May 21 2007, 12:30 AM
When looking at the various Foci, it appears that a Power Focus is the equivalent to at least 20 Foci!
Effectively, it is 5 Spellcasting Foci (one for each category), 5 Summoning Foci (one for each of the 5 categories of Spirits for the user's tradition), a Banishing Foci for all types of Spirits, and a boost to any other test where Magic is rolled.
You get all of this for only twice the cost of a Spellcasting or Summoning Focus. Doesn't that seem like too good of a deal?
I'm considering removing the Power Focus from the game so that the other types of Foci have some value. Is there any good reason not to remove th Power Focus? My only other option is to make it terribly expensive (like 100,000 per rating or more) to make the other foci look somewhat attractive.
May 21 2007, 12:33 AM
I believe it has the highest bonding costs and is only available at force 2 to begin play. If you ask me the sustaining focus is the more broken of the two.
May 21 2007, 01:03 AM
well see i believe the power foci are more clearly seen on the astral plane as they are more powerful.
May 21 2007, 01:15 AM
I believe it has the highest bonding costs and is only available at force 2 to begin play. |
The bonding cost is irrelevant in character creation - all foci cost 1 BP per rating to bond. This means that for a mere 12 BP, any starting magician or mystical adept would be a fool to not take a Force 2 Power Focus. However, you could take an inferior choice and get a Force 3 Spellcasting Focus (for one spell category) for the same 12 BP.
After character creation, the Power Focus is still only twice the cost of the Spellcasting or Summoning Foci despite having more than 10x the value.
If you ask me the sustaining focus is the more broken of the two. |
The Sustaining Focus performs a function entirely seperate from the Power Foci and the other dice-adding Foci. It is irrelevant to this discussion.
May 21 2007, 01:17 AM
well see i believe the power foci are more clearly seen on the astral plane as they are more powerful. |
RAW says Force is Force. In my previous example, the Rating 3 Spellcasting Focus is more 'astrally active' than the Force 2 Power Focus.
May 21 2007, 01:18 AM
The power focus is fine as is. It's like saying "Get rid of bioware so that cyberware can mean something again." Not every possible option in the book has to be the best one.
May 21 2007, 01:22 AM
The power focus is fine as is. It's like saying "Get rid of bioware so that cyberware can mean something again." Not every possible option in the book has to be the best one. |
It's not the same. With the possible exception of cyberlimbs, most cyberware still has a use. At the least, it is often a financial bargain compared to the bioware option. Here the Power Focus is both more versatile/powerful and a better bargain. Typically greater efficiency in use should be reflected with a vastly increased price (see increased grades of cyber/bio for comparison).
May 21 2007, 01:25 AM
I would still make power foci more pricey, or more addictive...
mmm... where were my addiction houserules?
May 21 2007, 03:20 AM
Saying a Force 2 power focus is "better" than a Force 3 spellcasting focus is like saying a Panther Cannon is "better" than a Predator, or that a Banshee is "better" than a Westwind. Different things are better at different times, and I can think of plenty of starting mages who'd prefer three extra dice on the type of spell they cast all the time to two extra dice on everything. I can also think of plenty of starting mages who'd prefer to have that 12BP for something else.
Whenever you mathematically model something you necessarily abstract away certain parts of it. If you follow this kind of reasoning you abstract away subtleties and complexities of the game and replace character generation with a set of simultaneous equation problems.
Elitist roleplayer "doing it for fun" nonsense aside, maybe you should just change the 1-BP-per-force-point bit, rather than messing with power foci in-game? Maybe the standard karma cost, divided by two or three, depending on how many starting foci you really want?
May 21 2007, 03:37 AM
power foci cannot be used for drain resistance, iirc.
spell foci and spirit foci can.
banishing is garbage anyways, most of the time, so why should you care if it improves those tests?
also, you may only apply the bonus from one focus to any given pool at any time... having both a spellcasting focus and a power focus allows you to boost your spellcasting pool, and also to boost your drain resistance.
generally speaking though, the ability to boost drain resistance or spellcasting pool as needed is a very nice ability, and is ultimately the bigger limit on spellcasting and especially summoning. you don't summon/bind force 12 spirits regularly, not because you don't have enough dicepool to succeed, but because there is a very real and not nearly small enough chance to get turned into goo by the drain.
