CT; Pen 0; Power 14; Physical)
Note: -1 Reach
May 18 2010, 02:35 AM
Fully Automatic Grenade Launcher. Suppressive fire never hurt so bad.
May 18 2010, 03:03 AM
- Spray Adhesive (Nothing special, but when done to the face at point blank it sealed up the bad guy's mouth, nostrils, and windpipe leaving him to suffocate to death)
- Explosive Shuriken (Again, nothing special, just as much C12 as the hole in a shuriken will hold)
- DMSO + Carcerands + Freeze Foam (For when you want the guy to have a painful, unpleasant death...and never be the wiser when he drinks the tasteless colorless stuff in his scotch)
- Yamaha Rapier (The guy in question was using someone else's character so when he saw he had a 'Rapier' in his inventory and got caught in melee he thought to use it. Being Chromed Ork though, the strength needed to use one as a weapon was actually plausible with a strength test. Unfortunately he needed a new bike after beating that particular corp sec soldier to death)
- Napalm (Notable less for its rarity than for the quantities used. When Hestaby said she wanted no trace left, the runners took her seriously. 660 gallons of seriously. With 6 kilos of C12 used as the ignition source)
- Whatever is lying around (When a Great Form Storm Spirit decides to turn into a tornado in the middle of the Azzie's panic room, pretty much anything that isn't riveted down is going to become a lethal projectile)
Raven the Trickster
May 18 2010, 03:25 AM
QUOTE (DeathStrobe @ May 17 2010, 10:35 PM)

Fully Automatic Grenade Launcher. Suppressive fire never hurt so bad.
Is it sad that upon seeing this I immediately went and figured out how to do it and what it would cost with an enfield GL-67 Grenade launcher?

for the gun plus the mod and 4 modification slots if anyone's curious)
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
May 18 2010, 03:29 AM
QUOTE (Raven the Trickster @ May 17 2010, 09:25 PM)

Is it sad that upon seeing this I immediately went and figured out how to do it and what it would cost with an enfield GL-67 Grenade launcher?

for the gun plus the mod and 4 modification slots if anyone's curious)
I would rather up-gun an HMG and use belted grenades instead, but that is just me... with the GL, you are just getting into the groove when you run out of ammunition, but at 350 rounds/minute with a Fully Automatic 40mm Grenade Launcher, now you have chunky salsa goodness...
Just Sayin'
Keep the Faith
May 18 2010, 03:38 AM
QUOTE (Tymeaus Jalynsfein @ May 17 2010, 08:29 PM)

I would rather up-gun an HMG and use belted grenades instead, but that is just me... with the GL, you are just getting into the groove when you run out of ammunition, but at 350 rounds/minute with a Fully Automatic 40mm Grenade Launcher, now you have chunky salsa goodness...
Just Sayin'
Keep the Faith
Raven the Trickster
May 18 2010, 03:51 AM
QUOTE (Tymeaus Jalynsfein @ May 17 2010, 11:29 PM)

I would rather up-gun an HMG and use belted grenades instead, but that is just me... with the GL, you are just getting into the groove when you run out of ammunition, but at 350 rounds/minute with a Fully Automatic 40mm Grenade Launcher, now you have chunky salsa goodness...
Just Sayin'
Keep the Faith
i like the idea, but how would you do it in game? I'm still pretty new to the system so I may have missed something in the modification rules that would allow for this.
May 18 2010, 04:16 AM
No stats included in the RAW, but an aerosol sprayer filled with 99% ethyl alcohol and 1% lilac extract. Spray it in someone's face and they're instantly drunk (disorientated) and highly flammable (often ignited with a point blank shot from a hold-out), or you can spray it in the air and it will act as a liquid explosive that's been aerosolized (DV 2 or 3). And to a guard, it's just a can of spray-on perfume.
May 18 2010, 05:17 AM
QUOTE (Raven the Trickster @ May 18 2010, 05:51 AM)

i like the idea, but how would you do it in game? I'm still pretty new to the system so I may have missed something in the modification rules that would allow for this.
best guess, a FA modded grenade launcher mounted to a vehicle. Why? because the weapon mount on said vehicle also provides a ammo box that can hold 250 rounds. Beyond that there is no mod that can turn a non-belted weapon into one.
May 18 2010, 06:35 AM
Well there are ways to do it, but its not a pretty process. Mostly the gun needs to be able to fire in the open port position. And there are clip/ belt adapters for many modern Assault Rifles. That being said, your best bet for a poratble big fun autogrenade launcher is to change its feed system from clip to drum and go for the 100 drum. Conceal goes out the window, but when you are talking about Fully auto grenade launcher, who needs concealment.
May 18 2010, 06:36 AM
QUOTE (hobgoblin @ May 18 2010, 12:17 AM)