May 21 2007, 04:01 AM
You used to be able to "withhold" dice from casting the spell to apply them to drain, meaning you effectively could apply Power Focus dice to the drain test, albeit indirectly. I don't have my books with me, am I just remembering something from SR3?
Jack Kain
May 21 2007, 04:10 AM
Where does having a power foci stop you from using regular foci at the same time?
Now sure at the start a power foci is a good deal over other foci.
But you might hold onto the rating 3 foci of another type long after you've gotten a power focui above rating 2.
Case in point, Mage A has power foci rating 2 from char gen. Which he will dump as soon as he gets power foci above 2.
Mage B has spellcasting foci rating 3 for the healing spell. To counter the various penalties for healing outdoors and heavily cyberware characters.
While it it is possible Mage B will seek out a higher rating spellcasting foci for his healing magic. Its more likely he will seek out a power foci, however after getting it his spellcasting foci is still useful.
While mage A can only sell his old foci for around 25% its value.
You see what I'm saying
May 21 2007, 04:40 AM
Saying a Force 2 power focus is "better" than a Force 3 spellcasting focus is like saying a Panther Cannon is "better" than a Predator, or that a Banshee is "better" than a Westwind. |
No, they are not. The issue isn't just one of raw power but of vast versatility. Your second example would be more appropriate if you said a vehicle that can act as a submarine, VTOL, ground crawler (with subterranean tunneling), and LEO cpability is better than a Westwind. And it most certainly would be.
Different things are better at different times, and I can think of plenty of starting mages who'd prefer three extra dice on the type of spell they cast all the time to two extra dice on everything. |
Yes, but you can't cure stupid. For the smart ones out therte, there really is no comparison.
I can also think of plenty of starting mages who'd prefer to have that 12BP for something else. |
Once again, you can't cure stupid. Magic is the most important attribute for a magician. Getting an effective +2 for 12 BP at character creation is too good to pass up.
power foci cannot be used for drain resistance, iirc.
spell foci and spirit foci can. |
If this is correct (and I think that it is by a strict reading of the RAW), then this does make the other foci somewaht more attractive, but not IMO enough to justify the bargain of the Power Focus.
banishing is garbage anyways, most of the time, so why should you care if it improves those tests? |
Because a foci exists for this purpose so a cost effectiveness can be determined.
also, you may only apply the bonus from one focus to any given pool at any time... having both a spellcasting focus and a power focus allows you to boost your spellcasting pool, and also to boost your drain resistance.
generally speaking though, the ability to boost drain resistance or spellcasting pool as needed is a very nice ability, and is ultimately the bigger limit on spellcasting and especially summoning. |
This is an excellent point.
You see what I'm saying |
It's just as likely he'll purchase the other way. Your point is based on the idea that he must upgrade one and will not upgrade the other. There is no evidence to support this. If nothing else, the higher karma cost of the Power Focus implies it is less likely to be upgraded by most magicians.
May 21 2007, 06:40 AM
frankly, if you're considering buying and binding one focus during chargen, and another after, and one of those two is a power focus... do the power focus at chargen. the simple fact that it's 2 BP in chargen, and a ton of karma outside of chargen, should be enough to make the decision fairly obvious, imo.
May 21 2007, 06:43 AM
So Power Foci are good and players want to buy them. I'm not getting the problem here. Some options are better than others.
And other posters have given examples of why characters might want to get a different focus, so that's fine. They will exist.
May 21 2007, 06:53 AM
I'd like to throw in my two cents about this whooooole shpiel.
This is a game.
Any GM worth his salt is going to adapt to the players. So, if a starting mage has only five dice for casting spells, they aren't going to go up agianst many magical threats. If a player throws 32 dice for spellcasting, the GM is going to adapt and send them up against an Elven ghost team with reflecting and a bunch of other stuff. Remember, the GM doesn't have to play by the rules, let alone the character creation rules. If you abuse power foci, so can he.
But, really, when you get down to it, I'd much trather have a lvl 3 sustaining focus (sustaining Increased Reflexes) than a lvl 2 power focus (Mage with street sam's initiative without penalties to my dice pool? count me in!) but I'm sure there are some mages who wouldn't. It all depends on what you are going for.
Lastly, there is something to be said for higher-lvl foci (even if they are "less usefull") versus lower level. They are more powerful, and thus harder to damage. If I see a mage going bazonkers, I'm gonna astrally percieve, see what kinda foci he has, and blast the bejesus out of them. And a lvl 3 spell foci is harder to damage than a lvl 2 power foci.
If you are STILL unsure, then use this rule (if it's not already a rule. Some of the Foci rules make my head spin.)
Spell foci can increase the maximum number of hits, whereas Power foci cannot.
This way a power focus cannot make you hit any harder, just a better chance of hitting as hard as you can. A spell focus can make you hit harder.
May 21 2007, 07:12 AM
QUOTE (Degausser) |
Any GM worth his salt is going to adapt to the players. So, if a starting mage has only five dice for casting spells, they aren't going to go up agianst many magical threats. If a player throws 32 dice for spellcasting, the GM is going to adapt and send them up against an Elven ghost team with reflecting and a bunch of other stuff. Remember, the GM doesn't have to play by the rules, let alone the character creation rules. If you abuse power foci, so can he. |
A GM doesn't need to adjust the opposition to the power level of the characters every time. A remoted facility being guarded by a squad of ex-Tir Ghosts with delta-grade cyber, high initiates and double rating elementals is not really "realisitic", isn't it? Especially not when you run into such a team the third time in a row.
A good GM adjusts the power level slightly, but makes sures that the abilities and power level of the opposition is still realistic. Just my two cents to this.
May 21 2007, 07:42 AM
QUOTE (Grinder) |
QUOTE (Degausser @ May 21 2007, 08:53 AM) | Any GM worth his salt is going to adapt to the players. So, if a starting mage has only five dice for casting spells, they aren't going to go up agianst many magical threats. If a player throws 32 dice for spellcasting, the GM is going to adapt and send them up against an Elven ghost team with reflecting and a bunch of other stuff. Remember, the GM doesn't have to play by the rules, let alone the character creation rules. If you abuse power foci, so can he. |
A GM doesn't need to adjust the opposition to the power level of the characters every time. A remoted facility being guarded by a squad of ex-Tir Ghosts with delta-grade cyber, high initiates and double rating elementals is not really "realisitic", isn't it? Especially not when you run into such a team the third time in a row. A good GM adjusts the power level slightly, but makes sures that the abilities and power level of the opposition is still realistic. Just my two cents to this. |
No, of course that's not realistic . . . (or, more precicely, that's not fair to the players) but, if the GM is having THAT MUCH trouble over the a lvl 2 power foci, he could start sending the team against other, similar mages, who have similar power foci. Whereas, if a player isn't doing that, the GM won't have to (or might not even think about it.)
He can even work it into the plot if he wanted.
Fixer: "Hey, new Johnson's got some work for you. I told him that you were a darned good mage, and he seems to be interested. Says he has a few runs for you to compleate against Wuxing. Says he needs a good mage to pull it off."
Player: "Awwwww Drek!"
May 21 2007, 07:54 AM
i don't think power foci are too useful because i almost never see anyone complaining about them. it's just raw power, after all, which is easy enough for most GMs to deal with. what i see people complaining about, when they compain, are sustaining foci, because with a sustaining focus, you can pull some really clever tricks that many GMs will have a hard time dealing with.
May 21 2007, 01:36 PM
So Power Foci are good and players want to buy them. I'm not getting the problem here. Some options are better than others. |
My concern is that they are so much better that they totally overshadow the other options. With the understanding that Power Foci can not aid in resisting Drain, and thus other types of Foci have their own advantage, my doubts here are reduced. I'm no longer considering banning the Power Focus, but I may double or triple the nuyen cost.
Any GM worth his salt is going to adapt to the players. |
Agreed, but not relevant. The discussion is a comparison of Foci types, not GMing ability.
Remember, the GM doesn't have to play by the rules |
You are totally incorrect. As you said, this is a game, and everyone at the table - including the GM - is expected to follow the rules. However, this too is off topic - please make a seperate thread if you wish to discuss it further.