best guess, a FA modded grenade launcher mounted to a vehicle. Why? because the weapon mount on said vehicle also provides a ammo box that can hold 250 rounds. Beyond that there is no mod that can turn a non-belted weapon into one.
I tend to agree with him on this, the weight of the ammo alone would need it to be a team portaged or vehicle mount gun. Which the Mark 19 and all her temperamental sistren are.
Digital Heroin
May 18 2010, 07:32 AM
I statted out a burst-fire laser for my submission to the Missions proposals under the title Firestorm. Nothing doing in Arsenal said lasers could not accept fire select mods, and lasers receive -zero- recoil, so a fully automatic laser would be like firing a laser pointer. ideas, they were summarily rejected...
Dakka Dakka
May 18 2010, 07:41 AM
QUOTE (hobgoblin @ May 18 2010, 07:17 AM)

best guess, a FA modded grenade launcher mounted to a vehicle. Why? because the weapon mount on said vehicle also provides a ammo box that can hold 250 rounds. Beyond that there is no mod that can turn a non-belted weapon into one.
Unfortunately not. As of Arsenal, which has the Fire Selection Change mod, the weapon mount does not change the ammunition capacity except for belt-fed weapons. There is no GL in any SR4 book that uses belts (yet).
@Digital Heroin: there is the passage about unusual ammunitions or loading mechanisms in the description of Fire Selection Change. While I would like FA-Lasers as well it isn't RAW and Missions have to be very close to RAW.
May 18 2010, 08:40 AM
Anjd i still say electricity/batteries should not count as unusual ammo . .
Dakka Dakka
May 18 2010, 11:56 AM
Nor should assault cannon Rounds. Especially since the the name of the weapon implies rapid fire capability much more than single shot capability.
May 18 2010, 12:58 PM
The worst I think I ever did was taking a Defiance EX Shocker, which was modded to Semi-Auto, had an additional clip, and gecko grips - the entire weapon, including the darts. The twenty meter taser wires were also replaced with something a little sturdier. I was able to indulge in a single slot of overmodding for the semiauto mod, which let me put in an underbarrel weapon, a -real- weapon, for the doberman.
The drone itself had gecko tipping, chameleon coating, and a Winch hooked up to the taser. You know, for reeling in twitching prey.
The look on my GM's face, when I said "Okay. So my taser wires have a twenty meter range, right? I'll take two shots with the taser, and my free action to activate the winch, spider-manning my rigged drone into the action."
May 18 2010, 01:00 PM
QUOTE (hobgoblin @ May 17 2010, 10:17 PM)

Beyond that there is no mod that can turn a non-belted weapon into one.
Actually, there is. Its a vehicle mod, not a weapon mod, which is kind of strange but makes sense when it pairs up with a Weapon Mount. Its called Ammo Bins, and may add a beltfeed, 250 more rounds of ammo, or double nonstandard/wierd/large weapon ammo capacity.
The add a beltfeed thing is the important one, though. I've been looking at using it to make fully automatic shotguns, and put them on drones.
Dakka Dakka
May 18 2010, 01:05 PM

woohoo beltfed assault cannons on Steel Lynx. I'm not sure it should be read that way though. More like adds 250 of ammunition if the weapon is beltfed or doubles the capacity for larger ammunitions.
May 18 2010, 01:26 PM
We built a catapult with prings and PVC pipe so we could launch buckets of meat at a Lone Star builing and pulled a rival gang member though ghoul infested territory right to the Lone Star HQ for good times.
May 18 2010, 01:41 PM
QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ May 18 2010, 06:05 AM)

woohoo beltfed assault cannons on Steel Lynx. I'm not sure it should be read that way though.
Normally I'd agree with you, but a weapon must already have some sort of beltfeed to be able to use the ammo reserve in a drone's weapon mount(I think). Since the ammo bins may add a belt feed, it makes sense that you could hook up a weapon to make use of the reserve as part of the two-minute test to install or remove a weapon in a mount.(ars 162 or so).
As for assault cannons on drones, I know one of the Crimson Samurai's default/common loadouts is with an assault cannon.
May 18 2010, 01:53 PM
QUOTE (Kronk2 @ May 18 2010, 01:36 AM)