Lastly, there is something to be said for higher-lvl foci (even if they are "less usefull") versus lower level. They are more powerful, and thus harder to damage. If I see a mage going bazonkers, I'm gonna astrally percieve, see what kinda foci he has, and blast the bejesus out of them. And a lvl 3 spell foci is harder to damage than a lvl 2 power foci. |
Could you please point out - in detail - where the rules for damaging Foci are found? I'm having some difficulty finding them, and I'm also pretty sure that 'grounding-out' spells through Foci is not present in SR4.
i don't think power foci are too useful because i almost never see anyone complaining about them. it's just raw power, after all, which is easy enough for most GMs to deal with. |
Yes, it's just raw power, but at a massive savings in cost if you consider the versatility. If the Power Focus cost considerably more than it does currently I feel it would be a reasonable option rather than a 'must have'.
As a comparison, imagine in there were a Bioware item called "Super-You" (available in levels 1-4 ) and it had the effect of increasing all Mental and Physical Attributes by +1 per level for 1 Essence and 75,000
per level - sure it's just raw power, but would that make it reasonable?
May 21 2007, 01:41 PM
In order to make full use of this versatility, the PC has to diversify his spell list. In a game that rewards specialisation, the player has to weigh the versatility of the power focus versus the cost efficiency of specialisation.
May 21 2007, 02:03 PM
In order to make full use of this versatility, the PC has to diversify his spell list. |
All sample characters have 3-4 categories of spells. Most PC magicians I've seen are built similarly. This is plenty of diversity to see an overwhelming advantage in the applicability of the Power Focus. Beyond that, there is the automatic applicability to five types of Spirits for Summoning and Binding (more for Banishing).
May 21 2007, 02:18 PM
Most PCs I've seen have 2-3 categories of spells, but with 1 spell category having the majority of the spells. Specialise in 1 spell category and splash 1-2 spells for utility.
May 21 2007, 02:30 PM
I'm probably going to take the following steps:
1) Triple the cost of the Power Foci to rating x 75,000
2) Increase the bonding cost by +50% to rating x 12 Karma.
3) I will not allow Foci to be bound with BPS, only with Karma. I will be giving starting characters an allocation of Karma in addition to their BPs.
This should keep the Power Focus viable while increasing the proportionate appeal fo the other Foci types.
May 21 2007, 02:31 PM
QUOTE (HappyDaze) |
QUOTE | Different things are better at different times, and I can think of plenty of starting mages who'd prefer three extra dice on the type of spell they cast all the time to two extra dice on everything. |
Yes, but you can't cure stupid. For the smart ones out therte, there really is no comparison.
QUOTE | I can also think of plenty of starting mages who'd prefer to have that 12BP for something else. |
Once again, you can't cure stupid. Magic is the most important attribute for a magician. Getting an effective +2 for 12 BP at character creation is too good to pass up.
So mages who decide to specialise in something are just stupid.
And mages who want to do something else other than have a high magic are just stupid too.
My turn. People who refuse to acknowledge that raw numerical formally modelled optimality is not the only way to look at something...
Are just stupid.
I'm probably going to take the following steps: 1) Triple the cost of the Power Foci to rating x 75,000 . 2) Increase the bonding cost by +50% to rating x 12 Karma. |
I'm fairly sure that under these rules Power foci are really worthless for the cost. All told your power foci seem to be more expensive than initiating and raising your magic (when both nuyen and karma are considered). I don't think that's at all the intention unless you just don't want them to be used ever.
I'm curious to know whether you've had play experience of powr foci unbalancing your game or you (like so many others in so many game systems) are flipping out over how broken something looks on paper without actually seeing it happen? Please, people, don't houserule something without trying it first, unless you want to change how the game (and the world, and possibly balance) works. But hey. You can't cure stupid.
May 21 2007, 03:19 PM
Nice defensive tone there, buddy.
So mages who decide to specialise in something are just stupid. |
If specializing gains you a +1 in one thing and costs you a +2 in many things, then yes, that is a stupid choice.
I'm fairly sure that under these rules Power foci are really worthless for the cost. All told your power foci seem to be more expensive than initiating and raising your magic (when both nuyen and karma are considered). I don't think that's at all the intention unless you just don't want them to be used ever. |
Perhaps just increasing the cost but not bonding/Karma would be a better middleground.