I tend to agree with him on this, the weight of the ammo alone would need it to be a team portaged or vehicle mount gun. Which the Mark 19 and all her temperamental sistren are.
Yet in SR, the total lack of any such restrictions means that small children could carry this weapon and all the ammo they desire without ill effects.
May 18 2010, 02:19 PM
QUOTE (HappyDaze @ May 18 2010, 03:53 PM)

Yet in SR, the total lack of any such restrictions means that small children could carry this weapon and all the ammo they desire without ill effects.
Well there are the encumbrance rules, but thats pure GM-fiat as there are no weights listed for anythink.
And then there's the advanced rule for carrying heavy weapons in arsenal that says you need a body and strenght 8 or higher to carry a heavy weapon without a gyro stabilisation unit, but that rule just goes straight to silly land when you concider the fact that it applies just as much for a pistol grenade laucnher as it does for an assault cannon.
May 18 2010, 07:25 PM
QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ May 18 2010, 09:41 AM)

Unfortunately not. As of Arsenal, which has the Fire Selection Change mod, the weapon mount does not change the ammunition capacity except for belt-fed weapons. There is no GL in any SR4 book that uses belts (yet).
ah, at first i was wondering what you where going on about, but then i reread the weapon mount description in arsenal. I had forgotten, or overlooked, the part about the 250 round ammo bin only applying to weapons that was already belt feed. So your right, there is no way at present to make a belt fed grenade launcher.
May 18 2010, 07:32 PM
QUOTE (Udoshi @ May 18 2010, 03:00 PM)

Actually, there is. Its a vehicle mod, not a weapon mod, which is kind of strange but makes sense when it pairs up with a Weapon Mount. Its called Ammo Bins, and may add a beltfeed, 250 more rounds of ammo, or double nonstandard/wierd/large weapon ammo capacity.
The add a beltfeed thing is the important one, though. I've been looking at using it to make fully automatic shotguns, and put them on drones.
sad to say, but thanks to dakka dakka, i became aware that weapon mounts do not add belt feed capability, it only makes use of it if available.
so a ammo bin on a FA GL-67 would result in the ammo capacity going from 60 to 120. Tho i am somewhat unsure how multiple ammo bins interact with that.
also, said GL-67 already have a drum magazine, so i am unsure if any kind of extended clip mod would benefit it. Heck, its not a SMG or assault rifle, the two weapon types defined as able to take drum magazines.
all in all, thanks to some chats on the irc channel, i now wish that the writers had gone a bit further with some of the mods, like being able to stack multiple weapon mounts in a turret, or making a weapon belt feed using the extended clip mod.
May 18 2010, 08:02 PM
I've been wanting to port stats for Alpha Omega's Raust Roomcleaner over. I mean, what shadowrunner WOULDN'T want a gun that full-auto's for 15 minutes before running out of dakka?
May 18 2010, 08:05 PM
QUOTE (Draco18s @ May 18 2010, 03:02 PM)

I've been wanting to port stats for Alpha Omega's Raust Roomcleaner over. I mean, what shadowrunner WOULDN'T want a gun that full-auto's for 15 minutes before running out of dakka?
I was thinking of doing something similar with Snow Crash's 'Reason' isotope powered minigun.
May 18 2010, 08:09 PM
Obviously, the game is never going to include everything that already exists in the real world, let alone things we can imagine. If you need something *more* crazy (Mk19), or just a Shadowrun version of a FAL, house-rule it right in.
May 18 2010, 08:15 PM
Actually, one of the ammo bin options is to add a belt feed, 250 rounds, or double ammunition capacity.
Weapon mounts have a reserve of 250 rounds to use with a weapon, if it has a beltfeed hookup. Some weapons do not.
Add an ammo bin(belt feed). You now have a belt feed. If you're willing to shell out a modification slot and 400 nuyen, you now have a reserve of 250 rounds, a beltfeed mechanism to use with it, and all you need to do is hook up a gun to use with it.
It kind of doesn't make real-life sense, but it does satisfy the requirements for the ammo reserve. You do not -need- an ammo bin to make use of a weapon mount, and putting a gun that happens to already have a beltfeed on it is a good idea. Its cheap to add an ammo bin, but the slot it takes up hurts more, especially on smaller drones, but it expands your options for arming your drone.
Kanada Ten
May 18 2010, 08:18 PM
Dikote™ flechette, natch.
May 18 2010, 08:39 PM
QUOTE (Udoshi @ May 18 2010, 10:15 PM)

Actually, one of the ammo bin options is to add a belt feed, 250 rounds, or double ammunition capacity.
Weapon mounts have a reserve of 250 rounds to use with a weapon, if it has a beltfeed hookup. Some weapons do not.
Add an ammo bin(belt feed). You now have a belt feed. If you're willing to shell out a modification slot and 400 nuyen, you now have a reserve of 250 rounds, a beltfeed mechanism to use with it, and all you need to do is hook up a gun to use with it.
It kind of doesn't make real-life sense, but it does satisfy the requirements for the ammo reserve. You do not -need- an ammo bin to make use of a weapon mount, and putting a gun that happens to already have a beltfeed on it is a good idea. Its cheap to add an ammo bin, but the slot it takes up hurts more, especially on smaller drones, but it expands your options for arming your drone.
i can see how the way the ammo bin text is written can be confusing. The "250 rounds of ammunition, belt feed, or doubles the weapon's normal" can be misunderstood as a list of effects a ammo bin can have, but its not. The ", belt feed," part is just a attempted clarification on the first part about 250 rounds and how they are delivered.
basically, the ammo bin provides another 250 round if the weapon have belt feed capability, and if not it provides a double of the normal ammo capacity of the weapon.
May 18 2010, 08:39 PM
Monofilament-Netgun. That is all.
May 18 2010, 09:00 PM
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ May 18 2010, 03:39 PM)

Monofilament-Netgun. That is all.
how about a Burst fire Monofilament-Netgun
May 18 2010, 09:15 PM
And because no one brought it up yet...
May 18 2010, 09:16 PM
QUOTE (Kronk2 @ May 18 2010, 11:00 PM)

how about a Burst fire Monofilament-Netgun

No, that takes away from the awesome . . that just makes it silly <.< . .
i would like a weapon that shoots a coiled single monifilament line into a soft target, makes the line spin and dance inside and then retracts the line for new use . .
one of the most fun weapons was the gyrojet pistol in SR3. Basically, a pistol sized miniature rocket launcher . . 2d6m scatter minus successes with standard ammo.
1d6m scatter minus successes with infradead self aiming war heads . . 12m damage ^^
May 18 2010, 09:22 PM
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ May 18 2010, 03:09 PM)

Obviously, the game is never going to include everything that already exists in the real world, let alone things we can imagine. If you need something *more* crazy (Mk19), or just a Shadowrun version of a FAL, house-rule it right in.

Oh I know I was just wanting to know some of the crazy things people have come up with. Thought about using dummy grenades at times when collateral damage is a big "no no"; someone is behind cover, say a create, toss it to one side and aim at the opposite
May 18 2010, 09:57 PM
QUOTE (Gyro @ May 18 2010, 11:22 PM)

Oh I know I was just wanting to know some of the crazy things people have come up with. Thought about using dummy grenades at times when collateral damage is a big "no no"; someone is behind cover, say a create, toss it to one side and aim at the opposite

do it with a stun/gas/smoke grenade and it will work just as well AND do something too O.o
For something a bit more inventive:
Cyber-Implant-Versions of regular Weapons.
Up to and including the Gyro-Jet Pistol, the Ares Redline Laser Pistol, the Ares Viper Sliver Gun, Savelette Guardian, Franchi SPAS-22 and the Ares Screech Sonic rifle . .
May 18 2010, 10:12 PM
Han you have you gas bombs in gecko moded nades. Then when they pick it up to throw back they are stuck to the floor by one hand then it gases them or if you really strange the smart safety shock gets them... before doing whatever use "reuseable" nades and bobs you uncle corp sec will be miffed at that one.
May 18 2010, 10:17 PM
Belt feeds on grenade launchers just haven't been developed yet. If this is too jarring to your sensibilities, remember that it took more than 70 years for the SR world to make an iPhone.
Dakka Dakka
May 18 2010, 10:19 PM
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ May 18 2010, 11:57 PM)

and the Ares Screech Sonic rifle . .
Howling Banshee? Doom Siren?
May 18 2010, 10:24 PM
QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ May 19 2010, 12:19 AM)