I'm curious to know whether you've had play experience of powr foci unbalancing your game or you (like so many others in so many game systems) are flipping out over how broken something looks on paper without actually seeing it happen? |
I've experienced Power Foci being a 'must have' and Spellcastng/Summoning/Banishing/Binding Foci never being taken. Don't assume that I'm flipping out - I've already told you that I'm smarter than you...
Please, people, don't houserule something without trying it first, unless you want to change how the game (and the world, and possibly balance) works. But hey. You can't cure stupid. |
I can try. Perhaps your case will go into remission soon.
May 21 2007, 03:58 PM
Drop the personal attacks please.
Ancient History
May 21 2007, 04:02 PM
Okay children, both of you time out and take a breather.
Yes, power foci are inherently more powerful than other foci, in as much that they modify more tests than any other-and there is a reason for that. They are more expensive, harder to find, and more costly to bond than other foci.
I'm not going to hit y'all with heavy math or anything, but for a character-PC or NPC-that has limited resources, a power focus is not always the most economical or powerful choice, especially for mystic adepts and aspected magicians. For a mystic adept that only has Spellcasting Skill, a spellcasting focus might make more sense-especially if she can purchase a higher-Force spellcasting focus for the same price (in nuyen and karma) as a low-level power focus. This is especially true at character generation, when there are decided limits on availability and funds.
For a better comparison of the costs, compare how much it would take to improve a character's Magic compared to the cost of purchasing an equivalent power focus-provided you play an Awakened character that can increase your Magic (a character with the Astral Sight Positive Quality, for example, cannot increase their Magic.)
May 21 2007, 04:04 PM
Now I will say that the 1 BP per Force Point costs are chargen are dumb and I don't use them. But from the standpoint of dvanced characters, or people who have to pay the standard bonding costs during chargen - the Power Focus compares pretty well with the Binding Focus.
A Binding or Spellcasting focus can be used to resist drain, and a Power Foicus cannot. That's a huge difference, considering that Drain is the limitting concern on how big a spirit you can conjure or how big a spell you can cast.
Or to put it another way: if you get +3 dice on your spellcasting test, you'll get about 1 extra hit that will make your manabolt do one more damage box. If you get +3 dice on your Drain Resistance, you'll suffer about one less drain, allowing you to safely cast your spell two Force higher - inflicting 2 more boxes of damage.
It isn't just that the other Foci cost slightly less and affect a much more limited pool - the dice they provide are actually better within their limited contexts.
May 21 2007, 04:31 PM
For me, given that the Power Focus is the largest surge of raw power for a magician, I usually make them more addictive for the awakened. While the others are, in their own areas equally as powerful, and moreso in some cases, I just don't know if they have the pure rush of energy. But that is simply my interpretation. In general the foci addiction rules are there to lower the abuse level, use them. Don't let them walk around all day with a level 3 increase reflexes spell in their sustaining foci without possible addiction tests. Same with the power focus, if they keep it activated all the time if they are ever caught without it they could easily go thru withdrawl and even suffer a crisis of faith (yay for geasa!)
May 21 2007, 04:35 PM
Now I will say that the 1 BP per Force Point costs are chargen are dumb and I don't use them. But from the standpoint of dvanced characters, or people who have to pay the standard bonding costs during chargen - the Power Focus compares pretty well with the Binding Focus. |
Since you don't like the BP thing, by 'standard bonding costs during character gen' do you mean the 1 BP per Force or the Karma costs? I'm guessing the latter.
OK, I'll try keeping the Power Focus as is in terms of monetary and bonding costs, but I'm still going to rule that BPs can not be spent to bond to Foci. You'll have to use Karma to bond and since there is a significant Karma cost difference between Power Foci and other Foci even during character creation, hopefully it will be enough that Power Foci are not the automatic default that they have seemed to be.
May 21 2007, 04:42 PM
Except that there is no karma during char creation, which means you stymie all forms of foci, especially the more useful ones and higher rating ones which will take several runs to be able to bond and lock the mage off from other useful things like say... spells, saving up for initiating, skills, etc.
May 21 2007, 04:45 PM
Well to be fair HappyDaze did say that he was giving his characters some Karma to spend during Char-Gen, although I don't think he mentioned hoe much.
May 21 2007, 04:53 PM
In general the foci addiction rules are there to lower the abuse level, use them. |
What rules? There's the negative quality in Street Magic, but it doesn't really mesh too well with the regular addiction rules. Why not? It's incomplete and leaves out a lot of important factors:
Is Focus Addiction a physical addiction, a mental addiction, or both? The flavor text for Focus Addiction says mental and spiritual - is spiritual addiction a new category (perhaps resisted with Charisma or Intuition + Willpower)? Still, the descriptions of the effects, particularly the Burnout level, talks about damage to the body, so that would seem to suggest physical too.
What are the Adddiction Thresholds for the various Foci? I'd assume that the Force has something to do with it, but many have suggested that the type of Focus should have an effect too (and I tend to agree with this)?
May 21 2007, 04:57 PM
Well to be fair HappyDaze did say that he was giving his characters some Karma to spend during Char-Gen, although I don't think he mentioned hoe much. |
Much as BPs can be flexed to adjust to different power levels, I adjust the Karma depending on the power level of characters that the group wants to play. For 'typical' 400 BP characters, roughly 20-30 (or a set 25 to keep it simple) Karma should be fine for what I'm tring to achieve.
May 21 2007, 05:49 PM
QUOTE (HappyDaze) |
Yes, it's just raw power, but at a massive savings in cost if you consider the versatility. If the Power Focus cost considerably more than it does currently I feel it would be a reasonable option rather than a 'must have'. |
so what? if it's not hurting anything, what's it matter? every time i've seen someone try to fix something that wasn't broken, it's gotten either ridiculously complex or even more broken.
QUOTE (HappyDaze) |
As a comparison, imagine in there were a Bioware item called "Super-You" (available in levels 1-4 ) and it had the effect of increasing all Mental and Physical Attributes by +1 per level for 1 Essence and 75,000 nuyen.gif per level - sure it's just raw power, but would that make it reasonable? |
you're comparing molehills to mountains.
May 21 2007, 06:11 PM
Can't see any more problems with Power Foci than say Steel Lynx with Assult Rifle.
May 21 2007, 06:21 PM
QUOTE (Demon_Bob) |
Can't see any more problems with Power Foci than say Steel Lynx with Assult Rifle. |
Especially since the mage can use said steel lynx with assault rifle to lay down cover fire while pulling out some major mojo.
Do you also prevent Awakened types from taking cyber/bio, Matrix skills, and drones?
If not, WTF is your problem with power foci?
May 21 2007, 06:35 PM
Do you also prevent Awakened types from taking cyber/bio, Matrix skills, and drones? |
This has absolutely nothing to do with my point. I am comparing Foci to Foci.
If not, WTF is your problem with power foci? |
I'll assume you can read what other posters and myself have written above. If you havn't, then take the time to do so before asking me to explain to you what's already been covered in detail.
May 21 2007, 06:38 PM
so what? if it's not hurting anything, what's it matter? every time i've seen someone try to fix something that wasn't broken, it's gotten either ridiculously complex or even more broken. |
Your opinion is that it is not broken. My opinion began at it being terribly broken and has now softened to 'not broken but in need of some extra restriction/control to keep it from being abused' thanks to meaningful input from some of the posters (don't worry, this doesn't include you).
May 21 2007, 07:10 PM
Don't mind me. I'm just coming into this thread to warm my hands by the fire for a little while....
Seriously, there are good points on all sides. There's no need for people to get all aggressive with each other. If you read from the beginning, you could try and trace the origins of who first was snide to who and how it progressed from there. But ultimately you end up losing track of things and it's just people sniping at each other unproductively and no-one outside of it cares how it began. Everyone should chill before we end up with another pointlessly locked thread.
May 21 2007, 07:21 PM
QUOTE (HappyDaze) |
Your opinion is that it is not broken. My opinion began at it being terribly broken and has now softened to 'not broken but in need of some extra restriction/control to keep it from being abused' thanks to meaningful input from some of the posters (don't worry, this doesn't include you). |
no, my line of reasoning is that they aren't broken because no one has a problem dealing with them. i'd suggest that you study the matter further in order to figure out why that is, before you run around fixing things that might not need fixing.