Howling Banshee? Doom Siren?
basically, yes ^^
May 18 2010, 10:31 PM
QUOTE (HappyDaze @ May 19 2010, 12:17 AM)

Belt feeds on grenade launchers just haven't been developed yet. If this is too jarring to your sensibilities, remember that it took more than 70 years for the SR world to make an iPhone.
smartphones where around before the iphone...
May 18 2010, 10:42 PM
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ May 18 2010, 04:09 PM)

Obviously, the game is never going to include everything that already exists in the real world, let alone things we can imagine. If you need something *more* crazy (Mk19), or just a Shadowrun version of a FAL, house-rule it right in.

Well yeah.
And the only reason I'd never be able to have a Raust Roomcleaner is that it would, effectively, be a narrow choke only semi-auto shotgun with a significantly higher ammo capacity than anything else listed in the book (eg. "just plain better"). Which, to be fair, it was in AO. Good damage (for an ex-d20 system), decent RoF (2 or 4 shots), good range (comparable to any hand held semi-auto), low cost (a mere $10,000*), and double plus good ammo capacity.
*Chargen gives you something liek $3000 with qualities you can take for a total of ~11,000 IIRC
May 18 2010, 10:54 PM
Panther Assault Cannon and Grenades launched at a string of port-a-potty's to cause a distraction.
May 18 2010, 11:01 PM
QUOTE (hobgoblin @ May 18 2010, 05:31 PM)

smartphones where around before the iphone...
Doesn't change my point that just because we have examples of a tech IRL that it necessarily has a place in SR.
May 19 2010, 12:04 AM
The trolls AR MG of your choice with UB GL mmgs or hmgs are more fun

ub GL should be tge drum fed one for prolonged Firefights. Think Avatar in terms of an "AR" for someone much bigger that the avarage human. Also add a scope and SA mode on the MG and it acts as a nice sniper too.
May 19 2010, 12:53 AM
QUOTE (hobgoblin @ May 18 2010, 01:39 PM)

i can see how the way the ammo bin text is written can be confusing. The "250 rounds of ammunition, belt feed, or doubles the weapon's normal" can be misunderstood as a list of effects a ammo bin can have, but its not. The ", belt feed," part is just a attempted clarification on the first part about 250 rounds and how they are delivered.
basically, the ammo bin provides another 250 round if the weapon have belt feed capability, and if not it provides a double of the normal ammo capacity of the weapon.
Have you even read the text for ammo bin? It quite clearly says it is attached to a weapon mount, and does blank, blank or blank. Not blank blank and blank. In this case, it is the second blank we're talking about. Here. Lets clear this up. Sorry, but 'attempted clarification' doesn't fly witih me. The rules are really not that complex, and trying to go all 'the devs meant it like this!' is a poor defense for your opinions.
QUOTE (arsenal 131, Ammo Bins)
Sometimes when you're expecting a lot of opposition, its good to have lots of ammunition to deal with it. Each ammo bin is attached to a single weapon mount, and each additional ammo bin adds another 250 rounds ammunition, belt feed, or doubles a weapons normal ammunition capacity in the case of weapons with larger ammunition(such as rocket launchers).
So. We have an existing weapon mount. On, say, a Doberman. Now we modify it with an ammo bin, choosing the second option. Now it has a beltfeed, and it has it on the weapon mount.
... and thats it. Simple, done, no further shenanigans. Weapon mount with beltfeed, meet weapon of choice.
Now what, exactly, is your problem with that?
May 19 2010, 12:57 AM
Nope, that seems wrong. Why would it be three options? How is 250 rounds OR double a reasonable interpretation? I don't even think the double works with anything smaller than a rocket.
May 19 2010, 01:10 AM
QUOTE (Dr.Rockso @ May 19 2010, 07:15 AM)

And because no one brought it up yet...
Fwocka-Fwocka-FwockaThat is awesome.
May 19 2010, 01:36 AM
QUOTE (Udoshi @ May 18 2010, 08:53 PM)

So. We have an existing weapon mount. On, say, a Doberman. Now we modify it with an ammo bin, choosing the second option. Now it has a beltfeed, and it has it on the weapon mount.
... and thats it. Simple, done, no further shenanigans. Weapon mount with beltfeed, meet weapon of choice.
Now what, exactly, is your problem with that?
How many rounds are on that belt?
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