May 21 2007, 07:51 PM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
Drop the personal attacks please. |
May 21 2007, 08:01 PM
edited. getting soft, i guess.
QUOTE (HappyDaze) |
Nice defensive tone there, buddy. |
you get to either call people stupid or call them defensive. not both. doesn't work that way.
May 21 2007, 08:01 PM
I'm with mfb on this one.
It's not that he's arguing that they're not more powerful than other options at creation (point for point) its just that they're self-limiting: their availability limits the max ratings you can take at creation and their BP and nuyen cost tie up a significant amount of BPs which in turn can't be spent on other things. It's a trade-off, even if it seems unbalanced to you. Power foci are the magic equivalent of the high-end reflex enhancer bioware and cyberware in this respect; in most campaigns you're definitely better off picking it up at creation than saving up for a later implant because they're potentially more "useful" than most of the other 'ware available - is that a problem in your game?
May 21 2007, 08:35 PM
I am also one for friendlier posts...
Now, I would like to very politely point you out towards this thread which discussed some crunchier addiction rules:
Addiction threadThen, If uncomfortable with power focus abuse, you can enforce such addiction rules, IIRC, we have decided then and there that foci had an addiction threshold of force/2, perhaps power foci could get their full force as a threshold, yes?
However, I have to declare that I haven't personally experienced any problems with foci so far, considering that I believe mages have to spend their money somehow and that the 3 spellcasting characters I have in my 3 groups are too busy playing the game to abuse anything. Good roleplaying goes a long way towards keeping the game balance.
One of the casters is a mage from the IOND, her power focus is a talisman made in the shape of Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man. It is a force 2 power focus and the was given to her by the order. She is now supposed to complete a quest for the order so they would teach her the mysteries of initiation. She wants to become an initiate in order to advance in the order. She is also trying to get a sustaining focus.
Another caster is a dwarf shaman, he bought his power focus from a chinese talismonger who looks exactly like the mystical goods shopkeeper in Gremlins. His power focus is called the "Head of Lo Pan"
, It is in the shape of a shriveled human head and hangs in his belt by the head's hair. The head of Lo Pan is supposed to be the vessel that holds the angry spirit of an old chinese mage who was punished for his arrogance and now has to serve lesser men. That focus was special as it could be upgraded like cyberware by simply paying the monetary difference, rebonding the focus and paying the talismonger an extra fee to loose some the mystical ties that bind Lo Pan's will. The character in question has felt the presence of the lingering will of Lo Pan when he uses his focus so he is cautious. It is currently a Force 2 Power Focus and I doubt the character will risk upgrading it so far without becoming much more powerful himself. Never were there any rules or rolls mentioned as what would happen if lo pan got too powerful, just fluff and description of weird somatic effects.
Third character is a voodoo houngan and did not want a power focus. His focus of choice was a level 4 banishing focus that he could buy at a small discount from some friendly amazonian indians when he was there for a run we warmly named "Anaconda". Now the runners did stage a coup against their corporate bosses and aborted their mission while in the middle of the jungle. They also saved a Telestrian mole who was in their expedition and could get some money from that corp too.
The focus is a walking cane of black wood with a wooden skull on top, and it is known that the inside the stick there is an old human leg bone that used to belong to one of the tribe's medicine men -somehow spirits find that presence scary. This character follows Ghede and is now fighting a personal war against shedim spirits which he considers "abominations". His focus also proved invaluable fighting some angry nature spirits in the jungle and is expected to see much action again now that the group is travelling to the Yucatan's conflict zone (we are playing in 2062)
The players playing these characters and the other players of these groups have all been quite content so far and no one has ever complained about nobody abusing anything. Foci are quite similar to some cyber/bio pieces. The samurai need those it is much simpler to get them in character creation than in game, you only need to have a good supporting story to make it fun instead of "just another power focus" or "I happened to get Synaptic Accel 2"
Edited in response to faster posters
May 21 2007, 08:37 PM
QUOTE (HappyDaze) |
QUOTE | Do you also prevent Awakened types from taking cyber/bio, Matrix skills, and drones? |
This has absolutely nothing to do with my point. I am comparing Foci to Foci.
QUOTE | If not, WTF is your problem with power foci? |
I'll assume you can read what other posters and myself have written above. If you havn't, then take the time to do so before asking me to explain to you what's already been covered in detail.
My point is that Power Foci being overpowered magically is irrelevant because there are other factors than just Foci. By limiting your argument to this VERY limited aspect of character creation you are missing some of the larger issues.
A Power Foci makes it possible to be a more powerful Awakened generalist. However, by taking some cyber and giving up some of that Awakened ability you can leverage your abilities by a larger factor. This is especially true for adepts but I recommend you read the thread about "throwing 16 dice..." I believe it was called. With cyber a dwarf can throw 13 dice at drain without ANY foci. An adept that takes 1 point of cyber/bio can easily move from 4 power points to around 9 at the cost of 10 BP (buying to Magic 5 and reducing to 4) plus the BP cost of cyber/bio.
Alternatively, you can, instead of spending 12 BP on a power foci you can purchase a top of the line Commlink plus 10 Steel Lynxs armed to the teeth.
By restricting your argument to just one axis (Power vs all other foci) you are proving your own point through Data Mining--which is meaningless statistically. You are rejecting data points that lie outside of what you are trying to prove. Therefore I call your arguement false.
May 21 2007, 08:54 PM
If I don't take the Magician Quality, Is the Power Foci Too Useful to me?
May 21 2007, 08:58 PM
My point is that Power Foci being overpowered magically is irrelevant because there are other factors than just Foci. By limiting your argument to this VERY limited aspect of character creation you are missing some of the larger issues. |
No, what I am doing is dealing with a singular contained problem. Opening up the box to all of the oddities is fine, but do it in another thread.
I recommend you read the thread about "throwing 16 dice..." I believe it was called. |
Wow. Advertising. If I want to read the thread I will, but it has nothing to do with the topic here.
By restricting your argument to just one axis (Power vs all other foci) you are proving your own point through Data Mining--which is meaningless statistically. You are rejecting data points that lie outside of what you are trying to prove. Therefore I call your arguement false. |
So, in your world, to compare two similar things, say two models of handguns, it's absolutely necessary to consider how much you pay monthly on your subscription to Guns & Ammo and whether you rent or own your home? Sorry, that's just absurd.
Now, I would like to very politely point you out towards this thread which discussed some crunchier addiction rules: Addiction thread |
I'll take a look at that one. Thank you.
their availability limits the max ratings you can take at creation and their BP and nuyen cost tie up a significant amount of BPs which in turn can't be spent on other things. It's a trade-off, even if it seems unbalanced to you. |
Agreed, it is a trade-off. And it does seem unbalanced to me. As I said, a gain of +1 in one area for a loss of -2 in 10 or more other areas seems like a poor trade-off.
Power foci are the magic equivalent of the high-end reflex enhancer bioware and cyberware in this respect; in most campaigns you're definitely better off picking it up at creation than saving up for a later implant because they're potentially more "useful" than most of the other 'ware available - is that a problem in your game? |
For this to be a fair comparison, there would need to be a limited form of reflex enhancement that only applies 20% of the time but still costs you 80% of what the full version does. If there were such an item, it would be terribly unpopular and would be unlikely to get many takers. This is what I've seen with the other Foci that share an aspect of the Power Foci (note that the Drain thing is an improvement in the attractiveness of the tohre Foci).
no, my line of reasoning is that they aren't broken because no one has a problem dealing with them. |
That doesn't mean that what is is what's best. Tolerance for a problem is not the same as acceptance. If something better can be made, then why not try it?
i'd suggest that you study the matter further in order to figure out why that is, before you run around fixing things that might not need fixing. |
Your suggestion will be ignored. Defense of a faulty rule just becasue it's there and tolerated is laziness (at best).
May 21 2007, 09:00 PM
If I don't take the Magician Quality, Is the Power Foci Too Useful to me? |
So, I woke up this morning and had a bowl of cereal. Nothing too special - even though it was Special K...
Oh, I'm sorry, did you have a point to make?